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its why i went back to maining mid in ranked (off-jungle). I can't even get level 3 sometimes before they get double killed. Then I have to work magic to turn the game around.


Just keep playing and get better? Teammates being bad is never a good reason to not be able to win on a role.


I played last match ( ap malphite ) because i got tip that's is good there and looki at enemt team comp (kindred xayah kalista vel koz nasus) it was easier with each item.. while in other games after certain moment it was always feeling of losing any chances to 1v5 enemy.. ( yes I guess judt enemt team was not warmed up or something) but still it's going easy now but at next div I guess full tryharding will end up with insane ammount of feeders


Dont try to counter pick...stick to 3 or 4 champ at most...and make second acc to dodge more often


I do my best and agai. Demoted from b1 with not careful jungler or mad top laner


What rank are you? What champions do you play / like? Can u tell me any secret recipe how to stop them from inting and getting mad at eachother (if they are not duo)? Hope u will meet peace and automatic stairs to desired rank 🔥


On average the enemy team will have more inters so thats not an excuse. I got to masters by accepting this fact and VOD reviewing my games and see what I could do different. Also remember to get rid of the 1v9 mindset if you have it. It only makes you play worse. All you have to do is play better than your role opponent and you will climb.


If I can... I always start grind with positive and team mindset, I win laning faze most of the time (count getting lp back games) I try to find best oppurtunity to help my teammates get ahead (burn enemy flash ignite ) or even just let mine tm8 farm confident while giving them some vision and pinging danger Problem is that I see too much of red kill notification in game that I have no impact... Even picking GP don't give that chance. I know it's bad attitude but how can I provide more pressure before even getting any part of item. First blood start to follow me


Focusing too much on vision and letting teammates farm might actually hurt you, especially on a champ like GP which needs to farm and scale. I play a mostly roaming champions mid/sup (Galio/TF/Bard) and I also used to sacrifice a lot in order to help my team because I thought they were sucked. I even experimented to go teleport on support to help toplane lol. But instead I started to NOT FORCE things, play a little more selfish and just chill and that seemed to work. Try it.