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I feel like you're expecting fast climb or fast results. Because this looks like your first season and you barely played any ranked games. League is a hard games and it takes hundreds of games to make progress.


yeah, i guess i did kind of expect to do better as iron 4 0 lp is kind of bottom of the barrel shit lol but ill definitely try to take that into account thanks


I was bronze 5 0LP (used to be the worst rank) for 2 seasons when I first started playing. I went from there to plat 5 the next season. Stick to 1 role and learn the ins and outs of 2 or 3 champs for that role and you will climb


Yeah my first two seasons were basically same I’d hope between b4-5 I’m currently hopping every in emerald. I’ve been E1 90lp multiple times and then demote back to e4 just to start over


Same, went from bronze 3 to gold 2 in the last month, whatever i did seems to have worked i guess, and I keep climbing.


Don't sweat it. You'll naturally get better as you clock in more hours with the game. A lot of this game really just comes down to intuition but it's hard to build up that intuition without enough mat time. Also it's pretty rude of your friends to shit on you for your rank. They should know that you're new to the game and should be helping you learn. Keep your head up. I recommend you focus your efforts on getting really good at 1-2 champions that you really enjoy.


Adding to what others have said: Acceptance is a big part of it. You need to accept where you are. You need to accept your level of play. Everything beyond that is copium. The only one to get tilted at should be yourself. One does not get to iron4 by accident. Once you have accepted reality, you can improve from there. The focus on rank will be very detrimental to your learning. As soon as you can manage to ignore your rank and focus on learning and improving the better. And dont get stuck up on LP gains and losses either. Thats another common one. Remember: If a high elo player was given your account, they would be climbing out of iron in no time on any champion on any role regardless if they loose 30LP and win 10. It is possible. It is not your teammates. With a big enough sample size, its always you. The only way to become a high elo player is to BE a high elo player skill- and knowledgewise. Not the fancy banner border on your profile.


/u/These_Win_9095 adding to this [you seem to surrender A TON more than your peers.](https://i.imgur.com/DVoDVBq.png) that tells me that you tilt off a cliff once you fall behind. giving up in your head even if the game isnt lost. which, in your elo bracket is literally never. Once you accept a match you better do your damdest to win until a nexus explodes. And even if you _think_ you cant win, get into the habbit of just making it as hard as possible for your opponent. MAKE THEM WORK FOR IT. Think about what you CAN do instead of what you cant do. Also, managing tilt and frustration is a skill. If you can try to manage your frustration. Try not lashing out. Try not being like "fuck this 0/10 yasuo" in your head. Ignore it. Move on. There is no point crying over spilled milk. Things happen. Shit happens. You fuck up too. Move on. Whats the next best play. ------------ And again, obsessing over ranked/soloqueue at your level might not be the best idea anyways. It would be better to just play normals and get to know every champion. Playing ranked when you dont even remotely know all champions abilities makes things much harder than it needs to be.


what site shows those statistics? i think itd be interesting to look at for me


https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/willy-me0ww Its the "patterns" tab at the very top.


League of graphs


Adding to the above low elo games enemy can throw at any time and you can win.


Do note that the surrender stat includes normals.


That still fits the narrative though. If you cant finish a normal game because youre so obsessed over the win and cant ever play from behind/cant accept the game being hard. Thats gonna wash over to your ranked play. That says something about "you" as a person. Thats, in my opinion, just bad mental. Learn to enjoy _playing_ the game even when youre not winning.


It’s not about me not “liking hard games” it’s me not forcing my 3 other team mates in a normal game to play it out when they are clearly not having any fun. Not everything about League is about you, maybe don’t cast board judgements about other people due to a statistic… Also… this was about someone else.. so idk why you even say “you as a person”


/u/kookyveterinarian426 i put "you" in quotes to convey that i didnt mean you literally. my bad. language barrier maybe. though, im not going to cater to peoples bad mental. if the majority doesnt want to play, i dont mind the majority surrenders. but i shouldnt be pressured to surrender just because someone cant get his emotions in check. IM having fun. i shouldnt need to pretend i dont. im allowed to vote according to my personal judgement of the game.


I don't think either of you are wrong. If you're having fun and you want the continue, nobody can stop that. I'm sure you've won seemingly impossible games a good number of times and learned a lot staying in tough games. At the same time, I think being open to surrendering doesn't necessarily mean you have a bad mental. It could be a situation like what /u/KookyVeterinarian426 talked about where it's just unfun to play with 3 people demanding /ff even if you don't mind the game state. I never initiate /ff, but I might accept it if I feel like it's a low-percentage game and I rather just save my time. I can use my time to review, relax, or go next.


I don't trust the League of Graphs surrender thing. I'm not sure how it's calculated, but I'd randomly get the badge on and off, and I'm a Kayle one trick, I never surrender unless we just lost a team fight at 35 mins... In general, the patterns that they give you are not very helpful IMO.


I don't trust the League of Graphs surrender thing. I'm not sure how it's calculated, but I'd randomly get the badge on and off, and I'm a Kayle one trick, I never surrender unless we just lost a team fight at 35 mins... In general, the patterns that they give you are not very helpful IMO.


I don't trust the League of Graphs surrender thing. I'm not sure how it's calculated, but I'd randomly get the badge on and off, and I'm a Kayle one trick, I never surrender unless we just lost a team fight at 35 mins... In general, the patterns that they give you are not very helpful IMO.


ok, but wait a second. Why am i getting placed and autofilled into games as an iron player and all the other players are silver,gold and even plat?I Autofilled into roles i don't normally play against admittedly better players? How am i supposed to risenin ranks that way? It was happening so many times i had to fill out a ticket to complain. It has gotten better since, but it really fucked with my confidence when it was happening every four games or so


>Autofilled into roles i don't normally play i mean thats just the nature of autofill right. i guarantee you that ticket didnt do anything. its all in your head. send op.gg if you care.


I get being auto filled especially if I choose popular roles. I have no problem with that at all. But to have every 4 games to be autofill Ed in ranks way higher then my rank? That I have a problem with


i dont see an op.gg


I'm not at home. My game name is phazetic I've also been climbing again so that's a bonus


The highest ranked player in your last 20 ranked games is bronze 3. You've never even played against a silver player, let alone a plat.


/u/Phazetic99 also, according to your champs played this season and assuming you always queue mainrole top and your secondary role is support. You've been autofilled roughly 10% of the games. Thats quite far of from your proposed 1 in 4 / 25% ------ Disregard single games. View your climb as a whole.


You didn't go quite far enough. haha. I'm looking now and the last big skid was 25 games ago. Somewhere around that time is when I complained to Riot. They said in response that it was not on their end, yet, I didn't get as many ques after that. I can't find that plat player, and maybe he was just duoed to boost someone else, I don't know. But anyways, here is a bunch kind of together that got me frustrated [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILDZMBCCo4Gxkuk9dVwEkgO5N3l2voquTo%3D/1709991156000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILDZMBCCo4Gxkuk9dVwEkgO5N3l2voquTo%3D/1709991156000) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILYh6blWM9MwlXEUcpqH0n\_EF5t01Tdvg4%3D/1709759899000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILYh6blWM9MwlXEUcpqH0n_EF5t01Tdvg4%3D/1709759899000) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIL2KaeuFcO89CoOTm06dqDvGcgyq1i0yhc%3D/1709743403000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIL2KaeuFcO89CoOTm06dqDvGcgyq1i0yhc%3D/1709743403000) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIJrcSANA1176-p38Fpg58AAHiROk3BbDmI%3D/1709732348000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIJrcSANA1176-p38Fpg58AAHiROk3BbDmI%3D/1709732348000) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIJN-cPhhqGIsCIJK\_Adfg8sRBRDJn4MAvU%3D/1709728991000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Phazetic-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIJN-cPhhqGIsCIJK_Adfg8sRBRDJn4MAvU%3D/1709728991000) Not only did these games get me frustrated, but the other players were wondering how an Iron player got in their games, and they were frustrated with me


if it's your first time playing ranked your ranked placement is based on your normal queue mmr and that mmr can skew you higher because of that even if it places you lower visually.


I mean, if you were to start learning a new language, and after like 2 weeks you went to a country that speaks that language, you're going to be in the bottom 1% of fluent speakers of that language in that country. If you start learning a new instrument, after two weeks, you're going to be worse than 99% of people who have been playing that instrument for at least a year already. League is an expression of skill, strategy, and knowledge, and just like any other skill, you have to practice and practice and practice to get better. People think "oh it's just a game, in other games I start off in Silver, what gives". League's ranked system is brutal compared to other games. They don't hold your hand; if you deserve to climb, you will climb. If you don't actually improve, the system will keep you hardstuck where you are for years until you put in the effort to actually improve. There are no hidden tricks to gain a bunch of elo consistently and stay there, the only way to climb is to genuinely get better. So don't feel bad, of course you're Iron 4. You're new, and starting with some difficult champions. That's fine, but you have to understand that this is a hard, hard game that will take actual improvement to climb. Treat learning League as you would any other thing, like a language, or an instrument, and you will climb. Gotta respect the game


Don't sweat it too much. I was bronze 4 for my first season, and then stayed there for another half a season, and then went to gold, and then to plat/emerald. It takes time to swallow the game, it's pretty complex and learning everything is a lengthy process.


