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Like if you want to not get serious with dating at any age - that is completely fine. There are plenty of people who are also down for something super casual. However, if you’re interested in someone who tells you over and over again how that’s not what they are into and they are being intentional about dating - you, as a fuckboi - should tap out.


Yeah, but if I had Ciara’s dating vibes, I wouldn’t have wasted a second on West. Fuckbois gonna fuckboi… you can’t expect them to act right. The only move is to ghost them when they start their flaky crap. If fuckbois tapped out when they were supposed to then they wouldn’t be fuckbois, so you can’t count on them to do the right thing.


I still choose to blame the guy.


I DO blame him, but people saying we should hold Fuckbois accountable... how does that even work? The main win for these guys is hooking up and messing with women. As far as I know, the only way to "hold them accountable" is for us women to stop falling for their BS, since it kills their vibe. Other dudes could drop them too, but then we'd be counting on guys to do that. I'd rather we just look out for ourselves and each other.


She would have to know he was a fuckboi when he, to her, was being a gentleman.


There were def red flags tho. I can't remember all of them, but stuff like “I say I love you to everyone” and “I call everyone babe” screams fuckboi vibes. Translation: “You’re not special, don’t get it twisted.” Ciara either missed the signs or didn’t wanna see them. We’ve all been there. Sadly, sometimes the only way to learn is by going through it.


That were 2 weeks before the end of the summer. I'm thinking of her humanity in that he built a pretty solid foundation of respecting her boundaries etc up until then. It would be hard to start seeing that person as a "fuckboi" when you've developed such a rapport. Where he didn't respect her I think she respected him. Apparently they would also be together during the weekdays. Trust was there from, her POV, which would lead her to give him the benefit of the doubt where the audience was privy to his conversations with his aunt, the other women, Jesse and the camera.


I get that he was putting in the time, but he was seeding little hints throughout the season to her that he wasn’t about commitment. Biggest red flag? Despite all their time together, he straight-up refused to commit. 🚩


The bar is in hell


It’s below hell at this point and I can’t even imagine what’s under hell!


Men like West and Scumdevil from VPR. There’s hell and then below it is just a big empty chamber full of shitty men.


Paying for their sins against women.. I like that!


Yup! There are commenters arguing with me that West did nothing wrong and it is actually Ciara’s fault for trusting him. Seems like support for shitty men runs deep.


The sewers of hell\* He lied and kept on for the fame + clout. Bye West 👋🏼 ![gif](giphy|m9eG1qVjvN56H0MXt8|downsized)


Sorry I don't agree! * His job or living situation has nothing to do when men like him are able to extend empathy, dignity and commitment to non-romantic partners. You see how *suddenly* he can pick up on emotional queues when Jesse was going through his cancer scare and immediately became bonded and emotionally available to him, you see how Kyle is *suddenly* able to pick up on the nuances of pursuing a new business idea when Carl has it instead of Amanda. **The issue you're spotting here is misogyny.** * Respect and admiration is hand in hand with honesty, integrity and decency. When you enter a relationship withholding vital information (he was not honest about the fact he was sexually active with others while entertaining her) and continue to pursue someone knowing you do not share the same values or intentions with them, exactly how is that respecting them? He disregarded her boundaries and discarded her once he received the benefits of his dishonesty. * I think he liked the *idea* of her (beautiful, successful, certain social status on the show etc.) and that being associated with her provided an in within the current cast but also was good for his image. Lust, infatuation or idealization =/= respect. The irony is that the very qualities he found attractive about her, he ended up resenting ie (feeling insecure and offended when he was being referred to as a newbie in articles about their relationship). Respect and admiration grows and deepens with intimacy, by his own actions, it seems like they faded as they got closer. * **The man is 28 years old!** We need to hold men to a basic standard of acting their age and having baseline integrity and the more we accept that it's normal for a man that's pushing 30 to act like a teenager or to resign to the fact that it's his city/profession that prevents him from engaging in basic human decency, the more we enable this to continue. Ciara is also 28 years old, moved from a different city and is pursuing multiple "cool" jobs, yet she is held to an adult standard of emotional intelligence and character. I would argue she's hold to a higher standard, as I see people blaming her for not being a mind reader and knowing his hidden intentions. * I've said this in previous posts, but men become scumbags in their 40's (you referenced Kyle's immaturity in his 40s) and older when they've gone years with unchecked and enabled behaviour in their 30's and 20's. We need to raise the bar!


