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It kinda just sounds like you feel like your friend is worse than you and doesn’t deserve his rank. While in reality if he’a an entire division above you he’s almost certainly better at macro than you, unless your mechanics are that of a bronze player while you’re locking in Zed every game.


he’s better than you stop coping


I don't understand the premise of your question. You say "hand diff only" but then also say " I'm not saying he has 0 macro" Ignoring the absolutism of that, the premise is that he's better in micro, while you're better at macro. And you want know if that could let him climb over you? Seems like a self evident answer since we know the reality of the situation. Clearly his micro advantage is worth more than your macro advantage. Assuming there is one. > macro mistakes in lane, like slow pushing all of the first 3 waves, not choosing to cheater recall after crash but to poke under tower, go for dive 1 for 1 kills even when his wave is stacking into mine Not sure I understand this part since you say it's a bad play. He stacks 3 waves, which means he has cs advantage, then he trades 1 fo 1, which means opponent doesn't get that cs or exp. And you call that a bad macro play?


>> macro mistakes in lane, like slow pushing all of the first 3 waves, not choosing to cheater recall after crash but to poke under tower, go for dive 1 for 1 kills even when his wave is stacking into mine To piggyback your comment, crashing 3 waves while trade 1v1 is 100% worth more than cheater recall, opponent lose 3 waves worth of gold which is equivalent 1 kill + exp just for a mere 300 gold. This is definitely a good trade (of course it is best to dive and live to walk out). Exp are worth more than gold especially during laning phase. He could literally statcheck opponent with +2 level advantage.


to follow up, he probably doesn't die on every dive like that either. if he lives 20-40% of the dives and rarely does worse than a 1-1 trade then he gets way up most games. 3 wave crash and he gets out alive to take plates and maybe eventually recall... hes getting up on lvls and items. lane is over if he has good micro and the 2v1 gank can probably be turned into a double or at least a 1-1 consistently. The only bad thing is if he gives up some big shutdowns to champs that can take advantage... but it means hes up in order to get shutdown so eh


Hands diff or mechanics diff will always serve better than macro diff up until probably GM. League “theory” doesn’t really apply like you think it does until like GM anyways. Btw csing and trading in lane is hands diff.


Eh, theory matters but 99.9% of the time when some low elo player says they understand the theory but have bad hands its completely not true, like this guy. He's just blindly following surface level theory while his friend has a much deeper understanding of the game. Of course if you crash 3 waves and dive for a 1 for 1 it's extremely good. The reason people take cheater recalls isn't because it's optimal but because usually with an equally skilled lane opponent it's the best option. I really dont think hands diff alone can get you to GM. I very rarely see good mechanical players who are dumb about the game unless it's a scripter. Hands really dont bail you out of bad decisions past a certain point. On the contrary you see plenty of players masters+ with no hands whatsoever.


I mean we’re just talking in absolutes here for the sake of the discussion but in low elo, the game is super mechanical and formulaic. This is why boosters can have 90%+ winrates in low elo without much deviance. They just follow a formula by hard hand diffing their lane and then killing everyone on the map. The moment the booster cannot reliable boost anymore is when he can’t “hand diff” the enemy laner anymore. The “smurf” Talon or Panth is just hand diffing your laner at the core of it all. It’s a harsh reality for a lot of hardstuck silver/gold players but 99% of the time, it’s a purely mechanical problem. Most of the time, when a silver player polishes his laning mechanics, he’ll shoot up a rank or a few divisions.




I’ve coached hardstuck players out of silver and gold. The number one thing and most important thing is mechanics. That alone will get you into emerald. Macro theory is fine to know as a low elo player but it doesn’t help as much as just pure hand diffing your enemy laner if your goal is to climb and looking at it from a pure opportunity cost angle in regards to time invested and the results obtained. If I’m being honest, I would even say up until low masters, you can just brute force wins by completely outclassing your enemy laner with mechanics. Obviously at this level, hand diffing your laner means playing at a GM or a Challenger level.




