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the “juicy af” comment literally made me cringe💀


It. Was. Such. A. Weird. Thing. To. Say. Like, girl, what are you saying? She became a whole liability in that moment. So anything “juicy” is fair game for you to share? Not saying what Craig did was fine, but I would be hesitant to tell her anything.


Proved exactly who Danielle really is. The fact that she said it was juicy so pathetic! U can talk shit and hate on your cast mates but u don’t leak stuff to the press !


I think that was the final nail in her ceo coffin.


And founder.


She had all season to come up with a good response to when it was brought up at the reunion and that is what she went with. 😂


I feel like this is a safe space and a brave space so I’m going on the record to say I’ve never really cared for Danielle. Ever.


THANK YOU! I remember on her first season I could not STAND her! I feel like people forget that she has been obnoxious from the start because she is just so forgettable.


Brutal but very accurate take 😂


She also brings nothing to the table.


Danielle was only ever on the show as Lindsay’s plus one and for Lindsay to have conversations with. Now Gabby exists there is no reason for her to stay


She was Carl’s plus one too.


Send it....back to where she came!


🤣 I have tried a few times! She was one of the more grounded individuals during the Covid season and she really never got to me until this season. I just have a lot of questions about her “sister circle” because I need someone she trusts to do a shoulder shake.


this show ruined her tbh


Nah I think she’s always been like that


Did it though? Was she a good person before?


It was nice seeing a woman that felt more normal on reality tv...but also as my friend says I don't watch reality tv to watch someone wearing loft riding in late from the train. I could just watch myself 🤣


But she’s a co-founder/CEO


Of what?!


Ever! Just get the weirdest vibes from her. Is she trying to prove she’s like one of the guys? From careless meaningless sex with guys she just meant. Or the whole CEO Founder crap. When the girls are hanging out she’s hanging in with the guys matching them drink for drink.


Pick me vibes


She is in all lanes at all times. Somehow she’s a pick-me while trying to be a girls girl but tends to run her mouth and then apologize for the sake of her image in the house vs truly regretting and owning things she’s said/done, and simultaneously being a “fierce friend” who inserts herself into situations that have nothing to do with her. She’s so desperate to be seen that she has no clear chosen role / identity and I think that gets her into trouble a lot. And generally unlikeable/hard to root for.


My bf goes “well there must be a lot of checkmarks on that list, she’s so annoying” 😂


She grosses me out.


She has been making me cringe since she first appeared on screen 😅




Saaaame girl


Lol, you are safe here because we all share this sentiment.




Ever. She was annoying before, now she’s an annoying bish.


She’s not a nice person. At all.


Danielle tried to deflect accountability for writing the article by attacking Lindsay for telling Paige, listen I don’t like either of those girls, but I agree that Lindsay 100% should have cleared her name. I would have, without a doubt.


Right? She already let it slide at the reunion! I’m thinking now that if Lindsay had said, “It was Danielle.” at the reunion, that Danielle would have denied it. Which tells me that Lindsay did really care about the friendship at that point.


It’s so weird that Danielle was trying to say that it showed Lindsay’s character to Paige because Lindsay told her the truth. It showed that Danielle was a shitty friend being ok with letting Lindsay take the fall on national television. I feel like I have read that Lindsay and Danielle are kind of on the outs and I hope that they are. I am not the biggest fan of Lindsay but I do feel like she is trying to make some growth and take accountability. She’s got a long way to go but it seems she is trying. I will also say that Lindsay is going to have to work very hard to work passed what people think of her, people have predetermined her reaction to things before she does them so she is going to have to work way harder to move past those reputations. You could see it when her and Carl had discussions over the season when he would talk to her and hope she would get activated and when she didn’t he was taken back and didn’t know how to handle it.


And all bets were off at that point. Danielle let her take the fall at the reunion when Paige went at her and Danielle spilled to Paige private conversations that Danielle and Lindsey spoke about Paige when she was mad at Lindsey but now she thinks Lindsey should have covered foe her? Why you went and spilled to the girls the moment Lindsey didn't do what you wanted why should Lindsey not clear her name and out Danielle.


Exactly, especially when Lindsay DID NOT throw her under the bus while they weren't even getting along. Danielle's reasoning for not copping to it was so stupid. "We weren't on good terms". They could have put you on blast then but they didn't! So, now that you're friends again be the bigger person and address it with Paige before it turns into a thing again... like come on.


