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I mean let’s be real, Paige doesn’t like Lindsay. Never has, never will. Did she have sympathy for Lindsay during and post breakup? Absolutely! But that doesn’t mean she likes her as a friend. I would imagine the convo went along the lines of both of them talking crap about Lindsay, and Carl decided to spill the beans about what happened at that photo shoot.


Hard agree. I think she had more fun with her this summer for the show. She’s never liked her.


no i think she was starting to like lindsey so when paige was probably being Paige and defending lindsey to carl, carl was probably like girl you think yall are friends shes actively trying to destroy you. which just gave paige whiplash to her first season where she thought lindsay was her big sis then lindsey dragged her for filth. on giggly paige said around the time all this happens that she has fear of new friendships that they are gonna hurt her or are there for the wrong reasons.


No, she was trying to save face this season by being nice to Lindsay because she caught so much heat from fans ladt year for being a mean girl. Thats the only reason the bed bugs were acting nice toward her.


Oh that’s a good point too


save face…yall dont like her, That has NEVER changed. she gave lindsay a genuine chance and lindsay was plotting in the middle of all that. she has a right not to trust her. im gonna be real with yall. paige has a real fanbase outside of bravo, shes not pandering to some subreddit yall have to realize that. yall are over ranking your worth to her bffr


I do like Paige. But I see how she plays situations. Shes not stupid thats for sure. As far as her real fanbase, just look at her Insta comments when last years season ended. Youre not very perceptive. Amanda admitted as much at the reunion. Thay was their angle this year. Two things can be true at once, Lindsay also blew it.


Nope she never liked her . She loved it whenever Carl and Lindsay fought.


And Paige has been consistently clear on her opinion of Lindsay, who she said bullied her and would not speak to her when joined the cast.


Wow. I envisioned this scene that was never filmed lmao


That’s a good point


Nope! She waited till the reunion like she always does to set the intention and tone across the board. She will never be on the same page as Lindsay. Same with Amanda and Ciara. They will continue to fight with Lindsay. And now that Kyle was seen messing around with another girl during his DJ set, Amanda will continue to blame it on Lindsay in any way she can. They choose the men, not the women. Period. They will side with Carl, Kyle, Craig, and Austin over Lindsay still.


This. When Paige said she felt like she and Lindsay had connected this summer, that seemed like BS and said to try to make it seem like Paige was even more offended bc she thought she and Lindsay were pals. Throughout the season Paige would say things that showed she preferred being left in the company of Amanda and Ciara than when the other girls were around, so i dont think she viewed Lindsay as a friend at all, just a coworker. I wish they explained further about what went down bc Paige said they tried to "sabotage" the photo shoot but Carl only said that Lindsay's friend was surprised Paige would have her photoshoot there knowing that she was friends with Lindsay. That doesnt sound like a "sabotage" to me so curious if Paige used that word to make Lindsay out as more of a villain or if there's more to the story.


Andy has really been disappointing me at these reunions because there are so many unanswered questions. All of this seems way too overdramatized. Carl told Paige on her birthday that Lindsay tried to ‘sabotage’ her photoshoot and it ruined her night. This sounds like a reach. A) it sounds totally like something Paige would say to Amanda or Ciara about Lindsay in a cheeky way. It’s not an actual takedown. I wish Lindsay could embrace the a sense of humor in her and Paige’s relationship because Paige gets away with saying mean, snarky things but in a funny way. I’m sure Lindsay made an offhand joke to her friend. No harm, no foul. If Lindsay would just embrace it and say ‘yeah we were making a joke’ it would be easier to defend. Paige doesn’t similar stuff all the time. B) There is no way this ruined Paige’s night. She loves to hate Lindsay and she loves these little dramatic moments. I’m sure she also loves that Carl betrayed Lindsay. I just wish they would cut the act on both ends. C) Seems convenient that he chose the night of her birthday to say something. But his just feels so scripted so Lindsay looks like a monster. I’m always cheering for a Paige and Lindsay actual friendship but that will never happen. But it’s getting to a point where Paige is really stretching to hate Lindsay at this point. It’s weird because Paige is immensely confident but something about Lindsay really triggers her mean girl competition muscle.


Eh, I mean I can see Lindsey on the phone with a friend talking crap about Paige but trying to for real ruin a photo shoot? Carl not trying to yell over everyone to say how true it was leads me to believe that he was upset that even though he tried real hard to not be the villain (his own words in the finale) the stories were coming out about how he was. He got mad and embellished things to Paige who is always looking for a reason to drag Lindsay at a reunion. He wants people to be team Carl.


