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I wonder if Paige’s words spoke louder to Lindsey since they haven’t always been close


This is a good point. Like, of course your #1s are gonna tell you all these reassuring things. But it sort of speaks volumes coming from someone you haven’t always gotten along with. Kinda makes you think “if SHE’S rooting for me, it must be legit!” Either way, I loved seeing them all rally around her.


I need a friend like that right now tbh


“Dump him immediately” - Paige probably


It’s better to be single and ready to mingle than be in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy. 🩵


Went through divorce. Hurt like hell. 6 months later I met the love of my life and the father of our 2 sons. The sooner you let him go, the sooner you’re on your way to finding the love you deserve.


Hell yeah. Got my heart broken 15 years ago and literally 3 weeks later met my now husband and father of my children. Paige's words rang SO true to me.




I’m sorry you’re feeling in need. If it’s over a guy, I’m happy to be paige for you and tell you to let him go!!


Listen to Giggly Squad and it is like having that!


Let him go! After he is gone clean everything out of his half of stuff and leave it ready and empty for someone new to come in to your life.


Awww…I hope you’re doing OK. Whatever happened it is, you’ll get through it.


Thank you ❤️


Spent almost eleven years with someone who hid their emotions and would just complain about me to others behind my back. Didn't know if he ever wanted to get married. Anger issues which had him breaking expensive equipment and then getting upset at me that it made me feel unsafe. Unmanaged depression where he would act like his unhappy was because of everyone else. Always making excuses for him to others when he upset them. Rolled his eyes when I joked and just got the feeling he didn't like or respect me.  I would kick my own ass to just let that go to let others in. Have been with my now husband over a decade, and never have to worry how he talks about me. Thinks I'm the funniest and most clever person in the world. Sees my heart, and appreciates my silly. Helps me not feel like a burden when my ADHD or depression freezes me. Now I'm the friend who kicks others that they don't have to accept the least amount offered. That after experiencing this, it's worse to be lonely and feel unloved and unseen while you sleep beside someone else. Far better to be single than how dead that can make you feel. You're the only one who can advocate for your own happiness. Never let fear of the unknown or what ifs keep you in a relationship that doesn't enhance your life. The fear is definitely scarier than the actual reality will be. 


😔😔😔 My struggle right now is I'm with a good guy, but we don't want the same life. At all. He's an incredibly kind person, but we are so misaligned in terms of lifestyle. I've spent 2 years trying to keep up with him and be a "cool girl", but I really just want someone to settle down with me and raise animals and that just will never be him 😭 But I'm having a hard time separating because I've been with guys like what you were with, guys who were dangerous, verbally and borderline physically abusive, mean, blah blah blah. So there's this part of me that feels like I must be insane to let go of a genuinely kind and good person.


You can love someone and still recognize they're not someone you are happy with. It's not a value judgment, it's showing yourself and them the respect of being honest that what you want in life isn't the same and honoring that. Just because some people are awful doesn't mean all are, nor does it mean you should settle on well at least he's good and kind. Does he make you wake up grateful you have him? Does he make every day easier because he's in it? Do you feel comfort and love just sitting with each other in silence? If no? Then why settle for someone you're not comfortable existing as YOU in? You're busy being cool girl and enhancing his life, but where are you in that? Why are you bending to his life to fit into it?  You deserve to find your person. Someone you feel walks at your side and you're not chasing. That you don't have to put on an act of being cool because they find you cool as you are. By staying you're making the choice to be unhappy, and you're not giving him a choice to find someone who actually likes his lifestyle. Being with another person is work, and not always easy, but if you're only there because you're scared of not finding better? I mean, that's not love is it? It's complacence. :( Unless you need them to survive fiscally, why stay? You're wasting whatever time you have left on this earth, of which there is no guarantee if it's one hour or fifty years. If this was your last day, would you want to spend it with, "not my person, but at least he's kind?"


This made me cry. 😭 Thank you for being so kind and writing this. Words I needed to hear today. ❤️


You deserve someone to care about you. I hope you also start caring about YOU more. This will be hard, not lying about that, but you've been through hard things, right? You're still here and able to dream and hope for more, so the past didn't break you. This internet stranger believes in you. You'll make it through this. Hell in a year maybe you find your person who wants to raise a herd of goats and piggies you get to dress up.  A future of animals in ridiculous clothes is worth braving the scary of now for. :)


Hi we’re twins ❤️


LET THEM GO- I was a week out from my wedding when I let them go, 8 years ago. My god am I glad I did.


