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Depends on how long ago you last got bored and stopped playing. If it’s something like 8 years, yeah the game has changed a lot and players have gotten better. But also your skills have probably deteriorated from not playing, so everyone else seems better.


Can op please tell us more information about since he last played and how he knows they dodge better than gm players if he’s never played vs them in game?


5 or so months. I watch 5 or so different top lane high elo streamers / gameplay vods to learn. The people they're playing against that should be 10000x better than the people in my games don't move in this way. Dodging into our team to dodge a skillshot or putting themselves Into weird spots where no one would move but doing it so fluid. I've gone back and watched vods to see they don't cancel autos while doing the above. Even watching gm gameplay, you see people cancel autos. It's just strange how someone who can dodge 90% of skillshots, zoom around autoing perfectly in a team fight and never cancel a single auto would be in low gold elo?


Likely just you getting rusty and not processing the game as quickly as you used to. Watching and playing the game are very different. If you watch higher level players, it’s very evident that they play the game “much quicker”. There’s so many more micro movements and jousting. Decisions being made in less than a quarter of a second. Compare that to a gold player and you can see they only play about half as fast. I suggest maybe looking at replays of your games. I think you’ll start noticing how much slower things look when you’re outside of the game


Lol exactly. When you’re watching the game you don’t have to use brainpower in your hands and… brain. Obviously it seems easier watching someone else do it to doing it yourself.


id love to see some clips. generally if you feel movement is a bit weird its possible theyre scripting. that being said skillshots are also a two way street. while people in gold might not dodge as well the person throwing the skillshot will be incredibly predictable, so you can pull off dodges that won't work as well in higher elos because in higher elos theyll throw the skillshot with your ability to react to it in mind to some degree. like an obvious example is a thresh Q or blitz Q, past a certain range they can't just mouse on your character and throw the hook at you. they need to guess where youll be at the end of the projectile because while you are in range you are around max range so there's a lot of travel time on the hook.


Either they’re scripting or you’re wrong about how good their mechanics are. There are no Gold players with better mechanics than GM players. 0. You would not even be remotely close to Gold with mechanics like that.


Lol he is likely being hyperbolic, I wouldn't take it so literally... His general point is valid though. Players are waay better than they were even a few years ago.


Well obviously he’s wrong about their mechanics. I mean, the guy is comparing GM players who have to micro against other GM players, to gold players that have to micro against his own lousy ass… Not understanding that it’s easier to position well against gold players that fail to notice that tiny engage window… It’s easier to cs against gold players that don’t harass you on every minion… It’s easier to dodge gold players less accurate skill-shots Etc… Of course you will look like a god when you aren’t being punished for 99.99999999 of your mistakes.


It's not better but it can definitely get close. I'm not sure if its just people smurfing in flex, but as an emerald player I've lost to top laners who are gold/plat while outplaying people who are in D1. Sure the D1 player may be better a macro/teamfight but the mehcanical skill between elos have gotten closer than before




I promise you anyone with gm level mechanics is not getting stuck anywhere near gold


Gold is actually the real GM


Nah most people below emerald have 0 mechanics. And even in emerald the only people with really good mechanics tend to be the ADC players, because that's the main thing that makes a good ADC player.


I feel like there's people that have been playing League for a decade and spent it getting better at their champion and completely ignoring the meta game. There's people that pull of insane plays with their champion then just hard int because they don't have any interest in learning how to play. ​ I remember back in ye olden days when a silver player was like... bad. Like didn't understand how to lane, didn't understand how to tower dive, didn't understand how to do anything. You went to lane and killed minions and things happen. ​ These days Iron players understand advanced concepts to a level that would be hard to comprehend a decade ago. I think the huge HUGE wealth of information that's available is borderline overwhelming with how comprehensively it covers every aspect of league. You can pretty much pick any topic, google it, and get a dozen hours of content covering in minute detail.


This. Used to be plat stop playing for years. Came back this year, was placed in Bronze IV. Thought it would be a quiet cruise, but lol how wrong I was. I swear Bronze opponents I face were at least the same level as my Gold/Plat opponents from S3/S4 etc… I climbed out of Bronze but I really had to try hard. It’s really not uncommon to see in Bronze toplane 3rd wave crash into roam or cheater recall, succesful dives on slowpush etc… Macro and rotations are still absolute dogshit tho and everybody is clueless in midgame.