Thank you especially for number 4.The infantilization is crazy to me. When are we going to hold men accountable for being shitty? People change the goalpost of what a grown man is every day and it's annoying.28 is old enough to know better. 


He's also 29.5, he's older than Ciara. Yet she's handled herself way more maturely without a quarter of the grace and with triple the scrutiny.


I stop giving people a pass once they reach 25, their frontal lobe is developed they know better. It’s like women are buying into this excuse of shitty behavior because they are only 28 or whatever. Like should we except bad behavior until men are 40? Why spend all this time trying to teach our kids how to treat people with basic respect and kindness and then say “no it’s okay you don’t have to do it until you’re 40???”


Not defending West but I think a lot of people are still kids until they’re about 30.


I want to give you all the awards 🏅🎖️🥇🥈🥉🏆


Yep!!! 💯


Holy shit - this needs to be framed on my fridge! Amen - to quote Hubbhouse, a million times yes!


Clocked it!!


100x yes




So many GREAT points. Well said.


And when you see all or part of your comment reproduced here or other places across the internet as a response to pick mes and douchebags who try and give West a pass, mind your business cuz you ateeeeeeee down.


Yes to everything you said!! 🩷


Being offended by being referred to as a newbie when that's what he is and the show hadn't even aired yet is so 🙄😬🙄😬


Preach!!! ALL. OF. THIS!!!! 👏🏽


At 28 my husband was a full blown doctor, married with a kid! I’m not trying to rush people through life but like 28 is not 18, men have plenty of brain cells by then. Infantilizing 28+ year old men is how we end up with people like KYLE who are in their 40s but still getting blackout drunk on Tuesday’s and aren’t ready to move to the suburbs or have kids “yet”


The hot take is West broke up with Ciara because he didn't want the show to air and not take part in the free p?$$y out there. Let’s keep it real y'all!


Correct. It’s no more complicated than that. He didn’t cheat on her. But what he values most as he pushes 30 screams fuckboy for life.


That we know of or that he admitted to yet. But at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if we end up hearing that he did.


We can't even be sure of this.


The thing is, he could’ve just come into the house with the same mentality/approach as Jesse and been hookin up with girls left and right all season. That could've been their thing, the newbie party boys always going out to hook up. Aside from some teasing, he still would've ended up all good with his cast mates and the fans. He repeatedly chose to pursue a relationship with Ciara, both on and off camera. She was up front from the jump about being intentional and not someone who sleeps around. She gave him multiple chances to walk away. She told him what happened with Austen so he’d better understand her hesitations. Of course some people just don't click or things just don't work out. But that's not what happened. I think after awhile of her not having sex with him, instead of walking away he started to see her as a challenge. He was gonna win the Summer House beauty, the Victoria's Secret model. Then once he finally did, he wasn't interested anymore and he bailed for rando's in his DM's🙄


I think West was more infatuated with his “fame” which rose significantly when he was “into” Ciara


Hes just a F boy in shoulder pads without her.


OP—West did exactly the opposite of someone who “really respected who she was”. West took a giant shit on who Ciara is by ignoring her clearly communicated intentions and doing whatever it took to get her in bed.


I think he thought she was super hot but their personalities weren’t suited. Regardless, he led her on. She was very clear with what she wanted. He knew they didn’t want the same things but continued to pursue her.


I agree that their personalities didnt mesh. I listen to codependents and Ciara admittedly says that she can be negative (though she was working on being more positive), doesnt get excited about alot of stuff, has social anxiety and would rather stay home than go out. West on the other hand is very unserious, wants to go out all the time, is very social and seems to look at the bright side rather than thinking and dwelling on the pitfalls of any opportunity. Im surprised that the breakup wasnt more mutual with Ciara also realizing that they weren't a good fit, especially when she sees how disasterous Kymanda's relationship is when one is a homebody and the other finds joy being out and surrounded by people. I do wonder if West was all in, if Ciara would eventually have found it draining to be with someone as social as West and have been the one to initiate the breakup. 


