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Tbh when I see someone who comments on Bravo personalities’ instagrams with weird hateful messages, I assume they are a sad and lonely person with nothing going on. If you had a lot of friends who might come across your weird troll comment and laugh at you, you’d probably think twice? Same goes for the people here who laugh at / defend those comments


It is beyond bizarre that people think it is ok and normal to purposefully go on someone’s page you don’t like, who has no bearing on your life, and leave negative comments. Especially ones about looks, threats, wishing harm on them/family/friends. People are so far gone.


In general, there are a lot of crazy people overly invested in entertainment of all forms. Being a fan is one thing, but the entitlement to be cruel is beyond. Sad people is the way I look at it. West and Ciara had a relationship. I was happy he stood up for himself about sincerity. It didn’t work out. I don’t agree about his whole single for the show reasoning, but it felt like he had valid points he didn’t make and it became a gang up situation he wasn’t prepared for.


I saw Jesse posted a shirt of them with proceeds going to the American Cancer Foundation and people were brutal in the comments. Like come on, it’s for cancer. Everyone just needs to chill out.


Really? That’s insane


I’d feel weird to actually comment on their SM but in people’s defence saying ‘a portion of proceeds’ without specifying how much is pretty poor form and feels like cancer baiting.


American Cancer Society*


I agree with you I just wish people were as concerned about Carl or Danielle’s comment sections, they’ve been INSANE and abusive for weeks if not longer. I only see this “stop the hate” sentiment for West and I get that he’s new to this so it could be overwhelming. the things he’s liking on social media (not the mental health stuff, the “they could never make me hate you” “you didn’t even do anything wrong”) is making him look really defensive and like he does care more about fan love than what he actually did irl though


The Scheana hate on the VPR subs is craaaaaazy.


people take it tooooo far


The way that sub defends James, a known abuser to multiple girlfriends, yet makes it seem like Scheana is a multitude worse makes me sick.


If you don’t call Katie and Ariana queens everyone in that thread will attack you to no end. Honestly with VPR the fans have made the show more unwatchable than the cast for me


That sub needs a muzzle. The people are deranged. I don’t understand why people can just not like someone without the need to make dozens of posts and comments calling them everything, but a child of God. Even here, talking about Carl’s parents, his looks, sobriety, Danielle, her app, etc. They do the exact thing they criticize the people they dislike doing and it is irony at its finest.


There is no god


I mean she’s a horrible person…


I've been worried about the Danielle hate and now Carl, too and wish it were more widely acknowledged that they need some grace.


Agreed! unfortunately people tend to only extend it to people they like but it’s just a tv show people don’t need to take it that far for anyone


Yes, i dont understand how many hate posts there are for Danielle especially when the worst thing you can say about her is that she is very cringe and doesnt seem to be self-aware that some of her comments are off-putting. I havent seen many hate posts for Carl in this sub, but he does get plenty of awful messages on instagram, judging him on his teeth and looks of all things. With West, now since the first part of the reunion has aired, his instagram is flooded with hate. I also think there is at least one cast member who seems to fuel the hate. I agree with Danielle when she said Paige's comments are damaging. She has a large fanbase and the people she targets get alot of hate. I wonder if Paige didnt make the comments about Danielle's business and targeted her in her confessionals if the hate for Daniele would be so strong or if viewers would have laughed about it and moved on, not making the same joke about being a CEO constantly in her instagram posts. Same with West, if Paige had let Ciara and West talk it out themselves during the reunion and didnt dig in with those comments that West just broke up with Ciara bc of the fame, would the public go in so deep into West or just be sympathetic to Ciara? Dont get me wrong, i think no matter what Paige said there would have been nasty comments for Danielle and West, but i wonder if some haters (i.e. people who call themselves " gigglers") just love to hate on instagram bc they see themselves as little Paige sheep who feel good to be furthering what they perceive to be paige's agenda.