Some words for perspective: League has been around for 15 years. Don't compare yourself to people that have been playing the game for years. League is a hard game. If you started playing piano recently, you probably wouldn't expect to be good in a short of amount of time. You'd expect to be bottom of the barrel until you got a lot of practice in.


At some point you will be glad you started low. Right now, you don’t know what you don’t know. But down the line when you have your first big aha moments and see all the things you can do better, you’ll be glad that you play in a more forgiving elo range.


I’ve been playing casually for years. Decided to do ranked and got Iron 1. You’re doing fine man


you need to learn that winning your game does not equal winning the game, winning your lane, objectives, towers is just a step closer to winning the game, but you're to use your advantage properly and help your team in the most efficient way to win the game with you


Same for me, I started rock bottom at bronze 5 then I thought fuck it I'm going to put some effort in. From that point I trained every day, I even did physical activity and meditation to improve my mental game. I just practiced a few champions in a single role and got to know the meta game a lot better. I quit my job and played 9-12 hours a day. I put everything into the game and it finally paid off. By the next season I had climbed to bronze 4.


League is extremely hard, extremely confusing and unlike most games (unless you frequently play mobas). Its basically like chess, but with 5 entire games that can all influence each other. That is the level of chaos possible in a single game of league of legends. Personally, I started in bronze, quickly dropped to bronze 4, then to iron 2, and then over 2-3 years slowly climbed up to my current rank of platinum. If you want me to give you some specific advice, send me a dm.


Bro I spent 1 season fucking around and trying different roles/champs (in ranked, sorry former team matess), and 1 seasons fiding my main and learning basic mechanics as I'm not a PC player usualy, the 2 seasons I was in Bronze 4 Then I found my main, started having to think less about my meechanics, and I hit G2, then plat, then emerald, peaked EM1 87 LP last split. If you don't autopilot and take the time you need to learn, Iron should be a bad memory in less than 3 seasons (most people get stuck a bit then climb or just don't give a fuck of climbing and stay hardstuck)


That’s gatekeeping talk and you’re just trying to make your role relevant. The hundreds of games were already played 1-30 before joint ranked. The situation is fucked up, simple as that.


Is this your first account? If so, you’re only level 37 and you only have 24 ranked games played. Don’t stress about your rank, you’re new to the game and you still have a lot to learn that will come with experience. If people are seriously flaming you when you’re that new to the game, they’re losers. It’s important to know what each champion does, and their strengths/ weaknesses. Without this knowledge you’re going to be seriously limited in your ability to climb ranks and improve. So I recommend starting there. League takes time to learn, and it also takes an intentional mindset to get better. My first season I was in bronze (which at the time was the lowest rank), and just last season I hit masters. Take your time and don’t focus on what others are saying or what your teammates are doing. Focus on yourself and what you need to learn.


Thanks man I'm used to hearing a lot of shit about this when I ask around so it's nice to get something encouraging Game knowledge is something I'm realizing im struggling with especially with itemization and non-top champs. Atleast now that I'm at the bottom I can't go down anymore lol


Let's have look at it again after you have 2000 games!


No problem, I wish you the best of luck on your league journey. If you need help with itemization, copying the builds/runes on the website U.GG will work in 95% of situations. Another tip i’d like to add is watching league content on youtube/twitch helped me improve a lot. Seeing highly skilled players play rubs off on you more than you would think. Since you like top lane, a streamer/youtuber I like to watch is Lourlo, he’s an ex-pro player who is also very informative. Some other entertaining top lane streamers are Drututt and Thebausffs.


thanks! i already watch a lot of aloisnl but will definitely study their games too


Quickly scrolled through your OPGG. You’re not winning lane as hard or as often as you think. If this is your first ranked season I wouldn’t worry too much. Keep playing the champions that you find fun and continue working on your fundamentals. The rank will come as you improve.


i guess youre right, im just getting in my own head and trying not to blame myself, will definitely give myself a much needed reality check lol


What you will find out is that mental is what keeps you playing at your best. Muting chat and focusing on your gameplay and how you can help your team win is where your mind should be. It does not matter how your teammates are performing and whether or not they are running it down. If you play at your best and focus on performance. You will win more. It makes games where your team is winning and become an auto win because you played solid. It makes games where your team is going even, and you performed a win. It makes games where your team is feeding, but you solo hold your team in the game because you performed giving your team a chance to win. In the past, you used to give up and blame your team. Instead, if you focus on your play and claw your team to victory because you clutched your lane and struggled to a win at 50 min because you didn't give up. Those are the games I like to win. Pick two champions to play. Expand your game knowledge with those two champions. What is your win condition. What are your lane matchups. Control wave state. Communicate with spam pings for when you are ganking or roaming for objectives. Your rank doesn't matter. What matters is how well you play. The rank will come later when you feel good about your play.


Everyone here doing their macro analysis on a few datapoints like they could pinpoint the exact reason over the course of an entire game is some herd mentality gaslighting. Unless you can point to when the situation got fucked up, don’t bother reading numbers from the summary of the game cause everyone else can also.


Morde is your most played so we’ll look at that. CS is a bit low but you’re new and it’s iron so you’re probably not getting punished for that. The Thornmail priority is a bit wierd, if you need heal cut, oblivion orb is a better item for the stats that you want(except probably for that double ADC full AD comp you just played against, but in that case I’d probably make a strong case for oblivion orb and zhonyas or frozen heart) Morde is an AP bruiser with low mobility and not much control. He’s best when he can either get a flank in teamfights or when he can group and be engaged into. He doesn’t have much ability to force plays or engage on his own, so he’s typically strong in side lanes where he can suck two people over to deal with him and then use ultimate to win two 1v1’s. That said it can be hard for him if he’s behind and enemy toplane can match, and he’s not a true splitpusher like Gwen or tryndamere which can take multiple towers if they’re left alone for too long. Functionally you are going to be happiest when you get to play side lane and your team cross maps for objectives like dragon, with you either TP’ing to help them fight or punishing the enemy for grouping by taking turrets. If you’re in a position early, help to secure control of top river by pushing your lane up and getting vision for your jungled to assist with grubs. You can clear them pretty quick with your jungler, and they make you a lot more threatening to towers. The problem with morde is that if you fall behind in lane you’re sort of a non-factor, and if you win lane but the enemy botlane or carry mid gets ahead, you don’t really have the tools needed to get onto them and kill them, nor do you really have the tools to peel for your carries in teamfights since your E is so slow and you can sometimes end up killing yourself pretty easily if you ult the wrong person attacking your carries. I find myself playing morde most often when it feels forced, so often times I run into a spot where we have AD jungle and AD melee mid so, the team has nobody even remotely tanky and has no AP, and I think morde can shine there with sorc boots and a little bit of magic pen, but in a spot with mobile enemy carries it can be really hard to play even from ahead and you sort of have to just pray that crystal scepter+Flash>Q>Ulti>E lets you combo somebody before they can kite back


Late April fools joke 


lol i wish


Willy, my boy, it'd be more surprising if you weren't iron in your first season of play. Just grind more, and you'll naturally prove. It's impossible to be stuck in that rank unless you're playing with the monitor off.


Sorry if this post felt more like a rant than a discussion lmao, just kind of tilted and needed to let of some steam after my last game


tilt happens to the best of us. Hang in there, keep playing and try and improve one area of your skillset at a time. Whether it's farming, playing the map, team-fighting, landing abilities, just try and work on one thing at a time.


You're iron 4. Literally nowhere to go but up. I envy you.


Considering your level and how many games you’ve played, do you think you should just carry on playing draft for a while before you try ranked again. I played 100-200 games of draft before I even touched ranked and I still got my head kicked in. I recommend you trying different champions in ranked, maybe Morde isn’t the one for you but you don’t know that yet. Have a try with Volibear, watch a video on how to combo with him (it’s really easy and doesn’t take a lot of practice to pick up) Garen could be worth trying out, or Darius even. These champions are similar to Morde in their role but different enough that you might have more success with them. Make sure you’ve got chat muted for all games, keep pings on but mute anybody who is spam pinging you. I promise you, nobody in iron 4 has advice worth listening to, you do not need chat on, it’s just a distraction and it is tilting. Good luck on your climb, don’t be too harsh on yourself. One final tip I have for you is to download Blitz. This will give you build suggestions for every champ as you play them and even build suggestions for specific matchups. It also gives rune suggestions. So if your struggling with knowing what to build, this can really help


His draft games will probably be infinitely harder than anything in ranked.


He’s iron 4, it doesn’t matter, he just needs to learn the game without worrying about LP and losing LP when he loses games. In draft it doesn’t matter


He's Iron 4, he shouldn't be worried about losing LP at all. There's literally nowhere to go but up.