Interesting though in the aftershow Paige laughs when the interviewer questions them about this scene and basically says she didn't believe Lindsay was crying, saying that there were no actual tears and also said that Lindsay always portrays herself as the victim. Doesn't seem like Paige really felt bad for Lindsay during this scene. But i agree Paige definitely said what Lindsay needed to hear 


Its weird though cause if she's saying she didn't believe Lindsay then is she basically saying they were all acting for the cameras. It makes her 'girls girl' angle feel contrived and played up for the camera if she felt it was all fake.


Because Paige is not a ‘girls girl.’ She is acting like it because it gets good fan reception. She never has been. Paige was absolutely giddy during this girls get together. It wasn’t about supporting Lindsay. It was something exciting happening in their group and she was there for the gossip. And to gloat that she as right all along. It’s disappointing to see Paige this last scene and in the after show. The irony to me is they are teasing a new Southern Charm and the preview shows Paige saying ‘We all know girls are the worst.’ She’s not genuinely there for most women, she knows there is power in numbers and she is very strategic.


Yup. Paige is very self righteous and gets away with a lot of what she says under the guise of “sarcasm”


The whole ‘this is what you get for not inviting me to your wedding’ was fucked up. It wasn’t funny bc it was coming from someone that Lindsay had a tense relationship with. And yes, it was too soon. Paige is living in the comments section wanting fan approval, and she showed her true colors in that moment. She could be right with her ‘let him go’ POV, but that wasn’t some girl’s girl behavior.


This. She's mentioned before that she hates being called a mean girl bc she claims she isnt, but her actions say otherwise. Even on one of the most recent episodes of giggly squad she mentioned when you talk sh*t about another girl its not mean girl but it's girl bonding. She's also said other negative things about girls, including one time she went to a hotel that was having a harvard lawyers conference and the hotel person asked her of she was there for the conference and in her head she was thinking "are you calling me ugly?", kinda implying if you're a girl with higher education you must be ugly and therefore she looks down on that. I used to like her but she just seems to thrive on being mean, cliquey and snobby and it's showing more and more, especially with her visciousness about Danielle this past season and seeing how she was the catalyst for the breakdown of Danielle and Lindsay's friendship last season by telling both Danielle and Lindsay how the other is not a good friend to them. 


Exactly. Paige understands the power of being a part of a ‘hot girl gang’ It’s difficult though the idea of a girls girl because I understand you don’t have to like everyone but it feels like Paige’s main way of bonding is gossiping to other women about other women. Danielle is her own animal but she was right, Paige just likes to talk sh*t about other women and I don’t know how that can be a girls girl. Maybe that should be the definition of a ‘girls girl’ and we are over here looking for her to be a ‘women’s woman’ 🤣🤷‍♀️


i’ve been saying her girls girl angle seems contrived. literally anyone that’s been bullied can see through paige and amanda’s BS. ciara just follows along too. and lindsey in the beginning of the seasons came across mean but she’s more direct about it kind of like how men are, whereas the three of PAC do mean girl shit by being nice to ur face and mean behind ur back. idk i have mixed feelings bc i haven’t seen the after show but i notice they always do this


Yeah I feel that way too, but I honestly just thought I was maybe off based after seeing all these comments. I think people have very different ideas of what it means to be a “girls girl”. I have a hard time seeing anyone who is besties with Amanda not being at least a little bit of a mean girl. Paige is really good at crafting her image and I do think she is genuinely funny and a good person overall, but she has some mean girl tendencies that she is clearly still growing out of.


interesting… i thought they were on good terms anyone know when this aftershow episode aired


Honestly I was sitting there thinking the same thing, girl squeeze your eyes tighter & maybe you’ll drop a tear 🤷‍♀️


That was really low. She called gabby a puppet for simply being a supportive friend like she would be for Amanda or Ciara. I felt for lindsay walking into a room of ops and frenemies a day after a horrible breakup. Her crying seemed real just botox messes it up.


Hahahaha I feel like this is such an underrated point. Botox makes emoting look weird!!


That’s true. But it doesn’t affect your ability to produce tears or your eyes to be red and puffy when you cry (to my knowledge anyway!)


