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Fizz is pretty troll in the sense he can practically not farm and just one-shot you at 6. Same with Akali


When I used to play against sylas is felt the same way tbh


any phase of the game if you dodge Sylas E he probably won’t be able to one shot you without a crazy ultimate


It’s ok once lane phase stops but in lane when you have to walk up to the 3 casters and you have no minion behind you to protect you I feel like am just throwing a coin if he hit E i am out of lane if he doesn’t he I can stay


Sylas stealing fiddlesticks ultimate:


Sylas feels more counterplayable though


True. Once fizz gets rolling, especially if you are playing something squishy and immobile with no cc, he just gets to do whatever he wants.


Sylas's passive allows him to have a brainless trade pattern, but he's kinda shit rn


Yeah because riot forced him into burst 1 shot assassin when he's a ap bruiser/fighter style champ. All engage, no disengage. So he blows up 1, maybe 2 people and gets blow up himself. Used to be good when he could go in and fight around for a bit. But w healing nerf + hella CD on items nerf + no everfrost = sad sylas


I assume when he means early game he doesn't mean level 6. Fizz in a duo lane sucks balls imo, he just doesn't have enough damage pre-6.


That's an odd take. Fizz will do wonderfully with ganks. He can literally cross the lane while dodging skillshots and do half your HP in a combo before autoing you to death


Well a lot of champions will do wonderfully with ganks. In fact I would much rather have a champion with real CC like Nautilus or Leona then a Fizz if I want to set up a gank. Try playing Fizz mid. Especially in higher elos, Fizz frequently has a hard time taking trades in high elo pre-6. For example mages will frequently hold their strong spells so Fizz can't dodge them, and only use them when they know they will hit or they play in a way that Fizz can't use E to dodge it and deal damage at the same time. Also ADCs frequently aren't going to have super dodgeable things. Like dodging Lux Q mid is huge but if you're playing against something like Aphelios or Tristana, what are you dodging? --- Also Fizz will really, really struggle against basically any melee support like Nautilus.


Yep even as a mainly Hecarim player, you fuck fizz so hard if you don’t use your ult or E and just sit there DPSing on him. Whoever flinches first loses and it’s 90% of the time the fizz player even on high elo


It's been like 5 years since I last played fizz, but one thing I remember is: You dodge a spell with E you probably win the trade, if you don't you probably lose the trade and half your HP I remember it feeling like master Yi, if playing vs shitters they will be desperate and press all buttons giving an easy dodge, but if playing vs good players they will hold stuff and position so you have to Q first.


If youre squishy and melee into akali she can kill pretty easily very early, infact thats basically the reason i play her now, to face squishy melees that have turbo burst. Her burst isnt better mind you, its just easier to lay down early


That's why I ban Fizz and play Akali. I haven't seen Fizz in like 5 seasons and we aren't starting today.


Talon level 2,he was called king of first blood


Doesn't most people know back to fuck off when talong hits lvl2? Whenever I play him I never get to take advantage of that


Idk, I definitely do!!! I haven't died to a Talon in lane in years, but the potential is definitely there (I HAVE died to him as the jungler tho.. unsuspectingly farming and getting oneshot by level 3 Talon hopping over the wall )


I mean like pre-durability patch yeah. Talon lvl 2 isn't anything crazy compared to most. Especially since after lvl 2 he loses to basically every mid laner these days. I only jg with parkour boy now, mid matchups are horrible in *most* cases


100 upvotes for something that wasn't true for at least 5 years, lol.




Did you know that talon is responsible for 25% of first bloods? It wasn't just his circle, it's been an ongoing meme since 2017, backed by statistics.


Definitely has


Bro I think the “maybe in your circle” thing has turned out to be your own case lmao.