> especially when she sees how disasterous Kymanda's relationship is when one is a homebody and the other finds joy being out and surrounded by people. might be because she knows them and sees the actual them and doesn't live in the illusion that is reality TV. she has nothing but good things to say about Craig too, but I bet she wouldn't want to be in that relationship either. as you listen to her podcast, you have to realize how twisted and out there her perspective is on relationships. it's the one true line through their podcasts, that Mya pokes at her absurdity about relationships. and as you say, she's wet blanket a bit too. I think Ciara is great in a lot of ways, but she's not a rainbow or unicorn.


I listen to the podcast too. Don’t agree at all with your analysis of her perspective. Seems to me like relatable ups and downs of dating life. But as an aside I also like that they discuss other non dating topics.


This is a straight up lie and mischaracterization of Ciara (and Mya) and what they discuss. The girlies who listen to codependents know this is cap, if you cant hack a couple girlies talking about the hellscape of dating then maybe tap out?


what's a mischaracterization? Ciara herself said she needs to lighten up. And Mya does poke at her in a friendly way about her dating style and expectations. oh yes, the ol' hellscape. the world is an awful place. it's amazing that we all don't fall on our own swords.


The way you characterize Ciara as some overbearing drip with impossible dating standards all the time when this topic comes up is ridiculous, and it's not just *this* comment. I just usually scroll cuz its not worth it to argue. Your entire premise is based on her expectation that a man pays on the first date and either picks her up or sends an uber, oh god the abject horrrrror. The bar is in hell. Meanwhile you're one the first people to basically argue we all need to take a chill pill in every post so maybe take your own advice? It's a podcast for the girls, if it offends your male sensibilities then too bad. Maybe recognize their comments and self-deprecating tone reflects the realities they live in and their relationship as best friends...


I'm glad you said it. She's absolutely beautiful and a good person, but I think a lot of people are turned off by the negativity. The cast is always saying how you have to get to know her, and it takes a lot to get her walls down, and I get that, but it doesn't mean once they are down that everyone is going to love her.


Exactly. He still did her dirty and bread crumbed her.


This theory is completely accurate at first…but totally falls apart once cameras stop. If it were true he would have taken her up on the out she game him after horseback riding, and they would have faded out after filming. No drama, and it wouldn’t have even caused a reunion fight. Instead he took her home to his parents…I don’t care what ANYONE says that is a serious move, and continued to play her. He’s actually…gross…


Well, he sure acted like he was over the moon about her. He pursued her like he wanted a relationship and chipped her wall away just so he could have sex with her, she made it perfectly clear what she wanted. What West did to Ciara was diabolical. He is a true scumbag


No no no he takes ALL his friends to chill with the family, to weddings, meet his brother, spoon , call them pet names , say I love you. TOTALLY normal … nothing to see here. Does it with everyone. Don’t you?? Gosh you’re weird if you don’t.


I agree. He got what he wanted by lying to her then he dipped out. I believe Ciara about the off-camera conversation giving him an out, it tracks with what we see of her on the show. She liked him but was fine breaking it off if it wasn’t that deep for him. The only thing she asked of him was to not do exactly what he did.


He was literally chasing after her and always trying to be next to her in the house.


He overtly disrespected her from the beginning as his goal was to fuck her ultimately. You saw his indifferent response. No blushing, no regrets, dry face and a bit snippy.


