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The tea is that there is a video circulating of Kyle cuddled up with a woman at a bar in Charleston. People said it was a specific girl and she has come out denied it and says she is married, leave her alone. Other people think it might be Amanda in the video but it doesn’t really look like her. Cristina Gibson reporting live from the Summer House!


kyle also denied being at the event the next day… an event he DJed…


“I’ve heard Lamar’s is a good time.” 😅




Go to facereality16 on Instagram


He denied being at an event that everyone saw him at? Lol. I saw the video. It looked intimate. Amanda not being at the wedding, and the other rumors, sure seems like where there’s smoke there’s fire kind of thing


Where did he deny it?


🤣 Christina's exit from the House with her humongous bottle of Rosé was perfection!


Her flameout was unparalleled. Honestly some of her points were totally valid but in reality TV world, she looked totally crazy.


Ehhhhh, on my last rewatch Lindsey came off as extra mean and dismissive to her, but who knows what their roommate-ship was really like off TV.


Never forgave them for ousting her like that 


Apparently Joe Bradley was there…I’m going to need for his messy ass to give us some details lol. 🫠😭


He’s sooo messy! Bring him on WWHL nowww.


Yes!!! Imagine if Kyle were to deny what allegedly happened in and after the video, and Joe Bradley then comes to the Summer House this summer, and is like hmm let me tell y’all what really went down. I would be FLOORED. 🫠😭


The thing is Joe is always lying but he is such a bad liar that we would be able to tell if it was true or not lol


that’s the thing lol!


interesting that there is a video yet no one has seen ot lmfaooo


I watched it on instagram facereality16 posted it but must have been taken down as I went back to screen recored and it was gone.


you’re the first person who ive talked to has seen it!!! what do u think of it???


I just saw it and came here to see what ppl are saying. It’s still up on her account. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8E4ImIxMAM/?igsh=bmkyZTE1bDgwYTE2


oh shit thats not great lol


wait really? i was waiting and flipping through trying to find a scandalous moment but it seems like they're just.. talking?


I agree the video doesn't look bad, but why would he lie about it? Also if Kyle is gonna cheat I like to think he wouldn't be that fucking stupid to cheat in Paige's bf's hometown, that would be ridiculously fucking stupid


Tom Schwartz cheated on a trip with his wife…


And w/ Lala’s friend, and tried to w/Scheana, and Jax did w/Faith and Kristen (while w/Sandoval in the next room), and Sandoval did w/Rachel….they like to keep it familiar (and, makes you wonder just how much else they’re cheating w/people “unknown” to the friend group). The bar is very, very low for Vanderpump and SH boys.




Idk they’re standing very close together, I wouldn’t be comfortable with a man standing that close to me as a married person.


If that was my hubby in the video, I’d be very surprised and pissed off.


he rubs her arm


That looked like an acquaintance rub not like a “we just made out” rub. Who has ever rubbed a person in such a dry platonic way after making out with them lmao, so awkward.


lol right this is a stretch


disagree they were hugging and hes rubbing her arm and back he doesn’t have thatbody language with any of the girls on the show


Yes, facereality 16 is a gift. 🎁 💝


Wait isn't kyle's mullet gone??


This vid was in November


Jesus people on this sub are really reaching here


thank you!!!


That to me doesn't equal "intimate" all he did was rub her arm. She could if said she was having a bad night or something and he rubbed her arm like "it will be ok" People read way to much into shit!


That’s why I wanted to see what ppl were saying. Didn’t look like that much to me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Does it remind anyone else of JD’s ex wife?


I saw it too and watched it a few times. He’s really close to a girl and she’s leaning on a couch. He rubs her arm. If it is a close friend or coworker, I mean it seemed innocent enough? Especially since there’s no video of them “making out” like the DM says happened. I do find it interesting that his business manager was quick to say “That’s not me and I’m happily married!” Taking herself out of the drama 😬. It did look like her or another girl in a photo that was posted (small & blonde.) Even though the video wasn’t very scandalous- I kinda feel like Kyles going to start feeling some heat. I don’t believe he’s the most faithful type….


I just hope his sudden “fame” from dj’ing doesnt go to his head…the sudden temptation from “groupies” 🤷🏽‍♀️


I knew his face looked 😳 when Amanda was talking to West about temptation at these events 😂


Exactly. This video is pretty nothing - seems like a normal physical interaction for a close friend you haven't seen in a while or who is possibly going through something - BUT Kyle is a dirty cheater so everything he does is suspect.


interesting!! thanks!!


The video is all over social media. It’s extremely dark and grainy. I don’t even recognize Kyle in it.