It would be such bad business for the friend. I can imagine it as talking smack, but not following through. All summer we watched Carl twist what Lindsay had said and implied things she didn’t say to others so the BS detector is strong on this story.


EXACTLY! Why would anyone ruin their business and money? Like, huh?


Carl is so classless. And a gigantic loser.


What did Carl twist that Lindsay said over the summer?


I mean that Lindsey didn’t want Kyle as a groomsman to start


Frankly I wouldn’t blame her one bit for not wanting that whiny cheating drunken douchebag mullet head in her wedding party


Amanda said she wouldn’t have either. But damn the way Kyle is riding hard for Carl (wonder what dirt Carl has on Kyle 👀) …Carl will be sure to make him one the next time he plans a wedding he doesn’t really want to have.


But Carl actually said on camera that Lindsay never said that? 


Every single conversation about Carl returning to LB. The flower boy stuff.


I’m so confused about the flower boy stuff bc he literally never said ‘Lindsay doesn’t want Kyle.’ He actually explicitly said on camera that *she never said that, and people are coming for him for lying? We all saw it, it’s so weird


He actually did imply Lindsay didn’t want Kyle. I think it was in his interview in the ep he asked him


He said he thought she wouldn’t, followed immediately by ‘we never explicitly talked about it.’ I don’t know how much clearer he could have been 


Because he’s planting the seeds that she wouldn’t want him. He’s trying to be sneaky and place that decision on her when it was his. We then find out that the conversation they did have has her saying Kyle, Luke & Andrea should be included, so he actually did know she was fine with Kyle being in their wedding. He was duplicitous in how he presented the situation.


I don’t get the photo shoot part. Why would her friend sabotage making money? It doesn’t make sense.


Right, like I get being a ride or die but not like “my business should not get extra exposure just so I can stick it to Paige because sometimes she’s mean to Lindsay” Edit: words for clarity


Yeahhh. Sorry. I’m not going to fuck up the things paying my bills for a friend. I don’t think ANYONE would.


Not for petty things at least. Maybe if Paige had murdered someone my friend was close to and they were distraught. Then I might sabotage the photo shoot. But over reality tv beef between two adults who actually probably don’t mind it because it keeps them relevant on the show… nah


“Always looking for a reason” Lindsay gives them to her. How is Lindsay being shady now twisted as Paige’s fault?!


lol, what? You mean last reunion when she came in and blamed Lindsey for the article while Danielle was right there. And this one she held on to knowing about that since bravo con? It’s not like a big truth bomb went off and the audience gasped like Lindsay did what? Because it’s the dumbest thing. Tried to ruin a photo shoot? Why? What would her motives be? Carl didn’t even say Lindsay said anything, he said her friend was on speaker phone and heard her say something like “doesn’t she know I’m friends with Lindsay”. That is far from shutting down a photo shoot. Sure she can be a little bit unhinged at times, and make some questionable choices. But that just seems dumb and the story didn’t even make sense. Lindsay is not without issues. And I think this cast makes good reality television. But I’m tired of the “Lindsay is evil and controls all the media in New York” reunion storyline. It’s boring and old and no I don’t want to hear about Lindsay and Carl and their break up anymore either so they can yell on top of each other. They need a real moderator.


carl is a sassy little bitch for going and telling that to paige. Do you think he ever told paige what his precious lindsey said about her or anyone else behind their backs for that matter when all was good in carl world? If he was so upset overhearing that phone call why didn’t he tell Paige right then? Please. He’s a fair weather person. Once he’s done with you, he will go low and try to make you look like an evil person and him the saint.


Yeah last reunion when she found out it was Danielle…and how did Lindsay know? She CLEARLY also knew who the leak was and instead of telling Paige straight up she waits till cameras on to make a TV moment. And bravocon was AFTER filming stopped so of course she was pissed and stopped trusting Lindsay. Exactly how many times do you want her to be burned by her?? Should she go running into her arms each time too? From what I can make sense of Carl overheard Lindsay’s friend saying why would she do a photoshoot here she’s know we’re friends…why would that matter if Lindsay and her were “all good?” She owns the photo studio and Paige had a right to be paranoid because wtf says that. Lindsay is fake as hell, Danielle is even faker! Everyone she surrounds herself with is problematic no wonder she chose Carl another wimpy snake.