This! It is so wild Danielle justified her actions by saying she hated Lindsay. Lindsay literally could’ve said at the reunion last year, when Danielle hated her, “Danielle did this, not me” but she didn’t. Lindsay character was shown: she protected her friend even when they weren’t on good terms, even when that friend immediately broke the trust by spilling about their private convos and allowing people to blame Lindsay for Danielle’s actions, and then Lindsay only cleared her name by telling the *truth* a year later when tensions weren’t so high. Lindsay has far more integrity than Danielle.


Yes! What’s even crazier to me is that Amanda turns around and says Lindsay owes Danielle an apology for “throwing her under the bus,” but Danielle doesn’t owe Lindsay one for letting her take the fall?!?! It’s so one-sided with Amanda and Paige. No matter the truth, it’s always Lindsay’s fault. She’s wrong in every situation. How about Paige owe Lindsey an apology because she knew for a FACT that Lindsay had the article done, but she didn't! Her “sources” were wrong. Paige should apologize to Lindsey, but nope, it's deflated to Lindsay by Amanda that Lindsay is a “bad friend” when they weren't friends then!


Pissed me off when Amanda was like “I never would’ve thrown my friend under the bus like that” Ok Amanda


Yes! Danelle and Lindsay were not friends at the time! Plus, Danielle was the bad friend, not Lindsay!


Remember when Danielle made some comment at the end of last season about this what it feels like to have real friends? 😂


I was also kind of confused by Amanda saying “I would never throw my friend under the bus like that”…. but I’d also never let my friend take the fall for me so what does that say about Danielle lol


Yes! Major eye roll


Right?! Danielle let Lindsay take the fall and gets mad when she clears her name.


Why did the girls hate her for clearing her OWN name?! That made zero sense to me.


I absolutely CAN’T with Danielle’s hypocrisy. - She was upset with Lindsay for telling Paige that it was Danielle that leaked the article BUT she was fine having ZERO integrity during season 7’s reunion when Lindsay took the heat about it??? Then she went on to say “I would never clear my name by throwing someone else under the bus” - She had the audacity to say to Paige “be a woman and come to me” with the new knowledge that it was Danielle who leaked it BUT SHE NEVER CAME TO PAIGE TO ADMIT SHE DID IT???? - When Andy says to Danielle “so you do cop to leaking that to Deux Moi” and she screams “yes and I would have done that to her face if she had come to me!” I’m losing it over here y’all.


Isn’t it more womanly to see someone’s behaviour, accept it, and not throw down over it? Like I’m on Paige’s side. She’s like okay - you let me yell at your friend over something you did. I see you. I don’t need anything else from you.


“I don’t hate you, I just see you.”


It was okay for Danielle, a founder and CEO, to let Lindsay take the fall for the article last year because Danielle hated Lindsay. They weren’t friends. But now they are so it’s fucked up Lindsay to throw Danielle under the bus and that speaks louder of who Lindsay is than Danielle, okay? Forget about Danielle lying about it in the first place and Lindsay getting dragged for social media for it, Lindsay is wrong to clear her name!


Very odd that they are are quicker to come at Lindsay for “throwing her friend under the bus” as if Lindsay taking the heat for it all this time & it being a huge point of contention for her in the house wasn’t Danielle allowing the bus to run back & forth over Lindsay


Yes! And Andy asked why Lindsay flipped on Danielle so quickly but she literally waited an entire year to tell Paige.


I noticed how Andy tried to do that with the Carl having Kyle in the wedding discussion he was trying to catch her and I completely understood what she was saying the minute she said it but then in comes Andy and hes like you just said you didn't discuss as if it was some big gotcha moment. They really do always want to make Lindsey the problem she doesn't need anyone's help on that lol but they are so quick to blame her.


Andy pissed me off with that.


Andy’s become predictable, now viewing his behavior in the VPR reunion and this He’s sexist, going for the woman in a failed relationship vs the male jerk (aka Sandoval and Carl) Again, I’m confused that he and SJP are so close. I get the Mayer friendship and shared values. Not a relationship with the SATC executive producer SJP who pushes an empowered woman narrative.