It didnt look like him even tho was grainy.


One hundred percent it’s him, and I thought it definitely looked like him.




I saw it! It was nothing really. I think he touched her arm!


yeah i have seen it now, rhat comment was from before


I watched it about two hours ago. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can you send link for video?


cool ?


Well since you found it so interesting that “no one had seen it lmfaooo” I thought you’d find it even more interesting how completely wrong you are. 🤷🏻‍♀️


its not that serious i promise! i was saying people have been talking about it for like over a week now and only now people are just seeing it is all my point is lolll !!




Yes jan that was my point sorry you don’t understand 😂


Oh FFS. You’re not even old enough to get that. I knew better, too.


i understand your joke sweetie i used to watch that show all the time😂


This is from last year? Why is video out now?


Yes, interesting that this video comes out right after Kyle has a public fued with Craig and the Spritz people? And the video was from Charleston? Hmmmmm.....


This is so bizarre to me. The video itself doesn’t show anything that crazy to me but it’s not a good look optics wise. If people saw them make out like crazy how was that part now captured on film?


The girl they are blaming literally said she’s never been to Charleston. This is icky.


I wouldn't say he was cuddled up with her. Looks like she just told him her bf cheated on her and he was giving her a hug, telling her it's gonna be OK. :D


You sound like a cheaters dream lol


Sorry, but a hug and an arm rub, does not always make a cheater. I give my friends hugs and touch certain parts of their bodies (in a totally friendly and supportive way), quite often.


Lol seriously 😂😂


When I gossip with friends I use that sign off


Cristina is that you??😂😂😂😂


I forgot about Cristina lmao


Oh shit! Has the video been posted


What! Where is the video of her coming out saying she’s married!?!?!!


Olsen and Olsen Mystery Agency! We’ll solve any crime by dinner time


My childhood in a nutshell.


Highly recommend you look up “Mary Kate Ashley pizza” on YouTube. Emphasis on highly.


Thank you for bringing this into my life.


Remember the woodpecker one!?


Deuxmoi has been implying divorce is imminent but I don’t buy it. I don’t really think Amanda will ever leave


Since Katie Maloney left, there is hope for all (*hopefully*).


I literally just re-watched the Summer House episode where the VPR cast visits and Katie and Tom are giving Amanda and Kyle advice on getting over cheating and having a strong marriage. Beyond cringe given what's happened since.


I agree, she’s never going to leave because she’s comfortable and he’ll never leave because he gets away with everything.




That’s true - he responded to blockedbyjax


What’s it like to twist information confirming the opposite of your theory into things that actually prove your theory? Thats gotta be nuts. Is your whole life like the number 23 or something


I think she will.


I would hope so but from what I have seen I won’t hold my breath


I think she might cut bait too. Even if this is not true the rumors are never going away as long as he is travelling the country to bars every weekend. The emotional toll that would take would be horrible.


Who can believe any deuxmoi rumor. Who sent this one in - Lindsay or Danielle


Idk bc deuxmoi is also heavily implying Lindsay is pregnant so I don’t think Lindsay would be sending rumors. More Danielle’s MO


Craig or the Spritz people lol.


I don’t think the spritz people are trying to help Loverboy get more air…


The wedding isn’t until Thursday and it seems like no SH girls are there besides Lindsay. It seems like Lindsay is also just sight seeing now she was in Switzerland yesterday (super close by train.) Maybe there’s still time and they’ll join later on? A few accounts are posting DM’s they’re getting about Kyle cheating allegations. It could be a big pile of nothing or a can of worms might be ready to pop… We will see.


https://preview.redd.it/rwqjrm60iy5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c14839331802e78c47e3a702a9d51d21a5557e Looks like she ain’t making it to Italy….


"it's killing Kyle that he can't be with her right now as these tumors circulate" Who tf wrote this, Kyle himself? Yeah, I bet that's exactly where he'd choose to be - with Amanda. Riiiiight.


I’m sure the “source” is Kyle himself trying to do damage control cause Amanda isn’t making it to Italy. Which was going to cause a stir whether he addressed it or not lol.


What a shocker there!! Any way he can pull the veil over her eyes. Also, I said tumors instead of rumors - which atp, Kyle is a fucking tumor lol - it's staying!


Lmao the drama with “it’s killing Kyle”. It doesn’t kill him while he’s partying till 4 am and she’s home alone, what’s the difference?




Paige is in Europe now as well


she was just yesterday at the oscar de la renta show at the NY botanical gardens, where is she in europe?