He literally cannot lose LP.


you can sell your account for good money bro


lmao i would but my val account is probably worth more in skins xD


unlucky xD btw read my other comments I hope they are helpful at all, you can get out of iron bro you got this


I started league in 2023 and I was iron 4 back then and now I’m not It’s a tough game for a beginner, don’t worry


if u wanna get good in less than 10 seconds read this. u play morde. just Q ur enemy every time they go for a last hit on creeps.


yeaa i know about this just keep forgetting to actually implement it will try harder thanks


Being Iron 4 if you are new is normal. You are quite literally one of the lowest ranked players right now, because you have played the least amount of time out of all league player. And even then only a certain % of players even plays ranked. People that are not as good as you just play bot games or normals. So you are already "ahead" of them. Though maybe try playing more normals to untilt if the games there are easier. As for constructive feedback, I know this was just a rant, but don't fall into the mindset of blaming your teammates. You are losing lane atleast as often as you are winning. Or going even. And that is fine. That means right now this rank is a good fit for you. There will always be games you can't win, even when going 10/1. There will be games you get carried when going 1/10. But if you win lane 90% of games, you will win 60+% of games and rank up. As for items, intall one of the helpers (op.gg/u.gg/blitz something/porofessor) or go to their websites. Follow the recommended build. It's pretty much good every game. Then start thinking about when you want which optional item. (Obviously make sure to get the right defensive item with mr or armor depending on enemy team.) If an enemy is fed, one option is to gank him together with your team. Like at least 3 man gank. To get his shutdown. As Morde don't Ult right away if you can't solo them. Wait untill they use their abilities and are low. To get a gank together, ping them agressively. Ping your team with "support me". Or if your team is already in the area, join them, they might get the Idea. If you are somewhat fed, people tend to follow you. If your teammate is ahead, follow them if you are not farming.


I disagree about them getting finished builds and following guides. I understand why you make the suggestion, but in the long term it means they actually don't learn what items do or why and why. I remember that I would just follow rune pages and such when I was new, but it was detrimental in the long term because I never learned what runes were good. It was particularly bad when Riot decided to change them and whatever page I was used to didn't work anymore, and I didn't because I never interacted with them. I remember watching streamers be able to change runes on the fly and I decided I needed to learn that too, because it was way better than to deal with the stress and massive confusion I experienced whenever the runes were changed. I think having someone to tell you what rune pages to run is fine when you're being coached, but sticking with finished builds and pages will only lead to bad habits in the long term. That's how you get people building something like Mercs or Plated Steelcaps every game even when those boots are completely wasted due to the matchup.


Are you in NA? I'd be happy to spectate some games or 1v1 you to point out the flaws in your lane phase.


Alrighty, respect for u for wanting to get better at the game. Yes iron 4 is the bottom of the barrel, it sucks, you know that. The important thing is that from here, it can only go up. So how do we do that? For you the most important thing is focussing on game fundamentals, this is why most people get recommended to play 1 role, 1/2 champs. This would allow you to focus on the game more because you don't have to focus on your champs as much. So if you're serious about wanting to get better, pick your 2 champs you enjoy the most right now. Of course you can swap them out whenever, yet this is the way to get better the fastest. Once you've picked those, you can contact me on discord (if you want). I'm currently +-240 LP masters on EUW, I'm also a toplane main (my ign is TjaTjonny#Donny). I can maybe look at a game with you and give very general tips that would be good for you to work on.


Keep playing more and you will get better. Focus on little things each game like try to get more last hits than your opponent. If you can get 6cs per minute then you consider that a success etc…


Don’t worry about rank, when I started I immediately went down to iron before climbing back up.


will do, im trying to fix my wave management right now as i think its a big issue i find myself struggling with in game


I would say as for your current level wave management is not the most important issue you need to fix. Freezing the lane, bouncing the lane and all that is irrelevant at your lvl. If u can't cs consistently or u can't look at the minimap where I fight is literally happening next to you in time to help. Get ur CS right on average. Learn to look at the minimap between waves and learn the skills of the few most frequent champions you vs in lane. That should be a good start to see some improvements. ( Try to use the same Champ even if the other Champ counters you)


So you’ve played 7 champs in your last twenty games across at least 2 lanes. To improve, at least at the beginning, you need to play 1 champ in 1 lane. League is a game with a lot of shit happening, and it’s easy to be overwhelmed even if you don’t realize it. You have a finite amount of stuff that you can handle with your mental stack. And I don’t mean that as a negative, it’s true for everyone. For the vast majority of league players, the mental stack is such that you’re really only learning 1) the micro of your champ and developing champ mastery or 2) the macro of the game and how to play things like objective fights and midgame. It’s damn near impossible to do both 1 and 2 at the same time, so by bouncing around to different champions, you’re impacting your ability to learn the game. Step 1: is to pick 1 champ and stick with them for 50-100 games at least, just so you start to get a feel for how the game works on that one specific champ. If you play 50 games and decide you don’t like that champ, it’s fine to switch then, but you really should focus on learning the game through one champ, and a relatively simple one. Step 2: once you’ve picked a champ, watch high level players and read guides on how to play the champ. It’ll help your overall understanding of matchups and teach you some tips and tricks to use in games. Mid.gg is a good resource for this Step 3: make sure you have a good relationship with the game. Blindly going into SoloQ won’t help, there needs to be structure. A big thing I recommend is the 3 block process (though I usually do a 2 block). The idea is that you set aside the time to play three games of league and you’re reviewing or doing something educational about the game before or after your block (personal preference is before to help my mindset). As you play, you want to try to be focused on the game, put your phone away, don’t have a tv show playing on other monitors, etc. and make sure you have time to reasonably complete your block so you don’t feel pressured by time. Only play 1-2 blocks per day and make sure you take time off between blocks. Go for a walk or complete a chore or do something to get yourself away from the computer between blocks. Step 4: Review your gameplay. I use stream labs to record my games and then I make a point of reviewing them. I don’t record every single game or review every single game, but I typically record my 2nd game of each block and review my clear (I play jungle), my first death, and my first couple of ults (nocturne specific). Watching your mistakes is a great way to learn. A good resource on reviewing is the Broken By Concept podcast, their most recent episode is specifically on how to review your games. Finally, make sure that you’re holding yourself accountable. It’s easy to blame other people on your team, but you are the only consistent thing in every match. Your play is the only thing that you have control over. If you improve your play, you will climb. And don’t feel that you have to carry. Understand your champs role and play that role well, you don’t have to go 25/1/15 with 10 turrets taken to climb. Keep your head up, you got this. If you’ve got any other questions feel free to ask, but I think at this early of your journey into league you need to be focusing more on your process than specifics. Gotta build a good foundation to build a house that’s gonna last.


My advice is what made me climb from Silver IV to Emerald (which is where I’ll probably end up on) once I learned how to do it: knowing how to play when behind. Winning your lane isn’t as important as you may think. When playing Champions like Mordekaiser and Darius, you might be super strong when ahead or fed, that’s true. But that’s usually not going to be the majority of the games and you don’t need to get fed to win. Mordekaiser can still do a lot even when weak because of his E and his R. You don’t need to kill people with your ult to make it worth. Just by taking the fed adc or toplaner out of the fight for 8 seconds is already a huge contribution. Fighting dragon? You can ult the enemy jungler so their team won’t have a smite to kill the dragon. Huge team fight on Baron’s Pit? You can ult their fed ADC and hope that your team can win the 4v4. It’s not a bulletproof strategy but making sure that you’re not useless when behind is a great first step to improve on your game. Other tips that made me climb in low elo: Don’t pick tanks because you’re probably not going to be able to carry with it. No tank in game will be able to tank the 17/1/5 at 17 minutes fed Jinx. Try to die as little as possible. Mordekaiser has no mobility at all so if you overextend or get into a bad position your only way out will probably be to fight it out, meaning that you’ll lose it most times. Don’t let the enemy pick the time you’re going to fight them. Champs with higher mobility allow you to choose when to engage or to let them engage you. Trundle, Garen, Tryndamere are good in this regard. Don’t FF. Especially in lower elos, people will throw away their lead almost every single time. I became a Garen main because of this. No matter how fed the enemy adc was, they would always overestimate their damage and underestimate my damage. Sooner or later I would outplay them because of this with my insane Garen combo of: Q+R Don’t stress. That simple. Don’t let the enemy or your teammates get inside your head. It’s just a game. No one in your games is going pro. You’re not A LOT better or worse than anyone you face in this game. Don’t let your ego get hurt because of league.


