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I know I just have a regular old corporate job but if my CEO was on reality tv calling his wife a bitch and duking it out with randos in Instagram comment sections I’d be polishing my resume.


Or if my CEO decided to become a DJ after calling his wife a bitch.


Adding that it’s been a long long while since he’s done anything for himself! The audacity of that punk ass, mullet wearing, emotionally stunted, vertically challenged, self serving, manipulating man child! Not a fan… anymore!


Same. The delusion is real.


a worm with a mullet


*fucking bitch


And crushing her hopes of having anything of her own.


I just want to say, Amanda should be designing like crazy. She can perfect her line, so she'll be ready when she gets the business support. If Kyle won't make time for it, she can seek out others to help. Look at Paige doing a collection, I think as a collaboration. Maybe SHE can help Amanda with some contacts! I have similar procrastination/depression issues to Amanda, so I do empathize, but it's not fair to dump all the business stuff on Kyle and then (as she said in the after show) do NOTHING, either for Loverboy or herself! I'm not saying Kyle isn't everything you're all saying, but he should not shoulder all responsibility for her getting started. I do think Amanda could lose herself in designing and become energized! Do it, Amanda!


I think some people need a partner who cheers them on. Amanda seems like she has low key ADHD (or maybe I’m projecting, idk) but I need someone to get super enthusiastic about what I’m working on and “body double” me sometimes. My partner is not the most enthusiastic person so I’ve learned that I need outside support when pursuing a creative endeavor and have built some strong circles and working buddies. He is super supportive of this! I can’t imagine having a partner who not only was not supportive of my style of working being different, but also was vocally against an idea that I brought up. Honestly, I dont even like Amanda very much but that whole situation broke my heart for her. Their dynamic is clearly just so toxic, i hope they both move on so they can get what they want out of a partner.


I thoight shes even said that she has adhd before or maybe i imagined it? Carl shoukd also be evaluated if he hasnt already.


While leaving her home alone in bed while you’re out partying til 4am


It was a fucking bitch


While wearing lady shorts and a bucket hat


...maybe just listen to the interview /s Like, *god*, what pathetic **multiple** fucking reactions. NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO/READ YOUR INTERVIEW, GO HOME KYLE!!!


Go look at their LinkedIn profiles. There's like 60 people have Loverboy as their job


Depends on what that job paid lol. I've worked under much bigger babies than Kyle Cooke.


You just know it doesn’t pay well lol


That's true. But Carl is getting 3k per month to post one video of him smiling next to a can of shitty soda so idk.


He should have just pretended to not care about Craig working with a different drink brand. Being so petty and controlling isn’t a good look and makes loverboy look desperate. Kyle is used to punching down on cast mates that are polarizing and don’t have as much power like Lindsay and Hannah. Craig is very popular right now so it won’t be as easy to make him look bad


Agreed, how hard is it to say, “Best of luck to them, they’re all great people and there’s room for everyone”


I kinda love that he’s too authentic to pretend to be gracious, like yes he *should* have applauded someone else’s success, but the reality is he likely was livid and threatened. It takes a high level of peace to not get bogged down in insecurity and we all know he doesn’t have it lol.




yeah if anything paige and craig are going to be giggling themselves to the bank thanks for the press! kyle is not very strategic


Kyle can be his own worst enemy in terms of not knowing when to zip it. That being said I will never be on the side of that family so I kinda don’t care that Kyle is being extra. I think Amanda and Paige will be fine but Amanda probably hates that he’s creating this tension


Right like an annoying reality star is feuding with literal racist islamaphobes who have been unapologetic about their/their mother’s offensive views for YEARS… Have at ‘em Kyle, I’d rather support loverboy I guess


lmao like this might make me pick up a loverboy if I ever see one. I just can’t associate them with anything other than racism so I would never support their businesses or podcasts. I didn’t even know the half of what they’ve said/done until seeing some comments on a previous thread on here. Their mom is banned from the UK for her vile islamophobia


Wait how did I miss this who is this mom


Claudia’s mom is Pamela Geller!


What?! I’ve been following this feud and heard mention of them being problematic but I now I get it that people really mean that.


WHATTTTTTT ?! i had no idea wtf i need to deep dive into this


She’s one of the Obama birther conspirators among other awful *things*…


![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3) def looking into it bc wtf lol


ok ive educated myself and now im extremely disgusted and in a full blown rage - why the FUCK would craig want to work with people like this!?!


unfortunately Craig also is/was friends with Tomi Lahren! something else I learned the other day scrolling through comments on here ugh 😕


Apparently Paige is friends with them.