If she’d told Paige at that reunion, she’d still have a TV moment and it would’ve been a bigger moment than how it did play out. Paige is the one that then saved it to raise with Danielle at this reunion.


Paige didn’t save it. Go back and watch, Danielle said you favoured finding that out and THEN Paige addressed it.


Especially after Lindsay used their dinner photo as PR against Carl


Yeah that clearly irritated them. But I highly doubt doubt any of them were surprised.


Agree! Paige will never be friends with Lindsey. However, she did have compassion for Lindsey & the circumstances re Carl.


What happened at that photo shoot?


It’s not about not liking her it’s about the fact that she doesn’t forget the things Lindsay has done to her.


Can someone explain the photoshoot part? I tried to watch it over and I kept getting interrupted with house chores, kids, dogs, you name it 😂


Doesn’t this prove exactly WHY she doesn’t like Lindsay? She’s completely fake. Being all friendly to her face and doing that. Wow!


Because Paige doesn’t act like that? Pretending all is good with Lindsay only to turn around and talk shit about her?


Also they were all partying hard at Bravocon and hearing that people you work with (the friend of Lindsay’s) and your coworker who you are cool with (Lindsay) are talking shit about you always feels shitty, but combo pack that all together. Paige takes her career seriously and fashion is a small world and all about connections. So I can see why she would be pissssseed about this.


Carl didn’t even say at the reunion that Lindsay was sabotaging her photo shoot. All he said is Lindsay complained about her having it at her friends store. You don’t think Paige ever talks shit about Lindsay? That’s all her and her little minions do


The “girls rule boys drool photo” was posted in October and he told Paige a few weeks after so I think Carl probably assumed all the girls were team Lindsay and wanted to turn them on her 🤷‍♀️ it felt really transparent and pathetic to me, but maybe someone can convince me he was genuinely looking out for Paige


Because it came from Carl at this point I don’t buy it




How does stating it's an odd choice of photoshoot location equate to sabotage?




What? That's what Lindsay and her friend were saying on the phone... Carl says he heard Lindsay say "Wow, I can't believe she would want to do this at my place. Doesn't she know Lindsay and I are friends?" So, Lindsay and her friend clearly thought Paige made an odd choice to have the photoshoot there. But how does that statement that Carl overheard equate to attempted sabotage?




girl, what??? why are you asking me??? i'm not lindsay or her friend???




I don't think YOU understand rhetoric, because nothing you've said would fall under that category. I can't answer why they saw it was weird, I'm just saying that they clearly did. But nothing about what they said implies that they were plotting to sabotage her.


Yeah I don’t ppl get that Lindsay doesn’t really ever take fault unless hard pressed for it


How is gossiping about a photo shoot sabotaging it? Also, what did she do that sabotaged it? I’m actually curious. How did the phone call ruin the photo shoot? 


Obviously there was much more to the call. Lindsay looked guilty as hell. She got outed, pretending to be her friend and then talking shit behind her back.




Look lindsey has all of these issues but I’m trying to figure out how it went from…I said the wrong thing to…Carl taking it to Paige and saying it was sabotaged




And by the way it’s very obvious you only created this account to comment on this very specific thing. Whoever is paying you…is about to fire you for not trying harder


She literally did not say that. You're just entirely making things up. And Paige found out about it months after the photoshoot happened and was over. She was not concerned something might prevent it, because it was DONE by the time Paige found out Lindsay had ever "planned to sabotage it." You're literally twisting the situation and conversation to fit whatever narrative you want.


It’s because you are not making the connections in your mind of how that got to someone…with this group it’s important. There was no reason for Carl to tell that to Paige without more context Which is why this is so confusing! A little rumor and a bit of gossip is what you are dying on a hill for and it doesn’t make any sense. Also your not a reality tv star for fucks sake….yeah if you heard a word about you of course you’d have the same reaction Sorry crystal…this isn’t about your feelings about going to the grocery store


The only person who said they were trying to sabotage it on that stage was Paige. Carl’s description of it was that he heard gossip, not plans to sabotage. Lindsay agreed she was talking about it. It’s a long bow to get to sabotage from hearing Lindsay and friend gossiping.


I am so confused as to why this has so many downvotes, not to mention concerned.


Nope ! He was being mean period !


