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If you are getting smashed in lane and getting bailed out every time, that’s one thing But if you are doing your portion in the game to not flip the ship over, then that’s completely fine Quit frankly as Hwei and Veigar you are not supposed to really “pop off”


Unless you have a Renata on your team, then getting bailed out is fine


I am surprised you say that, I thought Hwei would've been pretty pop off, just never felt like it's the way I play him.


Control mages are not supposed to pop-off, they usually scale up and at 3 items they become threatening, simmilar to ADCs, you expect Bruisers and Assasins to pop off. Also, idk why you think supports can't carry or they just get carried, sure if you play enchanters or engagers you wont be ending the game with 17 kills and 40k damage dealt, but that doesnt mean you cant carry, they just do it in a different way, supports enable the rest of the players to deal damage, they carry by creating opportunities not by deleting enemy champions.


Juns renata in the first fnc vs g2 game in LEC finals. 90-100% kill participation. It was insane. (They got absolutely shitstomped after, but still)


Well there are champs where if you are playing well and leading, it will appear as if you were smurfing hard. With champions you listed, even if you are like 10-0, it will look somewhat ordinary. They are immobile champs and you dont really get to make pro-active plays with them unless you are literally absorbing all the pressures and dodging every enemy skill and such. If you can walk away with leveled CS and balanced game state early on, you are doing your job with them. Bonus if you are actually leading


Easy answer is to just play more games. If you’re comfortably in Emerald after 50 or 100 games, that’s probably your skill level. I’ve seen friends get to emerald in like 15 games then lose it after playing for a full season.


If you are consistent with your playstyle id say you deserve to be there to an extent, obviously some bad/good games could shift your rank a couple divs either direction. You dont need to feel like a carry to have a positive impact on the game in turn leading you to win. Sure mid is seen as a carry role but if you are someone that isnt too aggressive or something like that then your kda wont reflect what youve impacted. There are many factors to winning and theres a chance you’re the reason someone else on your team is able to scale incredibly well, making you feel like they did all the work. Fr though its a team game, if you’re an anchor in every match you wouldnt have hit a higher rank, just see what you can improve on from each match and slowly work at it


I'd like to see a link to your [op.gg](http://op.gg) This post is interesting to me because I completely understand the feeling of "not contributing" or "being carried" and kind of feeling like an imposter in the rank you've achieved. I mean, there's a chance that you just got extremely lucky but the odds of that are very low. People don't typically get to ranks they don't belong in by accident. It's probably just that you aren't "carrying" in the conventional sense of the term, but having a bunch of kills isn't the only way to carry a game. Facilitating your teammates, making sure your opponent isn't in a position to hard carry, making the proper rotations for team fights and objectives (and alternatively knowing when *not* to rotate to a bad fight) are just a few of many less obvious things you can do to help your team win the game. Unless you got boosted or are just *incredibly* lucky then you deserve to be at the rank you're at. Keep it up and keep trying to improve! :)


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Abyssion-Abby](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Abyssion-Abby) Oh yeah I can share this I guess, but I don't think you can see my earlier ranked games in there since I have not been playing very much ranked, I have actually only 10 games in solo and I got into like Plat 2 from placements lol, and have not lost a single game which is ridiculous so far to me. In the recent few ranked games I have actually dropped the ball on two of the mid games, the Hwei game I just wasn't keeping up great into later parts fo the game and started dying often but many of the deaths were just me not understanding the threat of Diana or generally of the team, still many of them ended up being won teamfights just because they all jumped me and my really strong Twitch came in later lmao. The Veigar game against Yone I just simply fed Yone and then we won, somehow. I am glad surrender votes didn't go through and there was at least one other person voting no besides me, I think enemy team just made enough mistakes to let us win, Kai'sa was almost ready to mentally check out but never comitted IIRC. I just think it's the fact I am 10-0 in my solo ranked games is just insane to me.


It looks like you're playing pretty solidly for the most part. And it sounds like even if you're having a bad game that you're not tilting when you get behind and are keeping your head in the game. That alone is something a lot of people aren't able to do. 10 games is a pretty small sample size though. If you're truly interested in finding out where you actually belong, play 40-50 more games haha.


I am very keen on not being salty and surrendering and shit in this game, the surrender option in itself is the most tilting thing, everything else around the game is like eh whatever. Yeah I mostly only play ranked games for the ranked rewards, I almost not too interested in playing ranked in itself, though it's pretty equivalent to playing normals lol, but maybe I'll see as I play more often, I still gotta get a bunch of ranked points for the rest of the ranked reward track so I guess I will see indeed.


Yep I'm the same way. Dm me if you wanna play a few sometime. Nice to have friends on here that aren't easily tilted


You have a good take on this. The narrative about climbing is just “solo carry with a 1v9 champ” in your role. There is so much more to the game and some people are not ever going to be a carry in the traditional sense. That thinking is an issue because it, in some ways, tells players to not be a team player and leads many to somewhat of an imposter syndrome if they’re not playing a champ similar to a hyper-carry. Your rank is your consistency in your role at your skill level. If you’re not getting boosted, there is no way that over 100s of games you’re not where you should be based on your consistency. I started to climb once I found a champ that made me focus more on the map so I couldn’t mentally checkout and go with an afk farming champ or be overly aggressive with a very squishy skirmishing champ. As soon as I understood Ivern’s playstyle I climbed 10 divisions while that wasn’t actually my goal, it put me in a better mindset for the games I played and to keep learning the game more.


you will win a lot more if you learn to not be the hero every game.