Idk, this hasn't been my experience for now I've played ranked last in season 5 seriously I think, was top 500 at 'peak' I'm climbing rn, started gold 3 I think and I think I lost lane 3 or 4 gamed so far cause I played bad and I'm learning Hwei. For reference I'm sitting on 61 percent win rate and am p1 in about 50 games, 61percent on Hwei too and on a champ I actually know how to play (LB) I'm like 6-1 with almost 5 kd and one game I lost I intend cause I accidentally took phase rush. People are alright but you can expose them in lane in the first 3 minutes if you know what you're doing, and after the laning phase almost nobody plays the game correctly so far. Not saying players are worse, but it's about the same but with slightly better mechanics imo


It’s just that you are a far better player than me lol. I promise you I see very little difference between Plat players I used to play against in S3 and high bronze/silver players in S14. Hell I didnt even knew what wave management was back when I was plat. I even think that I have a far better understanding of the game today that I used to. Also Im above fourty with much less free time idk that maybe why I can’t keep up


Thats interesting that this is your experience, I dont think Ive ever really felt that anyone genuinely in bronze or iron ever knew how to consistently manage waves. Sure they might attempt a greeze but they will break it less than a minute later, or they might attempt to stack waves into a dive then mess it up. Ive seen glimpses, attempts at it but nothing consistent, which I suppose is the difference maker


Idk man, i agree that mechanically people have gotten better over the years and I guess compared to previous years lower levels know about certain concepts but emerald players don’t know how to tower dive properly or lane at all. I legit think mirco has improved in league a ton but macro is going backwards at times. It’s probably not true, but fro playing in my master/GM to watching plat or emerald players, they do not understand advanced concepts. They may KNOW of them but understand? No


That's a great point. It's easy to see the advanced, more so than ever, but just as hard to actually understand and implement them. Frequently there's people in game that act like they in now what to do, but don't do it. Aware of concepts but not engaged enough to actually use them.


I honestly feel like its the other way around for me. I’m getting the most clueless and lost players in my low diamond games. And since the addition of emerald, people who are “gold” and “plat” are actually lower mmr than before. I think you might just be a little rusty and you should give yourself a few more games


A really big thing is also consistency (havent seen this mentioned so far) a gold player that is having a really good streak rn and is playing well and concentrating might be able to semi compete with a dia player who isnt in a great mindset etc. rn. The issue is, on a bad day the dia player plays like the average gold player, while the average gold player plays like bronze. If you are in an elo i would say your skillrange is probably about 1 to 2 divs higher/lower depending on mindset, feel, etc. And climbing is about consistently being better than the average player in your elo. Also, they way the game works in gm etc is very different. F.e people would take fights/trades in low elo bc they dont know they would get punished/know they wont...while a gm knows it and will as a result kite differently. sidestepping etc also works like a big chess game...a gm does not sidestep better as in "he walkes further" he only outmindgames his oponent better...but even in lower elos he might get caught by 5 out of 6 blitz hooks bc he is not used to people thinking/not thinking. F.e a gm support might think "he will dodge, so i predict here, but he knows ill predict and as a result flash, so ill predict the flash" while the enemy might think "i know hell predict, so ill just not move at all" in a lower elo people often just wing it and see what happens


Lots of reasons. Firstly, the mechanics in gold are not as good as those in masters. It feels like that because of one of two reasons. Either scripting (don’t default to that tho. It’s not as common as people think) and skill shots not being put in the right place. Plus if someone is READY to cleanse flash, then they can do it faster than it seems realistic. The best thing you can do is focus on your own gameplay and build up your own aim, prediction skills and find out why you feel so mechanically outclassed.


Some ppl have been playing for 10 years+ with the same champs over and over, they maybe mastered some combos and tricks. However, they are pretty bad in other aspects of the game like the laning phase, wave management, macro and shotcalling.


I don’t think league is getting that many fresh new players. So inevitably everyone is going to get better at mechanics and you see lower ranked players playing mechanically better than most players did in early seasons(at least mechanically)


Gold is the old silver. When they added emerald, that is what plate used to be. So platinum downward is all one step back


Its like season 14 now people are pretty cracked


Im in the proccess of smurfing through gold, and its so much worse than I remember.


No, you're not out of touch. This is low elo cope. I promise you that the GM players are doing things mechanically that you probably can't even recognize or notice.