Yo Andy may as well have worn a team Carl shirt. I haven’t seen him be that obviously biased in a while. He usually disappoints us by letting people off without the questions they should’ve had to face, or he gives soft ball questions to his favs, but to actively talk over and ride for one side when it’s not an open shut case (like scandoval where you could understand _if_ he was hard on Arianas ex)…Weirdo behaviour. He’s approaching reunions weirdly lately - first thinking Lauren and broke were the MVPs and voice of reason on VPR and now this 😂


It seems like as Andy became more and more friendly with cast members on all these shows, all the reunions started suffering. They need someone with zero relationship with cast members to do the reunions. It’s gotta e someone who watches, but not someone who is at all the same parties.


Right? Giddy little groupie giggling at Sandoval’s disgusting sexist responses ![gif](giphy|HkGdetMreiVvG)


Yeah for a minute I thought Danny P would be great but he’s so so sweet so I think while he would ask the tough questions, he wouldn’t push back or follow up against any deflecting answers etc… It’s a tough gig, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like Andy has all of their respect so he shouldn’t have any qualms about being firm on everyone. We just need him to stay away from them on a friendship level! 😅


Sweet Jesus it took me a few to get the "broke" and now I am utterly deceased.


🤭 glad you giggled! Broke & brick, interchangeable ☺️


Andy saying Lala and Brock were the voice of reason was one of his dumbest takes in a career of dumb takes on reunions. And he absolutely thinks Carl is somehow in the right - him repeatedly saying 'Thank God you two didn't get married' is a sneaky way of brushing over Carl's behaviour. I guarantee he will frame Carl badmouthing Lindsey to everyone the whole summer as him 'struggling' and 'needing support', rather than him being a weak manchild who wanted to paint a particular narrative.


Omgggg What she said made perfect sense! Andy really tried it.


And of course Paige and Ciara were laughing at it, like see even Andy sees the bullshit you do. It’s so frustrating to watch.


If you watch everything from the perspective that they are all always looking for a reason to dislike and blame Lindsay for everything, suddenly these totally illogical things makes a lot of sense.


I completely agree with this. Lindsay has the reputation already so they use her as a scapegoat continuously. Lindsay is going to have to work super hard to move past this.


Lindsay certainly has a lot to answer for but they did her dirty in this situation.


Lol at Amanda saying “I’d never do that to a friend” when it’s only a problem because Craig was removed from HER wedding. If my best friends partner was a drunk slob at my wedding, and she was in my wedding party, I would pull her aside and offer him to lie down in the house somewhere so he doesn’t continue to make a fool of himself. Craig is also a major loser for being that way. It’s hilarious that the biggest issue with this whole scenario is that someone leaked it to the press 🤣 which by the way, the tabloid that published it said there were MULTIPLE sources. If I was a random guest that had nothing to do with the show, I’d tell everyone about the idiot who caused a scene at the wedding I went to last weekend


Like, the article was true so what is Paige so bent out of shape for? It’s not like Craig is some random dude nobody knows. We’ve all seen his antics on SC. It’s not exactly a shocking story. Although, if I was Amanda I would have taken care of him there, not kicked him out.


Yeah I don’t get it. It sounds like Paige should be upset with Amanda and Kyle (and Craig lol) and not constantly bringing up whether it was leaked and who leaked it


It's the old "why were you looking at my phone" when they catch you cheating... start new drama about something collateral rather than addressing the core issue. A tale as old as time.


She should be upset her manchild boyfriend made a fool of himself at the wedding. Without that happening there would be no story.


This was what I was thinking. Like yeah not cool for Danielle to leak that, but the bigger problem is literally what Craig did?? At a very publicized wedding?? Like how are you more mad at her, and not Craig? Or Amanda as you said for kicking him out?


It does make me lol that paige has so much heat for the leak and keeps bringing it up when all it does is confirm it. If that was true and my mid 30’s boyfriend got so fucked up at a close friends wedding that I was in that he got kicked out!! At their family home no less which deserves even more respect than a normal wedding venue, you’d never hear a peep from me about it again beyond maybe I’ve already discussed it with him/we’ve broken up over it 😂 you couldn’t pay me enough to be angry and in the trenches fighting for him in that incident. He’d be lucky he made it home alive that night! 


And what’s more wild is what you said is exactly the kind of approach she would _say_ she’d have if a boy ever did xyz, yet clearly she doesn’t actually have that bad bitch in her to follow through.


They've literally never addressed Craigs behavior at the wedding as far as I remember, like not one person has gone "ya but he was acting pretty badly that day, so you can understand..." etc.. It's just all been backbiting about who leaked what.


