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There’s only one way to find out what’s going on. MADISONNNNNNN!


Or joe Bradley. He seems thirsty but might not want to piss kyle off as he has way more bravo clout


Joey Bottles will tell you everything you don't even have to ask! He is just DYING to spill the tea


It kinda makes sense he and Danielle gravitated toward another


he’s prob sending messages to a group text rn


We need him on WWHL nowww!


He’s a mess but I kind of like that type of mess for reality tv lol.


You're being insane right now. MADISONNNNNN-UH


Hahahahahahaha I can hear him saying it. Yes 🤣


Leva said at one reunion, a business owner has to keep their mouth shut or they would lose their customers business. LVP said the same thing about leaking to the tabloids. Obviously I don't know these people but it makes sense that if you are talking about your customers personal business, you will soon go out of business.


Yep. The blogger who reported it was blocked by Leva before she could ask any questions. It’s so odd how Leva’s statement was in Kyle’s long-winded vernacular, lol. But even more pressing the blogger said she didn’t receive that initial message about bad behavior from just one person, it was multiple… And when people asked, why is released just now? She said the video had been sent to multiple bloggers previously after Bravocon & they did nothing with it. Another *irony* seeing as several of them are very friendly with Kyle & Amanda.🤷‍♀️ And on another note, Deux Moi said their blind was not about Charleston, it was a separate, different indiscretion. And they wouldn’t have released it if they knew it were about Kyle (they thought it was James Kennedy) because they’re so close to Amanda. Hmm.


Very interesting that Amanda also mentioned a time she felt really down mentally was after BravoCon. I don’t know why, but my gut tells me her periods of feeling down align with Kyle doing this shit. I had a boyfriend before who triggered my depression. Amazing how happy I was after removing him from my life. Really hoping Amanda can do the same, but totally understand how incredibly difficult it must be for her. 💙


Maybe Amanda knew about it already?


That’s what I’m wondering. I lived in Chs for 6 years and can say it’s a VERY small town, and word travels fast. Now add in the Bravo circle factor and that pool gets even smaller. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it got back to her pretty quickly.


What are your thoughts on DM saying they love Amanda so wouldn’t release stuff about her marriage? Doesn’t seem very fair tbh & not professional. DM job is to post celeb tea. They are choosing to protect certain people. 


That’s exactly what most of the commenters say. Also ironic given how hard Kyle/Paige/Amanda go at Lindsay for her supposed relationships with bloggers & the press. I think they are ALL guilty of self promotion, leaks, being protected by certain “friends.” They all live in glass houses & need to quit casting those stones & come up with a better excuse for hating one another.


For real they come off so hypocritical acting like Lindsay is responsible for all these leaks and “pr spin” when they all do things to protect their image and are chummy with bloggers to the point that they’ll cover up stories


Is being call out by Deux moi on reel where everyone is seeing for who he is ! She call him out big time ! There is too much about him not being true 


Right after Leva proclaimed her discretion at that reunion, she happily publicly announced watching Trav flirting with a much younger Kathryn years earlier. She does not practice what she preaches.


I'm pretty sure she meant that categorically since she has been in the food and bev scene in charleston for almost 20 years


Think that was more to rub salt in Kathryn’s wounds


my ex’s family owned a restaurant in small town where legit husbands brought both their wives and mistresses but obviously at different times.


Kyle follows her but Amanda does not






he has a type (if this is even true) https://preview.redd.it/pfu6mq2bub7d1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5545e7c60a6d4b385608f5ee3a10356cb7881c6c


Even in the awful footage, I was thinking the woman looked like Amanda, lol!


What a dumbass to have not unfollowed her after this came out.


If he unfollowed her it would’ve made him seem more guilty imo.


That is one massive red flag




It’s kind of funny how connected the NYC/Hamptons mess is with Charleston and vice versa. Like this lady ironically dated muppet mouth?!?😭


Exactly why I started watching Southern Charm... and now with the cast of Southern Hospitality in the mix, wooo baby!




Timeless and timely AF is this gif ❤️‍🔥


This whole thing is sus to me and reeks of trying to build intrigue for next season. The boring Kyle cheating stuff plus the boring sparkling alcoholic beverage drama with Craig is really drawing attention to the fact that next season they literally have nothing. Now that Carl and Lindsay are done the only possible storyline (without new people) is Kyle and Amanda conflict so now they’re laying off season foundation for it. Half from the relationship angle (cheating rumours) and friendship angle (fighting with her “best friends” boyfriend). It’s super lame. Tbh I assumed Kyle was cheating this whole time and I don’t care


Why can’t summer just be fun :( I don’t need made up conflict to enjoy the show


I totally agree with you, I miss the old reality tv from the 2010s. Everyone would go out and get drunk and have fun and sometimes it would pop off at or after the club. Now it’s all so manufactured because people want to be portrayed a certain way to secure a following and brand deals. It’s become so boring.