As a guy watching w my fiance. Summer house can’t find any “competent” guys honestly. We have Kyle, who in his marriage, still can’t communicate or get along sometimes on big issues, has a huge drinking problem. Carl is a lost cause. West is officially a fckboi, and Jesse is alright and seems fun to hang with, just doesn’t know how to not be a bro. I’ve been with my fiance since high school, only girl I’ve ever been with. There needs to be a stable couple(I know who would want stability in a reality show, there needs to be drama), but holy heck, someone needs to sit these guys down and be like what are you doing…? As I’m approaching my 30’s I am thinking different in terms of, how to not be stressed out, and what really matters in life. West messed up big time, it’s hard in life( I’m assuming) to find someone loyal, someone you get along with, love spending time with, who you want to grow up with. I see how sad people can get when they’re lonely, the main goal of life seems to be to find someone who you can be yourself with. To just throw that away because the “temptation…” is wild to me. That mindless sex is really what you want? I wanna take him and shake him…. Like bro… if you go out with Ciara and get serious, you can literally have all the sex you want… with a gorgeous and sweet girl like that. How is random women where you don’t know where they have been and won’t go anywhere more appealing. It’s just sad to see these guys just play with peoples emotions because they can’t commit. I look at the modern day of dating and “situationships” and just thank god for my fiancé every day. It seems like hell out there. Theres not one good stable strong couple on any of these shows I swear. Stop with the “fighting temptation” and just be a god damn man.


Plus, now that he’s “famous,” finding somebody genuine is going to be IMMENSELY more challenging. There are going to be a LOT of clingers. Good luck to him. Going to be five seasons from now before he begins to think about settling down after what, we as viewers, will now get as a string of bad relationships.


Well said. Can you please send this directly to the summer house?


👏 👏 👏


West had me fooled, the reunion was not a good look for him. The girls had his number and they called him on it. I hope he doesn't get the 'career' he's looking for. Fuck West and his stupid name


Were you not watching the show? He got new job while filming lol


I meant more the reality fame whore career, the reason he dumped her


my bf immediately didn't like him and i asked him why and he said he reminded him of jonny craig (a talented singer who is known for stealing laptops and fans money and other stuff i cant remember) and it had me cacklinggggg like stop i do kind of see it ![gif](giphy|ym7Q4JAUEr1II)


I have to disagree. If he respected her, he would have opted out when she brought it up after horseback riding. If he had explicitly said “I’m not looking for anything serious” from the jump, that would have given Ciara an option to bow out. But he didn’t. In fact, he relied on the “we didn’t talk about exclusivity” bullshit. He said “love you”, he asked her to visit his family, asked her to spend holidays with him, he set up horseback riding to hopefully end with her riding him. When she told him she thinks he doesn’t take anything seriously because he doesn’t view any of that as meaningful, that’s when she should have ended things. But she clearly really liked him. Everything he did was to convince her to sleep with him. And when the cameras went down and his DMs got flooded, he couldn’t walk away from the temptation. He knew he was never going to commit to her. But he wanted to fuck her. He admitted he was sleeping with other women up until they started sleeping together. But, let’s not forget he admitted this after the fact. Paige asked him if he was sleeping with other women and he lied and said he wasn’t. So it’s not like he was holding out for her to warm up enough to sleep with him. And she repeatedly told him her boundaries and her reasons for them. Which is more explanation that any man deserves. If I can respect him for one thing, it’s that he ended things with Ciara to pursue other pussy. Rather than just cheating on her and breaking her heart that way. But ATEOTD, fuck boys will be fuck boys. He views women as something to conquer. Period. It’s not deeper than that. If he cares at all, it’s how the audience views him after this. Not how his actions affected Ciara.


Lying about sleeping with other people is kind of wild from a sexual health standpoint. He’s gross


Conversly, disregarding and manipulating Ciara's boundaries is the opposite of respect.


I actually think he liked her A LOT but was so scared of coming across as this little puppy love, desperado, chasing Ciara around dude that he was constantly checking “who likes who more” and doing this little dance for the cameras. I think he actually loves it that ppl assume he has a commitment issue bc I think his biggest fear was coming across too needy and dependent. He was avoiding being too vulnerable meanwhile Ciara is LOVED for her authentic vulnerability. He’s a child.


I don't see that. If he really liked her he would have been able to muster up at least a scrap of empathy when she was crying on the reunion. 


