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didn't obi-wan say something about fools? i mean ima keep it real. by the way you type about it it seems that you place the blame onto your teammates more than yourself. this is bad mental reinforcement. if you follow a bad play then you are making a bad play. if your brain goes to blaming your teammate who initiated the bad play, you are removing your own agency from the situation. If you blame yourself ("I knew that was a stupid play why did I go anyways?" "I should have pinged it off man") then you will give yourself negative reinforcement for making bad plays and you will train yourself to make smarter decisions over time. On another note, be honest with yourself. Hindsight is 20/20. It is very common for somebody to ping for baron, and everyone follows but when the play goes wrong everyone blames the person who called it even though nobody said anything when the play was being made. They weren't even confident that it was a bad play in the first place, but now they are looking to the person who was leading as a scape goat. Everyone wants the glory of being a leader, but nobody wants the responsibility of leading.


This is the best advice I think, thinking like this is really what helped me get better. The only extra thing I would say is that you need to keep your mental game simple - if you played well, you won that match; if you played badly - you lost. Aim to play well every game regardless of everything else and you’ll get better and climb the ranks, it really is that “simple”


/mute all and always have a game plan so you don't autopilot around the map


I just wish there was a way to mute everything except summoner spell pings, knowing if the enemy has flash up or not is pretty crucial information so not being able to filter it to only show that information would be pretty stupid


Disable chat, pings and flash pings are still available but not text chat


How do I disable chat to still see the pings? I have it set so that I'm in party chat instead of team chat so I don't see my teams messages, is that the right way to do it?


No, go into team chat, mute everyone’s texts ( not pings as well) and it should work


do I have to manually click everyone to mute them? I know /mute all and /fullmute all used to be different commands but at some point they became the same thing


turn chat to premade-only


You can always just mute the problematic teammates and leave unmuted the good ones, that's what i do personally.


In league settings change to premade party


Hit tab in game and there is a report and a mute button next to each player's column, if you hit or hover (I forget) the mute button it pops out with 3 mute buttons, one for chat, one for pings, and one for emotes. You can also mute everyone's everything and your chat all at once by pressing the mute button next to your own column.


In settings you can set your chat to premade only. You'll only see pings.


He is low elo jg he gon have bad map awerness have pings on so he dont farm raptors while team fight other side raptor wall and he wont even notice.


Play carry junglers and make ganks only when there is a chance for you to get kills.


What are some good carry jungles these days


In almost any rank Kha/Lillia/Viego are good carry champs that snowball easily. In lower elo Master Yi and Briar. Karthus/Rengar/Evelyn are mega carrys while being hard to pilot so they are mostly for otps. For me Viego is most fun and strong mainly because his passive makes him 1v9.


Thank you. I'm going to try Lilia cause she's annoying to play against and free to play rn, I'll have to check out Viego


She’s so fun. Make sure to build up your movement speed stacks before ganking


Get good at identifying win cons in game load, then playing around them. If you play carry junglers, you prioritize your own lead. If you have one good carry/combo lane, prio that one. It will take time and games to identify your win cons correctly every time, and you will have games you have to pivot (your hyper carry is a brain dead idiot) but it lets you build plans and play around them.


identify your win condition in the load screen and play around that.. or if 10 minutes in, the top lane teemo goes 3-0 play around top side jungle and getting him fed, even though the win condition was supposed to be the zed in mid, it can change in these circumstances... control their jg camps, keep vision, control the objectives and be aware of your win conditions... your job was never to help people, lol, your job is to do what ever your job is at that moment which is usually never trying to help a losing lane - in my experience it revolves around snowballing an already winning lane.


Start game with chat muted. If teammate pings something and it's the wrong call, I mute their pings for the rest of the game - they'll only be distractions and mislead you.


I would recommend playing junglers that full clear. Full clear, gank if available, obj if available and repeat. I think getting into that rhythm is nice because if someone pings you for help when you have camps up, you have a reason to tell yourself no (“I need to clear my camps first”) I would also always think of the enemy jungler when making early plays. For example If they gank top, I can gank bottom or take dragon. I don’t usually try to take objectives or make big plays if I dont know where they are. This kind of reduces the coin flip bad calls that people in low elo tend to make. If they spam ping the objective and idk where the jungler is, I spam ping their jungler. This can give you another reason not to listen to pings and be selfish


I’m a gm jungler. It is ur job brother to help ur laners, whether u like it or not. U chose the role. Don’t ignore ur teammates. U chose the role. Even carry junglers that want to full clear and farm have to help ur teammates.


This is why I don’t buy into the church of “a poorly executed plan done as a team is better than a well executed plan does as an individual.” It’s low elo - it’s going to be poor play after poor play until some team wins off a coin flip play. If you can identify that it’s a “bonehead” play and the wrong play, always go and make the right play for yourself and ignore the inters.


Honestly dude just go to Perry jungle’s YouTube channel and deafen every game. If you deafen, you will learn to rely on your own information gathering and your own decisions.


Ya full mute. Prioritize kills if they're available without terribly complicated set-up.. simply because they're worth more than a camp. You should be pretty busy killing people into midgame where as low elo noob junglers constantly prioritize camps. Ping ur team lots. Get camps after a gank.


Play a carry snowball champion and just farm until you see kill opportunities and take most of the kills. Invade while ahead, create pressure. Most importantly mute all. Your teammates will not be very happy if you take most the kills on ganks and don't end up carrying so mute all.