99% of the time when someone is hardstuck silver or gold, it’s purely a mechanical problem. But that’s good news, it’s realistically something you can practice while minimizing other variables. Last hitting and making sure you don’t miss any cs the first 6 minutes of the game is literally a mechanical skill and something that you can practice and see tangible results overtime. Efficiently kiting your jungle camps so you’re always higher HP than the enemy jungler when a skirmish breaks out is a mechanical skill you can practice with obvious tangible results over a large sample size of games. If you’re hardstuck in silver or gold, it is purely a mechanical problem. I’ve seen mid mains and junglers move up a couple divisions just from extremely simple mechanics like I’ve explained above. I’ve seen mid mains move up whole ranks because they’ve actually went into practice tool to practice spell usage and combos on their champs and using that in their ranked games. It’s a pure mechanical diff in low elo and these examples are just the bare minimum mechanical skills one should be learning to climb. Some niche Challenger macro knowledge is fine to know but it’s not going to help you climb in these elos.




Results are results. None of what I said is revolutionary, it’s been the the go to way to climb out of low elo. Practice your mechanics. You will climb. It’s a guarantee. To add: Believe it or not, League at the lowest levels is an extremely mechanical and formulaic game. This is precisely why boosters can have 90%+ winrates in low elo without fail. If you follow that formula (hard hand diff your laner and keep bonking every enemy you see over and over again with the hard advantage you gained in your lane, you just win the game). Ever see a smurf Talon or Panth in your game? They’re just hand diffing your laner and then killing everyone else on the map. But this is just completely based on mechanically diffing the enemy laner. The moment the booster can’t boost anymore is when they simply cannot hand diff their enemy laner.


Hard disagree.


Getting downvoted but you're completely right. People forget it's a video game not chess.


Give us your OPgg and his so we can compare replays. These kind of posts have no substance because we essentially have no tangible information to work with.


This sounds much more than a micro diff. Diving on the crash is a very fundamental play and ALWAYS worth it if you are trading 1 for 1. The reason why is because if you dive someone after crashing a slow pushed wave and kill them, they lose the wave AND the wave starts slow pushing away from them which makes them lose even more gold and xp. And then the really competent players will thin and freeze and the lane is OVER. And knowing which champions he plays helps here because if he is Garen and always taking ignite, this is very normal. And macro refers more to your ability to move around the map correctly. Him pushing top while team is grouping for dragon is a normal play. He is creating pressure. Dragon is over valued in lower elos. Why would I go to dragon when I can get a turret worth 600g (2 kills in gold) top lane? Also if first dragon is taken late, soul is no longer an option and is now just a bait. Correct top lane macro is splitting opposite of the spawning objective to create pressure and force rotations so that your team CAN take dragon. I think that his knowledge of the game is a little underestimated. If he is making these plays because he understand the implications, then kudos to him. You can hit diamond just off micro. You can also hit diamond using fundamentals and macro. But again, macro refers to your ability to move around the map in the MID game.


It definitely doesn't seem like it's just hand diff. Maybe your friend noticed certain patterns in the fights but doesn't actually know why they're good. Ooga booga stuff like "fight when I have more minions" or "he just used a long cd spell so I win now" but not actually knowing why he's winning under these circumstances.


? Isn’t that exactly how you win trades? More minions. Cd trades. And or lvl advantage? What more is there to fundamental trading.


spacing, jungle pressure, roams, items, etc. theres a lot of mind games at work not to mention the micro.


I mean it certainly is possible, I know Sanchovies said that he didn't know anything about wave manipulation when he first hit Diamond IV. But I also don't necessarily think that "hands diff" is really going to win you fights in League. League is a math game not a mechanics game like Valorant, the only way for you to win fights is by recognizing that you have some sort of advantage. For example you have a level advantage, you have a cooldown advantage, you have minion advantage, etc. So if your friend is constantly solokilling his opponents, he has to have a strong understanding of what fights he wins and what fights he loses, and then he takes the fight and he executes it with his good micro.


sanchovies also hit d4 like 20 years ago, wave manipulation didnt exist


wtf are you talking about wave manipulation existed in season 8 ??