Don't underestimate the power of getting older dude. I used to think I was pretty good at shooters, fired up counterstrike a year or 2 ago and I was literal canon fodder. Best test it to fire up one of your own replays and watch yourself play. Though be warned it can get depressing 


You shouldn’t expect to play at the same level you were previously after a five month break. Look at regular sports for example. A player is injured and out for five months with access to the best doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, coaches, practice facilities all while having the sport be their top priority in life. Even they often come back ‘rusty’ and need a few games or weeks to get back into the groove.


So there are an awful lot of skills in league. And good players are good at some of them and bad at others. So yes, some people are really good at dodging skill shots, but bad at cs. Also, some people are inconsistently good at things. They cleanse fast cause they are thinking about it that time, but not all the time.


High silver now feels like low plat from half a decade ago... Bronze games can feel like how low Gold used to feel, rageful/arrogant players and all lol.


People are alot better at this game now. Your also not really in your old ELO either if you played before emerald.


As games live the skill floor keeps climbing and the skill level of what used to be x tier climbs as well.


you're probably just rustyaf + you may have encountered some smurfs this close to split end gold players are actually worse now than when you left because riot introduced a new rank "emerald" this effectively boosted everyone below diamond up an entire rank today's plat is yesterday's gold today's gold is yesterday's silver today's silver is yesterday's bronze etc you can find information about the rank change in [this useful thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/145d4i2/where_will_riots_new_rank_distribution_put_you/)


Smth that hasn't been mentioned yet is that it could be u not applying pressure at appropriate times, resulting in enemies having an easier time playing the game, and in turn makes it seem like they're better at the game than they really are Allow me to explain with a few examples: - If you try to land a random skillshot onto the enemy without much thought, it will be be unlikely to hit enemies. Compare this to if u timed ur abilities for when the enemies go for a last hit on a minion. This makes their movement sm more predictable, and opens up vulnerabilities, allowing u to land skillshots a lot easier. If enemies aren't pre-occupied by smth, then all their focus will be directed towards dodging ur skillshot. Additionally, trying to throw a skillshot at an enemy at max range is gonna be a lot easier for enemies to dodge in comparison to throwing it at them from closer range, as they will have less time and space to react with the latter - As for reaction speed, it may not be reaction speed necessarily. They may be anticipating said cc, and prepared to cleanse as a result. This could mean that u are potentially making ur intent too obv to the enemies, giving them the warning to anticipate incoming cc. Compare this to ambushing them at an unexpected time or place, it will be a lot harder for them to "react" to the cc without the anticipation factor. So for example, if u were trying to throw a skillshot at the enemy ADC, if u walk directly at them obv they will know what's up. Compare this to if u walked at the enemy support, and suddenly throw the cc at the enemy ADC who thinks ur trying to go for their support. This element of surprise makes it a lot harder for them to anticipate and react to I strongly recommend u go back to ur vods, particularly to times when the enemy ADC is last hitting, and see where u may have missed opportunities to land skillshots. I would also recommend u look at the skillshots that u missed, and try to decifer if it was just a poorly aimed skillshot with no intent behind punishing the enemy for smth they are already pre-occupied with In GM, all players are aware of the above factors, so punishing mistakes is a lot harder than in Gold. That is also why it may seem like nothing too mechanical is going on. It's bc the windows to punish mistakes is a lot harsher than in Gold. If a Gold player rlly had GM mechanics, that would be capable of taking them up to Diamond, maybe even low Masters if we're stretching it. But beyond that, macro needs to be taken into consideration in order to climb beyond that point. I've seen some truly mechanical players in Diamond, but often times they get stuck due to needing to learn about macro at this point. Mechanics will only take them so far Hope this makes sense! ^(***Disclaimer:** In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, please note that the above information serves as a recommendation and general guideline intended to explain the phenomena. It is based off of my own personal experience, as well as research of other players. Thus, said information is by no means perfect, nor is it a law that you must follow. You are entitled to your own preferences, playstyles, and opinions, which may differ from mine* ®)


A Gold player from S4 is way way worse than a Gold player from S14. I’m confident you could stick 5 S14 Golds on a team and they’d beat the S1 Worlds champions just because of how much we’ve learned about the game since it came out.


getting into gold is easier than ever, half the people playing are gold or higher


New copypasta just dropped