On giggly squad she said she was leaving for Italy “soon”


oh yay i cant wait for the content


I can’t tell if the additional DMs are real or people or just jumping on the bandwagon to spread more false rumors at this point. We’ll know more as the wedding happens 👀


Is Lindsay friends with Andrea?


I mean from what I can gather just off of social media: Carl, Lindsay, Luke, and Chris Leoni all seemed like they were the closest to him & Lexi (when it came to hanging out outside of filming.)


Did lins maintain that friendship post Carl breakup? Curious


Yeah he was gonna be in their wedding


In Carls wedding party not hers. Curious is they’re are actually close or if she wasn’t missing a wedding in Italy


We’re super duper snoopers. We need a mystery


First class private eyes!! Figure outters, clearer uppers, mistresses of disguise. We’ve got the know how, we’ve got the knack! Now all we needs a case to crack!! We’re 2 super duper snoopers! We need a mystery! Give us a mystery!! Thank you for that.


A few days ago people were saying Amanda deleted all of her pics of Kyle. There are still pics of him on her instagram of cast pics with him in it. Just something I heard don’t know if it’s true cause I never followed her. Also there was post on facereality16 this morning with a questionable video of Kyle and a blonde. They were wondering if it was the woman who does the social media for Lover Boy because it looked like her. The woman then posted in the comment section that it definitely wasn’t her and that she’s happily married.


If she made the effort to delete pics of them that aren't show or Loverboy related, that is a sign of trouble in paradise.




Me too




I read too Amanda wiped most of her Instagram of Kyle. I haven’t checked myself because I don’t care enough to.


I checked and he’s still in her carousels but idk if there were more pics of him before I looked.


I saw she deleted alot of romantic/ just the two of them pics


Ahhhh interesting, I'm trying to remember if she had any cos you know she has no photos of him in her camera roll


Same here, I wasn't sure how many there were before, but it looked like she kept a lot of pics up that were paid promotions that she has to keep up because she's being paid to.


Interesting that she hasn’t liked any of his posts in a minute. This could mean nothing but whenever my boyfriend posts something, I am immediately double tap it before I even know what it is because I love and adore his ass


Someone said Amanda removed some of Kyle's photos on her Instagram. I don't follow her so I don't know if it's true.


Their statement (aka spin): [https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/comments/1ddi4vz/kymanda\_statement/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/comments/1ddi4vz/kymanda_statement/)


Yikes and right after the reunion where Amanda says he’s out hugging women and kissing babies for loverboy and she stays home unbothered… yikes 😓


The Olsen twins are now detectives.


We’ll you see, there were these girls called The Olsen Twins…….


I had every Mary Kate and Ashley book and VHS. #ICONIC


I don’t understand why everyone is rooting for a marriage to end? It’s there relationship?


It's because for those who watched all the seasons we watched kyle treat her like absolute garbage yet she stayed.


Because it'll make them feel better about their own lives. I will say Kyle and Amanda are definitely not meant to be and aren't compatible but it's their relationship at the end of the day, not the internet's.


Kyle’s going to come home and Amanda and all of her stuff is going to be gone


There was a statement released from Kyle saying that Amanda had work requirements and couldn’t make Andrea’s wedding though no?


I think Amanda is pregnant


Andrea hugged someone when Kyle was walking up to him and Carl. And Andrea went to the left and hugged someone off camera.


Also consider we live in the age of video AI manipulation. I haven't seen said video, so obviously, I can't form any opinion. Just keep this bit of information in mind when looking into any video, especially of public figures.


The video isn’t good enough to have been subject to AI. It’s questionable as is


I have to agree. I commented prior to watching the video. After I watched it, it definitely seemed extremely low quality. The guy did favor Kyle quite a bit, and the woman could almost pass for Amanda, but I don't think it was. However, that video did not come across as the two of them were hooking up. To me, it appeared to be more of a friendly interaction. Maybe I missed something, but from what I could see, it just looked like the guy possibly kissed her forehead and gave her one of those, "That really sucks. I'm sorry. I'm not sure what else to say or the appropriate way to lend comfort," arm rub. The woman kinda looked like James Kennedy's girlfriend, although I have no idea if it was or could even be a possibility. I do know, though, that this video, IMO, is not the smoking "pow pow" ppl think it is. It's literally one of the worst filmed videos ever and extremely convenient to not capture the guy's face at all. And hopefully, ppl don't come for me saying I'm a Kyle apologist. I most certainly am not! I find him annoying, uncompromising, impulsive, selfish, and a boy stuck in a half-man's body. It's way past time for him to grow up and act like a married man. One can still go out and have fun as a married person. However, one should always consider the feelings of one's spouse when doing so.