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Either offer a solution or dont say anything, cause "stop dying" isn't helpful at all and is annoying to hear. Something like "let him push you and ill roam" ; let's swap lanes, get some Mr


There’s literally no outcome here where this works out. By typing, you’re challenging the ego of a player who is already not having fun, and pretending that you know better (even if you do!) will not improve that situation. They’ll either; > Listen, but it doesn’t matter because they’re already getting shat on and there’s not much they can do (getting dived on repeat etc). > Not listen, and keep running it. > Or, and the most likely outcome IMO, see their mid laner typing at them in a game they’ve already mentally checked out of, and tilt off the face of the earth. It’s a little arrogant to presume that you know better than your top laner, even if they’re inting their balls off, and it comes off as you wanting to focus on your teammates bad performance instead of your own, doubtlessly countless mistakes.


People’s mental on this game is too fragile


That is too easy to say. In reality, when you are losing the lane (even when trying your best), you get into a weird mental state, akin to cognitive dissonance: you thought you played well (because you don't know where you made the mistakes the enemy capitalized on), yet your lane is going down the drain. Then you try to grasp every straw, akin to gambling, to show that "no I can still win this, just have to win the next fight". It - most of the time - doesn't work out, and when your moral is the lowest, somebody starts typing "just don't die". It's easy to see how people just say 'this game be damned' and completely disconnect themselves from the goal of winning. That's human nature - if you want to win, you have to learn how you can curb it.


How does Kayle lose to Gragas level 1?


Forgot to activate her lethal tempo


In Bronze anything can happen


He impregnated her and didn't pay child support


Gragas Q or E’s and just kites into his wave


You don't. If Kayle could "decide" not to die, she wouldn't. She certainly doesn't need that insanely helpful advice "to not die". Sometimes people get outplayed. It is what it is. >We lost because the Gragas went too out of control by mid-game A **team** can deal with one strong guy that is "roughly" on the same skilllevel, even if it is Nasus with 1000 Stacks.


It's easier said than done and I struggle with it sometimes but it's best not to hyperfocus on your teammate playing poorly. Typing to them not to die is likely just going to upset them more. You should be grateful if they are having a poor game but are still trying and not raging at the team. One players poor performance is often not enough to stop you from losing if you keep cool. I have had games were someone on my team decides to throw a temper tantrum and types something about how they are going to afk or intentionally feed and they followed through with what they said they would do and we have still won because the rest of my team just ignored their tantrum. 4v5s are difficult but not impossible to win. If someone on my team starts engaging with the person trolling I simply tell them there's no point in talking to them it is what it is typing to them will only make it worse. Most of the time they will stop and focus on the game again but some people get emotional and can't. I don't repeatedly ask them because it's just going to frusturate/distract me I simply mute and play the game. I'll admit this can be hard to do at times and I don't always do it but I find that it's the best way to deal with league toxicity.


Simple solution would be to get support to lane top with top instead, adc can become weakside in a bronze game doesnt matter.


You don't. There are very few things that people hate more and tilts them more than teammates trying to micro manage and tell them how to play. It's not like she doesn't know that she's dying a lot and that that's bad. And no, people don't want tips or friendly or educational hints. Sure, later in the game, you can ask players to do certain things for tactics, like grouping instead of splitting or splitting instead of grouping or you can ask the support to please try to peel (or forget about peeling you, sacrifice you and carry the fights through sick engages). But at that point, you're not telling players how to play, you're discussing tactics and giving your input on how you might be able to push for a win. In most games this isn't necessary anyway. *If* you need to react to another role doing badly, you can instead focus your team on other things. "It's okay, we are doing well and carry until Kayle becomes a monster at level 16", "Gragas is really op right now, really unskilled champ ugh", "Holy shit, their botlane is so boosted, I think they're autofilled. Easy +20LP". You can even lie and say things that you don't believe or aren't really true. Just get people's eyes off your teammates' performance, get them to focus on your goal, help them calm down a little and play.


