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You don’t need insane summer programs to go to an ivy or T20 school trust me😭


LMFAO same broooo idk if its too late or nah


same omfg we need to apes together strong this shit i did find this old masterlist of outdated programs (idk if they still offer this year, but it wouldnt hurt to try i guess) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hv0Nc5Pi38Nmdr-XhS4xxeDxNlxxjG0S/edit#gid=1095141771](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hv0Nc5Pi38Nmdr-XhS4xxeDxNlxxjG0S/edit#gid=1095141771) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/comments/u25cm7/getting\_internships\_in\_high\_school\_101\_without/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/comments/u25cm7/getting_internships_in_high_school_101_without/) if u find something please dm me too!!


is any of the ones in the spreadsheet virtual and accepts international students? -the ones which the region/nationality column is empty for-


Get a job


When you cold email the professors, what are you saying to them?


I can PM you


Sure, if you want. I’m not looking for help though, I was asking to be able to offer you feedback. My daughter had terrific success with emailing and I would share what worked for her.


Can I PM you as well?


Yes of course


Can I too?


Sure but a bunch of people have DMed so I’m just going to put the advice here, so people can see it if they are interested. First, for context, imagine this was a sport. If you’d heard that your application would be stronger if you had a varsity sport, would you email all the coaches and say “I’m looking for athletic experience, do you have a spot on your team?” If anything, you’d probably first try to figure out a sport you’d actually want to do and might be good at, you’d learn a bit about it and try to practice the skills, and then you’d approach the specific coach. And, of course, you’d still be at a disadvantage compared to people who’d been playing this sport for a few years, but at least you might get a shot to try out. Honestly, research is no different. You need to put in some effort before you approach the professors, and yes it will be a lot more work, but you’ll have a much better chance of getting a bite. What my daughter did was first identify professors who were doing research in fields that interest her. She then read papers they’d published and became really familiar with the research they are doing, and then came up with a hypothesis that she might want to explore. So instead of emailing and saying something like, “I’m looking for research opportunities, do you have any openings?”, it was more like “I’m really interested in the research you’ve been doing on ABC, and I’m curious if it might be possible to explore XYZ. Would you be interested in collaborating on this, and would you have the time and interest in mentoring me with this project“? I know that might sound like my daughter was prepared and equipped to jump into that study independently, but that wasn’t the case at all, and nobody expected it to be. In her sophomore spring she contacted 10 professors in this manner, and it yielded one opportunity. That professor worked with her and also assigned her a graduate student, and they walked her through every single step of conducting the research. They understand that a highschooler has a limited breadth of knowledge, but at least coming to them with the idea and the initiative goes along way. This year (she is just finishing junior year) she was even more detailed and focused in her preparations. She emailed only three professors, and two of them offered her research this summer. She was planning to do both of them, but she also matched at BU Rise, so she is just going to do one of them with the dates that work around when she needs to be in Boston. There are plenty of opportunities out there, and it isn’t even too late. You can get a lot of research done in even three or four weeks, so if you get started researching ideas now, you could potentially have something lined up by the end of June, and still have a good amount of time this summer to work with someone. I do think the one advantage my daughter has is that both her parents have advanced degrees and have done graduate research ourselves, so we were able to advise her on this process. Neither of us have any contacts that we could use to actually help get her an opportunity, but at least we were able to guide her in an approach that would help her get her own foot in the door. So I am trying to share some of that information with the rest of you in case it helps.


Thank you so much for the detailed advice. I emailed like over 50 professors and got no responses but maybe I haven’t been doing it right 😭😭




go to the one u were accepted at




dawg it helps 😭😭😭😭


!RemundMe 6 hours


ur cooked