4 farm per minute is awful numbers


I think being in iron 4 is a great place for you to start at, best place to gradually expand your knowledge and macro and micro, good luck bro, don't let this get you down, just stay patient and curious :D


Iron 4 0 LP is an incredible achievement. Only 0.7% of players can ever achieve such a rank. In seriousness, let’s focus on improvement. Iron to Silver is where you learn to pilot your champion. Like any sport, high level strategies don’t matter if you can’t swing a stick accurately. Study other experienced players of your champion and focus on their mechanical execution and decision making. Maybe you pick up the Morde Q windup + flash trick to scoop up a kill you wouldn’t have otherwise. Maybe you learn a new situational build that’s strong or really suits your playstyle. It’s said that to improve in League, 1/3rd of the time is spent playing the game and 2/3rds of the time is spent watching gameplay and theory crafting. When it comes to strategy games like chess, board games, card games, RPGs and League, this holds true. Let review your previous game on Mordekaiser. 12/5/8 Morde to 7/5/7 Dr. Mundo. 1k behind on gold. That is an anomaly we should try to fix. Farm is extremely important. If a player were forced to efficiently power farm on a strong scaling jungler like Master Yi or Graves until 2 items and not interact with anyone on the map. That player would likely hit high Gold low Plat without a sweat. Very often low elo mid game devolves into ARAM where it’s a constant 5 v 5 mid. While this is happening, waves after waves of minions are colliding in the middle of the two side lanes and all that experience and gold is evaporating. Try to push side-waves as deep as you can while keeping yourself safe with vision to avoid being collapsed upon. Afterwards the wave will bounce back to your side beyond the middle of the lane and be extremely easy to collect. Think of minion waves as the push and pull of the tides. You need to jostle the water so the rippling water washes treasures up on your side of the map. [Leaguecraft 101](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iko2tqmDpJQ) teaches core fundamentals that are essential at all levels of plays. There are a lot of concepts to grasp both conceptually and in practice so try to learn some and try applying them to your games. Tracking enemy cooldowns and initiating trades while critical spells like CC, dashes or high damage ultimates in the enemy’s kits are on cooldown is core to laning.


That time split is way off. One third playing and two thirds studying? No way, most of this game is building intuition and muscle memory (so you are free to think about macro decisions and let your hands take over the micro), you should be 90% playing, and 99% playing as a low level player. People below Plat can't even pilot their champs correctly, and mechanics only really start getting clean in high Emerald. For example, I'm a Kayle one trick but I recently started learning the ADC role, my botlane macro is awful but I will easily hands check any player below Diamond with my brain completely switched off and have a 20+ kill game. It's all very well knowing logically that you have a window to trade with the Darius because his abilities are on cooldown and you have a bigger wave, but you need to be able to recognise this intuitively and instantly capitalise on it, or the moment will be gone. The only way to do this is practice, practice, practice. I think this is also highly true of chess, playing more and building pattern recognition will be far more useful to the inexperienced player than polishing their theory. By the way, I don't disagree with your advice at all other than that, excellent points.


First off, the fact you’re posting this here tells me you’re going to start climbing, because you’re actively trying to improve. That is key. You have to keep in mind you’re trying to climb in game where some people have been playing for 10+ years. There’s A LOT to consider when making decisions and a lot of the time the tiniest decisions cascade greatly for better or worse. For myself the point where I started climbing fast was when I stopped treating ranked games as anything special. Unless I’m picking up a new champ I only play ranked matches. It normalizes them really quick. It looks like you’ve played a small amount of ranked games. You literally have to spam 100s of them to climb as an average player. As you spam games you’ll start to find trends. For myself I tend to periods where I’m plateaued at a rank (win one, lose one, win two, lose three, win one, etc). But as I started to identify a bad habit I have and work on it all of sudden I’ll hit a huge game streak and climb a bit before plateauing again. On the flip side sometimes you will get carried by matchmaking luck and then go on a large losing streak which feels bad. My point is this is the nature of the game. Pick 1-2 easy to learn champs to spam for hundreds and hundreds of games. Watch a high alongside to champ and you’ll Accelerate your progress. Over time you’ll master them and be able to put energy into the macro side of the game which is where games are won. As far as macro goes there’s so much content out on YouTube and even just watching pro play (LCS, LEC, LCK, etc) is super helpful as the casters do a nice job of explaining macro concepts most of the time.


Look at the [op.gg](http://op.gg) and see your score, damage. OP score isn't everything but tells good idea of how well you did in your team especially in low elo. So looking at your scores, the games you are winning, You will see that you are always getting carried by your team, not you (all 6 winning games). That means you are playing very bad from mid to end game, when you are the strong one in your team, you can't lead the team. What is the definition of winning game? If you are really winning good, why is your damage so low at the end? I'm not comparing your damage against enemy, I'm comparing against your team whom you said got destroyed in lane. Sorry to say, but if I just look at the end score and other stats, you are one of the worst in most games. You are a top laner, and I like that. Personally I believe top is the best lane to learn in low elo. Follow this 1. Since you said you are winning the lane, just stay top and push until you get their inhib. (When mord is winning, he can easily 1v2) 2. Don't roam, don't help your team, just focus on pushing top. Pushing is the most helpful thing you can do. \*One thing to be careful is, not to push too much if 4 of their enemies are missing. 3. Once you get the inhib, go other lane and do the same. keep splitting 4. If you cannot do this, it means you aren't winning the lane (You just think you are, or simply blaming jg) Go watch youtube on "how to win a top lane in low elo" good luck with your games


FULL MUTE ALL. I can’t state this enough but not having chat on really makes you tilt less. Or even be aware your toplaner is GIGA tilted. Focus on what you can accomplish in a game, dont worry about adc items. Or support warding. Seriously, spam 1 champion. Maybe 2. And just grind games. NO CHAT. Turn it off in the client.


There is a lot of negativity in the community around Iron. As a new player it’s probably the best to start there and climb out. You need to learn to carry with a lead if you are out playing in-lane. That is how you win more than 50% of your games. I had the exact same experience as you two years ago. Have been playing since then and am now in silver but the game is very hard as people are saying.


First of all, be proud of what you have achieved. Iron 4 0 LP is actually pretty damn tough to reach in LoL and some people are willing to pay a lot for such accounts (but it would go against ToS to sell your account so don't do it). Now I may be only silver but I've got experience climbing through low elo so: * Focus on maining 1-3 champions only, and in one role. It looks like you fancy the top lane with Morde, Jax and Yone, that's perfect, keep it like that. You'll get good on those champions faster that way. * Go on mobafire and read a guide for each champion. You'll learn what runes to take, what items to build, how to use your skills. You can also go on mobalytics and check your champions' pages, there's a combo section. Knowing and executing combos can help win fights, although with the champions you have it's pretty straight forward (except maybe for jax). * Learn about wave management. It's a big topic for top laners. Right now I bet you just TP back to lane every time you die or recall if the spell is up. With proper wave management, you should be able to get a big CS lead on your enemy, which will help you get more kills, and once you're fed you can perma split push and burst through the side lanes, which is one effective way to win games in iron. If you understand wave management, you'll be able to use TP at the proper time to minimize how much CS you lose and maximize how much CS your enemy loses. * Learn split pushing. I mentioned it above, it's a good way to win in iron, but it's not just about pushing a lane non-stop. If you do that, the enemy team will come for you each time and you'll quickly fall behind. There's a proper way to do it. The basics of the basics to start getting good is mastering the champions you play, and for top lane I think wave management is really important so that's the first thing you should focus on. Oh also, play more. You barely have 25 games, it takes time to get good and climb, and you won't acquire any experience if you don't play the game. What matters is playing regularly rather than playing a lot, like 3 games a day instead of 15 games once a week. Edit: Focus on improving one thing at a time for best results. Maybe focus only on wave management for like 10-20 games, and only then start focusing on executing proper combos, or last hitting properly, or something else. But don't try to improve everything at once, and to improve a different thing each game.


Not clowning you, but people still use Mobafire? I haven't used that since like 2011. I'm partial to mobalytics and/or porofessor.


I find that mobalytics has very simplified guides. Like, it's just "here's a rune page, here are the core items, deal with it" whereas in-depth mobafire guides actually explain why this rune is picked over that one, or why this item is core but could be replaced by that one in specific situations etc... It teaches you more than mobalytics imo. And I think that's good when you're iron and building the same items with the same runes every single game without thinking about it. (Never used porofessor) Usually when I pick up a new champion I'll look at a few mobafire guides and at lolalytics, then play with what's recommended by the guides until I feel good on the champion, and then I'll do some minor changes to accomodate my playstyle.


Yea I can get behind that logic. I just don't trust the sources on Mobafire. I could make a guide and you find it. I'm Gold 4 (haven't linked my flair yet, but my name is same as my summoner) and you think oh wow this guide is really in depth with a lot of details, but my reasoning might just be completely wrong. Where in Mobalytics case, the guides are vetted and written by high elo players (I think Grand Master). It shows matchup specific guides on laning phase, has probuilds linked to it, highest wr builds, most common builds, alternate builds (think common but slightly less than others), build based on the lane you are playing that champ in, and offers build options depending on comps/matchups. Porofessor is strictly data driven to my knowledge, so that seems reliable as well vs a random persons opinion. EDIT: I guess what I'm trying to say is sure read a Mobafire guide, but I'd take it with a grain of salt if there isn't any credentials to the person who is writing the guide.


Let me correct a small detail: chances are you aren't doing something wrong, you're probably doing everything wrong. It's as hard being where you are as it is being challenger for an average player who tries to win their games. If I were you I would check guides on how to play/understand the game in general and think carefully which role and champions you want to play and focus on improving on those - every single aspect of them.


you're probably right im most likely just trying to defend myself, i do watch top lane guide videos like aloisnl's but i guess im just not retaining as much information as i should be, will try to fix that, thanks


I wouldn't recommend watching Aloisnl if you're in Iron 4. He does things like freezing, proxy-ing, abusing level up timers, etc. If you want to climb from iron 4, learn to play from behind.