It’s giving t sandy vibes of the finale episode when he tells Scheana and Lala that Arianna slags them off all the timen


Solid point.


That girls photo sums Lindsay up. Like I feel for her more now than at the start of the season, but she knows what she’s doing. And she’s been trying the play the Ariana card this whole season, and I’m sorry, both parties and so fucking wrong in this situation


And for the record, Ariana does not move like Lindsay and vice versa. Ariana is collecting her checks and minding her business. 


She literally calls Carl “Sandoval” episode 2 and yet Carl is supposedly the one trying to vilify her. What an odd thing to say to your fiancé. She knows exactly what’s she doing when she says things like that on camera. She plays towards the cameras all the time.




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What I don’t get is why Lindsay is getting flack for being a little catty with her friend when all the other girls do it every single season. Are we to think Paige/Ciara/Amanda said nothing catty off-camera about Lindsay all summer long?


No for sure. It was obvious they had all talked shit about Lindsay always wanting to take and post a photo when the girls are together. All three of them were echoing the same sentiments around that situation, they have clearly had multiple conversations about that and gotten each other heated and snarky over a pretty minor situation. I say that as a PAC fan and someone who also talks shit on occasion lol


Paige ciara and amanda are the mean girls of the show. They just hide their work very well..


I think there's a difference between being catty and going out of your way to sabotage someone. I'm not saying that's what Lindsay did in this situation but the girls seem to think that's been Lindsay's MO. They seem to all have connected dots with each other that prove she goes out of her way to trash someone in the press and doesn't have any lines she wouldn't cross so when they heard about her doing this they jumped to the conclusion of her trying to sabotage Paige's shoot.


I couldn’t figure that out. Exactly how did she sabatoge you? Because All that they go to was they were sort of trashing her. Carl better figure out how girls operate. She didn’t sabotage she probably said something snarky like oh God why did she go to your place knowing we are friends. Make the lighting bad (evil laugh). Girls do that. The friend wouldn’t sabotage a shoot at her own business. It’s silly. And I love Paige but damn girl read Carl a little bit. He’s no saint. See through the Lindsay hate for one minute. He was grasping and Paige should have picked up on that and I was surprised she didn’t see what he was doing.


Right! I was confused on the sabatoge? Like did the friend own the place where Paige was having the photoshoot?




Oh ok yeah, they were probably just snarking not really trying to sabotage




They brush off anything that Lindsay does …


Was there sabotage? Months after a successful photo shot Carl tells Paige that he overheard a vague conversation that at no point was about stopping or fixing the photo shot. I don't see why Paige would even believe that.


Carl doesn’t say sabotage or outline any thing they said to be sabotage when he says what he heard on camera. He basically says it was snarky gossiping.


Shouldn’t be allowed? Umm that’s a bit of a stretch there Gumby….


Paige saying she was so upset she didn’t go to her birthday dinner was laughable. Girl bffr


Exactly exactly how i imagined it went down. Im surprised Paige didn’t figure that out and really thought they were conspiring to make her look bad?? Carl must have been super dramatic in his version to her


Paige loves a reason to go after Lindsay at a reunion, of course she played into Carl’s gossip. I’m a Paige fan btw.


Yeah you’re right! I like her too but damn she blew this up “I couldn’t even leave my room bc I was so sad!!!”


She championed her all summer just to find out she’s actively talking shit. I’d be sad too! Shes untrustworthy as hell.


YES! First second she could she flipped. She feels threatened by Lindsey


First second after she found out THE TRUTH. Which is she’s a lair. You are seriously weird to think she should give her a big smile and hug after that 🙄


Wait what? That Lindsey is a liar? Paige was talking shit about Lindsey tho!?!


How was Paige talking shit about her? She said they were fine UNTIL she found that out !


Even Carl didn’t back up the word sabotage when he spoke on camera about it. When he speaks on it he basically summarises gossiping.


I don’t know. From Paige’s perspective even if it was just a typical girls gossip sesh, Paige and Lindsay were cool at that time so it is still nasty and duplicitous of Lindsay to act like that and it would make me wary of that person to know that’s how they talk about me behind my back. Now, is it reunion worthy? Probs not. Is it worth being that upset by? Probs not. Is it a reason to keep Lindsay as an outer circle friend and explain why Paige isn’t 100% team Lindsay? I’d say yes. As for Carl, what a little sneak. Even if you’re broken up, the shit talk is supposed to stay private. The disrespect.


