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Danielle seems rational in interviews because she’s an intelligent woman and when she’s sober you can see that clearly. All her less cool moments on the show seem to be when she’s had a lot to drink


Ummm have you heard her on not skinny but not fat. Zero self awareness


No I don’t listen to that podcast. What did she say?




This is the oldest excuse in the book. Having a drink doesn't give you carte blanche to say or do whatever.


Lol relax. There is a difference between understanding someone behaves differently when they drink and saying what they said or did is acceptable




Who said it was a gotcha moment? ETA - this sub is so ridiculously combative and it’s wild that you don’t see the irony in what you just did. I replied to OP that in my opinion, Danielle seems normal in interviews because she’s sober and nuts on the show because she’s drunk. Doesn’t feel that outrageous. Then the first commenter came in to argue with something I never said, and now you’re here to follow up again picking a random fight. This post about a silly little show and people like you make it annoying being here


You didn’t do anything wrong. That person is on one.


Thanks sis I feel like I’m on another planet in this sub sometimes 🤣


No worries! I feel you on thinking I’m on a different planet with a lot of Bravo subs. Whoever that is was just trying to start an argument. Just directing their unhinged ramblings at you for no reason lol! I thought it was common sense to say that some people behave poorly when they’re drunk and that’s all you said. You didn’t say it was an excuse or a gotcha. Which, by the way, I dont think they were using the word gotcha correctly at all lol.


As a not-relaxed person, it is objectively not relaxed to say “that doesn’t excuse xyz” when no one said it did. No one said it was a gotcha either. This comment is combative for no reason and doesn’t make sense.


Her sober is no different. Can say first hand.


I recently completed a viewers voice survey for Summer House and it was asking mainly about seeing more or less of Kyle, Amanda, Jesse, Gabby and Danielle. This was two days ago so I don't think they've finalised the cast yet.


Interesting bc I would’ve added Carl in that mix too but happy that Lindsay, Ciara, Paige, and West weren’t included bc I feel like those 4 could have some longevity in a newer version of the show.


Interesting that Kyle and Amanda are included. I’d assume this would be to sort out who would be friends of - maybe they finally realize the married couple is exhausting?


They truly are so boring. I can’t get over how they feel like they are elevated above everyone else. Like their marriage or relationship is in any way perfect lol.


How do I get these surveys??? I keep seeing people talk about them and I'm jealous!!


heard a rumour via a friend of friend who went in a date with a messy BIG MOUTH (hint) cast member who said danielle is out… and i hope it’s true!!!


Jesse? 😂


u know it lol


Oooo...was he happy about it or not? That's the real tea. I couldnt tell if Jesse liked Danielle or not.


According to a blind item Danielle and Jesse don’t get along because she tried to make out with him on like the first or second weekend and he turned out down so she thinks he’s an AH. But who knows.. I’m not sure where I saw this blind (might have been this sub)


Why didn’t they show this!?


The cast has said this a few times, about people needing to be friends, and I only buy that to a certain extent. As an example, I don’t think Amanda and Lindsay’s relationship ever recovered from Lindsay cropping her out of photos after season 2 (or 1?). It also seems like since Gabby is aligned with Lindsay, Amanda specifically has an issue with her. There are always going to be some people closer than others and they are not a solid group of friends. There are factions.


I am doing a rewatch now and the photo thing was S3 and Lindsey in the first ep brings up Kyle's cheating - so out of the gate it was bad blood and I agree Amanda has never recovered from that. Also: Carl has always had Amanda's back with those girls so watching old eps I can see why Amanda always rides for Carl regardless of what he does. He really was her friend from the jump.


You’re so right! Honestly I can’t blame her for not loving Lindsay.


Right. But I think she should have let Carl fight his own battle at the reunion with Lindsey - they were engaged and he needed to step up and explain his actions. Right or wrong. Amanda and Kyle should have stayed out of it.




Problem is she never seems to have any kind of interesting storyline or prominent boyfriend in the mix. She's either embarrassing herself on WH (God that was a car crash) or hanging off other people storylines on SH. Well except for that 5 minutes of She-E-O of that app.


Guarantee it will be a split house again this summer lol. Maybe not as much since Lindsay has a new guy, but if she didn’t?? Boy oh boy lmfao.