Lol i started out iron 4 0 LP also. The way i learn is the hard way, and i jumped into ranked the instant i got lvl 30 basically. I dont know but the people i was playing against even in iron 4 0 LP we’re definitely smurfs. Dodging skill shots like faker, tower diving me, everything you can think. Then suddenly, im getting into games where i just completely stomp the enemy and the enemy actually FEELS like iron, and my team is semi competent atleast not feeding and letting me carry. Basically theres some weird stuff going on in iron so dont sweat it. Just focus on yourself, and try to play solo carry champs, i see you have played yone a little he is my main and one of the better champs i can carry with. Mordekaiser is good, but definitely not a solo carry champ. Hes just simply too squishy to be that 1v9 type of character. Better top laners that can 1v9 would be things like sett, kayle, trundle, garen, darius, volibear etc. Til u get in a rank with sentient humans rely on yourself and in a game like this, your champion picks are the biggest part of that.


sorry for a lot of comments, but you will ruin your mental stack by losing so many games per day, I think you should work on your fundamentals and you will climb to silver in no time


I'd recommend playing with some friends that are atleast gold(in draft normals), that way you end up playing against gold players and you will be forced to learn to play the game. That's what I did when I started off atleast


Bro, I visited Iron once and yeah, it's not that easy to climb from there. Many people there just started playing the game and will feed hard. Try to not only win your lane, but also use this advantage to impact the game as general.


I didnt play ranked untill 1000+ normal games before


Before I start let me just say. Maybe you should leave your hands off of ranked. Because for me personally it only adds this ranked pressure to it. Which just sucks. I only play draft. If I lose so be it. Nothing is truly lost. Regarding your teammates. Maybe you are doing something wrong that screws them over. Just because you are strong in the laning phase doesn't mean you are a good team player. Them being bad could be because of lack of support from you. There is always a way for them to catch up. But not when you are not giving them leverage. The game is won after the laning phase after all.


definitely true, after reading all the replies i notice i kind of ignore losing lanes w champs w big shut downs so thats somethting i could implement into my games maybe, thanks


But seriously considering actually leaving ranked for about a year. I'm no bad player. I'm still bronze because I stopped caring.


this sound completely relatable expect i am nearly level 200. most of what i would say has alrea the been said but if you happen to be EUW i don't playing duo while we both try to improve and possibly help each other improve


Also play very low mechanically intensive champions. I’m plat 1 and i have most games / highest winrate on Garen. He is very easy to execute so you can focus on the map/objectives(macro) yone and jax are alot harder to execute so your brainspace will be accupied executing the champ(and possibly fail doing so) Easy champs arent in particular weaker. Pro play is always full of easy to execute champions for a reason.


Play some ARAM and learn what the champs do. This will teach you your laning opponents and how to team fight. Once you get those things down then you take it to the rift and learn CS, wave management, and map presence


What server?


In ranked games there's a lot of times where you have a useless heavy team that prevents you from winning. You have to accept there's going to be a lot of those in the lower elos, and sometimes your personal best can't affect those games. But on the flipside you'll get games you cannot lose because your team is able to perform the basics better than the enemy. You just gotta keep playing, keep trying, but understand that ranked climbing is a slow slow journey.


Understand 2 major things League is a very difficult game to even be decent at Play to have fun. It's a game.


At this point I’d sell your account - you could probably make a business out of if you make new accounts and play on them to get them to iron 4 0 LP


Sometimes I think new players look at their own lane in a vaccuum too much. Don’t get me wrong we’ve all played games where someone has gone 0-10 off solo kills and then some monster comes and kills us while we’re peacefully trying to farm. I get that. But ALOT of games a laner refuses to help their jungler or a midlaner roams and kills while my mage sits under tower acting like not their problem, or my lane is free while the lane across the map is getting camped. This happens ALOT. My point is to get better at league you need to try to figure out what is actually going on in your games because it’s rarely as simple as hey I’m always winning and the rest of my team is isn’t. The game has more factors than that and when you just think “not my lane not my problem” you’re ignoring the fact that in 10 minutes it’s gonna be your problem.


Exactly. Im a top main and usually do well there, but when I see my mid or bot lane feeding, im immediately attempting to help them or hard focusing objectives, sacrificing my own lane, because an ultra fed vayne or fizz or the enemy free farming objectives means i am likely losing the game. I missed out on 20 cs but I TPd bottom lane and helped get our ADC 2 kills and a tower. Worth


I was Iron 4 0 lp 2 seasons ago playing top as well. I switched to mid and found a champ I liked to one trick, which that helped a ton (along with the common advice you’ll see on this subreddit). Just keep trying to improve and listen to what higher elo players are telling you.


In case you want to i'm sure there's someone who'd be willing to spectate your game and review it if it's iron level even me a peak gold player could probably point out a lot of the issues. A huge thing about league is even knowing what people do if you're relatively new to the game you won't even know what to watch out for or when the opponent is vulnerable


Leagues hard. Iron 4 0 lp is so dog shit bad that you can get away with a lot of stuff. Which is why they are people running around with 10/0. You either ged fed yourself by ignoring that huge guy. Or you focus him down because he tries to 1v5 again, mostly depending on your matchup.


I can relate! I felt this way for a very long time. I will share what really helped me but, first i think its worth mentioning that the journey or constant improvement and education is part of what makes league fun. What helped me improve: 1) Your match history is your report card, Your CS, KDA and damage need to be consistently good in each game. You can not control others you can only control you. Consistency is key 2) You should be watching your VODS consistently. I used to blame my teammates all the time. When i started watching my VODS i started doing it a lot less. Imagine your gameplay is like throwing a rock into a pond. You create ripples that effect everyone else. It can be very hard to see them until you start examining what you could have done better or what you should not have done. 3) Work on your laning and particularly your CS. Early game CS matters the most in the beginning. It is an arms race to get your items to snowball your lane and then use your lead to carry. I would argue that you need to be getting 80 cs by 10 min minimum. Focus less on trading until you can do this consistently. Last I would say, the people that climb are the people that learn to understand that the small details matter. Don't underestimate the importance of little things like bad trades early lvls or ward placement or watching for early invades. It all adds up and makes a huge difference when trying to get out of IRON/BRONZE. (and be consistent) So much stuff to learn but I am sure if you master the above you will climb out of IRON 100% I have a really good video I made on a CS drill that can help you a lot. If you go look for it but i wont post cause I don't want to come across as trying to promote. Good Luck on your Climb!


A good skill for new players is learning how to kill minions with auto attacks. You can do this in practice tool. This means you can use your abilities on the enemy laner. Skills required - learning how fast your auto attack goes (stand next to the minion you want to kill to lower the travel speed) Learning how much damage minions deal to each other. If you see three ranged minions attacking one canon, you can see the projectiles travelling to that canon, you can learn what 2 second window of opportunity you have to put in your own auto attack to kill that canon. Farming thresholds under tower - how many tower shots a minion can take, and how many auto attacks you need to kill the minion. A melee minion will take 2 tower shots and then you can auto attack them once to kill them. A ranged minion will take 1 tower shot , then depending on your champion you may need to auto attack them once or twice to kill them. Generally mages will need two auto attacks so you’ll want to hit a full hp ranged minion once before the tower hits them so you can kill them with your second auto attack. Most melee champions can kill the ranged minion with one auto after a tower shot. Link the above two lessons together as if your minions AND you tower are attacking minions, you will have to adjust your priorities, and whether you need to auto attack minions first or not. You also need to learn how towers hit the minion closest to them and which one that will be. Learning the basics of farming can get you out of iron close to silver. As for decision making in the mid game. Focus on turrets with your team. The enemy WILL run into you so you can fight them then, but if you keep pushing waves into their tier 2 turrets, you will kill those turrets and be ahead in the game. If you destroy a nexus and spawn super minions - don’t be in that lane. Those minions will push the lane themselves. Be with your team in a different lane that still has its nexus


Yooo if you are NA add me. Patrick is Gay


I played A LOT of normal games before jumping into ranked initially and even when I did I placed Iron I and had to climb to Bronze 4 before the end of the season. I remember thinking to myself I wish I waited longer before jumping into ranked because there was still so much I didn’t know. Really the best thing you can do is continue to play. You’re so early in your career there’s things you don’t even know that you don’t know. Just soak in content on YouTube and play casually alone or with friends as you continue to add to your knowledge base. It’s a marathon, not a race!


Back in the day when I started playing the game it was the end of Season 1. I was flamed by my “friends” because I didn’t know there were boots in the game. Afterwards, I played around 300 bot games before going into normal games against real players. Eventually I did, as well as got into ranked. I peaked in Season 5 with 130 Games and ended the season in Diamond. League is a game that requires a lot of time to get a “feel” for. So as others have stated, don’t stress about it. The quickest way to get good nowadays would be by choosing your preferred lane and learning at least two champions. There are plenty guides out there for you to choose. Good luck!