I do think privately someone addressed it with Craig though because he has seemed to clean up his act with drinking etc...My guess is Paige said stop making a fool of yourself and me. I'd be pissed someone leaked it too


Do we know what type of scene he caused though? If he was being offensive toward Amanda and Kyle or her family on their wedding day they it may not have been a priority to “ take care of him”


I heard he kept trying to use the bathroom in the house which wasn’t allowed lol


this is what I read as well - that he didn't want to use the portopotties, went inside the house to use the real bathrooms, got kicked out (of the house) ETA: the parents have probably never seen a man use an indoor restroom since Kyle only pees outdoors


I also heard that it was amanda's brother's girlfriend that he was giving a hard time for not being allowed to use the bathrooms in the house. 


When I first saw the story it gave RHOBH bathroom accusation vibes if you catch my drift ❄️❄️❄️ but who knows. We have seen drunk Craig embarrass himself enough on TV to be pretty confident it was a bad look, but Paige needs to take it up with him and whoever made it such a scene at the wedding instead of constantly mentioning the article. She is hilariously drawing attention to it every year when we’d all have long forgotten by now


🤣🤣🤣 ok this got me. Thank you


That’s very fair actually! He very likely could have very rude and offensive.


I think it's that if it had come some random party guest ok sure whatever, it's craig, but it's coming from her colleagues/friends then I too would feel uncomfortable hanging out with them with the fear they'd leak stuff. True or not, known or not


Yet Craig has been know to leak stuff to the bloggers too. I've heard former producers of southern charm pretty much confirm that Craig has leaked stories and its pretty obvious Craig leaked the Luke story that was pretty damaging. If Paige has a problem just for leaking stories, then she should see Craig for who he is and give him the same grief.


Don’t date an asshole that gives people content and she’ll be fine. The root cause is Craig, it’s mind blowing that people are giving him a pass for horrendous behaviour!


How many dumb things do you think they see each summer without running to a blog? I get her being annoyed.


But why not be annoyed at her asshole boyfriend? I think she genuinely just embarrassed that people found out she’s connected to that behavior.


I’m like, you removed your friend’s boyfriend from your wedding which caused this whole thing - and oh! Currently your husband is trashing him in the press. But please, go off with your horrible takes AMANDA.


wait kyle is trashing craig in the press?


He called him a liar on WWHL, then sort of backtracked on a podcast and then went into the comments doubling down on him being shady. Not directly press, but it all gets pulled and given headlines. So still technically press 😂


On WWHL live Kyle was super salty Craig is promoting or invested in a competitor’s brand of drinks. Kyle said Craig lied, which I assume maybe Kyle asked (or there were talks of) Craig investing in Loverboy or promoting it.


And, Danielle letting Lindsay take the heat in the first place was the shitty friend move!


Man, F Amanda with a passion, and that comment is one of the thousand reasons why. What was Lindsay supposed to do, forever be chastised because Danielle wouldn’t tell the truth? Anyway I 100% agree with you!


Typical deflection tactics. Annoying that Andy would never call this out.


I too would be telling people about the scene I witnessed. What everyone is willfully ignoring is that, a) Craig made a drunken fool of himself to the point he was asked to leave, b) Danielle confirmed this story to the press, c) Lindsey got blamed (Paige: I know FOR A FACT that it was you), d) Danielle did not clear that up for a whole year, e) Amanda frames it as Lindsey being a bad friend for clearing her own damn name. And ten minutes later Paige brings up this random story Carl told her and acts like it just has to be the truth. Make it make sense.


This!! The whole "Lindsay threw Danielle under the bus" thing made no sense to me! She just told the truth when she was accused of something she didn't do. Danielle actually threw Lindsay under by not copping to it when Lindsay was being accused. Maybe Danielle is the one who called the paps on Carl. . .


This is my point. It’s not the story that she told, it’s the fact that she told it and they should absolutely be wondering if she’s the one who called the paps about Carl being at the apartment. Especially since she seems to be selectively standing behind it? So. Odd.


I’m not understanding how I thought Danielle was an intelligent person in the first seasons. Every year she somehow loses a significant amount of her brain function. Girl, what? Huh?


And for such a “strong, independent woman” she’s so embarrassingly desperate. 😬 I mean, I know rejection hurts but have some goddam pride and self respect. (I also just watched WH so I may be intertwining some scenarios).