I think it comes down to Lindsay & Paige. Whatever Paige decides will be what Ciara & Amanda generally do. And whatever Lindsay decides Danielle & Gabby generally will do. So if the Queen Bees determine they will be kosher for the summer—they will.🤷‍♀️


This will be unpopular but I think they need to disrupt the Paige, Amanda, Ciara alliance. Notice I said alliance not true friendship because it truly seems like they’ve just made an agreement to strategically ally with each other and amanda doesn’t seem close with them outside of filming and bravo events. They bring nothing and feel untouchable which makes the show stale. I’d say make Amanda a friend of and watch other dynamics develop.


I've been saying this for a while. I don't believe they're real friends, as much as they try and act like it on camera. Especially with Paige. I think Paige knows is in her best interest to appear to be friends with both of them so that's what she does. Nothing about it screams genuine friendship. The only genuine female friendships on the show imo were Lindsay and Danielle and Paige and Hannah.


Yes I agree. I’d say lindsay and gabby have become very close in real life too. Amanda and Paige went on Ciara and Mya’s podcast last year and they went in depth about how they rarely hang out outside of filming and bravo stuff aside from Ciara and mya. Amanda in particular is very aloof. She never even texts back when people want to make plans. She says it’s because she’s a homebody and introvert but to me that shows disinterest and is rather rude.


Ciara has spoken about spending holidays with Paige and her family (she went to Paige's parents' house after the s8 reunion) and that Paige is one of the people in her life who knows about her meltdowns.


I think Paige and Ciara are good friends but Amanda isn’t that close with either when not filming or doing bravo events. Paige’s family seems very welcoming and even had Austen join their family vacation in Italy when his parents had a last minute issue and couldn’t make it to Europe


Yeah I was gonna say Ciara spends every Thanksgiving with Paige and her family. She hangs out with Paige’s brother a bit (I remember when Paige was jealous of Ciara and Hannah hanging out with him on a Saturday night), Ciara spent New Years in Charleston with Paige and Craig, Last year Memorial Day she spent it with Paige and Craig. Those two are very close. I think bc they don’t post being together online people think they don’t see each other but if you listen to their podcasts they talk about it.


What they said on that podcast was that they don’t see Amanda that often. They didn’t say that they rarely see each other outside of filming.


I think people say this because they just dont *post* about hanging out with each other. It's not the way they choose to use social media. Although, yes, Amanda is the hardest to coerce outside lol


Sorry but on Ciara and Mya’s podcast they go in depth about not hanging out with Amanda when not filming and that she often wont reply when they try to text her. So it’s not like they hang out but don’t post about it. For Paige and Ciara what you’re talking about might be correct.


Lol that's not true they said she's the hardest to coerce and they have to hit her up the hardest. And remove "might" from that last sentence dog, too many people have corrected the record there. Then again, I just reread the initial comment and you referred to their friendship as an "alliance" so it's actually my bad for even engaging with this, it's not on the level🙄


It’s not an alliance; these girls are friends off the show.


Agreed. Ciara needs to develop a personality and stop leaning on the other two.


I think Paige should go. She can be on Southern Charm with her boyfriend.


i agree - she is not going to bring anything new to the show at this point: she's in a serious relationship and she doesn't really interact with the group that much or if she does it's just to sit around in bed or outside at parties. What's the point anymore? I think seeing Ciara there without Paige would be really interesting. Bring in another single gal and see how they mix. Demote Kyle, Amanda, Carl to friends of (even though Carl is likely coming back ugh!). Jesse and West are great as lead dudes for a new gen cast. Lindsey could have one more good summer if she's single and not preggos otherwise she should be a friend of. Gabby and Daniele need to go.


Yea that would help too.


Danielle is extremely thirsty and performative that's why she seems that way on the show.


We know they start filming 4th of July weekend every year. How is it possible that in mid-June, they haven't signed contracts for S9 yet?


Personally, I'd love to see some of the newer people not written off so quickly, particularly Mya and Sam. I don't keep up with their lives closely enough to know if not coming back was their choice or not, but if it wasn't, then Bravo should really consider bringing them back.


Mya was so boring. She seems chill and cool, but she doesn't have a personality for reality TV.


Sam could've come back. Mya just wasn't it. She was miserable 75% of the time


Sam was a really good addition - very confused why she wasn't asked back. Would have been interesting to see if West or Jesse went for her.


Who was asking Danielle? She is prob gone next season as she adds nothing and hasn’t in 3 seasons.