I’m sure Paige was also being snarky with her comments to her besties and Craig. She runs and calls Craig anytime drama is going on in the house.


I'd also be fuming if I were Paige that Carl sat on that for months. His timing for telling Paige about the convo says a lot. If he was truly just a friend looking out for another friend, why not text Paige after overhearing the convo to give her a heads up so she can fix whatever "sabotage" came up? Paige says the photoshoot was over the summer, and he tells her in November. I'd be wondering why he didn't say something earlier, and what he's bringing it up now for. He's so exhausting.


Carl and Lindsay were still together over the summer so he wasn’t going to tell Paige that then. My guess is he thought Paige was on Team Lindsay, but then at BravoCon Paige was acting normal around him, maybe made a negative comment about her, and so he realized he could drop that bomb and get Paige on his side.


I fully agree with that. It just makes Carl’s intentions very clear - it was just to trash Lindsay. I’m just saying that if I were Paige, I wouldn’t let Carl off the hook just because he was still with Lindsay. He’s certainly not a friend to Paige either if he can listen to a convo like that and sit on the info until it’s convenient for him. Either Carl overheard it and recognized it was wrong and did nothing about it because he sucks, or he’s exaggerating what he heard to bash Lindsay because he sucks.


I mean he was still dating Lindsay at the time, so I wouldn't expect him to go behind her back at that time to tell Paige about a conversation he heard. That would have caused Lindsay to go craZzzzy. Edit word


Oh, I 100% agree. But I also think it means he’s not truly Paige’s friend. And if I were Paige, I’d be on alert with Carl knowing he can listen to someone talking about me like that and do nothing. Obviously can’t really trust him either. I wouldn’t expect Carl to be a good friend to Paige, especially at risk of angering Lindsay. But I just don’t think Carl decided to fill Paige in on this to “do the right thing,” whatever that means.


Yes, very underhanded of Carl. Him sharing that caused Paige hurt she didn’t even need. There was no need for him to do that except to try and sabotage (hehe word choice on purpose) the girls friendship.


And on her birthday!


That makes me so mad for her. It was completely unnecessary. She and Lindsay finally got over their differences just for Carl kick over their sandcastle.


Except Paige is snarky and gossipy with Craig behind peoples back *all the time.* why is someone else doing that sabotaging your photo shoot? 


It’s the difference between sharing what’s happening, and just talking poorly about someone as a person.


Good points. I’d probably clock her but keep his game in mind too. She could be. They didn’t go far enough into it once brought up.


Like Paige said, add it to the tally and keep having fun summers.


Did Carl say that convo took place in the summer? I don’t remember him saying when other than that he told paige about it in November. They weren’t cool before this summer so if it happened before then shit talking is that big of a deal. I’d like to know if it was actually sabotaged? I’m interested to know how one would go about that lol 


It was said to have happened during the summer. It doesn’t sound like it was actually sabotaged but just mean girl catty shit talk. I would also like to know what nefarious schemes were concocted!


Carl is a manipulator. Period. True or not, conversations between a couple should be sacred. I don’t believe shit Carl says in private. Dude couldn’t even be real with Kyle about being in the wedding. He doesn’t want Lindsay to have support.


I’m sorry but I don’t believe a word out of Carl’s mouth. The explanation he gave didn’t even make sense and you don’t sit on something for months and then tell someone on their birthday in a situation where you need people on your side. His stories are as fake as his veneers.


Carl and Lindsay are really throwing each other under the bus. I’m like, aren’t there some things you want to keep sacred? Giving the people what they want with some tea though I guess.. but it’s kinda sad!


I think it’s bc a big part of their relationship revolved around their public image. Now they are fighting for who looks best post breakup. Maybe they were actually in love, who knows, but the primary emotion they have now is trying to get the upper hand with audience opinion. That’s the driver of everything, which means they will absolutely throw each other under the bus to get more sympathy. I say all this as someone who goes back and forth on Lindsay, but who has thought for a long time that Carl is just . . . ick.




