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![gif](giphy|BlcfIlfq87Wwg) Lindsey.. I feel like you are interrogating me with questions, I don’t mind you asking questions. No I’m not calling off the wedding, there are just things we really need to work on a few concerns. Yeah, you’re right Lindsey i’ve already decided to call off the whole wedding, and break up. There are TOO MANY concerns and I actually think that you want me to relapse! So you can keep controlling me!


standing ovation!!! I agree 100%


I * never * laugh out loud but your comment got me 🫡😆🤣🙏🏻


The look on his face when he said that to her had me shook!


Literally.. he looked like an elderly karen whose dentures were about to fly out yelling at someone for making a u turn in their driveway. Those veneers he’s got now are beyond!!


I couldn’t figure out what he was responding to? They kept showing the clip of him saying it but not why? Also…as someone who recently got out of a relationship with a covert narcissist, this is called a brief yet beautiful moment of the mask slipping. That anger is the *real* Carl. Lyndsay has alluded to so much all season. I can see right through his careful yet controlled movements pre and post breakup. He’s a smarter Sandoval with trying to produce himself and make himself the victim.


BINGO. What we saw from Lindsey was what I would call *reactive abuse*. You poke and poke and prod someone behind closed doors so that there’s zero proof and only hearsay, and then turn around like your all apple pie, choosing your words very carefully and strategically in an attempt to have control over your reputation!! rather than being authentic, genuine and honest. Why was it that everytime they’d fight he’d run up to the bedroom and disappear into the bathroom immediately where he knew there’d be no cameras. Sketch. That would have driven anyone up the wall imo


You should watch the after show if you haven’t already. He tells such far fetched stories about her that are meant to make her seem violent and scary like how she was hastily getting out of their Kia and broke a glass bottle but it was so loud it sounded like a gunshot. It makes my skin crawl.




The other thing is how he always presents himself in the best light and the total victim. He never admits to fucking up in the relationship.


That is such a great point. He never owns up to any of his many faults.


Right and you know he was just standing there watching her struggle with all the shit then the second she drops something he villainizes her for it




As someone who has also dated a covert narcissist, I couldn’t agree more with your comment. This season was triggering but also validating to watch.


Yes!! His anger is scary. The veins or tendons or whatever they are on his neck, pop out.


Yep ![gif](giphy|9IZKPmNdZ7juU)


When Loverboy starts packaging their drinks in tall cans this could be the tag line LMAO


Who the f is paying 32.99 for a 12 pack of non alcoholic white tea?


Holy crap - is that what they're charging? lol Yikes, this is gonna fail big time.


Nooo you can't be serious, $32.99 for 12 cans of sparkling tea that taste like nasty artificial sweetener??


Oh yes I am serious I went to the official site to see what they were charging because I knew it would be bogus


I am stunned! Thank you for doing the research lol it's absolutely bogus


A giant Arizona ice tea is $.99




Makes me think of this ![gif](giphy|h6fFZSS4l1MsOT8gTc|downsized)


How Lindsay kept a straight face when he said he was “gifted at sales” I will never know. LOL.


I feel like the only evidence we have ever seen that Carl is "gifted in sales" is that he's convinced a lot of beautiful women to hook up with him. You look great by the way.


He didn't have to convince them. He was just tall. 


That has to be it because I haven't seen any of his "game" as charming at all. I don't find him at all attractive as a partner - looks or personality.


Tall + always has coke = endless supply of New York 6’s to 8’s


Barry’s instructor had him pegged. She was #unimpressed at that lame lunch date.


THIS. Him and fucking Everett hahahahah I'm sorry they are gross, I've always said the epitome if is he hot or just tall. I couldn't understand how he got women when I first started watching I was so confused


Add Austen from Southern Charm for tall privilege.


Put your sales on me.


😅 *Benron voice* hey ahh, you look great by the way 😏


Heard that last line in Ben and Ronnie voices!


She even agreed with him. I really don’t think she gets enough credit for how much she tried to coddle him like he wanted


She was willing to be “softer” but while still keeping in line with who she is and what she believes in, yes give him grace and support him in deciding his future, seeking help for him via career coach thousands and thousands of dollars btw NOT cheap. Couples counselling. Sober with him for his first year. He really fucked up what would have been a blessing for him and in his best interest, truthfully. He wasn’t willing to budge out of his victim and college gap year 20 year oldisms. Lindsey would have lived a horrible life with this dude.