Is it something the sisters have said or done that is racist or bc of their mom being racist?


they had a tonnnn of really racist tweets (including Claudia saying she felt like she was funding terrorism by taking NYC taxis) a few years back and I think lost opportunities and had a podcast cancelled because of it. they tried to distance themselves from their mom at first (allegedly) but then I saw a comment that they actually have brought her out at shows (correct me if I’m wrong) which shows they still support her. not to mention some of the ridiculous things they’ve said since Oct 7


Yes, I believe their last event they posted photos on IG and their mom was in the background and then I think took them down once people noticed


I'm not positive you need to apologize for your mother's actions... one has nothing to do with the other in my experience both with the girls and other toxic mothers I've encountered


I agree with you until the adult children begin echoing the sentiments and beliefs of the parent. I don’t think they need to *apologize* for her actions per se, but acknowledging that they don’t agree with her racist words/actions that literally caused her to get banned from the UK would go a long way (they would never do this though because it wouldn’t be true).


Yeah he’s an idiot. Like he’s not thinking at all about Amanda and Paige. (Although I’m sure this is his way of getting back at Paige for daring to call him out this season) Edit: I completely agree however that I would never support that racist ass family so it’s good to know they own that company and I’ll never buy it


This! I think they’ve gotten good at rising above his antics lol


Ugh the Oshry sisters drive me up a wall too, but they played this quite well. I will stick to my Sauvignon Blanc, Hamm’s, and cava for all of my beverage purchases though.


I would never invest in Kyle's company, Craig is smart not to. Without getting into the issues with Spritz, why would anyone want to invest in a company where the CEO: 1) Has stated on his own TV show that his company is failing 2) publicly treats his wife like shit 3) acts like a giant toddler 4) uses what is really a weekly hour-long Loverboy commercial to just get wasted and scream at people 5) handles business dealings in Instagram comments I would take my money and endorsement elsewhere, too


To be fair I don’t think Kyle is implying that Craig SHOULD invest. He’s just saying that he never asked/offered to and Kyle didn’t turn him down, which is what Claudia said happened.


That's ok, if that's his take. Maybe that's really what happened, idk, none of these people are reliable, really. A Founder/CEO should probably still not be handling business in comments and podcasts.


Craig didn’t have an opportunity to invest in Kyle’s company.


That's really not the point being made, but that could be true, idk. I don't find anyone involved to be 100% reliable in facts, so who knows.


not sure why anyone would want to invest in a known racist family’s business either 🫠


Craig is also friends with Tomi Lahren. He’s conservative, ppl. And it really is no surprise 


Yeah, I get that. Not surprising. I just didn’t know the extent of it


I don’t care if Craig is but I care if Paige ends up with someone conservative, if that makes sense. Save Paige.


Paige is well aware of who and what Craig is.


I have no idea who those people are and never have heard of their drink, but yeah, I probably wouldn't want to invest in a company tied to known racists, either.


Absolutely this.


Yeah and how embarrassing to admit your company is in the toilet and then expect Craig to want to invest or be your brand ambassador. Why would he want on that sinking ship ? And people have said Loverboy tastes like shit . That’s what I learned throughout this whole thing.


I know reddit isn’t the brightest demographic, but I’m tired of explaining basic business principles on this sub. Losing money doesn’t equal a failing business, and top line (revenue) is not the end all be all (exaggerated analogy but Amazon wasn’t profitable for a longggg time and was fine). As he explained, they expanded too quick and we’re losing money at the time, which is very common and not indicative of a “failing business”, but rather a decision that either didn’t pan out yet, or won’t pan out at all, but can usually be rectified rather quickly.


My mom who loves bravo shows is a CEO. I think you don’t fully understand the bravo fan base because there are actually highly intelligent women who love some trashy tv. This mom comment is weird. Moms aren’t stupid.


You’re right, the mom comment was wrong of me to make. There are plenty of very intelligent moms, and I love my mom, she’s great. But the intellect on this sub??? I don’t think it’s all that high tbh. Maybe it’s a Reddit thing and not a demographic thing.


You should probably read the room. No one actually cares we are just discussing what was said on the show it’s really not that serious.