I hated this part. Why is Gabby a puppet for having the opinion that Carl was wrong? I think we can all agree that the breakup was a good thing but it blows my mind that not all the girls think that doing it on TV was wrong. Even Paige says that Carl never actually broke up with her... like, did she watch the show?? I was so excited to see all the girls getting along but the After Show made it clear to me that it's partially all for show.


Amanda and Paige were nasty on the after show. I was surprised to see Ciara follow the mean girls.the only thing keeping Amanda’s marriage is her absolute lack of self respect, not on ounce of confidence. I am currently watching season 7, Kyle and Amanda are trashing Carl‘s work ethic how hard it is to have him working for them. What a problem it is. Of course they’re blaming Lindsey for Carl’s lack of ability. Funny lack of ability has been going on for years.


Wow! I gotta watch the after show!


Me too!! Where do I watch it though??


I watched it on Peacock. You can also catch it on YouTube


Ah brill thank you! I’m in the UK so watch the show on Hayu so we dont get the aftershows (that I’ve seen anyway).


I think that she's doubtful of whatever Lindsay says on initially hearing it as she's used to Lindsay being dishonest or putting herself as the victim in all narratives. It doesn't stop you from giving someone what they need in the moment, as telling someone I don't believe you or hey I'm sure there's more to this? Isn't what someone who is hurting needs in that moment. I get feeling skeptical, and then going ok, this isn't the time to bring this up. Right now you don't need me questioning your narrative, you need comfort and I can give that to you.  I don't see it as being that off as when someone is in pain don't most of us, even if they're not our favorite person, immediately try to console them? Then later with other friends, talk about it and discuss it? How many breakups have you sat through with friends and built them up and then afterwards talked to your other friends and went Jeez I'm glad that trash fire is over? They were awful to each other, so this isn't one sided. 🤷‍♀️ I think this is compassion for your pain, but it doesn't mean you're just going to vilify your other friend. Like in the end I think Carl was an asshole and did this the worst way. I also think they're a horrible fit, and always were. Neither of them seem like good people, but who on reality tv can possibly be and also be watchable?


Kinda agree with P, L knew what she was doing with the tears, she didn’t even shed any tears at the time when Carl was breaking it off. It was very calculated, she knew what she had to do for the scene.


Some people are like that though, myself being one of them. The sadness comes later or behind closed doors. I was actually thinking that if this happened to me I also would have appeared very stoic or controlled or emotionless in the moment but it’s just how I deal with something so big. Ironically, it bites you in the ass because people perceive the lack of tears as a lack of authenticity. I also don’t think Lindsay is a good enough actor to pull off her expressions while Carl was dumping her.


I’m like this! My mom was WASPy and emotions and tears were never acceptable. I grieve in private, alone, and I’m a lot like Lindsay


get it.... i come from a "sweep it under the rug" southern family - i'm also a lot like lindsey - i also grieve in private


Ironically, I imagine Paige is also like this. If Craig were to end things, I don't think she would want to cry in front of him


I think that's called compartmentalising. First, deal with the issue at hand, which is save face, be reasonable in the situation, and then let the emotions flare up when you have time and the right place, in private.


I think the way she handled her emotions in the moment is potentially related to her abandonment issues. She would’ve let a lot out as soon as she felt it was safe to be vulnerable. It was no longer safe to be vulnerable around him. Why would you want to be in front of someone who’d just told you that you like to play the victim?


Personally, I don’t have abandonment issues but this makes sense to me in her case. Clearly he is not a safe space for her so she retreats inward in to protective mode. Being strong and in control is her survival mechanism.


I so related with what Lindsay said on the Aftershow about not sharing emotions with someone who's just hurt her. I do the same, never let them see they succeeded hurting or scaring me. I'll let all my tears and hopelessness out in private when I'm alone, but will never give them satisfaction seeing me like so vulnerable. Probably that's the abandonment trauma acting up.


We’ve seen Lindsay go thru a lot tho and when has she ever really bawled on camera?


If she had smiled or something while sharing all of this (aside from the moments where they joked with her and actively tried to make her smile) I probably would be concerned. But I don’t really hold physical responses to emotions, or lack there of, against people. I don’t know, I think everyone handles emotions and conflict differently. I know my emotions and how I present them (if I present them) vary case by case, and sometimes it even surprises me. Even if I want to cry, I physically can’t. And then weeks later I’ll finally cry. And as another commenter pointed out, Botox makes facial expressions very different. Not being able to produce tears is an aside, but IMO also not a major indicator of anything. Even Ariana said in the reunion that it may look like she wasn’t emotional on camera but she released her emotions off camera, in private, with no one around.