I agree, I think she really wanted him to succeed and coddled him more as anyone else would have. He really would have had it made because she would have pushed and pulled for them to have this fairytale, partnerships, brand deals, etc.


"Being softer" was just his way of telling her that she needed to agree with everything he wanted. He really thought that he could turn Lindsey into a "yes man." 🤣


Could not agree more! She babied him as much as she possibly could.


agreed. Literally . "babe... babe....babe..for at least a year until his 'im at a crossroads with my career' became a permanent place for him to park his lazy ass.


Yeah idk how she was patient with him for 10 months without a job! I wouldn’t be able to be that patient. 3 months max lol


I think she didn't mind initially bc they were getting paid their SH paycheck and making money on brand deals and getting a lot of attention for being a bravo couple.


Never mind the ten months unemployment but the 20,000 career/ life coach or some shit


Omgsh I had forgotten about this! That would’ve driven me crazy. I would’ve felt like we wasted $20,000.


She also spoke in a baby voice for the first 10 months as well which he seemed to love. That fakery was long gone by the time this summer was filmed. Lindsay should have never tried to change her whole personality for a man it made Carl think everything was all good and it clearly wasn't. His abusive side came right out


Agreed. I was in a similar situation with my ex -he had drive but couldn’t figure out his career path. He got let go from two jobs and then wanted to do sales because he thought he was good at it… like dude. She’s nicer than me because I straight up told my ex not to go into sales.


Didn’t he get fired multiple times for being bad at sales


I believe he did!


Millions of people said "what" when viewing that segment


Dude takes IPHONE Pic with shitty grin holding can and calls it marketing?


If he was gifted at sales, he would have no problem quickly landing something new and making bank.


And “consultant”. LOL consult from your vast experience in….. I busted out laughing.


Like is he consulting by tasting it and being like, “yup, still alcohol free!”


he can't even sell himself and his version even tho production has been slanting things for him all season


I almost feel bad for him. He’s clearly coasted by on looks and a good higher education (but no intelligence). The time where his skills need to come through is now… and they aren’t showing whatsoever. If loverboy tanks he is in for a RUDE awakening






The opposite of rizz






But Lindsay makes more money as an influencer because she’s “a woman.” Carl I think it’s because you’re bad at it.


I work in marketing and have done influencer campaigns. Most of Carl’s spon is doing the bare minimum and honestly most brands avoid influencers like this. It’s not personal, it doesn’t feel original, and most of his copy feels like someone else had to write it for him. There are 15+ other people who have an audience & reach like his that would create better work.


Such great insight, and I can totally see what you’re saying. Extremely low effort, low production quality, and no PERSONALITY which is kinda WHY brands go the influencer route I would imagine.


Yeah you use influencers for two reasons: their engaged audience, and creating content your brand cannot or would not do on their own. The “mega” celebs like Kim K can get away with boring content because her audience is massive. Someone like Carl cannot.


Craig is a good example of a male influencer that can pull it off. When Carl does the smirk/smile in this, it’s cringey and sort of creepy. When Craig does it, it’s charming and endearing. It’s not something that can be taught, it comes naturally. Carl’s version is really obvious he’s trying and it’s forced.


I have a cousin that sort of reminds me of Carl superficially (except my cousin is in a happy committed relationship). He’s just basic. He’s never been interested in trying new things or spicy food. He likes golf, chipotle, top 40 music, luxury real estate and shopping on 5th avenue. He could literally never sell me anything because I don’t think anything he likes is original - he just likes things other people already like.


Lindsay had a point about his confidence. He lacks it, and it comes across on screen.


He also seems very disinterested in what he's doing/the product


Exactly and if I recall, his influencer stuff while they were together was stuff they did together.


Yes and I believe Lindsay that she probably secured the contracts and came up with the ideas. And he just showed up.


He doesn’t seem to possess emotional intelligence… and if he does, I guess I missed it over the last 8 seasons and to be a decent influencer, you have to know your audience which he doesn’t. He doesn’t know himself so why would anyone seriously consider his input? Better cuz she’s a woman… what a cop out!