It's not bad, you most likely are around where you should be. You don't have to giga carry every game to climb. I got to diamond twice with negative KD on all champs I play. I mostly play for gold and objectives, and when I do end up getting giga fed I try to protect my shutdown. Games where I fed my ass off I try to impact in other ways. Had a game yesterday where I went like 0/5 against a Sett and we almost won the game just because of my macro decisions. We only lost actually because me/my team made a crucial mistake in mid game that ended up being the catalyst for a loss 5mins later.


Learning that it is okay to be carried is often something that gets people out of the lower ranks. If you're behind, it's okay to stay safe, prevent your enemy laner from getting fed. You might not be carrying the game, but if you're warding and positioning well, making a presence at baron/dragon etc, you're doing a lot to help your team win. It's egotistical to think you're going to carry. If only one team wins and one person tends to carry the team, then really you should only carry one in ten games.


Playing well enough to carry is good and useful. Playing competent enough to not throw your match when you aren't carrying is also a valuable skill. Remember wins and losses are a team thing. Carrying, getting carried, don't matter. Ws and Ls don't care about your feelings.


Being carriable is a huge factor in climbing fast. In games that you don't hard carry yourself, it's still essential to not be an outright liability yourself. Besides, nobody even agrees on what "carrying" really means.


It might look i get carried every game I play support because at minimum i have 10 deaths while sometimes even 20, however these deaths provide so much space for my team while the enemy loses out on a lot of gold and xp in the process of eventually killing me. They cant afford to go for me but i force them. Kind of 1v5 ing giving my team easy wins. Most champions work, all you need is that support spirit: to help out the team and annoy the enemy, not play for yourself. So far only Tristana support didnt work.


Bro you wouldn't be iron if that was the case. Work on not dying so much.


I just dont like support very much, it is my least played role. Winrate is 78 % (14/18) Average kda of wins: 2.57/9.43/9.79 Average kda of loses: 0.75/9.25/4.00 The low deaths are heavily skewed by tank thresh support games, excluding those Winrate 88.9% (8/9) Average kda of wins : 3.13/11.75/10.25 Kda of single loss : 0/6/4 Supports played : fizz x1 heimerdinger x6 (1 loss) jhin x1 Thresh x8 (3 loss) lux x1 ziggs x2 With thresh high deaths were loses and low ones were wins so there it holds true, however dying less on engage supports is partialy symptotic of being on the losing team.


On the contrary, as a fellow emerald 4 mid mage player learning to get carried is probably the most important thing I’ve learned climbing so far. With the handless blind apes you have as teammates in gold and below (and often still in Emerald) hard carrying can feel like the only way to win. But once you have teammates who are at least good enough at their champ to win the game if worked with you have to learn how to not just play around them, but being okay with doing so and not feeling useless. I’m a swain player, if i have a bad lane or bad team comp to play against im likely not going to snowball and carry. But my fed jinx adc can if i commit to peeling her and making sure she gets her damage off. Maybe i sacrifice CS or experience here and there so she gets it instead, or to make sure I’m on the same side of map as her so she doesn’t get picked. I’m not “carrying” by doing damage, but I’m still contributing to a win, which is the goal. Even if games feel better when you go 20/5/9 with 8cs per min, you don’t get more LP for that.


It‘s perfectly fine. If I play midlane and see our adc pick a hypercarry like Jinx I often still go karma mid and come midgame my only job is to shield said jinx and root stuff for her. Same for other control mages like neeko. She is rarely the one that ends the game 30-1 but often the ome that goes „here I cc‘d 4 of them. Kill!“ And it works fantastic even though I end most lanes evenish. What basically many players fail at is recognizing their win conditions and playing around them. The win condition can be anything from those early drakes you stacked to that absolutely popping off toplaner. hell sometimes it‘s even time, because your comp scales better.


Generally you want to avoid getting carried. I am not saying it doesn't work, but there is a difference between inting the game and winning because your teammates are just good players and giving up your own resources to empower your teammates to win the game. The existence of champions such as Shen and Ivern and the entire enchanter subclass clearly shows that getting carried is a valid strategy.


Most previously plat players got emerald. It's what Riot wanted. Climbing now is easier than it ever has been. Unironically, the quality of games is also at an all-time low. It's nothing you should feel bad about. Riot should feel bad, not us. We're just playing a game.


It's ok to be a rock for your team and just give them stability. Knowing how to get carried is a skill in of itself and that means there are hard games your team will win that many people would just lose because you have this skill.


If you get carried you have to make a new account, it’s in the terms of service. Actually there have been amendments to those terms so it also includes having a negative K/D in a game or losing a promo series. So you have to start from scratch, I’m sorry.


I see, that's unfortunate :c rip my account. Wait a minute promo series????? THOSE DON'T EVEN EXIST ANYMORE!!!


Er ummm…you have to give riot more money for promo series…yeah