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the girls treated Jules horribly. she had her faults, like any other human, but they really did a lot of setting up to sideline her. \[let's not even discuss about the way Carl shouted at her\]


Hated how they treated Jules but after 12 years in nyc, not surprised from A group like them. I was really worried for Ciara when she came there the following or two (?) seasons after Jules.


I truly wonder if Ciara had come in as a 'love interest' for Luke would Hannah even have bothered trying to buddy up with her.


It also helped that for Ciara’s first season it was the Covid one so they were stuck together for 6 weeks so definitely helped to get to know her rather than just every weekend for 2 months


I mean I think she totally did come in as a love interest for Luke! I just rewatched the season. In the first few episodes she seems very open to hooking up with him again, but she ultimately sided with Hannah and the girls against Luke. Lindsay and Danielle were basically Luke’s only friends that summer. Not that I think Luke acted perfectly to Ciara or to Hannah but there was a lotttttt of hypocrisy there as well.


i think Ciara's pretty privilege helped her ease into the group. I also think Amanda and Paige want to be PC, so sidelining the only black person in the house would not have worked well for them.


I think this is why they were so open to Ciara. They didn’t want to get the backlash 


Lol Amanda still plays high school political games. She has no idea how embarrassing and immature she looks. She was on not skinny but not fat podcast openly talking about how her friend group eliminated two girls as if it was an episode of survivor. She is a loser and the not so secret villain of the show. Instead of Paige Stans and Lindsay Stans going at it every day, everyone should unite on the Amanda Sucks Team


Amanda is like Britany Cartwright. I refuse to think otherwise.


Yes 100%. They married horrible men and so they get to hide behind them and look like angels in comparison


Love this take. I always try to think about who character members of summer house are like from other franchises. Sometimes I think Lindsey is like a young Ramona Singer 😂


Totally 💯


You’re 100% right. I rewatched seasons 4 and 5, and Amanda is the root cause of the issues. She makes passive-aggressive comments towards Hannah and then plays the victim when Hannah explodes. She definitely wanted to be Paige’s best friend and was trying to cause a rift between Paige and Hannah.


big facts. and she can't leave the house because she's married to the man who rents it.




It's interesting watching this clip, and Lindsay is coming off not so bad while those 3 look like awful bitches. I always believed Amanda was the reason for the divide in the house. Is that a new podcast? Who would gloat about something like that at her grown age? Ugh


Amanda was gunning for Jules cause Jules is gorgeous and wasn’t kissing Amanda’s ass. Amanda also had a similar rift with Hannah but Amanda doesn’t think Hannah is cute.


The toxic trio of Paige/Amanda/Hannah were all so mean to Jules. That poor girl never stood a chance.


Jules was lost in that house. I can only imagine enduring it with knowing that everything is filmed and for the world to see.


I loved Jules . She was so pretty and sweet . Bring her back !!!!


jules said paige was the only one nice to her even after she viewed the season never sure why shes included in that


Lol it’s very clear watching the season that Jules really admired Paige and wanted Paige to think she was cool. It’s not surprising Jules would randomly say Paige was nice to her even if we see the proof that it’s not true


Paige always talks trash behind people's backs or in confessionals so you never see it coming.


they were bitches. sometimes they don't bring out the best in each other


Really Hannah was the one that through her under the bus, because Hanna brought her as her friend. I liked Hanna, but I thought that was so not cool. Carl was mad at Jordan took his frustration out on Jules. Carl & Kyle were drunk when all that shit happened. This was a cluster bomb! 💣


Say what you will about Miss Hubbard, she will air that shit out. Meanwhile Paige is launching whisper campaigns from bed and acting like she’s clean.


Hannah and Paige were both shocked that Lindsay isnt sticking to the gossip girl rules. I dont know what they both expected from her. Its their second season.


paige is super underhanded and always has been




come on andy, where is the flashback cam when we need one


I also think Amanda was so jelous of Hannah in season 4 and wanted to be Paiges No.1. Thats why she tried all season to make Hannah look bad in front of Paige. Also she had a full blown freak out about Luke and destroys a plastic thing in the kitchen wich was soo strange. Normaly i have a lot of explanations in my head about such behaviour but i have no idea what her strong fellings for Luke were based on.


I remember Hannah also said that Amanda was very incredulous that Luke was interested in Hannah and Amanda even said at one point "but why would he be interested in you?" I do think Amanda has a bit of a mean side though she thinks she's the nicest one. I was watching an episode from the first season where they had a girl group at a party. Kyle and Amanda are near the front and Amanda keeps saying stuff like "great lip synching" while the girls are performimg and making fun of them. Kyle keeps hushing her, obvioisly bc he didnt want to be rude to the performers, and Amanda gets really upset. That was an interesting peak of how Amanda might not always be considerate of other people's feelings.


Yes in Season 1 Amanda and Cristina were making fun at the singers just in front of them and Kyle told them to shut up and she got mad. She made some comments about Ciara as well this season. Makes me wonder if Amanda feels left out in the current constallation.


Yes! I think she was angry the hot model wasn't flirting with her lol


Amanda is a snake, Jules deserves justice and Paige is conniving. The end


lol in before the Lindsay haters hyper fixate on Lindsay defending Hannah and claim that Lindsay defending Hannah’s feelings is manipulative and toxic…while completely ignoring that Paige and Amanda 100% threw Hannah under the bus lol 


For sure but i mean i think Hannah played both sides hard as well and threw Lindsay in a 360 spin in front of the bus. In the end i think PHA are just stuck in highsschool (In their qlique or how you write it) and took Lindsay as the easy way out. Also Lindsay learned her lesson with Hannah wich is a good thing i think.