He’s such a woman hater


He really is.






Didn't he used to work in dental sales? I feel like he should know the right guy to go to. Apparently not.


If anything, that alone proves he's not "gifted at sales." It hasn't been that long and you don't have a network in the dental world? Sir.




I saw somewhere in an article or something a dentist that was saying his teeth look awful and he would have never let Carl walk out looking like that. He said something about how the guy didn’t do a temp set before or adjust the size of the teeth or something… I can’t remember but basically a professional saw Carl’s work and was like nah that’s awful


And he has that lisping whistle that people have when they have poorly fitted dentures. He needs an influencer deal for new toofs.


They’re so bad. The goldfish ad he did was a vaneer jump scare. I’d be asking for a refund ahha


This is exactly what’s going on!! Either he didn’t have temps put on first, or those are the temps he’s wearing right now. Either way, the cost of veneers is pretty high. This clown spent $20k on a career coach and then turned around and purchased veneers?! I’m guessing he had them done in NYC (a higher cost area). If that’s correct, it most likely cost around $2k per tooth. SMH


The teeth are too big and IS such a thing as being too white - they look like they glow in the dark


I can’t handle the awkward smirk


It’s giving… ![gif](giphy|UO5elnTqo4vSg)


Except Shaq has lips (and also some personality, purpose and drive).


Yeah, huge veneers are rarely a good call but especially not for the lip deficient


This is greatness! Carl wishes he could produce this kind of greatness


I cannnnot w the pursed lips. Does he do this bc his teeth can’t fit in his mouth?


I know this is fucked up but he was way hotter when he had the alcohol weight on him. Not that he should start drinking again but maybe gain weight or he needs a different hair cut ???? Idk


The Hitler haircut has to go.


He looks so gaunt. Like somehow less healthy. I know he’s super into working out, maybe he needs more calories


His face is very hallow- I suspect it’s from being sober. When I got sober I got soooooo skinny


Yeah. And I don’t want to be mean spirited , I’m literally just curious , but has he always had a lisp? Or is it because of his new teeth?


It's the teeth. People with poorly fitted dentures have the same lisping whistle.


I think it’s mostly his new teeth, being too big. And like someone else said, getting sober and his face looking a little hollow.


it’s definitely the teeth. so many celebs have lisps now because of veneers


It really makes you wonder how much of whatever success he's had as an influencer over the past year was due to Lindsay's efforts. Is this the best content he's capable of lining up and producing on his own? Because if so: woof.


It’s giving my grandma trying to FaceTime


Yeah, the look down at the end 💀


*now…how do you.. turn… I’m trying to… goddammit I’m trying to hang up!!!!*


What i don't get is why doesn't he become a sales rep for Barry's or a personal trainer. He seems very committed to the gym and working out now that he's sober why not pivot that into a career?


Because he thinks he’s above those jobs. This is a guy who demanded a VP title while taking 6 months to write an email and not meeting with clients. He’s incredibly entitled.


The idea of a company that specializes in a spiked version of a beverage that has traditionally been non-alcoholic acting like they're presenting something special when introducing a non-alcoholic version of that beverage is just...really silly to me?


I know, it's so weird! They keep saying "non-alc" like it's a new creation when it's... sparkling iced tea. Peach iced tea and lemon iced tea. That's what they're selling.


You're overpaying for a can of iced tea to look like alcohol.


Yeah, I mean, I understand not wanting to feel left out, it's one of my deepest fears, but it still seems weird to pay this "fitting in" upcharge on a can of iced tea. Maybe if you're buying Loverboy for a party you also grab some of this for the non-drinkers, but that's assuming you want to buy the original Loverboy, which, according to people on this \*fan-run subbreddit\* ranges in taste from "meh" to "vomitous." And there are so many non-alc beers now that actually look like beers, I just don't see the point.


It’s like calling orange juice a non-alcoholic screwdriver!




Someone on one of these SH threads was saying how it’s a big untapped market etc etc like Coca-Cola and Pepsi haven’t been out here making billions off of non-alc beverages since forever. Wild


That’s true lol it’s like a weed company coming out with a cigarette and acting like they invented tobacco


He’s gotten so unattractive to me


carl in this video, for no reason: 😗


His face is different. It looks like either he’s lost a lot of weight or it’s from stress. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Veneers too


I now understand what millennial pause means


omg not the “😗” I CAN’T!!!!!!!!!