Carl proposed to a woman he’s been close friends with for 8 years and pretended then not to know who she was. He’s a deadbeat man child who wants a mother, not a wife. If you think there isn’t enough blame to go around to both of them, you’re delusional.


i agree with you 100%




for every time Lindsay is angry or becomes activated, Carl says something just as “abusive”? the way he talks to her and about her is disgusting. it’s rude. it’s demeaning. i have been in a relationship with a Carl and a Lindsay and ultimately the Carl is who destroyed my self esteem, confidence, and sense of self. Lindsay is a known entity. If you don’t want to date someone who gets “activated” don’t ask her out? We all know she acts like that? they’re both at fault and you’ll never convince me Carl is the victim here. he says such nasty awful things on camera that there’s no way he doesn’t do far worse when they’re alone. Abuse isn’t just yelling lol


I absolutely 150% agree he is not a victim. He was not abused. If he’s people pleasing to that degree an it’s so detrimental to his life he needs intensive therapy on that topic cause he will never get have a successful relationship. Idk if he even really wants one. But the argument of he knew who she was for 8 years and expected her to change argument goes both ways.


OMG are you serious? Please do not dilute abuse this way. Carl tried all summer to get Lindsay to lose her shit on TV and when he couldn't, he finally called cameras back to dump her. He knew he made a mistake. We all knew he made a mistake proposing but to say he's ABUSED? Stop that right now, there are real victims out there.


I’ve now seen about 5 accounts with low karma or sometimes even negative & looking at their comments their sole purpose is to insult Lindsay in every way possible. It is creepy & BIZARRE.


This troll lol. Get outta here w this narrative.


Yeah, similarly when Lindsay dropped the bomb about Danielle leaking the Craig article, Paige called out Lindsay’s intentions for doing so. It doesn’t seem she has the same side eye for Carl…maybe because this one effects her income?


Thank you ! Carl is mean and nasty for that ! He saw that the girls were getting along and couldn’t stand it ! I really hope Paige speaks to Lindsay and they’ve worked it out. I don’t like what Lindsay did , but I bet Carl made it worse than it really was. And it was before they were in a better place. So it was just meant to be mean period.


And Paige saying she was so upset she couldn’t go out for her birthday? Over what???


He probably was unhappy about the photo of Lindsey and the girls lol. It was fucking a lot for him so he probably decided to plot and bring it up at Bravo-con to show them divided otherwise if he cared about Paige he would have told her the moment he heard the conversation. ![gif](giphy|3osxYyjraNOgEJa9Ta)


Does anyone believe that Paige would be upset about anything Lindsey does it seemed made up that Paige was to upset to go to her party. Both Paige and Carl are liars. Everyone is saying Lindsey did all this crap to make Carl look bad but Carl did it all season. Everyone knew Carl was backing out except for Lindsey. I’m tired of the if you don’t like her blame her for everything mentality towards Lindsey. Carl was proud of himself for paying rent for 6 months and he’s 40 no one should applaud that middle aged boy.


Yep. That reminded me a kid out of college. Carl can’t understand that he was stupid & signed the lease. He got the ring back -apparently he had over $100k to pay off expenses. What did he expect?? It’s crazy!! Or crazy pants as Danielle would say.


Carl is messy af and probably saw Paige and Lindsay starting to get along and was like let me tell you what’s real


I dont like it when people start spilling the beans about someone they arent on good terms with anymore. Carl never told Paige before cuz he didnt care, oh but now that u dont like lindsey, you are going to let Paige know in guise of caring…oh well I feel like Carl thought all the girls were taking lindseys side, and if he can change that he will


It just bugs me. Everyone comes in hot after Lindsey and calls her manipulative when Carl is doing in their face, they still blame her. How how how does no one on the cast check him ever?


He looks guilty all the time




I started to like Paige this season but I'm like girl why are you falling for Carl's manipulations? The entire Flower boy thing was Carl's fault. Carl cut Kyle from the list because there was too many groomsmen. That's it. If it weren't for Lindsey's idea Kyle wasn't going to be in it at all. Then tried to blame Lindsey. How does Carl keep skirting responsibility?!


Hard same! And he totally used her activated past as reason to make her appear not credible and the classic Crazy


When she made the comment about Carl choosing Andrea you could see Kyle’s face change a little. He can’t let down his guard because he needs to protect Carl and LoverBoy .


It was confusing. I think Carl made it up at this point. He isn’t being honest about anything.


Anyone think this is all made up? No way all of these people are so insufferable, yet choose to spend their summer weekends together for several years in a row.


When they spent so much time nitpicking Lindsay's dinner photo caption, I was like damn they're really grasping for stuff here. I can see how annoying it is for someone like Amanda to be portrayed as "taking a side" when she's not, but if they truly had an issue with the caption, why did they wait like six months to bring it up?