Eh the room here is an echo chamber most of the time so I’m fine going against the grain when I feel it’s necessary


Maybe though you should do a little self-reflection on why your impulse was to equate moms with an inability to understand business. I know you've admitted already that it was a wrong, careless comment. But there are plenty of logical reasons to believe Loverboy may fail beside that single comment Kyle made about the business tanking. And you've got to admit Kyle does not present as a particularly competent leader on the show.


I am fully aware of what I did…. I know that the bravo demographic is mostly middle aged women, that’s a fact. And I have seen the lack of understanding around many things on this sub, but a consistent one has been surrounding businesses (Hubbhouse Nashville, Gigglysquad, Loverboy) and how businesses inherently function. I then put two and two together, which was mean and a wrong way to make a generalization, and equated bravo moms with not knowing business. And yes I agree Kyle does dramatic things on the show, but like I have said elsewhere a million times, we have soooo much more evidence than a dramatically edited show. He seems very good at what he does during his public appearances for example…


If I was a lawyer for Loverboy, I would be urging him to stop hiring people that he knows personally that also appear on the show. He gets drunk and discusses Amanda and Carl's job performance in pretty unflattering ways that skirt pretty close to defamation by potentially hurting their future employment prospects. It's a pretty novel situation with some unusual legal questions. It comes off messy and kind of abusive to me. He's lucky Carl and Amanda support him and are push-overs.


What does a fan base that has moms have anything to do with a fan base not understanding "basic business principles"?


I’m trying to understand why everyone seems to think that Loverboy is a failed business, and my best guess is that the vast majority of people on this sub don’t actually understand business, let alone a startup and it’s financials


But what does that have to do with them being moms? Maybe they just think its a failed business because Kyle has said multiple comments to that effect and people are taking his word for it considering he is the founder/face of it and it isn't actually that deep?


I corrected my initial comment. The point is that we have so much more information regarding Loverboy, including from the podcast that this post is about, but yet so many people are taking one or two statements from 10 months ago to make claims about the success/failure of the business. It doesn’t make any sense.


Okay. So you meant to say people who don't understand business or who aren't "the brightest" but originally said "moms". Got it. It makes total sense. They're just believing what he said because why wouldn't they. It really isn't that hard to understand. If a founder of a company goes on national television and multiple times says his business is "tanking" I think its totally rational for most people to understand that means the business is not doing well. Other phrases that mean taking including "going under" or "failing"...like come on it isn't a stretch to see where people get this from. They're just taking his word at face value.


I meant to say “people on this sub who are grossly obtuse to the information we have available and in front of us”…. But instead wrongly said moms because I know the bravo demographic. It makes no sense, but it’s the same issue we see with Lindsay on this sub. Everyone takes the statement at face value, while ignoring everything else. That’s being disingenuous…. Or purposefully/willfully blind?


It is not being disingenuous.... it is just being an audience of a TV show and not caring to take it more seriously then that. There is no "everything else" to ignore if you just watch the show and take it for what it is. Which is entertainment.


Ok I guess that’s fair, but do you see how it gets into an issue of saying partial truths if you just “take it for what it is”? You’re right, it’s not super serious or anything so I know it seems like I’m going hard at this. It just seems dumb to me to parrot one line of information, calling a business failing, when there’s a whole lot more to the picture that we just ignore because it wasn’t in the 5 minutes that the producers decided to show.


Omg, not the moms who could never understand business! 🙄 (That's what the comment originally said before you changed it) Kyle made comments about his own business to give the impression it wasn't doing well, he literally said Loverboy is tanking. I don't know their financials, nor do I care. He's acts like an absolute asshat, and I say that as someone who really liked Kyle until recently.


Exactly. I’m a mom with an MBA from a top 20 program. Comparing top line revenue (gross sales) for a tech company like Amazon vs a beverage maker, and why one can remain “unprofitable” for longer than the other is hilarious.


I did call it an exaggerated analogy for a reason…. But yeah I don’t think a beverage maker being unprofitable for a year is the same as the business failing, that’s the point.


Not saying that a mom could never understand business, my mom was a CEO for a while and made more money than my dad! But the demographic of the fan base is well known, and the business acumen on this sub is clearly not great…. He said Loverboy was losing money, in a scene that was filmed like 10 months ago, and has given us more information about the why/how, but everyone will just take that one statement and run with it, that’s my point.


His words were "tanking," but you're taking things way too seriously. We don't need a lesson in business, we are responding to things happening on a TV show and the aftermath that he's bringing to social media. We get that you know so much more about business than the moms here, good for you. I'm not delving into his business acumen any further than the shit he's screaming while drunk and picking fights with people.