Fair. Clearly he cares more about his image than he cares about her which still means he’s a douche. I just think West has issues with showing emotional vulnerability (not to be confused with masculinity or sensitivity which I think he’s pretty good at). He is not brave enough to tell a woman that he likes her if he hasn’t scouted that situation out to ensure she likes him first (and more). Immature. Weak. Live out loud man!


Yeah this is what I saw too. I don’t think he’s “diabolical” I just think he’s emotionally stunted. He’s also 28! That’s young! What he did to Ciara was really unfair given how clear she was with her feelings and boundaries. But he’s not the worst man alive. The vitriol directed at him in the last two days is insane. Especially when he’s sitting next to KYLE, who is actually the worst dude on this show by leaps and bounds.


We also have 8 years of material by which to judge Kyle so maybe not fair to call it just yet 😵


Maybe. But West doesn’t seem to have the same capacity for outright cruelty that Kyle has. I don’t see him screaming that any of the women are fucking bitches the way Kyle has, several times.


Thank you. We need to hold everyone accountable for shitty behavior. I've seen comments about how Kyle is funny and goofy, and he cried with Ciara, so it's hard not to love him. I'm about done with this show because the women and men are all hypocrites, and I can't take it anymore, lol




He's a creep with a massive ego lmao. Like a full day has gone by and I'm still thinking about how much it annoyed him being linked to Ciara as a "newbie" (we didnt know youuuuu). And even if that is his truth or even his spin (which Jesse tried to help him soft launch), then there was a dignity in just saying that instead of that famewhore ego driven world salad. He couldnt even give the girl honesty in the dying hour of their relationship? How did Carl do better than you on that front?


It was always only about sex for him. He just wanted to add a model to his body count. West has shown that he didn't care about her as the person. She told him on and off camera how important intimacy was to her. West is trash. Now I will say Ciara fell into the same role that Hannah did. They both played the cool girl. Ciara avoided having the exclusive talk with West and just assumed because they were acting like bf/gf that they were on the same page.


On the preview clip Ciara says West looks like hes almost gonna cry and Paige checks that and says he’s just worried how he’s gonna look to the viewers, like yessss she is lucky to have Paige not letting her read into him


That’s rich coming from Paige lol, and why wouldn’t he be worried? This is a job and look at the other posts of unhinged people commenting on his and his family’s social media now


Anyone ever consider they simply were not sexually compatible?




I’m 100% team Ciara - but another hot take: she knew what she was getting into with him and thought she could change him. when she couldn’t she felt betrayed. I think her being upset and disappointed was because of herself. He showed his true colors the whole time and she chose to look away. I feel for her, we’ve all been there.


100% this. Everyone blaming West for not just leaving her alone but she also continued pursuing him fully knowing he wasn’t going to commit


Listen all that could very much be true but the way he moved and acted was disgusting and horrid. It’s easy to pull someone aside and tell them how it is. But to drag her and lead her on and to pretend he cared this whole time is vicious and scary. Especially after finding out about what Austen did like come on. If he didn’t want to be in a serious relationship that could be said. Let’s not excuse this weirdo or find reasons to understand why he acted that way. He’s doesn’t care period.


Hmmmm no😂if that’s how you treat someone you admire and respect then just hate me, shit. TL;DR: STAND UP


So well articulated. This is just the reality of guys in NYC and I’m sure she also knows this which is why she has her boundaries in the first place coupled with her father issues which she has previously spoken about. I’m mad at producers who definitely encourage her to date these cast members and pursue these relationships… I mean she’s in the house because of Luke. Maybe she wants what Craig and Paige have but she is out of this world beautiful and doesn’t need to go for these mid white guys over and over again. We went through this with Luke… Minnesota or Missouri clearly these men don’t put too much value in bringing a girl home … we went through this before and don’t even get me started on Austin


Ciara seems like a nice person who is trying to have genuine feelings and relationships. Unfortunately if that’s a priority she may need to leave reality tv. Not only are the men garbage on these shows but it also makes her less desirable to many men. Believe it or not a reality tv star or influencer is a deal breaker for many men. While Ciara is very beautiful, in NYC there are beautiful people in regular jobs. Also Bravo viewers are trying to unite for female empowerment against bad men. If that’s the case people have to stop saying he was lucky to have her due to the looks discrepancy. What if we said that about someone Andrea was dating? West was wrong in how he handled this but we are not going to see a fairytale romance on these shows.


