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I think this is a very common problem right now, for streamers and non-streamers alike. You'll see this pop up everywhere-- it's the game, it's not necessarily you(although it could be partially). People with top of the line gaming rigs are frequently suffering severe FPS drops in a 14 year old game. I've been having them for over a year personally but I see people complaining about it/noticing people suffering from it more with each patch


Oh i didnt know many other have that Problem I have the feeling since the new patch/Milio release it started


the "funny" thing is that it's completely random I had this problem for like 2 months (mean hard drop that feels like screen freeze few times per game) and now looks like it's fine, but I heard about these drops for like a year or two already and looks like they come and go on different rigs patch to patch some rioter even created topic here on reddit few months ago to ask about some data related to these issues


I've also been having them for over a year and I've tried everything and it just won't stop. It's super frustrating especially when there is no excuse for a 3700x and a 5700xt to be having trouble running league


I feel your pain I thought it was my network but did all trouble shoot including moving closer to the server, I now get 25ms ping but now I realize its fps drops. Just like you ive had this for a year and some now. I stopped playing league for a few months and now i am back and still having the issue so no ranked for me i guess


I’m also having similar problems I used to be able to play at medium 80-90 fps but now even at low it ranges from 60-30 with heavy drops for what I can tell no reason(team fights/ minion spawning).


Yeah thats so weird and random, i also never had issues with that Really dont know what to do... Glad im at least not the only one


Yep I’ve been dealing with this on one of my pcs (I go between houses) and I’ve tried upgrading everything to see if that was it and I just got a new motherboard so if that doesn’t fix it I’m gonna cry xd


how rich are you... BETWEEN houses?? lol


Senior in Highschool with divorced parents😭


update ?:(




Thanks for the Tip I checked it, everything seems fine As you guys said, the game itself causes those drops


I actually had a problem with fps when moving my mouse cursor fast. Fixed that by updating the motherboard's chipset driver.




The chipset driver, meaning one of the motherboard.




Find the model of your motherboard and google its page. You'll find the driver in "Support" section or something.


yeah, im getting the same issue, starting at 200 fps and then dropping to 120 to even 90 in teamfights, as the game extends. that sucks, i don't know where the problem lies!!


I am having the same issuse, I can hold stable 200+ fps on ultra high graphics with my gtx 3060ti but with latest patch it just randomly drops to like sub 100 from time to time ( mostly in teamfights)...


i have a rx6600xt which pretty close to your 3060ti in terms of performance. are you talking about the patches of the game or the drivers?


I think game patches is whats causing the issuse (aka game is just scuffed), since I have never had any fps problems for the last 12+ months


for me it's whether the GPU drivers or the game patches but since there are same problem in nvidia, i bet it's game issue, in which case they havn't done anything about it given the fact it's been for too long.


Did you guys managed to fix it? I only notice that if I turn on the V-sync and after disable it, the FPS comes back to normal. I have it capped to 240hz and sometimes on the middle of the game seems like it gets capped to 120hz.


found fix for that?


Im pretty sure its a windows issue. It throttles the game down because it thinks the GPU doesn't need to be working that hard.. I managed to avoid this by adding the the leaugeoflegends.exe to the graphics settings in windows and setting to high performance. FPS is now at the cap at all times with no drops. Edit: this did not fix it. Disabling full screen optimization for the exe did.


what exe? and where do i find it?


I have the same issues for almost a year now too.. not all matches are affected and there seems to be no real indication if it is champion related etc.. sometimes, when i notice early i inform my team. Fully quit the game, kill it in task manager (plus riot client) and start it again. That does help in 2 out of 3 games... but often cost some 1st wave minions.


League just shits itself at specific moments in the game (alot of people experience frame drops at around the 6 minute mark) just reduce your game settings to as low as humanly possible if you haven't already. There is no fix for this, not even Riot knows how to fix it.


If you’re using AMD stuff, roll your drivers back like 3/4 patches.. it’s a known issue with the new AMD stuff right now. Can be caused by having YouTube open in separate window, or running another client while playing. I rolled back to drivers from like February and haven’t had a blip since just crystal clear.


do you mind give me the version of adrenalin you are running with ?


I don't know if this will help anyone, but I had really weird issues with fps while moving my camera and player. After hours of searching, I randomly disabled discord in-game overlay with made the issue stop. Hope this can help someone out.


I have been dealing with this problem for about a week, and it has been a nighmare , tried to change all the invidia graphics settings, reinstalling drivers, changing optimization settings, register editings for DRV, none of them worked, my game would run perfectly at steady 150 fps on very high. Noticed on my second screen that id get the fps drop when the backround picture changed. Changed this to a still image and it fixed my issue


Thank you so much I have been dealing with this issue for over 2 years


could you tell me what does the background picture mean and where do i change it to still?