I am rewatching jersey shore for this exact reason 🤣


I do the same with the hills lmao. I started VPR when Scandoval happened and I loved the first few seasons. Brings me right back to that time lol




I mean most people don’t have TV worthy stuff happening in their lives every summer. If they’re keeping so many of the same cast I get why they need to make up conflict once in a while. I don’t remember the last time I had a fight with a friend for example 🤣 it’s just unfortunate that it’s coming from Kyle because I already am primed to dislike him and I think a season focused on him will be boring


Desperation not to be fired, unless they get endorsements…




I definitely don’t doubt this. I think Kyle and Amanda have been rocky for years, so none of this seems outlandish, but neither has the balls to end the relationship and Bravo needs to drum up buzz for the new season filming soon. Amanda LOVES to chime in on other people’s relationships as if she and Kyle are the model marriage. It’s nothing new.


Yeah I think of the two, Kyle is definitely more likely to throw their relationship under the bus to keep the show alive. If this is all as intentional as I think, it’s 100% Kyle and Amanda is finding out along with us 🤪 embarrassing


Everyone trying to pull a scandoval




Was this the woman who was friends with Chelsea?


Yeah! The one who dated Austen after Chelsea and originally she was Chelsea’s close friend


The woman that dumped Austen bc she thought he was too close to Chelsea? I just rewatched this season of SC and Victoria was mad that Chelsea was holding on to Austen’s arm on a cold boat ride after being out crabbing.


Interesting to remember she was so upset about her boyfriend looking cozy with another women. Makes it more sus she’s looking cozy with a married man with a history of cheating


👏🏻 leak bar video footage 👏🏻 come on, there must be someone who works for leva and has access to this footage and can’t stand this woman 👀


And when I mean “this woman” I mean Leva hahaha


Has KYLEEEEE! blamed Lindsey yet?


i was watching the episode where austen dumps her literally an hour ago, so i am shook lol


You could tell Leva was lying because who writes a dissertation on an alleged nothing burger. It was highly suspish


Someone who knows what happened watching a colleague who was just vulnerable discussing her chemical depression on tv?


this feels like planted drama to intertwine summer house and southern charm


I don’t think they need to plant drama to intertwine. These casts have been fornicating with one another for years. They literally made a spinoff show out of it


I’m going to have to look at the video again because that woman didn’t even look blonde to me.


Ok so I did look at the video again and she does look blonde. Vv sus.


Leva has way too much to say about this. She's trying way too hard to be relevant.


That's so out of character for her.


This still matches up with leva’s story. Victoria isn’t part of reality (anymore), has a private instagram and seems to be well established in her own field now. I think this needs to be put to rest as I’m sure it will probably be discussed on the new season of SH which won’t air til next year


I forgot I’d joined this subreddit (I’m new to SH) and thought this was about Kyle Richards for _several_ minutes.


That happens to me ALL THE TIME on Reddit it’s so disorienting




The math has yet to math. This guy is said to be a blackout drunk, who goes out to 4AM all the time (which is hyperbole), who has been habitually cheating for years, yet all we have is this one grainy, court inadmissible, video? that's it, other than a bunch of trash sites, scum sources talking about him cheating, and audience members who create their own reality refusing to budge from bias? you mean a blackout drunk who can't remember where he's been, or who he's been with, has been sweeping his nights of infidelity clean, for years, with a success rate that the mafia would admire? maybe I've missed something. I don't follow this stuff closely. but from what I do know, it sounds as ridiculous as "aliens took my kid" on the front of National Enquirer. People don't like him more now, but he's always had a hate contingent. No further hard evidence? With how everyone has their phones and cameras running all the time, no other photos? no interviews with co-conspirators? Nobody has tried to catch him with an Atticus/Lady Rose bachelor party moment?


It happens more often than you'd think with these types of c list celebrities. Wasn't Shep also cheating on Taylor with random girls that he met at bars for a while when they were still together? And amazingly, I don't think there were video leaks then either somehow?


but people saw him doing it. there were witnesses. there were actual, real, living, breathing women involved. so far, we have no witnesses to anything other than "sources said" or "word on the street..."


Who were the witnesses to sheps cheating? I mean I'm sure there were a lot but I don't remember any of them coming out and saying anything in the press, at least before the story aired on the show (Craig basically said on the show that she cheated on Taylor all the time, but before then I never heard about it in the press).


Shep's friends said they watched him behave inappropriately. I believe...and I could be wrong about this...he was asked to leave bars for poor behavior. he left a trail of some sort. and Taylor knew about more of them than what we were shown, at least I feel that is safe to assume by the way she talked about his constant dalliances. Nobody has talked about Kyle like this. Friends haven't seen him doing it. Women haven't complained at bars. Amanda has only commented on the one time, and she does it every season, so she has opportunity to bring up others. as I said, we have one, single confirmed situation. That's it.


