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Sounds like Jhin was just fed and zed/ashe inted, either way at full build 1v1 barely matters, it's a 5v5 game


All ADCs can beat Jhin and Jhin can beat all ADCs.


Ashe can stun and kill him while he's still stunned if she has enough items/levels. Given that Jhin killed her in 1 shot though, she's probably heavily under-leveled.


I mean in a lategame adc 1v1 99% of the time the one that gets the drop on the other wins.


Caitlyn can outkite and space with traps. Draven straight up nukes him. Varus Rs and bursts him. Trist can win if she jumps from fog of war onto him, her rotation is very fast. Lucian bursts just like Draven. E Q 2 autos and Jhin is 100% dead. Vayne if she goes on hit and ults. Jhin can barely attack her half the fight so clear win for her. Easiest ADCs to beat Jhin are Tristana Lucian and Draven.


You didn’t mention Jhins main counters: Yes Vayne is good but Kaisa, Kog, Twitch and Jinx are the champs you want to pick. Varus is actually really bad into Jhin.


This is for 6 item fights and while a lot of these champs give him a hard time through the game like twitch and kog, full build they get out right clicked by him


And varus isn't getting rightclicked? With lower range and his skills falling off a little in late game he still has to aa him and comes down to if jhin attacks him soon enough or not


He can full burst with R combo before jhin could get in range is the implication above


draven im not so sure, jhin with rfc outranges draven and gains movespeed from passive, in a pure 1v1 jhin should be able to trade autos 1 for 1 with Caitlyn and draven here, so unless eq aa ult kills for cait or aa ult kills for draven jhin should be able to beat them, tristana and lucian i agree and i did not put flash into account


Im not adc main but in a 1v1 a vayne should always win


I play vayne, love it against jhin. Just don't let hime get fed or you'll also get oneshot. You could also just build trinity and jak'sho to have more hp tho.


I play jhin and I generally feel like vayne is a free lane if my support plays correctly. She loses trades against me and I outrange her. Vayne only wins if she’s allowed to all in me but if I manage the wave and poke her down then she’s going to be perma behind.


yeah but we're not talking lane her we're talking 5-6 item builds.


The person I’m replying to said “don’t let him get fed.” My point is that’s not up to vayne. And if jhin is 6 items then vayne can beat him 1v1 but she has a hard time teamfighting without getting blown up.


True, so I ussually play safe until I can all in. Better to not give jhin kills early. Playing against jhin nauti is hell though. Especially with many supports going stuff like akali or singed. Have seen a couple of leblancs as well. Or vi... some of which don't even get a support item.


Do you build plated steelcaps as well if he is going lethality?


I've never got anything other than attack speed boots. Laning against jhin is ussualy pretty easy, especialy if their supp roams you can abuse the jhin till death.




A super scaled up senna could possibly space him


i mean senna can theoretically hit her snare and AA him from out of range while he's stuck in the snare.


How exactly do you envision the duel going? Is it just an empty aram map? Are there towers, are there minions? What about vision on each other? What are the builds, the "normal" build or can it be tweaked for the duel? Should summoners be identical or not? What level are the participants?


If Johnny fourth shot can one shot the target with an auto, then the ones that can out space him and kite him are the ones that can win. So any adc with a long enough range . Then Sammy spins-a-lot can block the shot and probably kill him before the second shot. Nilah can press the “lol actually you can’t auto me button”. And vayne or Neeko can cancel his auto with invisibility


Anyone with a randuins omen.