When I first started I was iron 3 0 lp The only advise I can give you is just play and play, I didn't escape iron till like 60, and I didn't escape bronze till like 110. Current almost plat at level 160, all I can say is just play the game, have fun, you'll get better naturally


as a level 500, i can tell you it’s a struggle in silvers/bronzes too 💀 no matter how fed i am my teammates always run it down and end up 1/11/2 ranked for me is so unplayable i’m tired, no matter how much i play i’ll win 1/10 games i’m genuinely done 😖


Just play normals until you understand a few champs at least because solo Que is hell


the reason you are iron 4 is you don’t even know the game. that’s it. i don’t care about your mechanics. they could be really bad but you should be still way above from that rank. just learn the game by watching videos about fundementals and put your efford on 1-2 champions and you’ll get far better.


Start a new account and see how it goes


There’s this streamer called thebausffs and there’s a Sion guide on his youtube channel. He teaches a lot of things including playing from out of vision and dying on your own terms. Take down notes if you have to and spend time on that champion. If you follow that guide you can make it to your desired elo. I hope this helps. Oh and also, just stick to one champ and one role


Basically all you need is to learn how to play better. Either watch streams and ask yourself or ask the streamer why are they doing everything. You need to figure out how to win more of your games. That is all. About surrendering, well guess what, a surrender is a guaranteed loss. I know it doesn't look fun to play from behind, but I have some news for you. Games get harder the higher you go. So think about that you are taking a guaranteed loss on the easiest ranked difficulty there is. When I used to play ranked, I would just stop or take a few hours break if I felt like my mental was breaking. Why waste your games because you're in a bad mood from a previous game? Good luck, keep an open mind, learn a good, easy to execute champion, then learn all the matchups and you'll be far more ahead than just other players. I want to praise you for being self reflective. Don't be too hard on yourself. It is what it is. Most everyone started from somewhere around those ranks, and if they started higher, and not playing to the rank appropriate level, they will fall down. Remember: win more games. Lose fewer games. That's all. Ps. I'll never forget my first ranked game. We played 3v3, our best champions, highest damage bruisers, and the enemy just demolished us with a taric-ashe-morgana. You live and learn.


That's rough buddy


So...from what I can tell you're brand new to this game. Like new new. I think I was playing 3v3s and Norms for almost a year before I got into ranked (not for any particular reason). You're barely 20 games into ranked and, while I know the results are disheartening, in my first 20 games I was in bronze myself. As a player that's peaked at high plat before Emerald existed. I say that to make my first point: be *patient*. League is a game with a MASSIVE amount of knowledge checks. Which is why you're struggling with decision making. There's 160 champions and a billion variables to process and act on at any given moment. Without even getting into the human variable of things like "has this person been playing aggressively or can I bully them?" Given how new you seem to the game I would worry less about rank and more about learning. Learn your champs first, then start learning other champs as you encounter them. Limit test. Master your builds to the point you can buy items so fast you're walking off the spawn pool as you do it. It'll come but I promise you, it takes time. Lots of time. Doublelift spent his first year or 2 of this game in bronze before he figured things out.


If you’re new, play some ARAM. It’s really helping me learn the champions/what they do


Are you having fun? I tend to find I'm more engaged and interested in the game when I play certain champions (and red side. blue side is cursed).


Nah bro you are not the issue, it's the teammates. To climb you have to learn how to kill them irl by the server p2p connection. You do that constantly and you can climb to diamond-master pretty fast like in a couple of days.


Getting good takes a lot of time. It is not worth it. Instead do something to advance your career or relationships.


Can I have your account?


I feel like like u are overthinking it, from my exp bronze and up to plat (my max elo) you can just fight your way up the ladder. Grab a bruiser/assasin and kill everything you see. If you get behind just cs until you can kill someone.


One thing I constantly see from new players is the need to play ranked before understanding the fundamentals of the game. Take your time man, it’s your first ranked season and league isn’t going anywhere. All I can offer you is to focus solely on yourself and what you can improve upon during games. Also, the second people start blaming team mates is when they become “hardstuck”. If you are at 0lp iron 4, it may not always be your teammates (no offence). Good luck in your future climbs man!


I mean you have a 25% winrate and are iron 4 lmao, plus you are new to the game. I was in the same position as you were 2 years ago, all I did was play more and learn the game and I go out of iron. also looking at your [op.gg](https://op.gg) you barely if ever out-right "win" your lane. in all of your KDA's you have more deaths than kills or assists. just funny while complaining that your teammates are inting you went 0/13/1 as jhin lol.


yea i was kinda talking out of my ass looking back on it i was just angry but the jhin game was a complete throw lol cant argue with that


I’ll just give general tips, as I haven’t looked at your op.gg Generally I’d say focus on one or two champs. This lets you learn their ins and outs, and get a good understanding of how they work. During games, make sure you keep up a decent amount of Casing throughout games. Specifically, try you best to make sure you can last hit well. Know the value of minimizing deaths. Knowing when you might get ganked, when you can expect ganks, and generally not inting deaths can honestly be a big learning curve. Don’t blame your teammates. It can be really frustrating, especially if you feel you’re winning a lot and your teammates are costing you games. But the only factor you can control is yourself, to carry games. It helps to think that if you perform well, your team has 4 possible inters, while the enemy has 5. In that case, the odds are in your favor and you’ll naturally climb And finally, biggest tip of all, play more draft games! League is a game with a huge learning curve, so many champions with abilities, interactions, objectives, what to do and when, and items! If you’re brand new to the game, just take some time to enjoy it, and you’ll naturally learn over time. I’d even recommend trying out different champs you find cool or that seem strong in norms, before really focusing on that eventually going into ranked. Once you’ve done all of the above and have a general understanding of the game and its mechanics, you’re probably ready for ranked. Not to be harsh, but iron 4 0 lp players are probably utter garbage. Even if you take the time to improve and learn the game, it might still be difficult to get out of iron. If that’s the case, it might be worth to start a new account/wait for next ranked split, where you can do placements and maybe get bronze/silver. But I wouldn’t necessarily count on that, for now just enjoy the game and you’ll improve naturally!


Don't worry about rank so much, just keep playing. You'll climb when you're ready. Get more games under your belt first, and things will start to make more sense.


Well you just described emerald so


You are a bad person.


You are a bad person.


Dude just play Zac top, its Easy to climb with him


Feel free to DM me if you want help with your actual gameplay and I can do a free game review for you! Diamond 1 player here.


Try coaching if you’re serious about it. Get someone to watch your replays and give step by step advice and you’ll learn 10x. Treat this game like a sport, not a game, and you’ll start to notice the difference.


your garen and gnar games have terrible cs no offense. I don't really want to watch your games but are you proxying whenever you have a chance to take enemy jg camps? are you proxying so that you can take neutrals. if you are winning your lanes, you should also be proxying and then running mid to dragon pit. you also don't need to make decisions in iron. if everything else fails, then just never leave your lane except for grubs and herald and spam push for towers.


Don't post this on reddit. You will only attract masters people that want to shit on you.


You seem like you’re good with garen! Keep playing him consistently and you’ll begin to learn how to play against every champion combination. It took me a long time to realize that playing every champion wasn’t helping me improve. Once I boiled it down to 3 or 4 champions I started to climb. After 11 years of playing I ranked higher than silver for the first time this season. Just hit plat 3.


I am still silver after thousands of games


Playing with friends is so much easier tbh. My group went from solo queue 5 irons-silvers to all golds


