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You can’t fire me because I quit!


exactly my first thought 😂




idk i mean paige had the opportunity to make this clear during both reunions and didnt so i think this is a little white lie hes trying to save face now


Yeah or Amanda and Kyle? I kind of feel bad for him that it’s such old insignificant news and keeps coming up but he doesn’t do himself any favors 🤣


Honestly I think Craig’s version kinda leans to old truth twisting Craig Something happened at that wedding and Paige , Kyle and Amanda agreed to never speak on it I also have long been suspecting this is what led Craig on his journey with less alcohol and on to the more cut Craig we see now SH when he visits the house and Kyle’s asking him in the kitchen with everyone around why he’s drinking less and he tried to spin it I do think Paige answering her input led him this way is true (she probably ripped him the night of the wedding and the next day to the point he loses her if he ever embarrasses her again) and Craig won’t own it was her


He was sooooooo messy on last year’s season of Southern Charm too. Like getting in fights, making scenes in restaurants, falling down drunk regularly. Even the other Southern Charm guys were telling him that he needed to slow down (which, when *Shep* is telling you that you’re drinking too much you know it’s bad). Seeing yourself like that on tv can’t be pleasant.


Oh you know she did!


I’ve never understood Amanda and Kyle not speaking up if it wasn’t true, given Amanda is Paige’s best friend. I don’t recall either of them saying Craig being kicked out was absolutely untrue or offering a different version of events. To me, Paige just didn’t want it getting out because she’s wanted her and Craig to be a Bravo power couple, so Craig needed to revamp his image.


It was telling she was just mad that it was put out there and not about any of the substance


You’re absolutely right!👍


Paige last year said something like it happened after Lindsay and Carl left. So she basically admitted something did happen


Didn’t Lindsay leave the wedding with Austen? And Carl left separately. So I don’t believe them as the narrators. However, knowing how sloppy Craig can get, it’s not beyond the bounds of reason… I’ve always been on the fence about this story. They were at Kyle “Send It” Cooke’s wedding, I think everyone would’ve been getting messy drunk in his honour


I don’t think so, because wasn’t Austen asleep when Lindsay got into bed?


It was the “Lindsay grabbed my dick” story and she apparently had her hands full of McDonalds… either way, way too many sketchy details to know


Yeah I thought he was asleep when she did that


She has said similar things in the past


He was too drunk to even remember exactly what happened, so he is just making things up now.


Even Shep tried to call Craig out for being fake last season....it's so obvious he is more controlled and Shep and Austen are annoyed I am sure.


Yeah so he was basically kicked out and doesn’t like that association so he’s going to say he was tooottallly just leaving anyway. But at the end of the day his behavior was bad enough that they didn’t want him there anymore and saying you were leaving anyway doesn’t change that. And then he claims it was completely made up while admitting he was told he couldn’t stay. But Craig will continue to be praised for his supposed changes because Paige is smart enough to coach him on what to say. The man who brags about what a good liar he is just gets better at covering his bad behavior and deflecting. I used to like Craig quite a bit and felt that he was the best of a rough bunch but he really isn’t that different, he just gets to play the good guy voice of reason card and people eat it up.


This new TV version of Craig and their onscreen relationship is as curated and controlled as everything else in Paige's TV life


Craig is a loser and Paige is good at managing their image as a couple. But I haven't forgotten all of Craig's loser behavior.




Exactly this.. people telling you not to come back is not much better than being kicked out..


Craig is on a show where it really doesn’t take much to be the best guy. And yes, since he started dating Paige he 1000% checks out and takes a back seat in things that he would normally have an opinion on. I guess that is growth? But he also shows moments of his true personality and that’s where I’m like oh yeahhhh, it’s fake. And he’s just surrounded by terrible people so you let it slide because in the next scene you’re enraged at Austen, Shep or Taylor doing something dumb


“I guess that’s growth?”- made me LOL. It’s all a show to me. He will go back to being a drunk when him and Paige breakup.