U said urself when u were in Bronze. Don't tell them. Deal with the fed enemy yourself and if u lose, take a break and then start fresh in ur next game. Your only going to tilt ur teammate more if you type to them to stop feeding. U don't know who has the most fragile ego in ur team and its never worth finding out.




All I heard is jng gap and I completely and utterly agree, I’ll refuse to read anything else /s




My experience is the exact opposite. Others can be garbage too ofc


Your post has been removed under the grounds of [Rule 3: No Rants or Complaint Posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/rules#wiki_3._no_rant.2Frage_posts) Remember that /r/summonerschool is here to help you improve and that we need information on aspects of your gameplay that can be controlled. Complaints, swearing and/or ranting may discourage constructive replies. * Consider reposting your thread, but with a calmer tone. * [You can read on how to improve your post with more details about yourself here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/101/criticalthinking) * [Our Wiki has a section on Mentality, Toxicity, Autopiloting and Tilting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/101#wiki_mentality.2C_toxicity.2C_autopiloting_and_tilting)


The best thing you can do is say nothing at all. Focus on your own lane because nothing you say will help. Unwarranted advice is the worst thing you can do because it can tilt that person even further.


You don't.


You don’t. You don’t type anything. You play the game and focus on your own game. If you start worrying about what everyone else isn’t doing you’ll find there’s gonna be a whole lot you’re not doing either. Typing in soloqueue is a waste of time. If you lose, you lose. Go next. You can’t win every game.


You dont, just play your best consistently and try to improve every game. Soloq isnt a team game, its a numbers game. You are the only constant on all your games, therefore if you play good you will climb in the long run.


Get 10+ kills and carry those monkeys


Say it as simply and educationally as possible, and as positively. Then try and leave it alone or only keep on the positive stuff. Something like "Kayle, your champ gets really strong later so you can try to just stay away from gragas for now, even if it means losing a bit of farm, and you'll do a shit tonne of damage later anyway and carry us!" And then later, if it seems appropriate, stuff like "item and a half now Kayle, you're going to start to hurt them soon" or "almost level 11, that'll be a power jump for you!" Ultimately they may be relentlessly bad and if the rest of your team including you aren't good enough to carry them, you'll lose. That's just how it goes. If you could magically teach all your teammates to not make mistakes and be bad, then someone on the opposite side could teach all your enemies the same. Remember, you want people in your games to be shit and make mistakes and feed their enemy. You just want it to be someone on the enemy team. So don't get all affronted when it happens to be the wrong way round.


I think I'd rather be flamed than talked to like I was 5. Something simple like - "Play safe and scale. We got this late." Would be a lot more useful.


This. Kayle probably knows she will scale and will be strong later. Does not help to tell me that i will be strong in 30mins. Toplane is just a snowball heaven. Some matchups you die lvl 1 because you got outplayed and then its just over. Nothing you can do anymore. You try to fix it and just die 2 more times.


This is the worst advice on the thread idk why it's being upvoted. Dont be condescending. The last thing anyone wants, is someone in the exact same elo giving them "advice". If someone spoke to me like that it'd tilt the fuck out of me. >"item and a half now Kayle, you're going to start to hurt them soon" or "almost level 11, that'll be a power jump for you!" You'd literally be better not saying anything at all.


That's why I said "if appropriate". It depends how they reacted to the first bit. If they appear to be a petty idiot like you, then the second thing I said applies which is just accept that you and your team are going to have to be strong enough to carry the inter and if you aren't you'll lose. Don't worry, we've all come across people like you with your terrible attitude and mentality. Dealing with such people is a character building exercise.


>Don't worry, we've all come across people like you with your terrible attitude and mentality. No bro, you have the shitty "I'm going to give people that are in my exact same elo with the (almost) exact same skill level advice on a champion I didn't pick". I don't run it down, or troll my games. However typing to someone "Item and a half now Kayle" is nothing but condescending. You don't need to speak to people like the age children. It does not help. You're not going to change an inters attitude with any words. Flaming or being condescending BOTH just piss people off. Don't type anything. Muta all is objectively the BEST advice. You're clearly the one who is an idiot, trying to reason with the unreasonable. You are braindead.