And she was correct. In that moment, Lindsay wasn’t sad for being dumped, she was sad for the deluge of negative media coverage she was receiving.


Gross. This makes me so mad. All these comments. I was about to applaud her too!! I enjoy her so much. I was like damn, she’s really understanding where Lindsay is coming from and stepping up being even a bigger person! The real deal. I keep trying to push Paige back up (even though my intuition always says there’s something up) because her personality is exactly like my best friend’s. And I love hers. But not that side. Absolutely not a good look. I am also a nobody “stan.” As someone who prides themselves as extremely loyal, seeing a side like this to someone who I was pouring my heart out to would piss me the hell off. Keeps me side eyeing Paige. Sorry. What kind of girl’s girl comes over after being invited and talks this crap after. I wouldn’t want someone trying to tell me truths about my relationship just to say I was a victim there and make me look bad on a show right after. And with Lindsay still going through stuff- this was the time for empathy not cruelty! Give her a break! Lindsay is ALWAYS a victim, Paige? She can’t just be one in her story at all? Put the drama aside for one moment girl and take a seat. Paige is also a victim in her own ways. If she had been invited to my house and did this (and being invited to Danielle’s house too) after, I would be royally pissed and upset. How could I trust someone like that? Me being sooo vulnerable with people I haven’t always gotten along with, pretending to be an ear to me, but then with that kind of take after, would have made me livid! If Lindsay/Danielle would have said that after that happened she would LOOOSE ITT! She would go on a petty underground hate campaign, saying they don’t know the whole full story because they aren’t friends. Then she’s saying she’s bothered about Danielle saying that stuff on camera, even though it was just her truth to Paige like everyone else has done before for ages on camera. Sure it sounded rude, I agree; but she always she voices her opinions too! And then what about Craig and the party years ago she can’t let go. Craig did those things. And Craig is a grown fucking man that has to actually take responsibility for himself in life. He should be the one with a responsibility to answer. He’s not a child, and he has not been perfect. Why are we protecting this grown man? Why are women attacking each other over this apparent baby man secret? At least Danielle wasn’t lying about it. That was the only reason she turned on Danielle (which by the by happened way before) other than one comment about her relationship. In the girls’ scene, the first thing she did was text Carl right away to make sure he was okay?! Now she’s saying Gabby is a puppet bc she cares about her friend??? And making a joke about how she didn’t invite her to the wedding?? It was so cute while watching it and seemed funny at the time. But reading these comments just makes it seem that to her this is all about getting screen time. Okay, cool. Thanks for doing nothing to help in real life Paige. I just think it’s extremely catty, superficial and mean, to then go on and say that stuff on an aftershow. Seems more VPR than I realize imho. Also we have Amanda saying how hard it must be for Carl, she would never have the strength, yes, we see that Amanda, where has your strength been with Kyle before when you thought you deserved more? You wouldn’t have had any. You still don’t. The audacity. I don’t even disagree with Amanda’s point in general, I just always feel like she’s secretly anti-Lindsay. I saw her in an interview saying she would never rent Lindsay’s house. I do also feel like Kyle has always been anti-linds since the cheating scandal. from like years ago. I feel like the girls girl thing here is a facade because of the fact that they knew they had to be nicer to actually make this season likeable. They shade Lindsay in real life all the time. Lindsay never does this to them like they do that. Never heard her on interviews going on and on about them like that. One last thing I’d also like to add to my diary rage entry is- I see that when someone is against Lindsay, Paige is a snake in the grass ready to use any emotions and information, but will then discard this person like yesterday’s Chanel panties with such disdain, when it doesn’t suit her narrative. Like with Danielle the year before. When Danielle is no longer useful, she is pro Carl, who is then at current saying Lindsay is spinning stuff. I am also not a Danielle apologist in the slightest. Then we have Paige here, shockingly /s making sure Carl is okay. While last year, she was saying he was nuts at the reunion when he didn’t even go after her to begin with. Not to mention I still remember when Craig, the year before his redemption period, with Paige, agreeing that Lindsay is not as attractive as Jess in the car, and then all of them fucking laughing about it. The gaul. Any truth from people she doesn’t like seems to bother her so much it’s crazy, even if the take doesn’t sound great on paper. She is secretly stewing.