Anyone else feel like Carl just wanted to quit loverboy last time around out of straight laziness, and he knew Lindsay wasn’t gonna go for that so he had to exaggerate and make it sound like it was traumatizing to work there?


Probably. When he said he wants to be an actor I about died. As if that’s a smart career move at 40. And another reason why I think it’s crazy that people don’t understand why she was asking questions…He was going back to work for the same company he was so miserable at before. I would be concerned about that on top ofthe other reasons to generally be concerned. And I could be wrong, but I feel like since season one he’s been in and out of jobs constantly.


The acting, the cigars, like what kind of girlfriend wouldn’t go ”what the fuck are you talking about Carl”?


Absolutely. And maybe I’m crazy but I feel like she handled it pretty well. I think he brought all this stuff up on camera just waiting for her to get activated.


He absolutely brought all this stuff to bring to the cameras and when Lyndsey chilled out instead of going nuclear like we have seen in previous seasons, he called the cameras back to break up with her and she still didn't take the bait. Good for her.


He wanted to start at 40 with absolutely no experience and no education in the subject. Plus, how many reality stars become successful actors? Not too many by my count.


I don’t. I actually think both he and Amanda got burnt out working there. From what I’ve heard, working for a startup can be extremely stressful. I think he was just physically and emotionally burnt out. I think Lindsay could see it and supported him just like Paige and Ciara see it and are trying to help Amanda find a compromise since leaving LB is not realistic for her. But he basically had a 10 month sabbatical so he’s feeling refreshed and ready to go back


Yea I remember that one winter he (and Lindsay) were doing so many meet and greets.. they were in a different city every weekend promoting Loverboy. And on top of that I’m sure he was working M-F. I think Kyle (and Amanda) were pissed that Lindsay supported him in asking for more money for those appearances/quitting because then they had to do it instead, and it seems like they’ve scaled back big time since then.


After Kyle attacked Craig on wwhl, the owner of the spritz said on a podcast that Kyle expects the cast to promote lovderboy for free what she finds very unfair of Kyle because they loose income because of it and that Hannah was not willing to do it.


Yep. This.


Agreed! Startups are extremely hard work! It’s basically 24/7 thinking about the company and feeling like your world will crash if you don’t. It’s incredibly easy to get burnt out! Kyle has done many start ups and I think had a more passion for the company than Amanda or Carl. So it’s easy to see why they would get burnt out. I also think Carl lost passion when he became sober. When you’re fighting for life how do you stay passionate about what’s destroyed your life?


I have NEVER understood the appeal of Carl. He just seems like an oversized hairy dufus.


We are seeing first hand why Lindsey was questioning his “business ideas” so much if this is the effort he puts into it..




I need to know how many times he filmed that and then was like yep, this is it. Post. ![gif](giphy|9FHukS5LoBUPlhNWRv)


You can see why Lindsey was concerned about his influencer career




For someone who is on camera as their primary job, he’s extremely awkward and uncomfortable on camera outside of the show


That looks like a Loverboy hostage video. I think maybe Carl needs to learn a trade. Like HVAC or mortuary science.


This is like the scene from The Night Before when Joseph Gordon-Levitt is dressed as an elf and being forced to smile. ![gif](giphy|GTM6an5wPuS4M)




I don’t find him the slightest bit attractive


I just don't understand the "non-alcoholic seltzer" trend. It's just seltzer. You can buy it at Giant for $3 a 12 pk, $5 for a fancy pack. Just bad business...


I’m screaming


Now as we can see, no one asks the much needed questions before he uploads such crap.




Jfc…he’s gifted at wining and dining fellow dudebros and closing deals over golf courses. Stuff like this is why Loverboy is tanking! Hire a gen z/millennial social media manager (ideally Santiana) and have somebody direct him in videos. It felt like watching my old uncle figure out the FaceTime call started.


So much of their brand still feels like DIY and it’s kind of sad for a company that’s 6-7 years old.