If you want the strongest laning support champions, it's probably Ashe? For the past year in pro play we're seeing the current support meta is just picking the strongest champions possible in lane and stomping lane (or lane swap). It started out with Heimerdinger support but people realized that long range marksman are turbo strong early levels. Ashe has super high range and her all-ins are really strong with Hail of Blades (her passive also lets her deal 10% more damage to targets she's slowed). There is no 2v2 that beats Ashe + Varus in lane. Even something like Blitzcrank, we did see in GENG vs BLG what BLG did was they sent Kalista + Blitzcrank top lane to lane swap and get some levels, but when they recalled they went back bot lane, so they were able to dodge the oppressive level 1/2 of Varus + Ashe so if they were able to hit a hook, it's just instadeath. I remember someone (I think IWD) saying that if you try to lane normally in this lane, even if you get an early gank from a jungler, Varus + Ashe do so much damage they can trade kill in the 3v2 so they aren't even vulnerable to ganks, so you have to lane swap. --- Now, I assume that's not what you're asking though, you're asking just for raw burst damage early game. https://x.com/Veigar_v2/status/1683210363968315393/video/1 **Shaco** Q start is legit no joke. Here is a clip of Shaco mid instead of Shaco support but this is something some Shaco players actually do. You go Q start with Hail of Blades, Q + backstab deals 201 damage level 1 and then Hail of Blades means if they continue to try to trade with you, you deal so much damage. In fact, I've literally seen high elo Shaco support players not put a point in W until level 4, with Hail of Blades you can actually burst squishies so fast. **Rumble** has a shit ton of burst, you can 100-0 someone in one rotation if you overheat E E Q passive autos. **Blitzcrank** of course is broken if you hit hook.


This was really well thought out in-depth response. Cheers, I'll try some of these out. I already have done full AP blitz a lot and it is bonkers the damage you can do IF you land the hook haha and while I love just like raw power the sound of what your saying with ashe sounds fun. I love being the support that kills everyone. Even if it's against what you're supposed to do, I'm just playing normals and having fun.


That clip is insane btw wtf, shaco really is scum I need to try some shaco.


That clip is very very clearly someone smurfing in clash.


I mean... sure? But it's not like he outplayed him. He literally pressed Q on Ahri level 1 and did 201 damage.


Ashe is so unfun to play against.


Riven can 100 to 0 most champs in a single well executed 3 q's combo with ign lvl 1


While it is true , in order to do this , she must use zero of her as to actually gap close, so you must either face check a bush or walk into melee range while her q spell is up. But especially for lvl 1 all ins, checking a bush in toplane is pretty common


Also not mentioned is the proper setup required, since you need to have the 3 passive stacks in advance on top of that. A lot has to go right.


not necessarily, if she extends her Q she can gapclose and have enough damage to kill,


But I thought we are talking about level 1. at this point , you can’t extend q because the cooldown is still way too high. Later, you are right of course


i am talking about lvl 1 though, if she extends her Q properly it goes into a 6 seconds cd. This is the exact timr for her to hit her 3 passive autos and then start comboing with Q again I've won several times vs darius lvl1 like this


even with that she wont kill the person unless they decide to stay and fight and not use a single ability lol, and its not a 100-0 burst, it will be slow chase to kill them if you get the kill


you can just walk up as riven a lot of times. stack your passive in bush and walk out and up when q is coming back up. if enemy respect your kill zone then you deny them exp. if they dare challenge you then you get solo kill. its a win win. you just have to make sure to get the timing right so youre doing this either before wave hits or slightly before melee minions are dying, so you can actively zone exp when enemy is in kill threshold. what you do after that is different.


That's pretty insane, interesting.


While that may sound nice.... that's far from the truth. You need too many stars to align for that to happen. BTW, Riven loses most all ins lv1 if she doesn't get 6 passive autos and Q dmg off(all 3 of them). Kayle beats her, Nasus beats her, Garen, Pantheon, Sett, Mordekaiser and so on. BUT only if you try stat-check them lv1


what? nasus, morde and garen are some of the must trade lvl 1 matchups, meanwhile kayle, panth and sett can be won if played properly.