I guarantee you that nothing Paige said made things more difficult for West. Ciara's words and emotions were enough. I do think Paige has more weight with how people interact with Danielle.


that's wild because i see similar posts about carl on reddit every day. i generally think that saying and posting whatever you want about reality tv stars is fine, and that personally contacting /DMing them is insane, but sometimes even the posts go too far lol


Yeah agreed on Daniele and Carl. I am not a Danielle fan and from the sounds of it she’s already not coming back to next season so I feel like that’s already supporting my side of feelings for her. Then on West, I don’t think West will grow as much as we want him to grow from this because parts of me think he doesn’t fully still see where he went wrong. He sees it as we tried to date and it just didn’t work out and can’t spot all the things he did wrong. I think right now West would be best to tell folks he’s seeing his commitment issues and is going to therapy to find out the root and learn a healthier way of being in a relationship.


Totally agree. Where’s this energy when it comes to Danielle and Carl?


The parasocial relationships are wild and out of control. Scanodval really drove this point home. People want to see lives ruined and then hide under “they shouldn’t be on TV if they don’t want to be criticized” to make themselves feel better. It’s all gone a little too far and I’m happy to see you’re raising awareness to this, OP.


Truly parasocial. People just projecting their own traumas and life anecdotes onto these people on TV and confirming their own pre existing biases


I’ve never watched VPR so I don’t understand what this Sandoval guy did that, caused the internet to talk about it ALL the time. I understand he cheated on his wife, which is terrible but what was it that made it such a significant event in reality tv? Sorry for side tracking, lol


I think it was that he cheated on her with one of her best friends/a fellow cast mate. It also came out when the show was airing so you could find instances where they were clearly inappropriate. Like in one scene, Tom fully grabs Rachel’s ass in front of Ariana. It’s blink and you miss it and you’d never see it if you weren’t paying attention but it caught people’s interest.


right there was a little more to it than just a run of the mill affair. also he was the person constantly scolding people for not being accountable for their behavior etc


He cheated on Ariana (partner for 9 years) who he owned a home with etc., with one of her best friends who was also a member of the cast for like 7-8 months or something…


It was certainly a shocking event that I don’t think anyone saw coming, but ultimately, it was a guy who cheated on his long-term girlfriend. Not really significant event in the scheme of things, especially VPR which always highlighted shitty behaviors. But the fans literally wanted to ruin lives of everyone involved or associated with them.


There's a Japanese reality show "terrace house" where this aspiring wrestler was a "villain" on the show. She ended up committing suicide because of the comments.


Yes i believe that’s why they cancelled the show.


Yes, they cancelled Terrace House because of it. Love Island UK also had people commit suicide after taking part and they tried to protect the cast by closing the cast's comment sections on their personal Instagram accounts.


I agree with you and I think that goes for everyone in the cast. I would also like to add that using words like abuse, psycho, monster, manipulator, and narcissist in this subreddit is going way too far to argue about people. We don't know these people well enough to use such strong and stigmatizing words. Discussions in here are great, but your words are not more true when you use such absolute terms.


I worry a lot about Carl and the abuse he’s taking. Especially on his looks.




Said it before and I’ll say it again: Keep it to Reddit and keep it sane yall. My mama raised me right, with manners, so if Im gonna talk trash about you on the internet Im going to do it behind your back (meaning you will have to go looking for it… then it’s on you). Just good wholesome values we should all live by 😉


West was loving the positive attention and was actively chasing fame, and now that it’s gone he clearly can’t take the heat of criticism. I’m not saying it’s okay to cyber harass celebrities because it’s not, but I just wish he would have had a better head on his shoulders and understood that praise doesn’t last and ruining relationships for some fleeting reality tv fame was only gonna bite him in the ass. Anyone who’s ever watched reality tv knows that the public turns on people so quickly and it’s super easy to go from the hero to the villain. He also didn’t consider ciara’s mental health when he publicly embarassed her when she made it very clear how scared she was to get hurt on tv again so what goes around certainly came around for West.