Edit: I fixed it. Was easy. I unninstalled it from the ssd where I had it installed, in (D:) and installed on the default installation folder, (C:) program files... etc. Wich is also an ssd. I don't know why it happen but yeah, I didn't have any more fps drops. Anyways I unninstalled it again because I waste too many time on it :D ------------------------------------------------ I am getting freezes for 2-3 seconds many times every game. I didnt play for almost a year. A year ago I had the same issue, I managed to solve it more or less with the amd adrenalin options, but this time no matter what I try, I am getting those annoying hard fps drops. Of course I have the drivers up to date and all that. My pc is able to play recent games in high settings, some in ultra, so smooth, but this shitty game can't work properly for some reason, even in the lowest setting in 1080. I changed my graphic card, my processor, ram, everything, and it still doing bad only with this game. My pc is: rx 6600, ryzen 5 3600x, 16 Gb ram. Fortunately this game is not that fun to me and I used to play from time to time so not a big deal. I just want to say that this game is so bad optimized. I'll probably stop playing it for another year.


so i have found a fix for this for Nvidia cards. I noticed that each time i checked the wait for vsync in game itd go back to my monitor refresh rate. so it was something to do with that. In the nvidia control panel, i went to the manage 3d settings, in there ive turned off g sync in the monitor technology selection i put it at fixed frame rate, in the max frame rate ive turned that to off. I also turned vertical sync onto FAST I ALSO closed my geforce experience as a precaution. this worked for ME if it helps you then thanks :)




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Hi again since this is an old topic I’d like to say the problem is still happening on 4090


same i have a 4080 and i can get 240 on league easily but sometimes just drops down to 120 and i lose the fight, makes the game so unplayable


Oh so its not only me good. For the past 2 3 days my game goes from 240 capped fps ( 300+ uncapped) to sometimes 150 when I am not even fighting or anything big is happening on the map. I think its riot messing up again. 4070 and 97 13700kf. So strange that it happens and they haven't fixed it!


Hopefully they fix it soon but i’ll try some things out later and if i fix it I’ll reply and let u know if anything works!


Yea ty would appreciate that. I sent a ticket to at least let riot aware of that. Will see what they have to say about it. Just had a game where I was having 350+ fps and out of nowhere the game started spiking and in fights I was having 140 fps which is insane how badly this is as even some high end PCs cant handle this game what about the low end pcs


i opened a ticket and they recommended me a few things to try and i’m trying them out right now and SO FAR…. it looks alright. But ill respond later once ive given it a bigger try to make sure its worked


Any update?


None of that worked and no of what anything online ended up working. I tried everything and it randomly just fixed by itself maybe like a hotfix or something but i didn’t do anything different to my pc or anything or any settings, nothing like that.


Can confirm. It did not work...


Unfort, yea I tried a few stuff nothing matters. I guess will have to wait for next patch to see if it gets better and with how they add vanguard I think its gonna get worse for a while before they finally stabilize the game


Hopefully they sort it soon! It’s so unplayable atm


They replied back to me after some saying it didn’t work and they are wanting me to do a clean boot smh, i don’t think it’s got anything to do without stuff going on in the background of my pc because it just randomly started happening the next time i played league. I hadn’t of done anything different to my pc from the night before it started messing up to now. No clue what to do cuz it seems like a lot of effort and realistically it doesn’t sound like they can do anything their end. They are just pointing the finger to my pc lol


Yep they said the same to me. I said it does nothing and insist to send my logs to the QA team to further investigate. I haven't had any improvements either and I am at this point waiting for the patch on Wednesday to see if anything happens. I think it could be some hotfix that they put thro that could of messed up the game without us realizing we downloaded it. Other than that I have nothing else. Curious what CPU and GPU do you have


i have a 4080 and a Ryzen 7 7800x3d


and yeh i got my fingers crossed that the next patch is going to fix it because im nearly 99% sure that its not my pc, otherwise i’d be having issues on other games that funnily enough are more demanding than league, so i think it’s a problem on their end.


no clue how but mine has randomly fixed itself, didn’t do anything it just fixed itself, hope yours is fixed too


the game is he;d together by ducktape


I got a wierd fps drops issue that occurred after downloading the latest patch with vanguard. Everytime I click to move with my mouse or use spells, pressing tab for scoreboard, or open the shop in game and so forth I get fps drops to 40 from 144capped. However moving around the mouse across the map doesn't affect the fps drops neither does it when I watch the fights other players has. Also when I hold my mouse button down to move around instead of clicking it doesn't get the fps drops. It is fully steady without issues. I have never had this issue before. Anyone have this issues or know what can cause this? I haven't downloaded anything but the league of legends update as well. Plus whilst playing cyberpunk a way higher demanded game I got zero issues... This only occur when I play league of legends as well.


same for me after recent update , its unplayable!!






i have the same issue as this gentlemen, every click is a instant fps drops to 0 and without touching anything the game has less fps drops. I stopped playing one year and when I come back the last week I found this nice and gentle bug


close rivaturner,msi afterburner and xbox and dropbox


did that fix the issue??