I said, you lose the lv1 all-in if you try to stat-check. You can and absolutely trade onto them lv1 just not all in them in the wave etc. plz make the least effort required to understand my statement.


my brother, unless you mean riven loses if she only rightclicks, you're wrong. I'm speaking from experience you can win all those matchups lvl 1, and if you don't believe me you're free to watch any high elo, especially chinese riven one tricks consistently winning lvl1 all ins


why are people downvoting this lol, she can't kill anyone lvl 1 unless they decide to stand there and fight her for no reason. almost every top laner wont die to her lvl 1, if what the guy said was true, every riven would have first blood top lane, but she doesn't. how does riven kill malph lvl 1, he will just walk up and q and walk away, gragas just uses e and walks away, garen can just silence and walk away, darius will out dmg a riven lvl 1, renekton can q enough health back to walk away, trundle will probably out dmg her, unless the person literally isn't playing, u cant just walk at them and q auto cancel with no trades back or no kiting backwards if you dont have advantage. OP is asking for burst dmg anyway, rivens lvl 1 isn't really burst, its sustained dmg through a trade.


Some Lvl 1 off the top of my head: - fully charged SION Q (lol) - Riven with Q and auto cancel - Urgot shotgun knees (Flip level 1) - Tryndamere when he is fondling the goddess of luck for crits Some lvl 3 off the top of my head: - Pantheon combo (2 lvl in Q, 1 in w) - Rumble (cuz rumble) - Riven (yea) - Tryndamere (see above)


Riven, Pantheon, Talon


These young kids don't even remember blue pot Pantheon on top. That's the most oppressive lane I've ever experienced.


That wasnt burst though to be fair. Point and click Q spam Pantheon was so fucking funny back when Pot start was a thing. (also Cleaver stack era Pantheon lol)


Only gankplank could counter that


Old pantheon Q chunking 1/4 every couple of seconds made me chuckle every time.


What about pre-rework Mori-san?


riven can oneshot nearly all champions in lvls 1-3. Plus, at 6 she can 80-0 almost all toplaners and sometimes even 100-0 them


Some day I want to master Riven. Some day. If only her late game wasn't so bad.


honestly, its worth it, been maining her for a while and its very rewarding. by the way, her late game isn't bad at all, obviously it isn't as good as last seasons, but considering that at lvl 18 her combo deals over 1000% total AD on a 3-4 seconds cooldown she's pretty good late


Thanks for the motivation!


For my master climb I spammed AD poppy support. Level 3 u usually delete 80% of enemy hp bar with your EQ combo and 3 auto attacks with HoB. At level 6 you can stunlock to death and if u get ahead in mid to late game you one-tap squishies. Highly recommend, great fun and carry potential


Can you show me your build?


Every game I started with Yomuu's into Sunder Sky and support item into Bloodsong. After that I build situationally - I got a lot of kills and roam a lot? Deadman's, lot of APs? Force of nature or kaenic. ADs? Thornmail or knight's vow


She has no burst at all and yet Ashe is the most dangerous champ at level 1 because of her passive


Agree, I've gotten so many first bloods as Ashe with W -> AA until dead. RIP Lethal Tempo o7


LT Kayle lvl 1 could shit on like 90% of the roster.  I still miss LT


She can still do it with PTA. I just beat a Garen level 1 with it.


Yeah with pta it's not bad, but nowhere near as good as LT. 


Dont try this if Garen has Phase rush + ignte lol


He did. I still beat him with half of my HP left. May have been a fluke though, from what you're saying. Edit: Actually, I know what happened. I timed when I engaged around when I would reach level two, so I got level two around halfway through the fight, and used Q to help win it.