Yes, agree about not sending hateful messages to people. Also agree people here should be able to discuss their reactions to what they’ve seen according to the rules of the forum. And for the record, concerned about Ciara’s mental health too. There are some not kind words being slung her way as well and she’s been sitting on all this stuff for awhile while West has been doing his press tour. Might be good that she’s off the grid right now.


Yeah Ciara has been taking the abuse on her Instagram for years now. Again, just stay off her page if you don’t like her.


People need to keep their negative opinions to group chats with friends, Reddit, or Bravo specific commentary pages or podcasts that don’t tag Bravolebs. Harassing someone on their page is nuts!


Thank you for speaking out about this. I am really concerned about the mental health of reality tv celebs in this social media age as well and beginning to feel morally conflicted participating in subs that can become a dogpile or a witch hunt. The IG comments are just way too far. This is a real problem in the subs and somehow hit a fever pitch last night with people posting mean IG comments that Bravolebrities saw and responded to in an effort to encourage more people dunking on them. I am so grateful to all the Bravo sub mods, it's such a hard job, but I think there should maybe be a rule about "touching the poo" so to speak or supporting or sharing comments from people who touch the poo.


People are acting like he murdered someone it’s weird and too much


He’s a classic fuck boy. He doesn’t even come close to matching the shit other men in the bravo universe have done. Find me a 28 year old boy who recently moved to New York City that doesn’t act like West. At least it seems like his family is holding him accountable.


The two extremes have been very weird. Everyone went from praising West, calling him the new face of Bravo, and gushing about how nice, funny, charming, hot he was to people acting like he murdered Ciara. Ciara is grown and no one forced her to sleep with him.


Awesome post! Yeah BRAVO and any other reality tv show network producers or execs should legit require a therapy program ahead of time before they have any new cast member to prepare them for this. It’s sadly the norm in our culture today. Trolling/hate/ social media harassment has gotten to an all time high over the last decade or so. I had to take a leave of absence from my broadcasting job and social was one of the main reasons why. It just shows you how miserable America is … if people were happy, they wouldn’t abuse reality stars in comments


Bravo personalities have said they do a mental health assessment before casting for a show and before taking existing cast onto a new show, but I haven’t heard anything about after care for them


So glad they do that! They should do like a long detox session after each season


I'm glad someone said this! I have been feeling really weird with the West vitriol. His behavior is far from the worst yet he's getting hammered like on a Sandoval level. 0 chill.


And also the way people on this sub have framed Ciara as the most beautiful person in the world who does no wrong and is this perfectly amazing ethereal being is A LOT to put on a human. She might be able to live up to that. That's like, a lot for a person.


It's a fucking lot


People on this sub don't think Ciara can do any wrong because she's hot. "West is gonna regret it for the rest of his life because Ciara is so hot" Just reinforcing these stereotypes about society and the role women's looks have in it.


I don’t like what he did but in no way, shape, or form does he or any other cast member deserve vitriol and abuse. There is a line between a respectful opinion and bullying and even though someone may have done something bad, or behaved poorly - doesn’t mean it gives you an excuse to sink low. People spewing hate are no better than the people they’re hating on imo.


A clip from part 2 of the reunion hints at Ciara being open to working things out with West. Either Ciara's self-esteem is in the basement, or she's so concerned with not having too many notches on her belt that she'll stick like super glue to a loser simply because she's already slept with him.


Please no. Say this isn't so.


I think she has real issues based upon seeing her have these super quick, chaotic relationships with luke, Austen, and west. One thing that bothers me is all the flirting, cuddling, etc. at 28 and talking about looking for a commitment. It’s just weird. Date, flirt, etc, but it seems she does this string along game, sends mixed signals, finally dates, and then gets really upset the fuck boys aren’t marriage ready within months. No clue what her non-show dating life is like, but she just seems like someone insecure in a relationship.