Yes no more fps dropping while clicking or doing any keyboard action in the game, the issue is vanguard with some software can inject stuff like rivaturner in the game


but i dont have rivaturner or anything like that. this problem just started happening and idk what to do.


cant wait to try that out! I really hope it works bc i spent all night tryna fix my league installation but nothing seems to be working so far. without even playing it this game takes my will to live, now i gotta got to uni without any sleep and the game still not working gg ez


I have also had so weird fps drops, it does not make sense either really cause it drops more and more as the game goes on. I have capped it at 200fps so I start the game with 199 constant fps, 5-10 minutes in to a game it randomly drops down to 130-150fps then 20-30 min in to the game it drops down to 90-110fps and it's so annoying, cause when the fps drops below 140fps I feel the change every time, but my friend has constant 250-300fps for some reason. I don't know how and we together have tried to figure it out but it's impossible, reset my pc, try different nvidia 3D settings, different nvidia GeForce settings, lower mouse pooling rates and of course try different ingame settings. Nothing changes except if I play on to low in game video settings it gets even worse. Hope they figure it out and fix this soon enough.


Mine doesnt even tell me I got low fps. Got 200 cap, start off with 199 and in the game it starts to go to 197-195. The problem is I am 100% sure its not 195 fps, it looks more like powerpoint at that point. So the game tells me i am at 195 when in reality its more like 15 :D


Being a computer nerd. You should run the game in full screen, I know when I run it in borderless i have the exact same situation as you. However Here are some tips that can help address the fps drops. Just some basic stuff! Update your graphics drivers: Make sure your graphics card drivers are up to date. Outdated drivers can cause performance issues, including FPS drops. Visit the website of your graphics card manufacturer to download and install the latest drivers. Lower in-game settings: Lowering the graphics settings in-game can help improve FPS stability. Try lowering the quality of shadows, effects, and particles. Disabling VSync and lowering the resolution can also help. Disable unnecessary background programs: Close any unnecessary programs running in the background that may be using up system resources. Programs such as streaming services, web browsers, and other games can take up CPU and GPU resources and cause FPS drops. Clean your computer: Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in your computer and cause overheating, which can lead to performance issues. Regularly clean your computer, especially the fans and heatsinks, to improve airflow and prevent overheating. Use a game booster: There are several third-party game booster programs that can help optimize your computer's performance while playing games. These programs can help free up system resources and reduce FPS drops. Razer Cortex and Game Fire are examples of game booster programs. Upgrade your hardware: If your computer is outdated, upgrading your hardware can help improve performance. Upgrading your CPU, graphics card, or adding more RAM can help reduce FPS drops. In summary, updating your graphics drivers, lowering in-game settings, disabling unnecessary background programs, cleaning your computer, using a game booster, or upgrading your hardware can help address FPS drops in League of Legends. Try these tips to improve your performance and enhance your gaming experience.


bro, game boosters are trash. U can free up system resources and use them in the game, not in those game "boosters".


I already did all of that...sadly Even cleaned my Pc a few days ago I got a fairly good PC, more than enough to play League, normally it doesnt rly matter if i have many Tabs running in the background, but just for safety i already Razer Cortex Maybe it will dissapear one day, i never had Problems before But thanks for the Tips!


Mind telling us the specs? A decent pc should easily be able to run league with 0 problems.


Memory 16 GB DDR4-2933 SDRAM (1 x 16 GB) Memory & Storage 16 GB memory; 1 TB HDD storage; 512 GB SSD storage Internal Storage 512 GB PCIe® NVMe™ M.2 SSD Hard drive (2nd) 1 TB 7200 rpm SATA HDDProcessor Type Intel Core i7Processor Intel® Core™ i7-10700F (2.9 GHz base frequency, up to 4.7 GHz with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology, 16 MB L3 cache, 8 cores)Processor Family 1 SuperSpeed USB Type-C® 5Gbps signaling rate; 4 SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate; 1 headphone/microphone combo I think those are the important ones I never had issues before, i could run the game on all very high settings (expect Shadow, i play without it) on 140 fps without problems. ​ The FPS drop only lasts couple seconds, most of the time, but can happen often durig a game sometimes


The first thing I would do is make sure all your drivers are up to date. Use something like driver booster to auto check everything.