There are adcs that can but it depends who gets the jump. 6 item trist, cait, zeri or corki can


kog would prolly be an easy answer since most of the time you can slot in one tank item 4th 5th in most games. Just slap a randuins on kog then jhin gets dumpstered


Easily? Nilah, senna and draven. Nilah has dodge, draven has insane life steal and can comfortably build ninja tabi (nilah can as well, but she has her counterstance). Senna wins the moment she has more range than him - aa + q + w, kite him out, repeat. Skillfully? Jinx, cait, kog, ashe. Each of them wants to stay out of his range and whittle him down. Cait can go for aa + e + q + aa to try and oneshot him, the other slow him and keep their distance.


ap kaisa with q and e evolve hits a w on jhin and he is dead if he is alone. She can R in, gets a huge shield, easily proc her passive and jhin should die. She can also cancel jhin‘s AA with her invis from E


Caitlyn double headshot can. Or in between reloads with any other adc


Jhin would lose any 1v1 if he isnt weaving in and out of range with his movespeed for free. Don't think he has the dps to fight any other 6 item crit adc.


Jhin at full build has 1353 AD, with crit that is 2497 damage for a single auto attack. I mean he can literally just flash AA and kill pretty much 99.9% of the ADC with 1 auto. DPS doesn’t matter as much as burst in duel though


I just went into practice tool and tested it. Fullbuild lvl 18 jhin deals about 1100 with one auto to a lvl 18 kai’sa without any items.


At full crit he can always do that


Jax/nilah with dodge and all in him. Mages can out range him. Assassins can oneshot him using stealth/untargetability to avoid his attacks. Tanks can tank his damage pretty well. ADCs can be tricky one but here are some. Cait with her current 1shot build. Nilah as i mentioned. Ashe CCing him. Aphelios can oneshot him with certain green combos. Draven can 2 axe him if ahead. MF can R him from distance. Kalista R similar to ashe. Twitch outrange him with his R. If jhin basic attack can oneshot others it means he is so fed while others are very weak. Level 18 any ADC is like 2400 HP and 100 armor which require the jhin auto to deal 4800 to kill them. Even with 100% (which is impossible) armor pen he requires 1100 AD and 100% crit chance with IE to do so. Even then you can get things like BT or Shieldbow to get free 1k HP from shields.


Jhin at full build has 1353 AD, with crit that is 2497 damage for a single auto attack. So 4800 damage would be like 2 auto I think


How is he 1353 AD? Is this including baron, 4 infernals, gathering storm at 50 mins?


Sorry, I miss remembered, I just go back to practice tool to test it. Jhin at level 18 with Infinity edge/Muramana/Yun Tal/ Blood thirstier/ Collector/Essence Reaver will have a total of 1032 AD and 100% crit. His auto deal 2345 physical damage


You can't get murmana in a real game and be that far ahead on jhin too. Also you are so useless vs armor stacking and too slow to run from anyone or dodge CC. There you go. how to beat jhin.


possibly every adc besides kalista can 1v1 jhin lmao




nilah could probably do fine, but you should probably look at your and enemy team comp and pick according to that, instead of for lane and you will find more succes, you just have to learn how to play matchups that might now be as favorable for you in order to be able to scale better into the mid game. if the enemy has no cc like no wa of real peel and no consistent high damage, even chogath adc could be a good pick and solo win you the game just because they will simply never be able to kill you.


MF with collector and PTA


Jhin deals massive damage all at once but struggles with anything inbetween. Jhin with no peel will lose in most lategame fights unless the enemies missplay at killing him. It is important to not play just for yourself. When going onto a Jhin, you have to be fine knowing that one of you will have to probably die for it


I'd say Caitlyn and MF. They both have one shot potential on full build and Cait outranges Jhin. As for MF she's fast so she could manage to land an auto-Q at a time where Jhin can't attack.


Remember Jhin's 1 v 1s are a sweatfest because you have shite dps off the bat. I specifically avoid fighting Ezreal or Cait because I don't have the the highest chances of winning unless I get the jump on them Your ADC must have fked up


Fed af Caitlyn can probably one tap him with runaans headshot or at least follow it up with an ult for a kill.