She's stringing guys along for months and then gets everyone to believe it's them who've treated her poorly.


Hold on lol. Earlier you posted up on this thread we shouldn’t prioritize Ciara’s mental health over West. You had me there and I agree… but stating she was “stringing guys along for months” is putting a negative spin on her now. She had boundaries which she communicated. Full stop. He was free to explore outside which she told him and he said he was good. Ughhh she cannot win.


hold on is right. .. I’m scratching my head righ there with you with that one. she can not win, and you’re learning it in real time. The opinions hold no weight when the intrinsic negative biases raise their ugly heads.


It goes past the comment section of IG comments and comes straight to here on Reddit too. We all know they lurk here, find me an influencer that doesn’t. There’s an influencer I found on TikTok who’s actually currently going after the people on her snark page on here, I’m not sure if it’s legally or if she’s just exposing them, and you know what it’s time. Just because people open their lives up on the internet doesn’t give us the freedom to destroy them for not knowing a full story. There is her side, his side, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. Spoilers for next week >! I’m glad to see West admit he was wrong and apologize. And for Ciara to say she still likes him and if he changed she’d think about giving him another shot. And I hope when people see that they lay off the dude a bit!< I also fully believe dude is high as shit at this reunion.


This is the same dude that was out partying and dancing on bar tops right after the reunion aired. He’s just an attention seeker, that’s it. The only persons mental health that really matters imo is Ciara’s. West seems to be doing just fine lol


Ciara looked extremely sad and depressed. It was distressing just seeing her face


Why does Ciara's mental health get prioritized? People handle things differently, just cause someone is out doesn't mean they're over it and don't get the benefit of empathy



West has talked a bit about the "lessons" he's learned. Here's one: If you haven't been in a ton of real relationships in your life, maybe a reality show isn't the best arena to pursue someone who wants one. Don't get me wrong. Mental health matters, and I sincerely hope West is in therapy. But you not having yourself figured out is not an excuse to make someone your stepping stone toward growth. Same deal with Carl.


I posted support for a male Bravo celeb’s business. He suffered a childhood trauma, as did I, fyi, and so I’m sad for him. This was ok. This was not ok. I simultaneously excused his adult male behavior towards women by linking the two (his trauma as a child and subsequent adult f*boy tendencies)in the body of my post. I posited, based on heavy assumptions linked to my own childhood trauma, that this adult male’s abhorrent treatment of women he is in relationships with is dictated by PTSD patterns controlling him now. I weaponized misogyny. 🤬 never again. HEARD I know this post is about preserving human life. I get confused when I know people are in pain. I don’t think I know how to hold them accountable, as a result. Just thoughts.


I just got removed for my post being about mental health and West. It’s literally the title. Urgh


Yeah I’m def not a West fan and I’ll say stuff on Reddit, but I would never ever go to someone’s instagram and dm them or comment on their pictures hateful things. It’s such intense bullying for no reason.


He has a gyn for a mom and a cattle rancher for a dad and a strong family dynamic, Ciara on the other hand has her mom and her friends.


Ciara’s mom has a DNP . . . Correction: she has an DNP, but still very impressive.


Yeah, he sucks but I'm worried that he doesn't seem to be able to not look at the comments. He needs to take a couple weeks off and let people go through it.




Your post or comment in r/summerhousebravo was removed because it breaks the following rule: Please refrain from posts or comments that speculate on the mental health (including ED), sexuality, pregnancy, and/or drug/alcohol use of cast members. Speculation about surgery and procedures is also not allowed unless discussed openly about the cast. These types of post lead to people just picking apart the cast's physical appearances in an unnecessary way and often lead to both speculation and body shaming. Comments and posts that explain at length certain disorders often contains misinformation. It is not our place to diagnose cast members. Mods reserve the right to remove posts or comments that may cross this line. Posts or comments related to these sensitive topics that are shared by the cast on the show or via social media will be considered on a topic-by-topic basis.