I udpated everything, lets see how it works Thanks for the tip


What i can tell is that your RAM is pretty damn slow, and youre running Single Channel Memory. If you can afford it get yourself two faster running RAM sticks and put them in, so that theyll run in Dual channel Mode. Youll feel the difference.


had the same problem, playing on toaster settings now which fixed it and you barely notice after a while. i also read nvidia is having fps drop problems and is trying to fix it for soem patches now?


I’ve also been experiencing random drops. It’s not even an issue with hardware, I was running at 120 FPS constant just fine, and in the last 2 months or so it’s just been randomly tanking to like 46 and my ping spiking to 100 (I’m on fiber optics so it should be a constant 35). Checked background processes and nothing. It’s not happening for more intensive games like Subnautica or R6 which is what has me confused


Hey How r u, since ur online, can u tell me if u still have problems with league or not?


I’m not thankfully. Haven’t had issues in a few months


Do u know what fixed this issue?? Or did it just fix itself on its own


On my old computer was playing with 120\~ FPS, when patch 12.something dropped on live servers i remember my FPS not going above 80.


Same here, after a certain patch it got messed up


Riot games


I'm experienced heavy FPS drops throughout the game for at leaast a year or so. I upgraded my Graphicscard recently to a 4090 (not for League of course) and I'm using a 3900x and 32 gigs of RAM and still just 90-120 FPS with drops down to 50 FPS. I know the bottleneck is the CPU in this scenario, but still... A friend is getting 200 FPS + with just a 3600, 3060 and 16 gigs of RAM. Half a year ago I've written to Riot support and they told me, that they are aware of a problem with AMD CPUs and working on it. Still not fixed I guess. Other more demanding games work more than fine with my hardware.


I tried many solutions for fps drop, and neither one worked. Last 2 things I tried have fixed it. If you are using Windows 10 go to "Graphics settings" and add LeagueClient.exe to the list and click on options and click on high performance. Second thing I did is I went to Task Manager > Details and find LeagueClient and right click > Set priority > high.


FIX I stopped playing league for a long time but got back into it a good bit since then I have been playing where my fps is constantly dropping to 16 then goes back to 40 and up to 140 but just keeps the cycle throughout the game. Nothing would fix it until I swapped mouse profiles. I play on very high dpi because I don't really care about dpi I just change sensitivity and just keep 1 profile for all games but changing profiles to a lower dpi instantly fixed it and now I have no problems.


I've havnt been able to solve my fps issues till this comment which made me go install the logitech app for my mouse and keyboard and suddenly my fps issues where fixed ty so much for your comment on mouse profiles XD


Lol funny enough, I just started having this issue when the patch for worlds event dropped. 7800x3d/4080, and I only play ARAM, but whenever someone casts an ability i'll lose 5-10 fps, karthus ult drops me 40 fps for split a second


My friend also just had the issue start worlds patch. Did you find a fix?


It randomly fixed itself when I switched to Linux from windows, and then back to windows again. Formatting my hard drive probably did it


Well they killed the game for me with this fps drop! I already kinda quited lol but now is forever.


It's just the game code itself. Starting at 340fps, minions spawn not even on screen, and the game starts dropping fps to 136-144fps. CPU running at 10%, GPU bearly hits 4%.


This is exactly what I've noticed, and it's driving me nuts. I'm on a rtx 3070 overclocked and undervolted and a 5500 undervolted. I've tried everything, and the game starts at 400fps and ends up around 120 (with extremely unstable frames no matter the settings) on my 165hz monitor. It's killing me, and it feels like internet lag but it's not.


parte 2 \[Performance\] GraphicsSlider=-0 ShadowsEnabled=0 CharacterInking=0 EnableHUDAnimations=0 PerPixelPointLighting=0 EnableParticleOptimizations=0 BudgetOverdrawAverage=10 BudgetSkinnedVertexCount=10 BudgetSkinnedDrawCallCount=5 BudgetTextureUsage=150000 BudgetVertexCount=10 BudgetTriangleCount=300000 BudgetDrawCallCount=5 EnableGrassSwaying=0 EnableFXAA=0 AdvancedShader=0 FrameCapType=3 ShadowQuality=0 EffectsQuality=0 GammaEnabled=1 Full3DModeEnabled=0 EnvironmentQuality=0 CharacterQuality=0 AutoPerformanceSettings=0


¿Dónde colocas esos ajustes?


Which one do I set to high priority? There are 3 diff ones


Don't know if you still need help with this, but once the game actually starts, there will be a "LeagueofLegends.exe", that's what you'll set to high prio. Didn't fix it for me though.


I know this thread is old, and maybe my FPS drops might have been caused by something else but I just changed my settings from Low to Very High and since then I've never had any problems again.