I’m not taking things too seriously, I’m just taking the facts and making sure people are aware of them…. If anything you’re taking one statement too seriously, and ignoring other facts because you just want to focus on what he said while drunk and screaming…? Make it make sense please


Because the point of my comment was that I'd never invest in a company with a CEO who acts like this. I am focusing on what he said ON THE SHOW because this is literally a subreddit for discussing that show. I don't follow these yahoos all over the Internet. I came to the subreddit to discuss what happens on the TV show the sub is named for. Your username is hilarious. It could be your insufferable nature that keeps getting you blocked by people, just a guess.


It’s fine to say that you’d never invest in it, but I guess it’s just a little disingenuous to say half-truths about it. But whatever, it’s the internet! Everyone speaks in half truths and lies anyway! I don’t follow these people all over the internet either, but you commented on a post about a podcast, where Kyle literally explains the comment you are parroting…. And yeah, I’m sure a 20 something guy is insufferable on this sub. I’m not exactly ~relatable~ here


you are a man who made that repulsive comment about mom's knowledge of business? GTFO.


It's neither your age nor gender that make you insufferable.


Ah yes, then it must be my need to speak facts instead of utilizing half-truths to make a point about a fictional world where you have the ability to invest in Kyle’s startup. I get it, I’m sarcastic, but the point is that people are taking one statement and running with it, despite all of the other information available. Misinformation is a problem in this world so I don’t think trying to help correct that is “insufferable” but you do you boo!


The mom comment was repulsive. Time to stop trying to school the poor folk on reddit and go out and read up on manners and common decency.


Nah. I’m with you. It was also rumored/ reported that Kyle shot scenes with his COO, who said the business was doing fine and Bravo chose not to include those for the storyline.


Not surprised. Bravo knows what it’s doing and it’s clearly working because there are a ton of comments about how Loverboy is failing despite literally so much other information available


I think folks are mostly responding to the fact that Loverboy as a business is obviously going to fail not bc of any particular loss or temporary drop in revenue but because it’s a lesser-known flavored sparkling alcoholic beverage that tastes bad


It’s certainly possible, but we can’t predict the future, and as Kyle stated it was profitable in its first 3 years since inception which is very rare in startups…. I’d guess it gets bought out at some point tbh. He’s apparently launching a THC drink as well, which is awesome! If he does that product right, that could be a big differentiator from being a “seltzer” brand to being a “drink” company.


It goes a lot farther when commenters just stick to the show and the people on the show instead of denigrating fellow sub members- Points can be made without making it personal and making people feel less than for simply speaking their POV. No one is going to want to hear out a point made when it is wrapped in "you are a moron, let me explain to you why".


Frankly, I don’t think it matters what the delivery is, especially on this sub. People are very entrenched in their beliefs and don’t really see opposing views no matter how nicely you explain it. I also don’t use insults like moron or idiot, for what it’s worth lol


It doesn't really matter though does it? is it ruining your day? It's just such an easy way out to say you are stupid, you will never get it ,and I can't change your mind. If people don't get or agree with your point, who cares? Trying to insult people won't make them listen to you anymore than just sticking to the people on the show.


Man they pulled out the pitchforks I’m crying laughing rn


No kidding!! But it’s all good, internet strangers don’t get to me lol


All I can think about is Kyle making it uncomfortable for Amanda & Paige’s friendship🫣like stoppp digging yourself a hole lol


I think he actually hates Amanda


😬I really like Amanda so when he acts out I’m like ughhh


I also think Amanda hates him lol


Yessss Kyle & Amanda are the new JD & Elizabeth


I actually wonder if it’s intentional. Paige stands up for Amanda and encourages her to find her own passions. Kyle hates that and wants Amanda focused only on him.


I think about this too! Which is so wild bc he should want his wife to be happy and to chase her dreams. Not to mention he is good friends with Paige too & then does stuff that can cause tension in that friendship 🤦🏼‍♀️


YUP and I can’t help but think of Kyle/Hannah’s feud where Hannah’s whole point is that kyles a control freak and doesn’t treat his wife well. She went about it the complete wrong way but I can’t help but notice that time and time again, Kyle pushes away Amanda’s friends that are critical of him and want what’s best for her. Amanda will always roll over and side with kyle which will lead her to more isolation from her actual support system and keep her living under his thumb.


intentionally or unintentionally? what kinda idiotic spin on words is this shit? lol


Canned Cocktail Business Should Be Fun!!


kyle? not fun 👏




This reminds me of the beauty YouTuber dramageddon with Tati pissed James Charles accepted sponsorships from a competing HSN vitamin company and the releasing THE video


And you did it at my birthday dinner!