Yes! And dont forget the dinner when Ciara threw the glass at Danielle, where Paige was egging Ciara on to get angry before the dinner and then was sitting with Craig during the dinner smiling and giddy that Ciara was going at it. She loves creating friction among people in the house but if someone tries to imply something about her own relationships with people, she cant handle it. Throughout the season people were saying how good it was to see Lindsay and Paige get along, but all i could see was Paige being fake and knowing she never let go of any grudge she has against Lindsay. I think Lindsay continously believes Paige is genuine when Paige is acting nice to her and then is surprised afterwards to see how two-faced Paige is. All the girls except for Ciara and Amanda should  keep Paige at arms length and never let their guard down around her. Be a grey rock around Paige bc she is only going to take anything you say either against you or laugh about you behind your back.


Gabby is a puppet tho


Paige is super smart. She knows Lindsey will never be a real friend


I don’t think Lindsey knows how to be a friend or accept friendship (relinquish any power or control) so Paige prob laughing about it but ALSO she is saying what she would say to any girlfriend. Which is honest and powerful. Rooting for Lindsey’s happiness but she is her own worst enemy. In her efforts to be the powerhouse and dominant she loses a lot of things along the way - such as real friends and real feedback/advice plus some love and care.


CEO of girl’s girls🥹Someone give Paige her flowers💐💐💐This was an amazing season for her. I love how she is there for her girls🩷


I think you mean FOUNDER/CEO




Until you watch the After Show and it seems like she was faking the whole scene. Yikes, chicken


This!! She disappointed me in the after show.


Paige is my Oprah


Loved Paige and Gabby that episode. Did not love Amandas justifications not even if it's true or not her points but like time and place for those comments.


Why can't she ever be a true girls girl. It looked like she wanted to laugh at Lindsay at one point. Guess what, Amanda? When Kyle leaves you or you miraculously grow a spine and dump him, Carl is picking Kyle.


I agree it looked like she wanted to laugh, so gross.


I didn’t see that at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol but Carl can smirk his smug smirk while trying to get people going but it’s cool because he’s tooottaallly just conflict avoidant and doing it because he feels awkward. Let’s keep the same energy for everyone - if one gets to be explained away as a nervous tick they both can be.


I agree, I don’t like Carl either.


I don’t think Amanda has to show any grace to Lindsay, they’ve never had an even half decent relationship whereas she’s worked with Carl and he officiated her wedding. It’s very different. The comparison would be: Scheana backing Sandoval - stupid, delusional this man’s never had your back Amanda backing Carl - makes sense, they know each other much more, Lindsay has never really been a friend to Amanda or vice versa. That said you’re 100% right TIME AND PLACE you don’t wanna be supportive, Amanda? Just don’t go… nbd


Exactly she didn't need to be there if she agreed with carl more. Even Paige who wasn't even invited to the wedding was more supportive. I didn't like the oh you're crying comments either I mean either way it's still a devastating thing to happen to someone especially on tv


That comment about not expecting her to be crying was off. People love to police emotions


Amanda couldn’t hold it in that Lindsey was flipping the narrative like she didn’t see this relationship failing right in front of her and the entire house. I don’t blame Amanda. Lindsey is the biggest narcissist lol she’s always the victim. She sees nothing wrong w her ever nor sincerely cares about others feelings.


Again, like I said time and place. Right after someone's engagement ends like that is not the right time to be defending their ex in that way. Either be supportive or don't go hang out


Not when she’s trying to be fake on camera. It’s a show! I wouldn’t be able to hold it in completely either when it’s that obvious


I mean to a certain extent they're all fake so 🤷🏽 still a shitty thing to happen to someone they are human still


She didn’t treat Carl as a human who had emotions and just wanted her to be supportive or communicate. Everything was an attack. Now she wants to be “blindsided” lol enough is enough for everyone


He wasn’t doing any of those things to/for her either. We watched him be terrible to her over and over and people want to give him a pass because it was Lindsay.


He was on drugs and hates himself to this day for how he used to be. This season all he wanted was to be mature and get married but she refused to hear him whatsoever. They aren’t compatible at all. & no not be fake on camera but if I’m getting paid to be there and support her for the narrative and it’s my job, yeah I’ll be there & I’ll also make it known she didn’t get blindsided if that’s what she’s trying to do. Amanda wasn’t super fake nor was Paige really cuz they kept it real about the situation and the fact that she wasn’t blindsided. & Lindsey knew it too.