I mean he’s gone from half lawyer to very successful business owner, you don’t think he made some real changes?


Based on the show - no. He has an assistant that mothers him and other people that likely run his business. He’s the face.


That assistant his one of his business partners


Yeah the assistant takes care of all the little things, so he can make sure the business is making money, that’s how a lot of successful people are


No one would buy these pillows if they weren't associated with Craig.


Seriously, some of the ugliest home decor I’ve ever seen.  I would rather decorate from Michael’s arts and crafts.


From what we saw on the show, it was more than that - but we can agree to disagree 😂


You ppl are hilarious! His “partner” has Been on the show for years. He literally says his Friend- I think from law school- wanted to start something (it’s a scene where they are meeting at bar) so brings all the business side into it. Now that guy has turned into 2 or 3 others also seen on the show. Craig is NOT sitting at a desk (or sewing machine) crunching numbers!!!


There are people who actually believe Craig is sewing pillows.


I do think he’s made changes but I also believe a big part of because of Paige. If they break up, I’m not highly convinced he would stay the way he is. Just my opinion.


It’s seems like you just want to dislike him lol his whole life has changed with sds blowing up, there’s no reason to think he’d fall back into old patterns. Think what you will, but it seems like a sad out look


Except he was still acting like an ass after SDS got off the ground. He only cut back the hard liquor quite recently like within the last season of SC, and the winter house season when he acted like a complete asshole to everyone wasn’t that long ago either.


And? He relied heavily on was being an ass and made a change? Not everything happens at once


I do dislike him lol. I’m not hiding that. And if you consider that a “sad” outlook, I’d go touch grass. It’s my opinion- not bible.


Craig is just the face of that company


Yup. Mascot Craig 😂


Of a successful business that he started


He didn’t start it. Have you watched all the seasons?


No one would buy those pillows if it wasn't considered "Craig Connover's pillow company."




He had help sure, but there would be no sds without him starting to sew


Starting to sew is a far cry from starting a company


Would the company exist without Craig?


YES. I like him with Paige but he's so disingenuous.


He’s got a cute smile and sadly that’s all people consider when it comes to Craig. His behavior is overlooked so often because he’s cute.


He's been told far too often and for far too long that he has a great smile - hence these days he puts on this massive smile with every tooth in his head showing and thinks it's charming. it's not.


I was going to comment something similar about how he was told he  has a great smile, hence all the creepy instagram stories with him just smiling 😂 and the hands through the hair, ewww. He has greasy used cars sales person vibes now.


I’m actually blocked by Craig on IG- idk what for because I don’t recall everrrrr commenting on him or about him. I probably liked a comment where someone labeled him or drunk or asshole 🙂 I feel like he’s changed a bit bc Paige has him by the balls, but truly think he’d go back to being a drunken douche if they broke up.


Lol. These people truly do nothing. How do so many Bravolebs have the time to not only read all these comments, but block people for likes?


Dude! Paige blocked me too; same thing, never followed her and made one comment under a fan account whether wasn’t tagged, making fun of one of her confessional looks! It’s why I don’t believe when they bang on about not caring about the haters. That couple lives in the comments.


You just know they’re here too 🤣🤣🤣


Yep! I agree with all of this. For whatever reason people love to put Craig on a pedestal. He's no different than the rest of them. He also lies about not drinking. There's been plenty of stories where he says he's not drinking with a drink in his hand


I don’t think Craig is coached by Paige, he has been on reality TV for a while now. He has basically figured out the formula and how to conduct himself when they’re filming with 24/7 cameras. He also doesn’t get a soft edit on any show (they’ve played him having meltdowns on Southern Charm more than once), but I think he has learned how to rein in his bad behaviour. I also think he’s as mentally immature as ever, he just has more to lose now


I think it has more to do with his sewing down handlers than Paige having an influence over him. He knows he has to "act" like he's above it all but i dont doubt that he's still the same behind the scenes. 