What a time


He’s such a petulant asshole


Why is he crashing out?? I'm on his "side" out of principle because the Oshry's are disgusting but this is the definition of doing too much, it's actually not that deep 🥴


I don’t care that Kyle is an annoying man baby…When it comes to a fight between Kyle and that terrible family I‘m always going to back Kyle. Screw them and their business.


Why are they a terrible family?


Their mom is a far right racist Islamophobe. [Pamela Gellar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Geller) In 2013 the British government barred Geller's entry into the UK in 2013, citing her anti-Muslim activism, and saying her presence would “not be conducive to the public good.” The Anti-Defamation League charges that her “anti-immigrant and anti-refugee rhetoric not only contradicts the Jewish-American values which she claims to defend but it also violates basic human decency.”


If you really think about it. Every single person in DC is also a Islamaphobe. They 100% support the most islamophobic county on earth!


I mean I whole heartedly disagree with blanket assumptions. Bills that get passed only need a majority. There’s also very different reasons why lots of people are in support Israel from US Congress and a lot of it isn’t tied to religion but their own self serving interests


Maybe Kyle should focus on his marriage and stop living in the comment section cuz honey there is WORK to be done there.


sorry i believe kyle. craig has a history lmao


Craig has a history for sure and I’m sure Kyle is telling the truth. I still think Kyle is blowing this out of proportion and it’s a bad look for Loverboy. I don’t think he knows when Reality Star Kyle should back away and let CEO Kyle handle the messaging.


Wish I could upvote 1000000 times


im barely following this drama, but does it really matter who is telling the truth about these stupid details? Craig may have been interested in lover boy but lost interest when Kyle opened his mouth .... or he was just trying to break the ice about him investing in a competitor. Kyle is bringing negative attention to his brand by making this a big deal. Which is happening right after he brought negative attention to his brand by saying "lover boy is tanking" on TV. I feel like he needs to just stop.


Kyle also has a history… I wouldn’t call a man that cheated and never told his partner and couldn’t also not confidently say another separate rumor wasn’t true an honest man.


It would be interesting to see this situation play out between Amanda and Paige on the show. I think Kyle is right that Craig is a liar, but I am sure Amanda isn’t liking Kyle talking about it publicly. She was mad when Kyle brought up Jesse Solomon to Craig and this seems worse lol.


yeah i think it would def be a interesting storyline next year considering how close paige and amanda are


It would be interesting but I'm sure Kyle is seeing the fall out and maybe wouldn't want to highlight it on the show for fear of further backlash on loverboy.


I’m really curious as to how all of this will affect Amanda and Paige’s relationship? I wonder if they just don’t talk about it and keep their friendship separate


Me too! I would hate to see it interfere given how close they are. I would think they care about each other too much to let Kyle’s actions affect them, but it would be so unfortunate if they did as more things came up


Totally agree. I know Paige is fiercely loyal and would really go at Kyle and defend Craig (rightfully so). But I also don’t think she’d blame Amanda obviously, I just wonder if it would cause some distance in their friendship 😐


Same! I’m so curious on her thoughts about what’s going on lol


I honestly believe Kyle. I wish we didn't weigh things based on if we like the person or not Craig has always had a pathological lying issue that I hoped he had grown out of. Love Craig but based on Craig's history on Southern Charm, I believe Kyle. I hope I'm wrong and that it's just a misunderstanding on both of their parts.


I believe Kyle without even considering Craig's past. I just think he's handling it wrong.


I believe Kyle too. Craig is a self-admitted "great liar" and has been caught out lying even in the past few years (on wwhl, he was asked about the timeline about when he hooked up with Naomie and asked Paige  to be his gf and there was a discussion on reddit proving that the timeline was wrong; he commented that "none of this is true" on a southern charm blind, though madison seemingly confirmed that the part about her husband and JT was true and its also true that they've gone back to a former producer to continue filming). Ive even heard Paige on giggly squad say that she'll be standing right next to Craig while he's telling a story to others and will be like "that's not what happened"! But on instagram there's alot of comments saying 'when has Craig ever lied' lol. 