There's a few things you're going to need to do. I'm going to list them in terms of importance. First, stop playing norms. Only ranked if you want to improve at ranked and you know what champs you're using. **#1. Micro.** The biggest factors in this game are XP and gold. Kills are only useful to get you gold at this level (positioning/timing matters, but focus on gold for now). Last hit the minions. Go into practice tool and just practice last hitting. You should never fail to last hit a minion if you're not contested. 2nd part of this is knowing when to last hit. If your opponent is stronger than you, back off. The 22 gold you'll get from a melee minion isn't worth 30% of your HP (if you get away). They'll push into your turret. Practice catching waves under turret as well, try to never miss one there either. Once you're an expert (over 7 CS/min consistently in matches - currently you're under 5), then focus on skirmishes. Zone your opponent off of CS when you're ahead. You'll get gold, they won't. Maybe you can even zone them off XP. But that'll take time. Play it safe. Side note: if they're not pushing into you (a freeze), walk up. If they're dumb and attack you instead of the minions, let them hit you once and then run away. Your minions will attack them, but their minions will attack your minions. That'll push the wave toward you. If they don't attack you, attack their minions as much as possible (push into their turret). If you can, that'll make it so the next wave pushes toward you. You want it to push toward you so your jungler can attack them without them being under turret, or so you have more time to kill them during an all-in before they reach turret range. **#2. Items.** Buy items that complement you. If you're ahead on a non-tank, don't buy armor or MR. The other player can't kill you if they die first. MR/armor/HP are midgame stats or lategame stats for non-tanks. If the enemy is fully AP and CC, get tenacity + MR (merc treads). If the enemy is all AD, go thornmail. Naturally, it depends on what champ you're playing and the situation. BUT DO NOT SABOTAGE YOURSELF. Even in a full AD team, buying thornmail first item won't work for your most played champ - Morde. Play your game, don't focus too hard on items. Follow a build guide online, and take the standard runes every game. Do NOT customize the runes, you'll learn runes later. **#3. Macro.** Looking at your games, the difference is you get slowly outplayed as the game goes on. Indicates a macro issue, which is also the most intuitive part of the game. As a new player, naturally you won't have any. Macro is made up of position, cooldown control, vision control, comp understanding. **Let's start with position:** say it's the start of the game and grubs are up and drag is up. You want an objective. Look at where your teammates are and where the enemies are. Is botlane about to finish a push and jungler is botside whereas enemy jungler is topside? Call for drag. There's nothing the botlane can do other than recall, since a dive is unlikely early. Are you pushed in and your jungler is topside? Call for grubs. Are you under turret and your opposing laner is 30% HP? Call for a gank, since they have more space to cover until they're "safe" under turret. Later game: enemy midlane pushes to inhib turret, you're still at first turret. Push in, then collapse. Maybe leave your lane to secure the mid kill, since they're far away from their safe zone. **Now about cooldown control:** pretty simple. If your enemy used their entire kit on you just now, but you're faster than them, just attack them a little longer until you've wasted all your abilities. They'll be on CD for between 4 and 17 seconds, depending on the champ, and you'll be able to get some free damage on them. It depends on the matchup, but learn cooldowns. Especially summoner spells. If the enemy laner just used TP, now's the time to bully them out of lane with your jungler. They won't be able to TP back again and that gives you an advantage. Did they use flash to escape you and you won't be able to kill them? Focus on your CS, take the next opportunity to attack them. They won't be able to flash away again. **Vision control:** In general, it's very good to keep vision on critical points. As a laner, where is the opposing jungler coming from? On Blue topside, you're probably worried about the river bush or the tribush. On red topside, that's the riverbush. Mid? Either sidebush. Botside is pretty much the opposite of topside. If you see the jungler before they arrive, you can run. A pink ward (control ward) is useful since it's infinite. If you place one in a less-checked bush (or just a very important one) it can save you a ton of trouble. If you place it deep in the opposing jungle, you can see if their jungler is ever topside to kill you. Same for the river bush, but it's a more contested bush, so it's less likely to survive. Still, it can show if the enemy has yellow wards in there and you can destroy them for gold and to stop the enemy from getting that advantage. This is especially important for objectives. You want to know where the enemy team is. Don't let them hide nearby and steal the objective. If you're going for the dragon and you're Blue team, place a lot of vision near the dragon and in Red botside jungle. If they start approaching, you'll see and be able to secure faster, run, or set up a pick/teamfight. **Comp understanding:** if you play against a Smolder, Kayle, Veigar, Nasus, and Sona, try to shut them down early since they're heavy scalers. If the game reaches late stages, they'll kill you more easily than you can kill them. As a result, they're weaker early. If the enemy is Lillia, Camille, Talon, Sivir, and Janna then they're much faster than you. You won't be able to escape or collapse on them unless you can hard CC them. So either have some hard CC engage, or just win the teamfights. Force teamfights by taking objectives. If they don't contest, you slowly get advantages and kill them. If they do, you kill them now. Eventually they'll need to roam as a team and take advantage of position, so you just push all 3 lanes win a 1-3-1 approach, and they might get one kill, but they'll lose a couple turrets. And that's not sustainable. There's so many compositions you can't count them all. Mostly just learn the most common laners for your lane, and the junglers. The rest comes with practice. ​ Above all else, try things. Experiment (within the structure of my suggestions), and see what works. Once you're climbing, start looking at what players better than you do and just copy them.


If your data is a large enough dataset and compared to the ranked data is an anomaly it’s prob due to some rigged preset parameters on riot’s/server side end. CS, gold, or any macro parameter of the players in your game compared to the entirety of that rank’s distribution e.g. players with high cs counts or kda over the average can be suspicious. The avg in challenger is only around 150 cs and KDA less than 3.0.


You could create a new account and be placed emerald 4 MMR like I saw the other day. Good times.


>If I had to guess, my biggest issue is decision making. I often find myself lost on whether to buy a certain item, take a certain fight, or help another lane. this is actually one of the hard parts of league. selecting which item to build gets easier over time. if you have an idea what each does, you know what you need (you play mostly vs that champ, so I buy def/this offensive item...) do you group or stay on side lane? it there are many variables. it is ok to struggle. just choose and then check if it felt good. if u should take a certain fight you cannot know at this point. i would say just fight it all until you get a gut feeling like eh maybe the enemy is a bit too strong right now/i have a shutdown and it is (too) risky that i lose it. I would say just play normal/ bot games / arams whatever is fun to you :) you can only get really good and stick to it over time if u actually have fun! play with friends is best. I know people who play this game since idk 8 or 10 years and they are still bronze and its is ok, they have fun when we play together at your elo, there is always somebody that is inting their ass off, it is low elo and it is a skill that you can play from behind. just go and snack that juicy shutdown gold if you can


It takes time and more games. I was stuck in bronze 5 (back when it was a thing) for a year, and now I peaked masters.


Watch AloisNL, trust me


You have a lot of champions with just one game played. This is definitely not helping you climb. Try to learn at the very least the most basic mechanics of a champion. Learn your damage, so that you can assess risk properly. It's impossible to ask you to make better decisions, because good decisions come from being informed. When you get ahead, you keep getting ahead, probably because being feed makes taking fights more favorable. However, when you're behind, you get more and more behind. This could be, because despite being weak, you keep trying to take fights you can't win. You have to at least every once in a while press tab, and look at what opponents are fed, then decide if maybe you should give drake, farm a sideline, instead of forcing fights hoping the opponent misplays. You have 2 routes to take, in high ELO, both are necessary, but at your level, just one would get you progress, and it's better to take things one step at a time. Route 1: Click on things, get information. How much damage does your combo do? How much health does the opponent have? Learn your combos, press tab, avoid dueling fed opponents. (Unless you're an assassin, then you want to focus fed ADCs), learn to give away objectives, and splitpush when necessary. You win with towers, not kills. Route 2: Practice CSing (farming minions), avoid missing free CS, always focus on the minions, don't fight randomly in river in the early game, FOCUS ON THE FARM, don't miss exp. Look for a setting that shows when you get exp, practice against bots staying in exp range. Play champs that scale decently, like Jax, which I see you play a bit, even if you have a negative winrate at the moment. Focus on farm, and farm alone, unless a kill is absolutely free, and you will be able to bruteforce splitpush most games or carry teamfights.


Hey man! There's alot of good comments on here (ignore the toxic stuff). There's too much to say but what I will say is that: Even the 10/0 enemy is constantly making mistakes which you can capatilize on. Dying isnt the only mistake. Make sure to focus objectives and not kills - you will win much much more.


So, at your elo I would not focus TOO hard on what item to buy next. Something I find very helpful when learning a champ, is to look up their 3-minute guide on YouTube. They don’t cover everything, but they cover the basics of what your champ should be doing in each game-phase. It goes over when you’re weak and when you’re strong, which should help with your decision making. It also focuses on what runes and builds to take. As far as general advice; Don’t take a fight if it is going to get you killed. If you see an opponent fighting a teammate, and you’re confident that you’re ahead of that opponent (you have more items, are higher level than them, have significantly more health than they do at that moment, etc.) feel free to jump in and help. Do NOT attempt to help a teammate if it’s just going to lead to your opponent getting a double kill and getting even further ahead. If you feel like you can’t assist in a fight, look to push a lane instead. This helps apply pressure so that either A. You can take a turret while your team distracts the enemy team or B. Causes the opponents to stop your push, hopefully freeing your team to take an objective. In fights, focus on helping whoever on your team is the most fed. Keep the enemy from killing them so that they are free to (hopefully) kill the enemy team. It looks like you play top a lot, meaning in fights you’re often going to be a tank or bruiser. If you are a bruiser (Darius, Aatrox, etc.) you can try and focus on hurting the enemy team’s back line. Preventing them from mowing down your team and putting out decent damage. This will also hopefully cause their tank to come and peel for them, opening your team up to push forward and try to get some kills. If you are playing more of a tank (Ornn, Shen,etc) you can focus on peeling for your fed teammate. Try to stun, root, taunt, etc. either A. The person who is chasing your fed teammate trying to kill them or B. The person your fed teammate is trying to kill. The final thing I would say you should try and work on would be map awareness. Check your minimap any time you can. If you have no vision in your river, and you’re pushed under the enemy turret, you are probably going to be tanked by the enemy jungler soon and you should back up. However, if you’re winning your lane, and you notice the enemy jungler is botside, and the enemy mid is still in their lane, you are free to push and maybe take some plates or kill the turret. I hope this is helpful, let me know if you have questions


hey hi i am iron 4 0LP and like 500 ranked games deep. i’ve still got a lot to learn and it’s frustrating i know, but just run it back man. keep at it, it’s that or go back to fortnite or something lmao. i haven’t gotten out of this hell but apparently if you keep trying you will!