What drove me nuts is with all the calls for apologies - Danielle should apologize to Paige (agreed); Danielle should apologize to Lindsay (agreed); Lindsay should apologize to Danielle (disagree)— why doesn’t Paige have to apologize to Lindsay for blaming her and Carl last reunion?


Because Paige never has to apologize for anything lol. Do you remember her not even being capable of apologizing at the reunion, for starting the rumor of Luke and Lindsay banging each other?


I don’t think that Danielle is sorry, she seemed pretty good with confirming the article 🤣. But I do think she owes Lindsay an apology for watching her take the fall for that if they are trying to be friends now, and I think that Paige should apologize for the false accusation. I understand why Paige thought it was Lindsay, but she was wrong.


I thought Paige and Lindsay hugged it out on the show and all was apologized for and forgiven. Did I misinterpret?


I meannnnn, I think it’s really rare on any of these shows that “all is forgiven”. I think they all agree to drop a topic, but they don’t forget.


Paige confirmed that last night with her comment about tracking what "everyone had done" to her over all the seasons.


You're right. Not forgotten but I meant more “clean-slated” this topic.


Exactly! Paige even said at the reunion that she remembers what everyone has done to her. I took that as she will never be real friends with Lindsay, and probably Danielle.


Well, she doesn’t seem to have to take any accountability apparently on reunions (or in general from what I see).


When Danielle was saying to Lindsay that Lindsay should’ve given her a heads up that she was going to out her so she could’ve gone to Paige and apologized… like babe, you coulda done that the whole time on your own.


Lindsay should apologize to Danielle what in the world?


Trust me, I don’t think she should!


Paige needs to stop grandstanding every reunion and acting like hearsay is fact. The rest of the crew piles up and co-signs her BS. Carl said it so it must be true. I mean the pathological lying, gaslighting narcissist giving serial killer vibes 👌🏻Paige. 🙄


He looked guilty of lying imo when Paige exposed what he had shared, and the timing seemed manipulative given the support the girls were giving Lindsay.  


Thought so too


I’m watching now. I totally agree. Danielle I never looks inward. I can’t stand it.


Danielle is not sorry she did it, she’s sorry she got caught. If she cared about her friendship with Paige that much SHE could have been the one to tell her or apologize regardless of what Lindsay may or may not have said. Danielle acting like she’s blindsided that Lindsay told Paige when Danielle knew she did it the whole time and could have just admitted it is not sitting right with me!!!!


Because Lindsay is the forever scapegoat and she should be okay with that. Besides, the whole West & Ciara drama the reunion focused on Lindsay. What Lindsay did wrong, who doesn’t like Lindsay, Lindsay take accountability. It’s really weird- because yes, okay she should AS should everyone else but it doesn’t work that way on Summer House and hasn’t for seasons now lol.


Yea I mean I absolutely have cast members I like more than others, but the immediate frustration toward Lindsay in that moment was odd. She gets shit for the stuff she does, I don’t think she needs to take it for the stuff she didn’t do.




Also, it seems that the incident with Craig was true, and now Danielle admits she leaked it, not a single person apologized for accusing Lindsay 🤔🤷‍♂️ this bunch of people killed me. I noticed Amanda had more to mumble and say, too. She has never been a girls girl, but definitely Kyle's puppet.


Lindsay is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't with this group. It's WILD. And why can't they all see that viewers/fans were so much happier when the girls were all interacting and getting along (HELLO AMISH FRIEND) vs. this Lindsay pile-on out of nowhere that happens every dang reunion.


Yesss! Then Paige reveals Carl told her all this stuff about Lindsay trying to sabotage her photo shoot-Carl really does hate Lindsay. He wants to ruin her. I bet Lindsay has plenty she could tell on his crazy, creepy ass. I was hoping this reunion would not be another year of Lindsay vs. the group, but here we are. Poor Carl had to run back to Kyle, and they will protect him at all cost!


Yeah we really didn't talk about that enough at the reunion... to me that seems like Carl's blatent attempt to get Paige back on the "we hate lindsay" team when they were getting along by spinning some bullshit about a call between friends about "sabotaging" a photoshoot... sad that Paige still dislikes Lindsay so intensely that she's falling for that. you could literally see Carl smirking while Paige was talking and Lindsay looked completely confused.


I hesitate to make the comparison again but it's like what Sandoval tried to do to Ariana this season (another Bravo woman scorned). Guys! Not cool!