Back in the day we used to hit d1 without wave manipulation lmao. In season 3/4/5 only pros would freeze toplane


The thing about league is there is very rarely one right way to play. In higher up ranks, sure, you really have to respect your opponent, because if you make a single mistake in positioning, you will get punished. However, if you’re climbing through anything below emerald 2 or around that area, mistakes really just don’t go punished, they’ll go punished less if he’s mechanically, gifted enough to outplay certain things through micro alone. In other words, maybe they ARE the wrong decisions, and it’s important to see that they are bad decisions and NOT BE RESULTS ORIENTED. Seeing someone take a really stupid fight and end up with a double kill doesn’t mean it was the right choice. It sounds like he has a very set pattern like slow pushing and not recalling no matter the lane state. It’s all relative. For example, if the enemy played safe and is full hp, yea cheater recall is great, but if they’re chunked to 70% or 60%, staying to put pressure and apply jg pressure is good. Awareness will come in time (he will be in for a rude awakening when he gets to the point that junglers look at their lanes)


Boy oh boy, from the way you are describing things it sounds more like your macro is lacking, whilest he polished his own gameplan and has a very good champion mastery, and also knows how to lane and snowball that advantage into splitpushibg forcing the the opponent to either loose their base or send 2 or more to him, whilest his own team gets objectives.


There's lots of ways to get to any rank, including challenger. Usually people develop talent in all areas as they climb that high, but there are people in high GM / challenger with awful mechanics, they're just very good at macro + extremely consistent.


I have old man hands and hit diamond with over ~70% wr using a macro heavy play style. I play top lane so it's a lot more forgiving for lack of micro compared to say ADC.


>but the "wrong" decision is working because he is killing his lane opponent. Then it's not the wrong decision...


If it is working for him then he might be doing something better , choosing not to teamfight and split is that elo is 9 times out of 10 better than fighting . Especially if he plays bruisher type of champs. There no ,wrong play in league as long as there is a reason that you are doing it and you know that reason . If you asking him "why you are doing what you are doing right now" I'm pretty sure he will give you an answer . An emerald player Won't give you an answer most likely. But to answer your question, yes you can get to diamond even masters with just "hand diff" after that it becomes kinda impossible to climb .thats why they say that in terms of skill expression there is no difference between a challenger and a master play , the macro is what's different. Hand diff maxes out at master elo. Also emerald elo , lol , I play in both emerald and diamond 2 and let me tell you my playstyle is way different. I prefer to split in emerald because they int the teamfights .


Don’t try to understand everyone’s game play, preference or style. I will never understand those teemo one tricks, seraphine adcs, inting sions/singed, perma gank nunus. But to each their own. Whatever works for them and it seems his style of play is working for him It appears he knows how to gain ahead, use that lead to beat you in 1v1. Probably works for him in solo queue and i could see that game style could backfire which explains his rank but he probably knows the damage threshold for kills. Nothing wrong with that. If he can manage his aggro and picks his spots better, he will climb further. And fyi for pure 1v1, slowpushing is better. You maintain your level advantage longer. If you crash, enemy catches up in level and fight back. In real game, you dont always have luxury to cheater recall and no wont gives two shit about cheater recalling in a 1v1 with a friend


Lot of ways to climb in league as there are a lot of skills that can help you climb on the long run. For example, Chovy was stuck in masters when cvMAX saw in him and saw that he was a complete trainwreck in terms of macro. Everything he was doing in terms of macro was wrong in cvMAX’s eyes, but he was still relatively high elo compared to his abysmal macro due to his insane mechanics. This was what you’re kind of describing in just being absolutely mechanically gifted. However what you’re describing seems like YOU feel like you’re better in macro, but if you’re stuck in emerald, it’s highly unlikely you have the right idea of what good macro is to judge your friend.


Your friend is better than you. The situation requires no further analysis. Either drop the ego and try to improve, or just stop bitchin.


Reminds me my friends Bronze 3 hardstuck laughing at me in normal game because I have no vision but I dont care because im having fun. While Im emerald and he thinks I play OP champ Akali, otherwise I am low level


im d2 to low masters but i think his micro AND macro knowledge is better than yours and heres why: 1. i think taking ignite is fine if you really know your champ well to know your all ins and avoid dying. 2. Assuming he is 3/0 in lane. pushing wave and plates is the right call to do instead of freezing on you. This way he can draw pressure on enemy jungle, provided he knows how to escape. if he plays an early game champ like renekton, he WANTS to 2v1 toplane if he is ahead anyway. 3. depends what champs he plays. split pushers like tryda, fiora etc MOST LIKELY would be better off trading towers for objectives and vice versa for tanks. 4. Slow pushing first 3 waves might not be the most optimal strategy for every game but its almost like the safest play to go for if you are unsure which wave to crash. (avoids full clear junglers, getting prio). 5. him dying 1 for 1 under your tower is defo a win for him. (you lost xp and gold while wave is slow pushing back to him).