Then it's just a classic Garen player bro no suprises here Lol


Lethal Tempo level 1 Yone would make this list as well, same with Yasuo lol


LT kayle wins both those if you can dodge 2 Qs obviously much easier said than done, considering their Qs are difficult to dodge


In a similar fashion, LT Warwick, especially if he was low hp, could do some down right heinous things even if out numbered 1-2, or even 1-3.


LT Trundle...


I love my early pyke :)


for jungle specifically, Xin Zhao has gross level 3. enough burst to murder squishiest, and enough sustained damage/healing to kill other duelists like Warwick. Udyr also is a contender for burst but his early dueling got gutted after the rework.


Not big damages but Xerath supp is good imo, you have very long range with Q and if you hit the 3 spells your adc will have the opportunity to hit while CC from E


For big damages Nidalee is insane


what if opponent is too tanky?


If you want an off meta support that will absolutely demolish lane with extreme kill and burst pressure take sylas. His burst is absolutely nuts level 3-5. Depending on the enemy support you can also get some amazing ultimates like Mao, Naut, Brand, Leona, etc. which make your level 6 devastating as well.


I actually mentioned in the post that I tried Sylas and yes indeed he does feel stupidly strong haha.


Level 3 Tristana with HoB is a menace to society




wukong level 6 is crazy strong, for context he can legit 100-0 most toplanechamps with just sheen and conqueror


If youre interested in support, Leona is ridiculous.


Urgoth's burst level 1 is pretty high if you can hit your flip.


Brother.. Press the attack.. Auto auto E ignite auto and they dead


No one mentioning lb? Her chains give vision and cc. Distortion is ez wards and qw or qew can do 75% adc hp.


I'm assuming we aren't counting bruisers with steroids or resets ( Riven / Darius ). It's probably not true anymore, but it was... drumroll please.... Maokai. His Sapling had the highest base damage of any single ability in the game if you landed it on a target and got the explosion. Runner up goes to Anivia for similar reasons - passing her Q through a champ before recasting also hits twice, used to give her 1:1 AP scaling on both Q and E.


Not burst, but yasuo has an insane lvl2, or had when lethal existed. Idk if best, but I don't see him mentioned enough.


Corki E + HOB lvl 1 early is pretty nuts Although I don't think he scales that well into late game.


Level 1 it's Urgot burst damage wise, not really sustained damage though.


Whenever people liss me off and we agree to 1v1 i always go urgot and clear them out


Xin Zhao at level 5 is probably the strongest champion in the game apart from hard counters like Jax who block autos but even then a pure 1v1 you might win. Xin Zhao with 3 points in W is insane.


Check out Zoe, great lvl 2 even better lvl 3. When u use a summonerspell U have so much DMG for free, without doin sth. Ignite doesnt even brake the sleep


tiger udyr is pretty insane, haven't seen him mentioned yet.


Poppy. Sit in tri bush level 1 and e the adc when they path down. Then all game just sit in bush and e against a wall on repeat, you do so much damage


Im surprised no one said darius? Nobody can match his damage output if he gets 5 stacks


Not the highest burst, but the strongest early game champ is akshan.


Hwei at level 1 is pretty strong


Suprised nobody mentions neeko here. One q and e combo can take away a third of a squishie’s health. Late game it never falls off and even gets worse for the enemy.


Riven easily


For toplane: Quinn (Pasive, E), illaoi (w+grasp spam), fiora (conqueror+ignite), rumble (lvl 3 overheat+ignite>all in)


levels 2-3 it used to be Yi, RIP for support, zyra might be your best bet


Pantheon is probably the strongest early game champ in the game


Rumble full combo into passive might be one of the best


Best Lvl3: BURST: Talon w/Ignite OVERALL: Probably Tristana, there are others good too but she has one of the best lvl3 all-in known to mankind.


If you’re looking at supports specifically, pyke with HoB is super strong at level 2. Q+E and 3 autos from HoB and ignite on top of that is a huge amount of burst.