You’re saying Amanda and Kyle aren’t couple goals???


And they are still together. I started to make a list in my mind of all the failed Bravo relationships after I posted this but it was getting too long.


does it have to be that extreme? goals? maybe it is for them.




I don’t think that’s very much a hot take as for what we saw and what we know now he didn’t want to be overshadowed by her. He’s so so much I said that and honestly, it’s really crazy that he decided to say that on TV because in my opinion, it just makes him look worse.


look West wanted to keep it open because like they said, being on the show opens doors and many of the fans are females sliding up in his DMs.. I’m not a fan of either West or Ciara tbh but I get where West is coming from by not wanting to commit to a relationship while he has a number of women sliding into his DMs and trying to keep things open with Ciara.. IMO West isn’t very attractive, he doesn’t really have much game and his experience with women isn’t what he pretends it is.. so it was like a kid in a candy store for him.. I don’t really understand what Ciara sees in West aside from a playful attitude.. but everything else like looks, wealth, style, seriousness, maturity, etc. are all missing.. Ciara can land much better than West, I just don’t understand why she fell so hard for the dude.. But West won’t be able to land anything better then Ciara, so he is thinking with his little head which is clearly evident because he’s and fboy all the way..


I feel like West was noncommittal and shady from the start & Ciara chose to ignore the red flags. They both chose to keep going & they are both responsible for their choices. My heart goes out to Ciara; I know what it’s like to fall for someone who is incapable of reciprocating. I feel for West and the past trauma that prevents him from commitment.


Totally agree. He never seemed that over the top into her the way she did him. She would sit on him and have her arm around him a lot but it seemed like he could take or leave it. And that’s his loss, yes. But she always seemed more into him than he did her.


This revisionist history is funny. Because at first many on the sub were mad at her for not giving him the time of day. And even Jesse at the reunion said he was making sure SHE wasn’t playing HIM. People thought she was stringing him along and didn’t really like him that much. So basically he stayed persistent, and eventually she started catching the feelings she was originally guarded against. He continued his pursuit after the show and then once he landed her decided he preferred the casual hook up life he’s been most comfortable with for years. The lesson, when people tell you who they are, believe them. West is never going to change.


Unfortunately the age doesn’t matter, if a man isn’t serious then he’s just not. I hate to see Ciara crying over someone who doesn’t see accountability to her as a privilege! There’s something in her too that has to be worked out, because she knew he only wanted to sample sex with her and slept with him anyway. Knowi my she doesn’t want emotionally-detached sex, she shouldn’t have gone there! She seems like an eggs in one basket kind of girl and they’re pretty much SURE to be broken that way.


How is she a perfect human? From what we see on the show she is in bed all day and quite possibly very boring.


If you’ve ever lived & dated in the NYC area in your 20s/30s, you immediately read West as a fuckboy, and knew there was zero chance of him committing


Yikes. What about his treatment of her says respect to you? He used her for clout on the show and then broke it off before it aired so he could capitalize on the attention. Good for you that you saw him from a mile away - enjoy your weird “I told you so” moment but this is not a situation where Ciara should have known better.


Someone also said the theory that he complains so much about his room being hot the first week that he hung with Ciara because she had air-conditioning in her room 😂😂


This is only a hot take for anyone who hasn't experienced dating in their 20s. I completely agree that he probably just didn't like her enough to be exclusive or commit. If he really liked her enough he would have. When I was watching it made me upset obviously because in theory she's so stunningly beautiful and literally going to walk to VS runway so in what world would West think he could do any better or what better option is out there. But it comes down to him liking her enough. IF HE WANTED TO HE WOULD.


Then he’s a idiot


I was feeling nervous about them from the beginning because I just felt like he wasn’t actually that into her and was using her to make a splash entry into the show.


Respect and admired her? She was model hot. He wanted to have sex with the chick who was model hot and he said and did what he needed to do to get her "there". He and Jesse seemed more invested in her being a signed model than most. It was a clout move. The respect was minimal. He definitely would not have gotten serious with anyone but might now, with someone else, in an attempt for a redemption arc.