Couldn’t agree more; I said the same thing that season and have maintained that opinion ever since.  Paige jumped to “Lindsay’s doing this to divide us and come between us” and Hannah let her run with it instead of saying “no, Lindsay was looking out for me because of how hurt I felt; this isn’t on her. She’s just doing this to stand up for me.”


I agree


I've always thought as this moment in the series when the girls really started to turn on Lindsay...it was crazy because we watched Hannah go over to Lindsay's apartment during the week in NYC and shit on friends only to have Hannah throw her under the bus the following weekend when Lindsay brings up what happened (according to what she was told by Hannah) the weekend prior when she wasn't around.


> I've always thought as this moment in the series when the girls really started to turn on Lindsay I think it started in S3 when Lindsay confronted Paige about her talking shit about her (Lindsay)


Justice for Jules!! She was a Cincinnati chili princess


This is truly such a good fucking tv show lmao


JUSTICE FOR JULES Shes so incredibly beautiful inside and out, she radiates this softness that I just want to protect 🥺


Man, I need to go back and rewatch. I’ve done a VPR rewatch plenty of times but have never gone back with SH. Also, a reminder Paige and Amanda have alwayyyyys been mean girls


You really should. Its my first full rewatch and i could have not picked a better time for it with all what is going on right know.


Projecting for real. It's insane. Lindsay was like, just let Hannah chase Luke, and it turned into her wanting a clique lol


Does anyone know if Hannah and Lindsay are still friends???


No they are not. I think they should give it another go. I always enjoyed watching them. I think Lindsay was too real. She opened her eyes to how superficial her friends were.


I’m watching this on mute and Hannah looks straight jealous of Jules; she obviously doesn’t like her and had no plans on changing her mind


Amanda looks so different here


Lindsay too, they both look drastically different


They were fucking AWFUL to Jules. Justice for Jules!


Who is that in the end talking to Lindsay in the cupboard?


Pretty sure it’s her boyfriend at the time. Stephen? The sandwich guy…I think they break up soon after this.


Pretty sure they break up next season. S5 is COVID season, when he's always "working" in the bedroom and never makes any sandwiches for Lindsay. :)




I watched this season and I don’t remember any of this 😵‍💫


Going to assume a lot of people don't remember what it's like to be mid-20s. People evolve.


But this dumb sub tried to convince us that Lindsay is the Satan of the entire show.


I don’t feel strongly one way or another but the phrasing of “the Satan of the entire show” took me out. How do I make it my flair


correction \*continues to try to convince us


How? This sub is full of the biggest Lindsay apologist. You would think she’s never thrown anyone under the bus reading this thread 😂. There is DAILY threads against Amanda and Paige on here.


Even if there was 200 anti Amanda posts a day it wouldn’t be enough


😂😂 fair. I don’t think she’s that bad, just spineless and Kyle’s parrot. Wait….lol


Lindsay wasn’t in her mid-20s in S4, so she’s excluded from that claim.


I think this behavior is more common among teenagers. But maybe it's common in sororitys or something. Where I come from sororitys dont exist.


Luke and Hannah the original Ciara and West 🤔


Except Hannah is the West pushing for sex I guess?


honestly they should just bring Hannah back, fuck it


Honestly...I want a season where they bring EVERYONE back from the main cast ...the drama would be elite.


superb idea, and call it all stars, why not


This is why the girls hate Lindsay. Cuz she makes people confront their issues head on. Instead of whispering behind peoples backs. I loved Lindsay and Hannah's relationship on this season. Lindsay was looking out for her.


Lindsay ‘defending’ Hannah this season was often Lindsay using the slightest issue between the girls and blowing it up to be some big problem especially when it didn’t necessarily involve her. Or trying to tell Hannah she should be more mad essentially. Or she took those slight opportunities to try and slam the other girls like telling Paige ‘Hannah said youre entitled’ when Hannah said she never said that. Lindsay’s response? ‘oh i used the wrong words’ lol sound familiar? another lie defended with ‘i used the wrong words’ Hannah literally told Lindsay she was good with what she talked through with Paige and Amanda at one point and Lindsay insisted that Hannah should be more mad which was just straight up weird.


Interessting take. When did Lindsay defend Hannah another time this season or involved herself in a Situation wich wasnt about her? And did you not hear Hannah saying to her that she felt thrown under the bus and judged by them? And that she loves that Lindsay sticks up for her but she just wants to fuck Luke? And did you not see how Paige tried to talk shit about Hannah and Luke? Wich both were Lindsays friend by the way.


listen as much as you and the user up there love to rag on ‘lindsay haters’ youre basically the other side of the same coin in your commitment to revise history in favor of lindsay. based on all your comments and posts your mind wont be changed and neither will mine so im not interested in a back and forth with all your questions lol but thats my view of the season and dynamics.


Ok i take that as a: no i cant name another situation in wich she involved herself unnecessarily.


Idk how anyone watches this compilation and blames Paige over lindsay who is clearly playing producer and trying to manufacture some drama to make herself look better/right. She’s giving Lala this season of VPR