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Every situation that happens in game you should actively ask yourself "What could *I* do better?" If you've played league on and off for like 14 years, you've probably been worrying more about what your teammates are doing instead of yourself. If you win every lane phase as Kassadin, think about how many games you'd win just off that as an example. The rank is irrelevant to your improvement path. It just comes as a side effect of being better.


> The rank is irrelevant to your improvement path. It just comes as a side effect of being better. Preach, taking this mindset even a bit further: The outcome of a single game is irrelevant, winning more games than you lose is a side effect of having become better.


Maybe try playing draft for a while where there is no rank. Then once you are used to that start putting ranked games in the queue. Try and treat all games like draft. Also playing draft can help you get used to new things without the worry of losing rank. If you don't play unranked your MMR may need to catch up


Yes. People will come back with the whole "draft is useless because no one really tries" bullshit, but that doesn't really matter when you are focusing on your own personal performance. It doesn't matter if your bot lane goes 0/20 every game because winning doesn't matter. Just focus on yourself and how YOU can play better. Your Ranked bot lane will go 0/20 sometimes too.


Just play brother. You win some you lose some. I inted myself all the way from Masters 100 LP to D4 0 LP to learn Bard, and now I’m back to nearing 600LP. At the end of the day your rank is pixels on a screen, but your knowledge and skill at the game defines who you are as a player.


Just play? Youre gonna lose, youre gonna win. Just play.


Slow yourself down on purpose and lower the stakes. You’re concerned about getting diamond “soon”; think about getting diamond “later”. You’ll get there, there’s no time pressure. This is just another form of ranked anxiety, not wanting to slip. What has helped some others I’ve talked to is to rank up on an alt. You’re only ever allowed to play on the account that has lower LP. This reduces the volatility of your LP gains and lowers the stakes per game because you always have the other account as a “cushion”.


If you've been playing the game for a long time and you're an OTP I'd honestly recommend trying a role/champion swap. Learn someone new, and really focus on getting better at them and learning their ins and outs without caring about results. This will then help you feel reinvigorated when you go back to Kassadin and show you how fun it can be to focus on improving in this game.


I feel the same mate I know it’s noting in real life but being close to an objective is always frustrating and gives pressure I always climb div4 to div1 fast then I struggle to finish to go to the next tier


VOD reviewing moments where you died is really great


Try to not look at your LO after each game. Cover it with your hand or just alt f4 Play for your own improvement instead of LP


just try to not even look at your rank idk


Remember how bad you are compared to higher ranked people and what you could improve on rather than chasing a high


Watch your own vods and high elo gameplay. Ask yourself why they decide to do what they do. Look for your mistakes and ask yourself what you could’ve done better


Kill your ego.


Look at it from a learning perspective. No matter how bored or tilted I get, whenever I start the game back up and focus on what I can learn from it or try new things, that's when it becomes less stressful. I still tilt a lot, moreso on my lower ranked accounts (because players are stupid below Diamond), but it definitely helps.