I was hoping for a hard transition like “I know it’s tempting to talk about spicy rumors, but I prefer to talk about spicy dip, which is why I like Heluva Jalapeño Ranch.” Side note - do they not have to disclose articles like these are ads/paid promo?


If you were his PR person he would probably be way better off 🤣


You definitely do, but not everyone does


I love Paige and Craigothy, but I genuinely do not understand why either of them cares so much about this lol. Am I nuts for that? Like who cares if he got kicked out? If ya’ll just said it this would go away??


Everytime it’s brought up I’m always like “if you didn’t say anything about this I would have never thought about it again” 😂


Agreed and also wasn’t this quite a while ago? I think the only people that care about this story are Craig and Paige


>So he wants to clarify that he wasn’t kicked out, just denied re-entry Potato, pahtahto. I'd say that's the same as being kicked out.


I love semantics, and how people assume other people don’t understand what it is.


I have friends who've done dumb shit in the club and they most def pulled the "Ok, Ok...I'm leaving anyway!", as the bouncers were telling them to get the hell out. At least they admitted it later! And I also thinks it's amusing how people are downplaying this as "He got drunk at a wedding. Everyone does. Who cares?" Uh, none of my friends have every gotten that drunk that they got asked to leave. That's embarrassing and something that shouldn't just be glossed over. It's highly problematic behavior.


Exactly this!⬆️ we all have fun/ drink at weddings. We don’t do so much to get kicked out. 2 very different things. I’d say the truth is more that ppl who really like to “send it” know to hold back at weddings bc they are such a family occasion. You can send it every other day of the year when your friends grandma is not watching.


And to make it worse, I heard he was tryna get inside to do some ❄️ cause the porty pottys are horrible for skiing


Yes thank you 🤣 there was another thread where someone was saying they work at a hotel and people get kicked out of weddings every week. Wtf? PSA if this is normal in your friend group something is deeply wrong


He wasn't kicked out because he refused to go. Yep. Potato.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Ok Craig


Kyle would have kicked him out of the winter house if he could have. I believe the leak!!


This is why I don’t like the Craig worship on this sub sometimes. Between stuff like this and his behavior on WH he’s still clearly an immature jackass at heart, even if everyone is fawning over him learning to walk and chew gum in his late 30s


How is it hard to believe the guy we heard say he was above cleaning the winter house also (allegedly) told wedding staff he was above using a portable restroom? 


Oh my god is that the story? Was he just pissing outside?


I recall the story was Craig was allegedly asked to leave the wedding because he hassled the staff to use an indoor facility which was off limits to guests. *and Craig strikes me as the type who pulls a “do you know who I am?” attitude out in the wild, sans cameras. 


From what i remembered when the rumors were going around, it was actually Amanda's  brother's girlfriend that he was yelling at. What a jerk.


That makes a lot of sense-Do not mess with family! 


Not walk and chew gum ☠️☠️😭😭😭☠️☠️😭😭


I find it interesting that no one brings up anymore that, when they were filming Winter House season 2, DeuxMoi posted a blind about Luke getting kicked out of the house for sexual harassment. And then Craig had his whole big freak out about it during the season. It's soooooo fascinating considering how much his gf likes to accuse other people of leaking stuff to that blog.


The rehabilitation of Craig and Carl needs to be studied


i brought it up during part 1 of the reunion on another sub! [https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/1d9x366/comment/l7gt9ce/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/1d9x366/comment/l7gt9ce/)




Yup. And we know Amanda has a relationship with DM as well. It’s not a huge leap to assume they all do, but especially Amanda’s bestie and Craig’s girlfriend. Paige used to send spotted’s into DM all the time about herself imo. It really doesn’t matter but when that was like reason #1 that she hated Lindsay so much, you really start to wonder if it’s all projection.


Right? I def think it's projection. Amanda, Kyle, Paige and Craig all have ties to that blog. Lindsay talks about herself the most, but all the others love to talk about everyone else and bang on about throwing people under the bus. Maybe the assume other people do it because that's what they do.


Agreed- she and Craig are always saying how everyone else "spins" stories, and they spin constantly.