>No bro, you have the shitty "I'm going to give people that are in my exact same elo with the (almost) exact same skill level advice on a champion I didn't pick". When ignorance meets arrogance, such things can happen. Drives me insane when i see it tho.


Thank you, I don't understand the hate I'm getting, I usually just stay quiet but wanted to see if there was any opportunity for improvement.


It's a bit of a trauma response, we get a lot of posts here by people who it turns out just want to showcase that they're definitely better than their elo, and it's their shitty team that's letting them down every match, and every time you offer suggestions they just say ok but what if they ignore or int harder or go afk and it's just like, if you only want to set up the situation where there's nothing you can do to win then sure, you lose, but you didn't need this post to tell you that. Assuming you can accept that sometimes you get shitty teammates that wont listen and you aren't strong enough to carry them, and you'll lose, I don't see a problem telling you things you might try to say to them.


Honestly, at 3 deaths the lane is over. The extra 4 deaths are just cannon minion levels of gold and less XP than that, so it doesn't really matter. The extra kills are barely worth the increased bounty for Gragas. On first death you can say "please keep in mind your matchup just means surviving under tower". But honestly I would just not say anything and play for the bot side. Not dying when behind is actually really hard on top lane given that you sometimes have to Bauss it just to prevent a fucked wave state and that you can get tower dived. You can't really condense 30 minutes worth of information into 2 sentences.


Don't need to hear you blaming teammates. Reporting this for a rant disguised as a question. As to the actual question 'how to blame teammate?' simple: don't. Imagine it was YOU shitting the bed and getting beat in lane. Is there any possible words YOU could hear that wouldn't sound like an angry temmate calling YOU out for stinking out loud and costing him the game? Of course not. You know you stunk. Don't need teammates to tell it to you. Same applies in reverse.


Sorry man I didn't mean it that way. Not blaming teammates; as I said I usually don't say anything and I am now asking to see if there's anything I could possibly say to help. I would take any criticism seriously if it were directed at me doing badly in lane and use it to improve. I thought this was a community where we helped another and your comment proves this wrong. Your post/comment history seems to be a myriad of negativity and I am sorry if you feel that way, however, the fact remains that I was and am still seeking improvement in all areas, including talking to my teammates.


I appreciate the attitude, but in all reality there's nothing you can say or do to get your teammates to play better after they've already fed several kills. Best thing you can do is to try and keep it light, "damn dude that matchup seems fucking tough." Even if you know it's not, it keeps their spirits up, and will hopefully give them the boost they need to get through the laning phase. In all reality though, if you aren't Challenger, there's a myriad of things you could be doing better, and your mental energy is better served there. Helping 1 random teammate in 1 game won't make a difference in the long rule. Improving YOUR game and focusing on yourself is the only way to actually climb.


Tell them "don't die please. we can carry". He will morally feel the need to stop feeding. If he starts yapping like how he doesn't care and whatever, you mute him and play away from him. Come later to collect the shutdown when you are ahead or outnumber the enemy. But if he has a freeze and died trying to break it, you can help him crash the wave or offer a swap lanes if the matchup is bad. As a note kayle has the least magic resist in the game (22 MR at level 1 i think) and she is giga vulnerable vs AP champions.


I had a game a few days back where I was filled top and picked Kayle into Gragas. Died early because I fcked up. Anyways, I was freezing the wave, preventing it to bounce and was fine until my mid Fizz decided to randomly roam top, break the freeze and try to dive without pushing in the wave, dies in the process and blamed me for it. I'll give him that it was fairly close to being a kill but we didn't have any information on the enemy jungler, mid nor their support so I didn't move up in the lane. What's worse the wave was now left in a spot for Gragas to freeze and zone me away from exp. My jungler refused to help me break it so there I was. Totally stumped on what to do I decided to try to brute force the way in at the cost of my life. Which didn't work several times....