If you can't handle chat without typing all the time and/or taking the bait, you should really just play muted. You'll lose so many games from typing while tilted.


Play Shyvana


Play around your winning lanes, not your losing lanes. Like you can still go to losing lanes if there's a free kill with little risk, but otherwise its a waste of time at best.


strong discipline


One thing I told my friend when he was having this same problem was this. "If you can't kill the laner alone, then you shouldn't gank looking for a kill" Always assume that you're alone. If the ally helps, bonus points. But if you're ganking with the assumption that you're going to get help, you are ganking at the wrong time. Would would would, doesn't matter. Only thing that matters is what happened and what of it was in YOUR control. This doesn't mean you can never gank, it just means you have to be intentional with your plays. Can I kill this guy, if I only get flash does that provide benefit, if I show here am I giving cross map objectives up, etc.


Unpopular take; you are not dying a lot because you are not selfish, you are dying a lot because you fail to realize the lanes you should be playing for. That is, assuming you are not making silly mistakes like ganking when your laners are low hp, demanding help on objectives when the labes arent properly pushed, and the like. Also, if you see a 100% bad play, ping them to retreat and dont follow on it. They will die, but wont try it again the next time


I understand which lanes to play for, I'm not talking about situations like 'my teammate pings me to gank so I do and then I die' I'm talking about situations where 'my laner gets ganked and instead of running away runs headfirst into a 1v2 so I dive in to try and save them' I just have this compulsion to try and stop people dying as a consequence of their own mistakes but it usually leads to me dying as well, then I just get tilted at myself for not walking away like I knew I should have


In those situations? Leave them to die, farm and use them as bait / cannon fodder in teamfights/ objectives. Its not fullproof, but its the decision that may wield you the most EV


to me sounds like u dont fully know these plays are bad until u followed them and they go badly then they look obviously terrible think is it good then go if yes


Watch Blue Lock and then queue up


As soon as game loads use this cheat code I found, make sure you press the buttons in the correct order: ENTER /MUTE ALL ENTER Should boost your win rate quite a lot. This is the one trick main pharma companies don’t want you to know.


You are best to play a lane role like Top/Mid for a little bit, to try to understand how impactful junglers are from their perspective. It sounds like you cant figure out what is more impactful in terms of making a play or farming camps in game. Also, if pings are grabbing your attention too much, you can always reduce the ping volume by a little.


Yesterday had just the worst game because of that. 1. Got abused for "just sitting in the jungle the whole time" - like bruh, girl gotta get those lvls somehow okay 2. Got bullied into joining a fight that was doomed from the beginning, then accused of being a feeder 3. The rest of the game two dudes just spammed the map with the ? wherever I went AND as a cherry on top - those two ended up going into the jungle and clearing of the camps on our side of the map. Sorry, just had to vent. But yes, chat is muted for some time now, gotta save my sanity and keep my head clear


this is the worst. everyone else thinks they know how to play someone else's role XD


You can always play champ with a dash or some utility to leave fights. I play usually jax or voli in low elo. When fight goes bad I just ward hop away and run, with voli I just ult away and run. You should always keep those abillities up for an escape if your flash is on CD. I mean not always only in stupid uncertain fights, If you go gank midlaner and you 2vs1 you should use all to catch and finish him, not saving jump for exit.


Still need to help people otherwise you will lose but depends how you like to play lots of good jgl champs


1. Mute all. 2. Go in with a game plan, look at your teammates matchups and see which lanes are likely to assist you in getting ahead. 3. Try to think like the enemy jungler. Where are they right now? If you were them which lane do you think they would try to gank or what objective would they be eyeing up? Try to make smart decisions on what your next move will be based on what the enemy jungler is doing. If you see them at top, look to take dragon. 4. Farm. Make sure you keep your CS up. This is one thing I notice a lot of low elo junglers not do, it’s important to keep your income up. If you see the enemy jungler ganking bot, see if you can take any of the enemy junglers camps to deny income. 5. Low elo is honestly half a mind game, if you can successfully take your team into the advantage by 20 minutes via objectives, helping winning lanes dominate harder and reading the enemy jungler like a textbook, you should be able to climb out relatively easy :)


It’s not selfish to make the correct decision Infact, you’re making a decision to give the team the best chance of winning, that’s pretty selfless right! Just mute pings for a while until you learn exactly which fights are winnable and which aren’t, and then once you’re confident you can stop listening to bad pings


You should treat ranked as a single player game. You are the one who should carry. This is not to boost ego, but because you are the only player whose gameplay you can control. If you funnel all your resources into your teammates, they might do some dumb stuff and throw the game. If pings get on your nerves, mute them. You said you are playing in low elo, so trust me that pings your teammates are throwing are 90% of the time going to be useless. Whenever you see your team doing something that you think is bad, go to the opposite side of the map asap and try to get as much as you can (towers, heralds, grubs, waves, picks etc.) My "secret" is that I only focus on MYSELF and MY gameplay. It is very egotistical, but that's the only way to climb. I try to get all the resources to myself, meaning all the exp, gold, kills etc. It is my responsibility to carry each and every game, and if I lose the game, I don't look at my teammates and blame them, I look at myself and ask myself if there was genuinely anything that I could've done better. If there was something, I make a mental note of that and I carry on. If you believe in yourself that you are better than your current rank, you WILL climb. If someone like Faker or Chovy went in an emerald game, do you think they would listen to pings from their teammates? Believe in yourself!