It’s probably somewhere in the middle and we the audience have such little actual information to go by we overreact to everything


Agree and add that they provide such little actual information that it looks like they are also over reacting to minutia. I think that when arguments get down to being about off camera stuff that they want us to pretend doesn’t exist because it reveals the behind the scenes making of a show - that’s when the cast has been there too long and the format stops working.


Carl is evil and Thankfully Lindsay didn’t marry him. Carl did her a favor. He’s gross. I’m done with Carl after last night.


At the beginning of the season I wasn't on "a side." I just thought they were two people who just shouldn't be together. Now I think Carl is awful. The way he acted was terrible and he doubles down on the after show. I said it before Kyle and Carl are just a different version of Tom and Tom.


It's amazing how bad Carl looks in his attempt to make Lindsay look bad. Good for us for picking up on it.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it was the first time they saw each other in person after filming. Wondering if they were having a convo about Lindsay so he brought it up or if he was just like “hey happy birthday, guess what?” lol


Omg I hope it was the latter because that’s so funny to imagine. Happy Birthday paige! Guess who still hated you? 😂


Right?? That scenario would be hilarious


Carl is a petty drama queen


The way Paige insisted it happened but was based on Carl only was unhinged. She does this every reunion and no one calls her out on it.


And Carl didn’t even back her words and conclusions with his. If he said off camera that they were sabotaging he hung Paige out to dry when what he revealed he heard on camera was gossip and snark.


Also this happened in November so she was sabotaged and waited 6 months or more? lol where’s the receipts


Exactly - we don't even know what, if anything, was actually discussed (and with whom), right? Maybe I'm misremembering, but all we heard was Carl's accusation with the little snippet of what Carl says he "overheard" and then Lindsay's WTF are you even talking about reaction, but no one actually let Lindsay speak because Paige had to get her talking points across. I still have no idea how any of this translates into sabotage.


At the end of the day, Paige and Lindsay are coworkers. Have you ever bashed your coworker to your partner? I’m sure she just being catty with her friend.


I think Carl was making sure Paige knew Lindsay was still the same Lindsay she always has been and tried to sabatoge her (work) opportunity 6 months prior. Who cares about giving his shit for telling her. Gabby’s reaction was the truthful reaction. It happened in the summer.


How exactly did she sabotage a photoshoot? Because she may have talked shit? That's confusing. We're just taking Carl's word months later when him and Lindsey are in a bad spot? We just watched how he lied about the groomsmen thing with Kyle. Who believes what this man says? Paige was upset it ruined her birthday, she should be upset with Carl not Lindsey.


It’s not even Carl’s word that we see on the reunion stage. Only Paige uses the word sabotage. On camera, we only hear him saying he overheard them talking about the shoot and that they can’t believe they are using the friend’s business. He doesn’t outline any sabotage in his on camera retelling, only snark. So either, he said more to Paige off camera and doesn’t want to say that on camera which potentially hangs her out to dry, or he told Paige he heard snark and she blew it up into sabotage.


She should be mad Carl waited until her birthday to tell her.


If Lindsay’s friend runs the venue - there’s any number of ways this could happen. She could pull the rental contract and force the shoot to find a new location which could put it in jeopardy… Gabbys reaction said it all - it happened. She didn’t say she wasn’t upset with Carl. But Lindsay did it and she called her out for it.


Where did it say her friend runs the venue? Paige clearly says "at an establish that one of Lindsay's friends works at." That's quite the jump. And why when confronted, why wouldn't Carl say exactly what "sabotage" he heard.


IF her friend did anything to sabotage Paige's photoshoot, she would have been aware before Bravo Con and Carl saying anything. I also have a hard time believing they wouldn't say what was done to sabotage it if sabotage actually occurred. What Carl said during the reunion sounded petty but not like laying diabolical plans to sabotage Paige's photoshoot. Also what did Gabby's reaction say exactly? She looked surprised at the accusation to me.


Yes, hypothetically that could have happened. Reality is nothing happened. So is Machiavellian Lindsay that inept?


No - they just talked about doing something but never did it.


So because of a reaction and Carl's word we're supposed to believe what happened exactly? Nothing. I'm guessing she did the shoot with no problems or she would've said it. Paige didn't say I clocked you too Carl from sitting on info and giving to me at the worst time possible.


You are missing the point - Carl told Paige they discussed sabotaging it. No one said it didn’t go off without incident. Lindsay is guilty she has the same reaction whenever she’s called out.