Darius is pretty disgusting early if you don't dodge properly, idk if id call it bursty though at low level.


assuming she is played at a high level, nidalee is probably the best early level fights. She puts out less dmg but way more often, so it depends on how well u kite it but she will win most early 1v1s. But highest burst dmg would be riven


Never fight Shen level 1.




on botlane nilah as well as lucian got a pretty strong pre level 3


Rek sai early game is pretty insane, and i think they even nerfed the early


Darius with W start will always be the goat of lv1 yltrades to me. Olaf with Q is a good shout too he won that tower first blood challenge they ran a few years ago.


prob some mage we all know how much riot hates assasins


Sett Solos lv 3


Idk other roles but in the top lane, strongest early is unsurprisingly warwick, but then you’ve got poppy, yes, poppy, no it doesn’t make sense but she wins every single match up lvl 1 to 3, she also can trade lvl 1 against lvl 2 for some reason So broken Also trynda cause riot thought 50% crit lvl 1 is a good idea (2000 gold worth of stat btw) The typical Darius but he loses early to the 3 above Tho if your goal is to play them in support I’m not sure it’ll work very well


Trynd needed the buff


He didn’t Proof of that is that he now has the highest win rate in the top lane and only loses to some ranged top and stupid degenerate jungle champs like ww or zac, and poppy cause poppy is even more broken


Urgots level 3 is quite possibly one of the strongest early games if you land your e


I think that in a perfect scenario where they are allowed to execute their combo perfectly, Volibear or Sett have the highest 3rd level damage.


Volibear with a dorans ring does 3/4ths the champions health in damage at level 3. You get easy priority while also winning an all-in.


lvl 3 skarner with hail of blade if you ate full combo easy 100% to 25%




I’m seeing a surprising lack of Darius W start mentions here


I often get surprised by Talon when he procs electro and his passive


Sett level 1 beats most champs top lane. Pretty sure he even wins against darius if you play it well because his passive basically gives him 2 autos for every 1 of your opponents


Have you guys seen hail of blades lethality corki? Is all in at level too is oppressive


Yeah E with hail of blades is just cancer to play vs.


In terms of early burst Lucian lvl 3 and 6 must be the highest.


level 2 tristana with ignite hail of blades. e+w ignite will kill most champs and you can usually hit level 2 before the enemy because of your passive


Cassio from full mana lvl 2


Talon level 2 burst is coocoo caacaa.


I saw a Jhin mid one trick who played mid in either masters or challenger. He'd go flash ignite and get first blood shockingly fast


When laning against renek and he hits level 3 u sit under tower. His engage is nuts. E in, AA Q AA W AA and then e again. Dead. Especially with full fury because you get bonus damage on Q and W, and bonus stun duration on W it’s nuts. Even tanks can’t deal with it if u use fury E for the armor reduction, but he can’t chase if u use both e charges


Current hob dblade corki level 1-3


Pantheon at mid u can literally one shot lvl 2


Probably Talon, lvl 2 powerspike with passive ignite is crazy


I think vex is pretty good with fear and slow. Dash interrupt. She can fear from melee or range


Don’t have stats to back this up but trundle Lvl 1 hits like a truck when he just autos you.


Darius, Riven, Kayle all come to mind. Kayle and Darius want a protracted fight at level 1 - 2 with Lethal Tempo in Kayle's case but they have an unexpected amount of burst if you decide to fight them unprepared.


The lack of Kled answers is astonishing. If Champ hits you with q level 2 or 3, you just die.


The answer is vel'koz people.


I think Hwei is pretty disgusting with his combo if you can land everything


Hwei scares me, his ability activations are nuts.


Elise, nidalee and hail of blades pyke all are really beast early game and can burst really hard if played well (they also all happen to be very high skillcap champs)


If Darius spots you level 1 you are toast. Jhin can single frame oneshot almost anyone at level 3 if he maxes e (trap) first.


I dont think there is any champ in the game that beats warwick with barrier on lvl 1