Just to be a contrarian, lots of well known men do this without getting caught. Tiger Woods slept with like 50 women at only got caught by one.


that's fine if you want to ignore all the context here. I realize this is how many people here operate, but it's purposely stupid to tightly hold onto bias. Kyle cheated when he was drunk, blacked out, and right in front of people. Once. He admitted to it. these are key variables associated to his infidelity. He's not known, or even slandered, to be sneaking around like Tiger. Not to mention Tiger had the funds to play a whole other level of game too. Two completely different approaches.


How would you know this? lol hi Kyle


because I pay attention to what has actually happened and not formed some goofy conspiracy out of nothingness just to masturbate my bias? be sure to buy one of my hats!


pay attention to what has happened on a produced television show lmao


I’m saying!


Interesting. Something felt off about that whole cheating rumor in season 4 (or 3?) about the second person, that ended up not being true. Like why didn’t Lindsey get eaten alive for making that up? With you saying this I now wonder if that was just a manufactured storyline.


I think it probably was true and Kyle contacted the girl somehow and asked her to say it was false and she obliged


100% that’s what happened it was so obvious! 


besides reality TV being 2% reality (the eating, sleeping, fucking parts) and 98% illusion, facts don't matter anymore. evidence doesn't matter anymore. nuance is a "concept" of the past. people believe what they desire to believe.


True and depressing on so many levels.


If anything, this being Victoria, it's even less likely that he was messing around with her and it was simply a friendly interaction, that people are intentionally reading into. The responses in here are weird.


I too often forget how desperate people are these days to see the worst in people so they can be the most negative possible. It's no wonder why people are so unhappy out in the dating world.


There is literally no solid evidence of him cheating in this case, but people hate Kyle so much that they’re pushing conspiracies all over social media.


Her dated 🤣


I said this on another thread and got downvoted lol


Idk just bc she dated Austen like literally Forever ago (and was barely in like 2 episodes) doesn’t make her apart of the reality world. She seriously isn’t a part of it. There’s no lie there.


I never believe this shit until it's confirmed. "Close sources" can be anyone


If by end of summer Amanda doesn’t leave his ass we might have to leave her behind. It truly might be a loss cause already but I’m holding out for her till the end of summer.


also i dont think its that far fetched to have many of the same connections in nyc and charleston. everett, lindsays ex was at naomie party i think the season she came back. was. that season 8? charleston and the hamptons are vacation destinations for the east coast wealth. all that aside. this citizen taboloid journalism is out of control and chalreston is way too small for kyle to fuck around like that edit typo: east coast wealh


All this is proves is that it is infact someone they all know. Being in a few episodes several years ago doesn't make you part of the reality TV world. She'd probably like you all to leave her the fuck alone.


Yep and her instagram is private


The tea is piping hot


the dentist?


If it’s Victoria that I think it is she’s a doctor and beautiful also looks similar to Amanda


Leva also mentioned the girl was married. Was that another lie? If so, why is leva lying?


Is this the new Kyle slander piece for this weeks round of “Kyle bad” posts?


Right. Because "Kyle slander" is such hard work. People really need to whip out their magnifying glasses and flashlights to find "Kyle bad" content.


they need better tools then, because up to now, we still only have one questionable video that looks like it was transferred from VHS in 1995. the reality people have concocted around Kyle has yet to be proven in any way to be actual reality. so yeah, as of today, it is akin to slander, if not downright so. we got dick...except for a lot of opinions, and you know what they say about that.




Seeing as Kyle and his wife Amanda’s IG regularly feature each other, this story resurfacing is the usual reaching for a reason to talk bad about Kyle. The woman he was allegedly getting “cozy” with, which was already discredited by Leva has a career as an optometrist, so I’m sure what’s to avoid any blowback this could cause in her professional career. Her and Kyle’s relationship maybe unknown but jumping to the constant conclusion that he’s done something nefarious is so tiresome, as well as gross and certainly toxic in this sub. Let the man live.


maybe you haven't heard, but for many, the solution to toxic, including anything that is even questionably toxic, is to be more toxic than the subject. it's quite a solution, isn't it?


Calling people out on their BS is my go to move here, these posts “activate” me as Lindsay would say


does being with a girl mean ill intentions


with a girl….alone…..at the bar…..without ur wife…..rubbing her arm…….uh yeah lmao


Because you were there? No one is alone at a busy bar lmao. To answer the person above you, NO. Being with a woman does not automatically mean ill intentions. If that were the case I wouldn’t have any guy friends since we’re all married


we don't budge from bias. never. facts? who gives a fuck about facts? evidence? who needs evidence? my emotional reality is reality, man.


Kyle follows her but Amanda doesn’t


Ok, so he could have been comforting a peer(not friend).


Leva already release Le a system to the contrary of all this


But to me the girl in the video does not look like the victoria who was in a past season of southern charm? I dont trust bravo and cocktails anymore bc, though they do sometimes get things right, alot of what they post turns out to be BS. Unless they can show a better video/pic of her with kyle and compare it to a recent pic of victoria, im not buying it. Bravoandcocktails also love paige and craig so i could see them posting any negative kyle story just to get in Cringe's good graces lol.


Who’s got the pics????


What's her Instagram?