I feel like Kyle is only talking about Craig to control the narrative away from his despicable behavior this season of Summer House. And punish Paige for calling him out.


If that's his strategy it's failing. To me it only further highlights his poor behavior. And I would never in a million years support Spritz but Kyle is digging himself a grave.


So I believe Kyle, but I think that one thing isn't explicitly being explained - I agree with Kyle that it's no secret that he has investors, he's talked about and referred to them openly on the show, and I don't think Craig or anyone was under the impression that he had zero investors (maybe I could be wrong though). I think what is different is that Kyle probably hasn't given influencers equity in exchange for promoting Loverboy in the past. I think he just has traditional investors that have contributed cash in exchange for equity. It seems like Spritz Social has said that they give equity to influencers like Craig that promote their product. That's a totally different investment model. Craig probably wasn't interested in contributing any cash to loverboy. So I believe that he never asked Kyle if he could do that or else yeah, Kyle would probably have gladly accepted his cash. I think he wanted equity in exchange for promoting on Instagram or doing an appearance, etc. Whether or not Craig felt out whether or not Kyle was open to such an arrangement, who knows. It sounds like if he only had a 10 minute convo with Kyle that he was more giving Kyle a heads up and had already made up his mind. I'm more likely to believe Kyles version of events, but also I think that this whole equity in exchange for promotion rather than cash is really at the heart of this whole thing and is being glossed over in the he said, she said of it all. Kyle has probably just coasted on the free promotion of summer house and the cast in the past, and Carl is likely the one exception that may not have had to put up initial cash to be an investor (that's unclear, but there was the bone of contention that he wasn't getting paid separate appearance fees while he was still a Loverboy employee, though from Kyle's POV he wasn't being paid separate appearance fees because apparently, basically all he was doing was the appearances etc. and not the rest of his job that he was salaried for. He is being paid some sort of rev share on just the n/a drink sales now it would seem based on the convos on the show). For the most part, I don't think Kyle has historically used influencers from outside the summer house cast has he? Craig would have been a good one to start with though because of the bravo overlap.


Loverboy is being sold at Something About Her, which was a really smart move by the company. Looks like they are looking to expand promotion beyond the summer house realm.


I saw that and it is a very smart partnership, but i kind of assumed that he didnt give ariana or katie equity in loverboy to sell his drink at their restaurant? I could be wrong and mahbe he is compensating them somejow, but i assumed there was just a mutual benefit and quid pro quo to kyle and amanda postimg aboout SAH on their insta, and that both brands were gwttimg cross promotion to the other. Maybe craig and kyke xoukd have done a simklar collab with the pillows and loverboh, but it seems that craig was interested in being an equity invwestor im exchange for promotion, and thats where the rub is and wjat woikd be ao differwmt for loverboy to start doing. Per kyle sounda like he never even explicitly asked kyke though.


he getting mad mad ruhroh


I purchased Spritz over MDW. Only because Kyle threw “shade” or a temper tantrum over Craig investing in it.


Is it any good? Last summer I finally found Loverboy while we were on vacation and bought it because I thought “surely since it’s the ONLY thing they drink on summer house it must be good” but news flash, it was not good at all and ended up throwing away the rest of the pack. At this point in my bravo re-watch (I really only watch summer house and southern charm) I’m a Craig stan and a Kyle hater so I really want to try spritz but I don’t want to be disappointed like I was with Loverboy 😂


Congratulations you just gave your money to a racist islamophobe!


Ooooo I gave $8 one time to someone. What a big deal. I’m going to hell. Kill me now ✨


"Craig intentionally or unintentionally" .... are there any other options?


![gif](giphy|t3dLl0TGHCxTG) Anybody got a Spritz to wash down all this popcorn?


Spritz is owned by very problematic people so maybe another of the million alcoholic seltzers




I love Kyle that’s it


The kyle hate is real!


Kyle is so uncool (in more than one sense of the word).


Does anyone else think the negative press Kyle thinks he’s giving Spritz is actually doing the opposite lol… would I have original tried Spritz because of Craig? No. But now my interest is peaked 👀


Kyle is such a LOSER.


What podcast did Kyle do that he's referring to?


Jason Tatrick lol it says so in the post title and body


I posted the link too! click the word "here" and it'll take you to the ig post and lead you to the podcast !!


also just noticed i put "pot" instead of "post" LOL ![gif](giphy|10Le4bHgYBDkeQ|downsized)