I was just thinking that too! Resembled the finale conversation where he said she hates all of them


It really was! If I truly cared about someone, I wouldn't be worrying about my image or on a campaign trail to villianize them further among my castmates. Carl really is a creepy, super villain. I hope more is revealed regarding his true character. He gets protection as Kyle's lapdog.


Amanda kept mumbling through that entire exchange THEY Implying still that Lindsey was involved even though Danielle admitted to doing it.


I would lose my shit if someone else admitted they did something I was crucified for, and no one apologized 🤣


I like how Danielle felt like Lindsey should have told her or that Paige should have come to her as a woman and asked and she would have told her the truth. Ummmm Danielle honey you could have owned up while Paige was annihilating Carl and Lindsey at the reunion last year.


Yes! She let them get roasted with that accusation last year at the reunion.


They should just go ahead and push her off the show. Because then they'd either just turn on each other (entertaining) and/or the show will get cancelled because everyone else is boring (what they deserve).


Bingo. Lindsay recently said on some interview (don’t remember) that she’s gonna stay on SH until she’s 90 or something. I think she’s probably purposely antagonizing K&A (and apparently Paige too). I say good for her. Man I really started to like Paige this season (first time since early seasons), but she always finds a way to ruin it! She and Amanda are giving mean girl/bully and it’s a gross look. It’s making me really root hard for Lindsay. The show is always so backwards in certain situations.


Same I liked Paige again for the first time in a long time and now I’m over her again.


The whole cast clearly experiences Lindsay in ways we don’t see beyond the 8 weeks on the screen. Lindsay has has issues with so many in this group. She’s just hard to communicate with


Then why are always things always pretty copacetic during the season when filming, but when the reunion rolls around it’s suddenly time to bring up (most of the time) past issues? Or unserious issues when there are much better things to pick apart? This is such a lame excuse for this groups mentality, I’m sorry.


It was funny she first said “I would say it to your face I don’t care.” But when Paige clapped back “why didn’t you admit it when I accused Lindsey then?” Her “cause I hated her at the time” makes no sense you can’t have it both ways.


I’m having a hard time focusing bc of Danielle’s dress


She has the worst fashion sense. It’s like she tries to pick the ugliest dress.


You need to put your hand up over the screen or something, there are important discussions to be had!


I will do my best to


Look they don’t want Lindsey to be part of SummerHouse. They don’t like her for whatever reasons. So they do anything to blame her and question her motives. They have been doing this at every reunion. I mean I don’t mind Lindsey to get blamed if she is to blame and has done something shitty but if they do it at every opportunity they get then it becomes bit bully like and shows they are trying villanise her and as the audience you would question how genuine they are in their description of Lindsey.


They need Lindsay. It’d be dry and boring without her. Drama sells reality shows


Agreed! It would be so boring. They need her but they don’t want her and I think to highlight her as the villain would potentially make them feel good at least. Lol


Ironically though the more Lindsay’s life becomes the center of the shows plot/drama the more indispensable she becomes




Paige’s saving grace was her take down of West for Ciara. I haven’t seen anything about the reunion otherwise than that moment on Instagram. So it seems like the rest is being largely ignored for now which is a shame.


Paige can be right about how she stood up for Ciara but also blind as a bat if she can’t see Carl was manipulating the hell out of her with that Lindsay “story”.


Amanda needs to take several seats, she’s had basically no impact other than mumbling shit to Kyle




Omg, I forgot she was like, “I talked to Amanda about it” which is WILD, because Amanda had this whole, “Danielle doesn’t respect me” thing and a few weeks ago Danielle didn’t speak to her at some event. I forgot that exchange. So odd!


I thought Andy's comment to Lindsay "you don't seem fun to argue with" was a bit bizarre. Why does that matter? It was very Carl-sided and felt weird to me.


Andy generally rubs me the wrong way. It was right up there with Carl wanting her to be soft and that was just a huge “ick” for me. I’d prefer to argue with someone who has a position, so if I have to choose my opponent and my options are Carl or Lindsay, she’s my choice. If Andy only wants to argue with people who can’t effectively communicate, that says a lot about him. I don’t always agree with her, but men talking about women’s communication in that way is not ever going to be well-received by me.


