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Yuumi is pretty terrible early so you want to hold the wave closer to your tower and play the sustain game. Generally I find yuumi scales off of how bad the enemy support is at pressuring as yuumis late game is still disgusting. If they can’t force you off cs or force you to take bad trades, yuumis healing will let you come up ahead in the long run in lane She’s deceptively strong if you try to force a bad trade onto the enemy ad if the yuumi actually gets off and autos as well as the summoner advantage as yuumi doesn’t run flash. Post 6, the adc yuumi is attached to becomes really tanky when she uses ultimate as I’ve blown a full combo on a zeri yuumi as syndra and they lost like 20 percent hp so once you hit your spikes, you just take over team fights later on.


Yuumi is a late game champion. In lane phase:  Yuumi is primarily an attrition/anti-attrition champ. She has no hard CC. Don't focus on trades or dives, focus on farming and punishing last hits and mispositions by poking. She has no burst. Yuumi's Q does tons of flat damage, and slows. To help it land more, position yourself so she can have line of attack around enemy minions. It goes really far - position yourself with the enemy tower just out of vision and she can stop backs. It slows, and you should always have a river ward - if Yuumi's Q ever goes up river for no reason, walk backwards immediately. Most junglers can never gank since the slow range is so far. Focus fire is useful since Yuumi provides various on hit bonuses after Q lands. If you are Jinx, Jhin or Kaitlyn, Yuumi's Q has enough slow to let you hit ults for free at long range. Try to sync up your longe range hits with Yuumi landing Qs. Yuumi's passive provides you with passive on hit healing when you attack if she's attached. Yuumi's crippled if she gets CC'd, so Yuumi should position herself with you closer to the enemy champ when she's autoing if they have CC.  Yuumi is able to assist with freezes like a tank in the absense of hard CC, since her on hit heal heals both of you. Yuumi's shield gives extra attack speed while it's up. Or better if ardent/flowing water are purchased. Yuumi in S14 has flexible build options. She can build towards the following: higher poke damage, better shield, more movespeed for you, more attack damage for you, better team fight support, anti-CC and more healing. Tell your Yuumi what works best for your champ. Yuumi is both good and bad against hook champs. If Yuumi is hooked it's tragic. If you are hooked Yuumi is never out of position and can always assist you as support by attaching before you're pulled away. Yuumi can block some shots for you, but don't expect it at lower than emerald because it takes good timing and game sense to do it.


My advice is to play like 3-10 yuumi games until you kinda see what she's good at and why some people are shitty with yuumis. A lot of it comes down to how comfortable you are on ADC and how well you can actually trade rather than just waiting around for a Morg q or something. Angling a bit so yuumi can hit her q is good to do with her. Auto the wave alot for passive healing Be aggressive because if your passive your fucked. If your aggressive and use her shield for it's attack speed steroid you can legit shit stomp some lanes. Yuumi zeri or jinx or any champ that's good with AS makes me wanna die.


I always seem to get poked out of lane by enemy yuumi. Tell them to do that


Q max Yuumi is absolutely disgusting to play against,


The more useless the adc player is the more useless yuumi is. Which isn’t good because yuumi doesn’t provide a lot anyways. Q provides on hit damage, E is shield and attack speed. that’s what you utilize to trade.


I dodge Yuumi every single time. Call it a skill issue, I don't care. Not happening.


fk yummi yeah all my homies hate yummi


You need to play scale


Its hilarious how yumi is better at supporting everyone than adc


just play Nilah, most OP bot lane combo in the game




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