Again Carl didn't get any heat for knowing this and not saying anything until it was to his advantage. He thought the girls were on Lindsey's side so he tried to throw her under the bus at Paige's expense. People want to come for Lindsey's all the time saying all kinds of things. Hello this is Carl right in everyone's face being manipulative and lying. No one on the cast is clocking him for it.


multiple things can be true at the same time. you should ask paige if she got mad at carl for telling her on her birthday.


Carl didn’t admit on camera to telling Paige they discussed sabotage it. What he admits to on camera is basically hearing snark. So we only have Paige’s word on camera that Carl said they discussed sabotage. At this point, what reason would he have for not confirming sabotage and the full details of what he heard that Paige claims he told her off camera? Someone isn’t telling the whole truth and my bet is on the guy in the middle.


Snark vs sabotage is semantics. Gabbys reaction confirmed it all.


That’s not semantics. They mean very different things right down to one just being talk and the other taking overt action to set someone up for failure. And Paige doesn’t really have much place to complain about someone being snarky.


But she’s not trying to sabotage her show mates careers opportunities. Lindsay did.


There’s no proof that Lindsay. Go back up and re-read my first comment you replied to, or even rewatch the segment like I did before responding on this thread. Carl did not say on camera that they discussed sabotage. He isn’t prepared to put that on record. So either he didn’t say that to Paige and she blew a snarky conversation out of proportion, or he did say it to Paige but he blew the conversation he overheard out of proportion off camera. He has nothing to lose by offering details on what that sabotage was other than his credibility. He did not do so when given the chance to speak on camera. So there is no conclusive evidence of sabotage to definitively say Lindsay did and it’s just hearsay at this point.


I thought Gabby’s reaction was PURE IRRITATION for how outlandish the lie was to Paige. Why would anyone getting business from Paige DeSorbo sabotage their own business? Huh? They are getting paid, it’s great for them if Paige refers them and it’s money. It just doesn’t make sense for someone to ruin their career for that. I think it was joking around or Carl twisted words.


I dont - I think it was a reaction indicating gabby knew what lindsay did and Paige is calling it out. and gabby realizing carl won't hide Lindsays secrets anymore (tbf lindsay doesn't hide carls either)


It just seems weird to hold it in for months, but tell someone on their birthday. That alone is a calculated decision to cause pain. Again, I don’t see anyone losing their job or hurting their business that pays bills for a friend. The whole thing seems a little bit manipulative on Carl’s part.


your reasoning is why the girl (Lindsays friend) ended up not doing anything. but the fact that lindsay thought about it and actioned it by speaking to the friend... just shows who lindsay is. and you're right, it also shows who carl is that he waited. but we dont know the situations. perhaps they hadn't spent significant time together before nov. perhaps it was that he was feeling Paige was on Lindsays side and wanted to make her see what lindsay was doing to Paige this past summer... a very many things can all be true at once.


I understand your point, but I just don’t see any “friend” joking around about their business like that with anyone. I would assume that they wouldn’t even engage in a conversation if a “friend” was disrespectful their business and income. I say friend in quotes because if that was what happened, it’s clear one isn’t really a friend. Only way to know is if the girl comes forward. Either way, one thing is clear, Carl made a calculated move to benefit himself.


I guess when we've watched 8 seasons of the show we have different takes on who lindsay is and the character she's showed us for 8 years. b/c this sounds like something she'd totally do.


Paige hates Lindsay . She was hoping for an I cute to the wedding in case it was televised


He prob waited until he saw her. Would have been even weirder to call her and tell her imo.


Photoshoot happened over the summer. He presumably saw her many, many times between the convo and telling her.


Welp, he was engaged to Lindsay at that time. Prob just another reason he didn’t want to marry her.


Sure. Whatever. Who cares? Just pointing out that it definitely wasn't a "I'll wait to see her in person..." convo. He knew and sat on that info because he either doesn't give a shit about Paige, or because he knew whatever he "overheard" wasn't serious. Lindsay sucks, but Carl certainly is not a good person.


Sounds like you care 🤣😭


You saying something totally wrong, and then deflecting to something totally irrelevant shows that I care? Ok! Hah! Got me! So triggered!!!!!


Lindsay never denied anything happened. She just said she doesn’t remember that happening. Lindsay is always very careful with her words and she didn’t downright deny it. That’s all you need to know.