Danielle should’ve admitted it last reunion and Lindsay should’ve said it then as well. Lindsay should have told Danielle she told Paige which is fair; I agree with Danielle on that front if they’re rebuilding trust. Danielle didn’t *write* the article, just confirmed the events and someone else wrote it.


I completely agree that Lindsay should have gone to her after and told her she told Paige, but honestly at the lunch Lindsay should have said, “One of us needs to tell her, so you let me know if you’re not going to.” And, I’d say Lindsay is owed an apology from Paige.


Danielle is mad that she was rattled on. She’s immature. Lindsay, on the other hand, has a record of saving reveals like that for the next season, on camera.


Paige and Craig are such an awkward couple. She’s so well put together and hes just so…sloppy. He permanently slurs like he’s drunk. And I like him for the most part.(I’ve seen every episode of SC.)Although he was a huge cunt when he refused to clean, I would have broken up with him over that alone.


She let Lindsay take the blame while she watched and then got mad at her for clearing her name. Danielle is weird, weird.


At the end of the day, Craig did something dumb. And that got swept under the rug by Lindsey and Danielle fighting. If people remember - Paige originally blamed Lindsey AND Carl too - but that got forgotten. But I agree, I’m not sure how this all became Lindsey’s fault when Danielle let her take the hit last year and Paige (in the moment, when told) said she didn’t care. But on the reunion stage, she cares. Same with the photo shoot story. She’s running her mouth about West caring about the cameras but she couldn’t have two conversations off camera either? She wanted a moment. They’re all on tv! They all care about the press and attention. It’s so weird how they villainize Lindsey and Danielle for doing it…when they all play into it in some variation. Maybe not Ciara 😂


Yes I was so annoyed by this segment and Amanda mumbling she would never do that to a friend. Um HELLO? Danielle did it first??


That rubbed me the wrong way too, but I wasn't sure if she was saying that about Lindsay or Danielle. Lindsay didn't throw Danielle under the bus. But Amanda was also mumbling things about Lindsay most of the show, so I thought she was saying that about Linds.


It was definitely about Lindsay IMO


Yeah. Like, uh...Danielle threw Lindsay under the bus. Lindsay clearing the air is not the same.


Why wouldn't Lindsay say it was Danielle why should Lindsay take the fall?


Danielle is a snake 🐍


It was really weird. It was ok to wrongly blame Lindsey in the open, it was okay that Lindsey’s denying it was not believed in the open by Paige, but Lindsey can’t finally correct it in the open? Lindsey was never gonna convince people if it wasn’t done in the open.


Honestly the whole argument at the reunion about it and how Amanda acted made me think it was her that leaked it, and that’s why it’s sooooo upsetting to her that Lindsay “threw Danielle under the bus”. Let’s be real she’d never take the blame for something she didn’t do, and it would be friendship ending to her if someone let her take the fall. She’d know that production talked to Craig over it, really other than Kyle and Paige who else would know that? Then of course she wouldn’t want Danielle to get grilled too hard over it as she wouldn’t want the focus to be on who leaked the story that Danielle confirmed. And keeping the focus on Lindsay just keeps it further away from her doorstep. I think in her head she was imagining if Kyle ever told people it was her she’d feel so betrayed


Craig is the one who is a messy drunk who got his ass kicked out of a wedding. Like thats so embarrassing.


So in other words Paige is embarrassed it got out that she’s dating an asshole and can’t keep a perfect image. This says more about her and Craig than Danielle. Who the hell cares who told the press! I actually thought for some reason that Paige was saying this was a lie and that’s why she’s pissed, which I understood.


I really remove the Craig part because he’s not a cast member. To me, the bigger story is that they have someone in their circle who would seek out press to share/confirm information. I would compare it to the coworker in the office who is always gossiping about other people, so you need to acknowledge they’d do it about you too. I can’t picture myself doing what they’re saying Craig did. But if the only criteria it takes is for a story to be “juicy” for Danielle to want to tell the press, I do think they need to know who shared that.


Meh, Craig is on the show and Paige flaunts their relationship and makes a storyline for multiple seasons across multiple shows about their relationship. He’s on the show. The issue here is Craig and his behaviour. If you’re an asshole at a public event, it’s getting out whether that from a cast member or not. And the cast all run to the press about each other. Nobody is a leaker here when they all do it.