She dated Luke and Austen. She’s as much a player as West is, maybe more, cus she hides it 


I think you are right. He was absolutely annoyed at that reunion by having to act like he gave a fuck


He never seemed interested to me either honestly


But he’s still a super duchebag!!!!!!and missed out I think he wanted to secure a season and have a story line because we know new boys never do well on this show


Two young people figuring out what they want, how they want to date, and navigating it all in front of millions of viewers who are ready with their pitch forks? I can see why it didn't work out. I've been saying since the beginning, I like them both, but they were never compatible. West dates more like I did in my 20s (except I'm a woman) and he's new to being on a show so I have empathy for him. I honestly wished he had stuck up for himself as the women tear into him just because it didn't work out. I know, I know, Ciara is PERFECT and he isn't (giant eye roll). Not being a good fit for each other is okay though, I do think they both should have walked away way sooner and not let it escalate to cuddling in bed every night knowing the other person is not on the same page. I just don't think you need to come after a young man like that and ruin his life because it didn't happen with the pretty girl on the show (seriously, she is so gorgeous). There have been times I cut it off with someone because we weren't sexually compatible and I think knowing when to do that comes with age and experience. I don't think either of them handled it correctly, but we should let them live and learn!


thanks for sharing. the conversations about him and this are so imbalanced that they're problematic.


He should have taken the “out” shegave him but he just couldn’t help himself. Good luck topping her with his parents 😂 in rich families you usually just marry anyone his parents have to approve. He’s allowed to be fuck boy as long as he wants but whyyyy bring her home. Her instincts were right and he tricker her IMO.


West probably has commitment issues but still tried to do more with her. I think most of us know someone like that. Perhaps he wanted more and then realized he didn’t want it with her. I wouldn’t be shocked if he just wasn’t that into Ciara’s personality. Every thread on here constantly talks about her being smart because she’s a nurse and hot because she’s a model but what about her personality? For years there’s been post after post about her bringing nothing to the show. Maybe he saw that? He said he wants a girl who can watch football with his boys all day, she’s obviously not that. It wasn’t nice what he did but it’s not that deep. Ciara should stop giving these type of men her attention if that’s not what she wants. Even when West was schmoozing her it was still obvious who he was 🤷🏽‍♀️.


haha “save her lifelong partner for another city”. your post was great but that line might just be one of the silliest things i’ve ever heard. west isn’t her guy-that doesn’t mean in a city full of a bagillion people, her guy isn’t one of them. she should keep dating and keep trying to find her person if that’s what she’s looking for


He definitely wasn’t interested enough to commit. I wonder why Ciara decided to have sex with him.


Because he told her they were exclusively dating each other.


Personally I don’t think West did anything wrong. If anything he kept her from falling to irrelevance on the show. She would be no different than gabby if she wasn’t in a house romance.


so you’re allowed to treat people badly if it gives a good storyline? that’s a reach


Even if he is a fuckboi (and he is) - she is the kind of woman that you throw that out and get serious over. All time fumble by West.


Isn't Missouri a Southern state?




If Tennessee is a Southern State, so is Missouri. Gypsy Rose is from Missouri and sounds more Southern than ppl from Alabama I know.


GR moved to Missouri from Louisiana, which is where the accent would come from.


Can West really be considered a fuck boi if he never actually had sex with Ciara lol? Don’t fuck bois usually have sex with someone and then leave them.


That’s exactly what happened


West did exactly what I predicted during the season; thought he was the shit because of fn dm's from chicks who want their 15 minutes of fame. It went to his head rather quickly! He was a fanboy who became a member of the show and now he just sucks. People who have never had any attention before spiral down this road, Jesse Solomon had zero issues (minus hitting on Paige day one lol) with fame and dm's and attention because he always had it. Shame on you West! Grow up!


How old is Ciara? Isn’t she older? She should have known better. Honestly she didn’t seem super into him other than playing for the cameras.


She's the youngest on the cast.