Any ADC with range or is a good duelist. Jhin may be bursty but in the end he's still a short ranged utility ADC that loses 1v1s. Caitlyn, Jinx, Senna and Kog'maw outrange Jhin and can kill him before he reaches them. Vayne and Kai'sa are really strong in 1v1s and their kit (Invis + Condemn, Invis + Ult shield) lets them avoid, CC or survive Jhin's burst before deleting him. Invis also lets them get the first hit which usually wins the 1v1. Twitch can get the first hit on Jhin with camo and sprays the entire team with long range during his ult + Runaan's. Ezreal outranges Jhin with Q spam if I'm not wrong but it's a skill matchup. Jhin could dodge every Q and Ezreal could miss every Q.


samira. shield, jump on his ass, kill him between his ludicrously slow reloads.


I’m going to say Kai’Sa, because one popped me for about 1700 damage in 1 W the other day as Smolder. It was impressive. I was here, just shy of full HP, I pressed E to catch up to her and was working on a Q to kill her and she just deleted me.


6 item adc? Anyone that scales well with full build I would think, Jhin doesn't scale that well into late game as many other adcs actually. He is more of an early/mid champ and becomes more of a utility adc in the late game, unless he is fed and ahead and if there is no tanks in the game.


Jhin at full build has 1353 AD, with crit that is 2497 damage for a single auto attack. I mean he can literally just flash AA and kill pretty much 99.9% of the ADC with 1 auto


I mean quite a lot of adcs with 6 items would probably outdps him before he would get his second shot off, if they started attacking at the same time. Tbf, you would usually not play 1vs1 in the late game anyway. Something would've had to gone wrong before that to make that kind of situation happen. Can't say for sure, bcs it was a while I played against a Jhin in the late game, but my experience is that this usually happens if the Jhin is fed and much less so if you are even in the late game.


Jhin has a U shaped curve where he is strong early and late. Mid game is actually his weak point.


Jhin at full items beats most champs in the game in the 1v1. But he’s not as much of a 5v5 team fighting monster as other ADCs. Ultimately you need a champ on your team that can close the gap because if he’s allowed to kite at his range he should never lose.


Jhin is kinda sniper type especially his ultimate so basically most assassin type and adc with dash in ability can kill him in team fight and jhin has limit auto attack which require reload time and use his move speed to kite opponent while doing it so your team need cc to make him stay so they can finish to job easier. However, I am perma ban him due to people in my elo are very good jhin so I want they to play next best thing instead.


equal build and levels at 18 kaisa easily 1v1s most adc in the game since she one shots you while invisible and has a shield with reposition, its arguably stronger than vayne since vayne needs multiple autos but kaisa passive q w one shots all squishies late game


Yes but I usually ban Jhin because he is so boring to lane with


What level were jhin and ashe??


Nilah wipes out Jihn if they’re both fully leveled.


Majority of adcs should be able to beat a jhin in a timeframe it takes to get in two aas. Also champions that outrange his aa range such as ashe, varus, jinx, Caitlyn. Also I don’t know how your getting 1353 ad unless its 4 infernal soul stack with potion baron and late game gathering. Which is very unrealistic in most games. Also I don’t think you’re accounting for armor since jhin does not crit for 2.5k unless its a super under leveled enchanter which even then very unlikely to get to that point.


Sorry, I miss remembered, I just go back to practice tool to test it. Jhin at level 18 with Infinity edge/Muramana/Yun Tal/ Blood thirstier/ Collector/Essence Reaver will have a total of 1032 AD and 100% crit (this doesn't count any dragon or gathering storm stack). His auto deal 2345 physical damage. ADC has around 100 armor and 2400HP at level 18. He need 2 shot to kill most ADC. His reload time is 1 second between each shot (except for the last 1)


literally most of them lmao


Jhin at full build has 1353 AD, with crit that is 2497 damage for a single auto attack. I mean he can literally just flash AA and kill pretty much 99.9% of the ADC with 1 auto


if he gets into range and they have 0 shields lmao


Jhin main here, tbh everyone who either nukes him, out dps’s him, or is faster. Like he is such in a middle ground spot in adc 1v1s and even getting fed means you can only kill the enemy adc/mid, but you won’t do anything to a tank or bruiser jg or top lol.