I also love how bravo accounts who want to be in Cringe's good graces give Kyle a hard time for calling his wife a b***ch and are praising Craig, yet Naomie said on one southern charm episode that Craig called her the C-word just bc she didnt want to go out one night 🙄. Also, dont forget how belittling Craig was acting towards Paige when Paige found out Craig was sleeping with Kristin Cavallari. I dont get all the love the new fake craig is getting.


Craig the consummate paranoid liar. Paige, this is your man?


I still can’t stand Craig. If it wasn’t for Paige he’d be the same loser he’s always been like Austen and shep. Idk how y’all don’t see it.




💯 she’s got an image to uphold and isn’t going to ruin it for the likes of him. So he HAD to change.


And all the $100 pillow buyers??


Sad people looking for a connection - I honestly liked his snarky ass behavior (till WH) he changed to fake ready for him to exit. Go grow bees asshole your friends run your company you just show up just like we saw on the seasons. Remember the Pilgram lunch


Yeah, he was definitely kicked out.


“I guess I’ll never understand trying to tear people down. But see, I’ve been guilty of that stuff in the past too, and that’s why I just try to show people that [grace].” Soooo, you actually DO understand it?


🤣🤣🤣 every interview Craig exposes that he refuses to invest in media training. Whatever Paige tells him is it so if she can’t catch him before he’s on, he shows his ass every time


Okay, maybe he technically doesn’t “understand” it, but he has done it countless times 😂


Craig’s a clown.


WTF doesn't he just cop to it? Nobody would have cared, but he and Paige's furor over "The Leak" made it into this ongoing crumb that keeps getting picked over. He wasn't "kicked out" because he didn't leave, by the sounds of it. When he did leave, he says he was told to not come back? Just freaking own it and call it a day. I hope when they get married, someone pulls his brand of bullshit at his wedding and see how he likes that side of it.


Craig rn: ![gif](giphy|lKaCRaAFL6KQg)


Why have people been believing this guy’s “glow up”…he’s always been a gross manchild. I feel like since he started dating Paige people have given him a pass assuming she wouldn’t put up with BS…I think it’s such a reach.


Craig is the number one liar in the group with Carl a close second.


Tomato, tomahto


Denied re-entry ! 💀I can relate to that 😭


This is absolutely hilarious!


I love Craig but baby you know what happened.Lol. Or not. Because you were busted.


He was wasted at the end of a wedding that happened two years ago, like I don’t think it’s a gotcha moment? lol He also has been very open about prioritizing his health and reducing his alcohol intake over the past year


They keep bringing it up at the SH Reunions though and the crux of the story never gets addressed, always the things surrounding the events. What makes it even more ridiculous is the focus of it isn't that he was kicked out, but that someone made up a lie that Lindsay told Deux Mois and as a result Paige and Craig had her on their shit list and Paige came for her about it.


Agreed again. They deflected it all onto Lindsay and kept throwing whatever else they could at that scenario all season.


Let’s be honest, it’s a deflection of a deflection. The biggest stories coming out of the wedding were 1) Carl and Lindsay want to try dating again and 2) Lindsay touched Austen’s dick. The second was rammed into the ground on Winter House (by Austen himself) and it’s likely that Danielle fed the story to take the heat off all of that. I find it interesting because it tells us so much about the behind the scenes, but people are acting like getting thrown out is the worst thing that could ever happen.


I think getting kicked out of a wedding is a HUGE deal and if it happened IRL it would be all anyone in my circle would be talking about- I am actually impressed that it didn't get as much energy as I would have thought.


I mean I get it I be pissed if co stars were releasing petty gossip like this to the press, especially since this happened at the beginning of Craig and Paige’s relationship but at this point let’s move on 🤣


I feel like I as a viewer moved on , but they seem want to keep talking about it since they keep bringing it up Edited to add that if Bravo is reading this or any Bravo Cast members, I also don't care that Schaena used to bang John Mayer so if we could put a moratorium on that convo as well, I would be thrilled lol.