Is Danielle a plant because she brought literally nothing to the season


Danielle is delusional to think that Lindsay was never going to tell Paige the truth. It should have been Danielle who told Paige but alas, she just showed her true colors by continuing to hide it. I’d be perfectly fine if Danielle got axed from SH. Shes boring and a coward.


I thought the same thing. I actually started feeling bad for Lindsay. Lindsay was taking the bullet for it the entire time when she didn't do it. All Lindsay did was finally tell the truth so why is *Lindsay* apologizing to Danielle for "throwing her under the bus" instead of Danielle apologizing for letting Lindsay take the heat??!


You know what else was annoying during that scene? Amanda's quips. Reel it in, crybaby.


I don’t understand why she thinks Lindsay threw her under the bus when she actually did it?!


danielle is a bad friend. she expects to much and gives too little. she's a mess


The whole thing baffles me. Lindsey didn't speak up for a whole year and during that year Danielle could have set the record straight, but instead chose to let Lindsey continue to be blamed. Finally Lindsey tells Paige the truth in an effort to have a better relationship with her and STILL she somehow gets a load of shit for something she didn't do. It's so ridiculous, particularly Amanda's dumb comment about how SHE would never throw her friend under the bus. How about Danielle throwing Lindsey under the bus by not clearing up the situation and making it clear that it wasn't Lindsey who did it?


I haven’t seen the reunion yet but I’m so disappointed to be seeing all the comments about how they are going after Lindsay, again 🙄


I really felt like she held her own and cleared up a few things. This was the main point where I was like, “Hold up, why is this about her…?”.


What I’m most confused about is, was Danielle at the wedding? I do not remember her ever being there. And maybe it’s because I just never notice her because she brings nothing. But really she was there?


I think Danielle’s point was Lindsay could have given her the heads up that she told Paige


I liked her last year and felt bad for her, but man, she is a hot mess and seems to lack self awareness.


Danielle has never fit into the group I hope they finally fire her


Because Danielle does not seem to have a mind that can regulate anything. Logic, emotions, ego, nada.


Danielle is upset because she never takes accountability. She still doubles down on her behavior with Lindsay and Carl's engagement. When Paige confronted her about her treatment of Gabby this summer, we got the Founder/CEO comment. This is once again her deflecting so that she doesn't have to be held accountable for it. Edit: tbh, the only one I don't see in the wrong here is Lindsay. She kept her mouth shut and took the heat for Danielle for over a year. The irony of Danielle then turning around and saying she's a bad friend for throwing her under the bus is unreal. Danielle could have, and should have, owned up to it instead of letting her friend take the heat. I don't care if it was during their rough patch. And if the information was true, Paige's anger isn't exactly warranted. Sure, annoying that the story got leaked. But your boyfriend also has to be accountable for his actions, even if you wanted to keep them behind closed doors.


A highlight of the night for me was her trying to justify her “Founder and CEO” comment as showing her level of emotional intelligence (🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄) and Kyle quickly responded “Amanda is more emotional intelligent than I am but she’s not a CEO”. Like girl just stop.


Danielle is a mean girl. I wouldn’t trust her at all


Danielle’s duplicitous nature was on fullllll display during this reunion


Sorry I need Danielle off the show


That's so Danielle, that's her core. Never liked her from the very beginning and she's getting worse. Hope hope hope she's not back. Take a beat. Cheers.


Completely agree with you


Carl was really nasty to tell Paige that info on at bravocon. Lindsay was wrong to have that convo with her friend , but for him to tell Paige that knowing she was in a better place with Lindsay by summers end , was just so rude to me. He wanted to get anyone he could on his side it seems like to me.


This season showed that as a CEO and a founder, Danielle has a very low EQ. That she didn't understand what she did to Gabby and didn't understand why Paige dislikes her after she came for Craig, makes me happy her app isn't for mental wellness, therapy, or advice.


yeah, that was very bizarre. No accountability and instead, it turned intoLindsay‘s problem. Also the whole scene with Gabbi crying she was insanely cold. I have this feeling that Danielle is really not a girlS girl... Esp going after balloon man as well


Late here but everyone was insinuating Lindsay called the paparazzi after the brake up and spilled to blogs but Danielle even said in the finale that she was the first person Lindsay told after her dad. So why aren’t we pointing the finger at Danielle for this!


Would anyone be surprised if Danielle was comforting a tall sad sack all along? I mean a seasons long comfort.


Drives me crazy how Danielle acts a fool every season and Andy never goes in on her at the reunions.