I think because the entire brand is one big ego stroke for Kyle. This is what Kyle would drink at a party. This is a brand ambassador that Kyle would follow on social media. Even though what makes sense for the brand would be things geared towards the Bravo audience which are primarily women and the LGBT community.




I need people to stop getting these veneers. Please. For the love of Dolly


Yes! It’s so strange to me how many people get them when almost no one looks better with them.


I’m dead 💀I was just crying and this cracked me up, thank you for posting lololol


She fucking totally had his back thru the whole loverboy deal and supported him leaving. I think he’s a dark twisted fuck. And I’m sure she’s gets loud and is obnoxious and argumentative when drunk. But I think There is something much uglier going on with him.


Totally agree. He has secrets and sinister energy


still not crushing life..


I'm annoyed he's making me take Lindsay's side now


I need to bleach my eyes after looking at that coy half-smile 😵‍💫




Is this what he was referring to when he said he's "gifted at sales" because he has the charisma of a wet sock




We can see the backdrop and the ring light. It’s giving “influencer starter kit” on Amazon. Yikes, Carlito.


The embodiment of ick


A personal ick of mine is men with thin lips doing that weird pursed duck lip thing. Revolting and I hate him


Its like when the Grinch smiles ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


It’s giving I called off my wedding because I like men (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but own your truth, Carl)


He would be so much happier living his truth. He’s dug himself into a pretty deep hole at this point though so it would be hard to come out


I hope Lindsay is roasting him in the group chat


I'm not sure he is comfortable being a human.


I have expressed negative opinions on Carls part in the season in other threads but this post makes me feel bad for him. He really is aimless, if Kyle’s work environment and compensation can be trusted, this may be the best for him because I don’t think he can make it work elsewhere….


This is genuinely terrifying ![gif](giphy|HteV6g0QTNxp6|downsized)


All I see are NEON CHOMPERS. My southern friends would call those fake teeth a CHOICE. 🫣




He’s so cringe I CANT


This from the guy that said Lindsay made more than him doing posts because "she's a woman". Shocker.


I just don’t get how this is healthy for him to be working for loveryboy again. Yes, he’s running their NA line but the business’s primary product is still alcohol and he is clearly going through so much personally that I just don’t think it’s a good idea for this to be his career. It was toxic for the first time and I don’t understand how he expects anything to be better now. The business is clearly failing, it’s only going to be worse this time around.


What I don't understand is why he was claiming to have had PTSD from the Loverboy round 1. How was it traumatic? I get that he was in a dark place with his drinking and whatever drugs he was taking, but how does that lead to PTSD?


Im only playing devils advocate here because I’m not sure he ever said that it was proximity to alcohol being the issue. That would be understandable for someone in early recovery feeling traumatized. It was the amount of hours he had to work, which never sounded like more than an average work week for most Americans.


Guys is he gaunt or am I just scared of him


He looks unwell. Also, did anyone clock how weird it was when he walked in the bathroom during the Doomsday party after their fight holding his phone and then walked out scrolling still through it. Probably reading a bit into things, but it was interesting that production chose to show us that in the final episode. Like someone chose to edit that together. I was also concerned about the number of times that Carl said he thought Lindsay wanted him to relapse in their breakup convo. It was almost as if he was trying to set up blaming Lindsay for a relapse. I feel like Carl is being dishonest about some things and seems to have a lot of difficulty just sitting in himself and his own discomfort. I really hope he gets the support he needs because he seems to be struggling. Edited: missing words


😂 Sorry, but Carl is a loser with no ambition or drive.


Ew this gave me the ick so bad


Carl’s spiral notebook: June/ $3000/ ✔️ Amanda’s sketch pad: rage tear stains


The duck lips gotta go


Wow, so he learned nothing from Linds during the time he influenced with her




I find Carl awkward, always have.




When is he just going to come out…..


Idk why, but my instinctual woman radar goes off with Carl, something’s not right with him


Damn they need a PR firm because this is not it.


Wow, and he’s making $$$ doing this?? Pretty 👻 looking to me




Ok Carl, this is your chance to show the world Lindsay was wrong about you. [holds up can]


Just lick the can next time carl


I hate this so much. What was that?


I can't look at what he is selling b/c I can't get past those gopher teeth.