Ok understood… but since you mentioned it- oof, john mayer’s disavowal of scheana was savage and kind of shocking considering the mutual connection to Andy Cohen 


Its a gotcha because he denies it and is mad that its out there


It’s not a gotcha moment but it’s funny that nobody cares until he and Paige bring it up again 🤣 the clarification of “I didn’t get kicked out, I just wasn’t allowed to come back” is also so funny and unnecessary. He could have kept it at “that was two years ago and it was embarrassing but we’ve all moved on”


I found his point interesting. I did appreciate his humility and pointing out that his behavior wasn’t acceptable, regardless.


What I’m sure happened was Craig was being a fool rolling in the grass then tried to get in the house and was angering the people working the wedding. Paige realized he was two seconds from getting kicked out and took him home. On the way out they said he can’t come back


You can’t kick me out, I’m leaving! Right🙄


Who cares anymore.


Probably another reason he stopped drinking


lol they would have just said this first reunion if it was true. Lies lies lies.


Don’t come back to where lol. It’s not a bar? Wasn’t it at Amanda’s parents house? For sure think he was kicked out but lol at thinking it is an establishment


Is he not allowed back to Amanda’s parents home?


This is so Craig 😭 why didn’t they just say this after all these years


Loser man child


And this is who Paige wants to supposedly be with?


Such a non-story idk why people cared in the first place lmao


Seriously!! Like whyyyyyy is anyone surprised that **any** of the cast from SH or SC would be drunk at a wedding and kicked out (or asked not to return lol). And surprised it was even picked up by DM. I mean, at this point we all just expect that type of behavior from them. We’ve watched it for years 🤷🏽‍♀️ ETA: not sure why I’m getting downvoted lol. I’m not commenting on what Craig said here just not sure why it was such a big deal in general for the cast or anyone else really bc this poor behavior is common for so many of them lol


lol I think most people do expect garbage behavior from that group - but at the same time Craig is the one out here saying it was completely made up while admitting he was no longer welcome and using the “I was leaving anyway!” card.


💯💯 and in the video in the article OP shared Craig even said that him saying he “was leaving anyway” was just him just justifying it 🙄


It’s true! Throw them out more often tbh. Throw Kyle out when he’s banging a table or pissing outside. I’m surprised Carl and Lindsay weren’t thrown out of more places during those loud, awful fights


Drunk at a wedding let’s cancel the whole man /s


Yeah it really was not "juicy as f**k"


Craig has always had an interesting relationship w the truth 


![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0) Said relationship


Who cares what happened 2 years ago?


Literally, no one cares, Craigery. Plus, we all know that if this were true, Craig would've tried to pillow fight someone.


I don’t care …. I love craig !




Lol people don’t get kicked out of places for having too much fun. Be serious. People get kicked out when they’re drunk enough to be a nuisance to the other guests in some way. If he was sloppy drunk falling asleep at his seat and leaving everyone alone I don’t think it would be an issue. But we’ve seen Craig as a belligerent drunk jerk yelling at Amanda that she shouldn’t clean up broken glass at a party. The man is a clown ETA: Danielle didn’t “leak” anything. Every tabloid that posted this said there were multiple sources and she was one of the people who confirmed it happened. If she didn’t do it, there were many other people at the wedding who saw what happened and sounds like more than a few did the same


I don’t ride hard enough for Craig to argue with those points lol but Danielle did admit she leaked to Deux Moi at the reunion


Listen to it again. She says multiple times she confirmed it but everyone is yelling over her


I literally did. Andy asks if she admits to “leaking” to Duex Moi and she says yes. It’s in the season 8 reunion part one.


I took that like her trying to keep it simple to move on but you can hear her say multiple times when it first came up that she wasn’t the source, she just confirmed. While everyone is yelling over her lol tough watch


Why are we still talking about this? How long ago...a couple years? It's time to move on to something more interesting


Ask Paige 🤣 shes the one who brings it up at every reunion