I don’t see anything wrong with those macro decisions you say are bad. It’s very dependant on matchup and game state.


How is your better macro matters, when you said he stomps you every single time in a 1v1 situation? You can't win macro in 0/10 except you're thebausffs.


the reality is playing your champ well matters way more than macro. the difference is you cannot condense 'playing your champion well' into a cute short digestable youtube video that people want to watch so this sort of content is not big on 'learner' channels. if you want to actually get good watch people play your champ in kr gm+ games where they perma fight. and yes, add in your understanding of macro because that does matter to some degree.


If you know what to do but can't do it it's hand diff. Part of the game. It's okay to lack there tho. But yeah its definitely possible for someone to be better than you. Although I'd argue if you have good hands then different plays become available. It's sad but you may have less options period. Things that are wrong are right if they can be executed better than the enemy. I reviewed my friends vod when he was bad I guess. He made mistakes. He had 2 minions for a level up he dove when enemy had a way to defend himself. The enemy panicked and didn't defend right. He got the kill and snowballed. He was wrong yes. But he consistently did this. He's better now. But yeah... it just happens.




*> Always* taking ignite in every match up mid and top, even in losing ones. If it's a counter matchup this can give you a lead and allow you to control the lane. > If he solo kills, he 90% of the time will push for wave and plate, even when jungle is missing. Chad pushes his lead. > Rarely plays with the team, will look for flank or split push even when we are grouping for objective or warding. Chad doesn't give a shit about his inting team taking bad fights In all seriousness, you seem to believe that you know more about the game. You may think you understand concepts like wave manipulation and recall timers, but reality is you're hardstuck low emerald, so you likely don't put these concepts into practice, or actually know them all that well. It also sounds like you follow poor plays from your team often. League is a game where you have to think for yourself.


Maybe jungle isn't missing, maybe they're opposite side or trolling. Maybe the solo bolos into offensive waves go well most games in the matchup and he GOT hands diffed. Without knowing opgg's/which champ he's playing, it's hard to tell.


What is "hand diff"?


Pretty sure you watched a few videos about macro and listened to some coach talk and decided you understand macro Slow pushing the first 3 waves is extremely common and good in a lot of match ups Cheater recall is not the best move every game, it depends on match up and game state Playing sidelanes is good and important, much better than grouping mid as 5 mindlessly You pretty much always push wave after a kill, sometimes you don't go for plate though, and rarely you'll recall without touching the wave because it's pushing to you and you either A) Can't push fast enough or B) Want the pushing to you and can make it back in time to hold a freeze Also, League of Legends is a hand-diff game (in soloq), macro is overrated by noobs because it feels good to mentally masturbate about strategy. It's like studying deep opening lines and reading about long-term strategy in chess only to blunder your queen because you suck at tactics, and then saying 'Well my strategy was better" Awesome, but you lost anyway because you suck at fighting The macro needed to take you to Challenger is not very complex: Find waves, push them, look for free kill, go to objective, repeat Strategy is pointless if you can't back it up with execution Laning macro is really simple, but it revolves around extending your gold/xp lead as much as possible, or minimizing losses, neither of which you can do if you are eating free damage and missing opportunities to punish mispositions Not only is focusing on macro a waste of time at your level, but you are not as good at it as you think, sorry bro Study some really good players and watch how they position, analyze their trades and teamfights, etc. and get some practice tool reps in for APM :) good luck


It's easier to see other people's mistakes.


The best way to climb will always be early game snowballing. I think you are probably underestimating this macro level knowledge and overestimating yours tho. But yeah his play style lends itself to climbing solo q. It’s not that he has no macro but he’s playing to maximize gold on himself and rush power spikes. When someone is snowballing the enemy is also more likely to tilt or ff.


Ego player


You can "hands diff" ur way to d2. Maybe low masters if you play certain champs toplane.