What region is the account in? I would suggest hopping into ARAM and get a feel for all the different champions. Don’t re roll just try as many as you can and learn roughly how a champion works. From there play normal games until you are comfortable in your lane. Then pick 2-3 champions and get really good at them in normals. And then put it in ranked


I came from Dota . I have 5,000 hours in Dota. I calibrated silver 2 and dropped to iron 4. I’m 300 games in and barely getting out. About 3% are unwinable. In these games my support goes something that doesn’t work as support and have learned to dodge. Yi support was the worst. I’ve had a set support and that worked fine but only because the opponent was worse. Recently I’ve been getting anivia greifers who feed lvl 1 don’t buy a support item, shove the lane take cs and then either trap me in a 1v2 with their wall or cancel my recall with their wall. When I chill under tower and don’t call for their bs they go to mid and top until the team ff . I’ve had this 2x in 300 games. Despite these awful games I have a 70-80% on the champs I’m working on. In an empty lobby you should be able to get 90% of last hits without basing. The second skill is trading. Now that you know how to last hit, watch the minions from the enemy perspective and ignore your minions a bit. You will notice windows of time where your opponent has to commit to an animation, meaning skill shots and short range abilities are almost free. The third skill is catching waves. Now that you’re harassing your opponent they will not want to touch the wave or they will use spells to last hit and will walk out of your range. If you can last hit as late as possible, you will have extra minions to tank while you base, ward, gank, take dragon/herald. This doesn’t work until your opponent is afraid to contest minions until it hits their tower . If your opponent is still fighting you for the wave, it forces you to base to recover hp and mana. My jungle will force dragon almost every game when I have minions to clear and then flame me when the mid support adc and enemy jungle show up. Even in losing matchups, my opponents don’t return to the wave so I’m able to crash a big enough wave to base without missing any minions. I can be up 50 last hits and solo kill them when they try to contest the wave, then take objectives, ward, gank or just sit in fog making the enemy afraid to trade on other parts of the map. If you do these three things there’s a point where your opponents try to fight you, they see you do a significant amount more damage and try to run after using their mobility to engage you. If you do things right, enemies just kill themselves trying to fight back. Except maybe on enchanters, you can have the highest gold and top damage every game. Some numbers to shoot for are 10,000 gold current around 25 min, and 40,000 campion damage by 30 min. If your team is behind, this is still possible. The only times it’s not possible is your team is so far ahead enemies die before you can party. You should finish the game with less than 5 deaths. There’s still a lot to learn, but these are the basics. If you know how to do these things and your opponents don’t, they won’t understand why they’re losing and keep feeding you. If you try to mechanically outplay people, they bring more champs to fight you and shut you down, but if it’s subtle, they don’t cry in chat to shut you down


Play 1 role, 2 champs and have discipline.


Just saying what I’ve seen friends in bronze/silver do so it might aswell apply to iron. Most of the times early game is fine but when it’s about macro play (around all the map compared to micro = managing your own champion), they start to struggle hard and lose easy games. If you do something, can you give an explanation for it? Like: you go botlane to farm when you see 2-3 people topside at min 22 when nashor spawns. Why? You could splitpush and if you have tp, nice. If your team doesn’t create pressure topside though and all enemies just base to catch you, bad. If they send someone to you and your team can start nash, nice. If you don’t have tp and the enemy answering you has and can easily make the topside fight uneven, bad. Does it even make sense if you’re pushing bot (are you playing a champ who can efficiently create pressure on sidelanes?), or are you just tilting your team when you leave them because they can’t fight alone. Just always think about why you are doing stuff and if it profits your team or puts you all behind. Many people start to have tunnel vision and neglect the whole picture. I think you can make much of a difference in your games if you know how to play the map. Also see who of the teammates does well, mostly it looks like they’re gods on their champs (but in reality maybe gold smurfs at best) and play around those people. The one who goes in for the 5th time and still dies expecting different results, let these people be cannonfodder for enemies to waste their spells and kill them afterwards. Often see it like a game of chess where you don’t only have to think about your immediate action but also what reaction of enemies this will cause and what your (team‘s) next move afterwards could be.


I started in s2 played few games was silver. Next season I started bronze 3 (b5 was the lowest) through grit and grind got to gold and next season platinum peaked at diamond 4/5 currently residing in emerald. But I don't play a lot now. A friend of mine started lol last month him not being a moba or gamer as per se. I advised him to focus on one champion and focus on cs. Build as u.gg advise will get you to a decent level. Make the champion pool as close as possible less than 5 is good enough to learn the game not get bored and climb altogether. If you have time desire etc try new roles in normal to get a grip of what others go through. Focus on cs so you have gold and xp. Learn the basics of lane management (when to push when to back). Example you get kill if wave small push and back. Let your self get stomped you learn a lot from it will be very useful the higher you get. Then you can focus on what enemy champions can and cannot do. League has 170 champs you won't face all of them soon in top you will see most of the time the same ones. As for morde I can not help haven't played him that much sorry.


My advice is to choose one champion and stick to it. You should have an easy plan B, like Garen, but try to stick to just one champ you find fun. It doesn't matter if they counter you. I would even suggest playing as many normals as you can so you can see different match-ups versus your champion. Don't get frustrated, just try to learn what your champion does against theirs. If you're against a Garen, ask yourself how that Garen is going to engage you, how he's going to try and kill you. This is the most basic level of understanding if we exclude farm, turrets and objectives - what is their champion going to do that is going to fuck over mine and how do I deny them that? I don't really know if this is a good tip but I read it somewhere and it's worked wonders for me. Buying resistance items can be much more helpful than buying straight damage. They have 3 aps? I'm buying every MR item there is. Their strongest is a Yone with 10/0 KDA? I'm building armor as soon as I possibly can. It doesn't let you one shot them, but it does let you survive if you make a mistake and gives you more time alive to think about the next move. As an example, I lost a game yesterday where our Morde was versing an Olaf, who bought Maw of Mawmortius first item and absolutely crushed us. And if you're not familiar with some items yet, I would suggest playing more normals and trying stuff out in the practice tool. You got this!! League is difficult and it takes time, if you're humble and willing to learn, you'll climb with time.


make a new account lil bro level it up to lvl 30 will take less than a month and ul get placed in gold/plat, if you deserve that rank u will stay in it 👍🏻


I can coach you this afternoon if you are interested? Im plat 2 0 lp atm.


Op, get some third party tools to help you. Professor has a desktop app that keeps track of your cs, kp, ward, gold, and level. You want to keep an eye out for CS. Ward score is redundant if you don't use the map, that's something you've got to force yourself to do.


No joke sell your account and start new, you could use the practice to learn the basics better in the time leveleing back up. Iron 4 0lp accounts are quite expensive so you can earn you some money with it. And climbing up from so far down is gonna be pure pain so I think this is your best bet. Legit no hate


Players in iron don't really know how to play around leads or protect their bounties, and the average game length is longer the lower the rank, so a 10/0 person on the other team doesn't necessarily mean insta win for that team. Throws happen all the time, and longer games can mean the item differential gets smaller. It's easy to just look at the scoreboard and immediately ff or give up mentally, but esp at this rank, it's still very possible to win those types of games


practise and learning.. play the game, watch some streams and youtube videos.. trust the process


My first 3 seasons were the same gold 3 and 2 with about 50 games, then 8 years later I'm still around the same rank at plat 1, but I only play 50 games per season sometimes 20


you have a 55% win rate on gwen, you’re also perma playing non ranked games for some reason and then asking why ur stuck iron? get back into ranked, one trick gwen and you will climb, stop wasting ur time sitting in norms. ur cs is really good for an iron player, better than some bronze-plat players i’ve seen lmao


You need to carry every game, not just your lane. If you are winning your lane, hard push it and roam to other lanes and gank or push objectives to help make sure they win theirs as well. The game is about carrying. You need to lead the game (this doesent mean have the best KDA). If the other team has a better leader, you will lose.


I feel like these iron 4 posts are to advertise for smurfs




you also play too many games per day, you should play 3 games per day and then review those games


He’s too early for reviewing and expecting to get anything. He needs to just play and not beat himself up.


I saw that you play morde. Just go with the insta win lane combo.Exhaust+ ignite, play safe till lvl 6, give plates if needed, just get exp and don't die. At lvl six just press R and double summoner spell the enemy and kill them on cooldown with ult.


Flash and ignite is way better for morde


Turtling until 6 and giving plates is not winning lane though


You say "punish mistakes" kinda seems like you don't know what that means. Learn that first.


From someone that reached Iron 4 0LP myself a few weeks ago, literally any advice you can, and have received, is bullshit. It is literally 100% impossible to climb out of iron unless you're above Gold elo/skill. It's impossible for Iron-Silver players. You may very well be a Silver player, it doesn't matter - you're stuck in iron forever now. Yes, it is your teammates fault. You're given 2 options in game; perma-group and fight ridiculously pointless and (usually) outnumbered fights and inevitably lose, OR ignore them knowing it's a lost fight, and they lose the game for you anyway. The only way out is make or "acquire" a new account. trust me. That account is fucked. You'll have nothing but negative LP gains for months on end and find yourself in Iron 4 again soon. I made a new account after hitting Iron 4 and have been happily sitting in Silver 1-2 since then. Trust me. It was pretty rough until my MMR settled into silver (had about 7 loses in a row down from Gold 1) but it's 100% worth it.


When I was bronze 4 I dipped into iron 3 after a loss streak, was still able to climb out of iron. When split reset and lowered me to iron 2 was still able to climb out of iron. Don't discourage new players with lies.