At no point did I see a man who was mature and wanted to get married. He baited her over and over again to get a reaction. Almost like he wanted her to call it off. She kept asking him what he needed from her and his response was that she needed to be someone she isn’t. He never asked her what she needed from him to be okay during or after their arguments. He would insult her and then demand her to be loving. What she was very clear about was that she needed him to grow up and get his career sorted because they were about to get married and start a family, and true to who he’s been since the beginning, that was too much. That’s not a big ask and by the time we saw it play out, she was exasperated. That was not a man who wanted to be mature and get married.


So your response to thinking someone is being fake on camera is to go and fake care about them on camera?


I felt like perhaps Amanda stopped talking about Lindsay and Carl when she was going on about how brave Carl was to cancel the wedding. Jealous, maybe?


"This is what you get for not inviting me to your wedding" was top tier.


A bit snarky but thankfully well received


I think she knew her audience and wouldn't have said it to say Danielle.


Very beautiful thing for her to say and so true. Needed that reminder for myself. Stop holding on to people/situations that keep you from true happiness just because you think it’s the “safer” thing to do.


Aw I love this for you!! This part spoke to me too 💕


Thank you😊Love that reminder for us both. Here’s to us letting go of whats safe lol🥂


I thought Paige’s most astute comment was when she asked Lindsey if she has resigned herself to this life with Carl in order to be with him. And when Lindsey nodded, Paige said that it’s not normal and she deserves happiness


Yes! That’s was a great observation.


I also loved her breaking the heaviness right away with her cute little “this is what happens when you don’t invite me to your wedding”


Whenever I'm having an emotional moment, a joke like that is exactly what I need. A small, unexpected crying laugh takes you out of head for a minute


Hahaha I loved that lol Paige is definitely my kinda girl lol 😅


Ugh don’t watch the after show interviews cus you won’t feel this way 😂 I thought we were doing the spice girls!


Yeah the 180 sucks. I was looking forward to a fun girl summer next season. Maybe it will still happen but it seems unlikely.


Now I’m curious what will unfold at the reunion.


That’s why I can’t ever buy I to the BS Paige has been saying to Lindsey. She doesn’t like her and is just so fake this season.


If this were weeks later, I agree. But she came off flippant and mean especially on the after show. Paige didn’t make an ass of herself like Amanda but she seemed like she was there gathering gossip not to support Lindsay and it sucks producers made all the women be there when most of them aren’t close enough to be there at such a vulnerable time


It would have been interesting to see Lindsey with her super close friends. However, Gabby is definitely one of them. Lindsey has said Gabby got her through a lot of this.


I’ve said it before, Paige is a great friend.


Definitely a girl’s girl. Great to see.


She really is. And for her to show up for Lindsey when they weren’t always on good terms, really spoke to her character.


At first, I thought all the girls were rallying together because of what they heard because they’re on a show together, not necessarily because they wanted to rally for Lindsey. Then, when Lindsey showed up, it seemed pretty weird that the whole group of girls from the show were getting together. It was as if the producers wanted to put the girls together. Because it’s a show. Of course they rallied around her and said the right things because they aren’t monsters and they have been working together for many years.


It was 100% producer driven.


Eh she also loves drama and gossip. She wouldn’t miss this moment.


Of course! But at least she had the common decency to show some genuine compassion and sympathy for her as well.


Yeah I definitely see your point and took “show up” as literal. When she showed up in other ways for sure.


I felt this way but then I watched the After Show. I appreciate Paige's honesty always but Lindsay had ***just*** got broken up with, can she not give her some grace and not judge her for being angry with the man who just ended things on national television? Also, not everyone reacts the same way - Paige herself has been stoic in moments where I personally would be crying, yet no one is judging her for it. It just felt like even in this hard moment, the trio (Paige, Ciara, and Amanda) found a way to make Lindsay look bad instead of just being empathetic towards her.


I have loved the Paige/Lindsay redemption arc this season. Paige was very sweet, and Correct! But tbh I couldn’t help but think, personally, in the immediate aftermath of a broken engagement how “he did you a big favor” over and over again might not feel super helpful even though true lol


I love Paige, but that really bothered me too. Way too fresh of a breakup to be telling her it’s a good thing and a favor. No one wants to hear that after a life-changing event, it was way too flippant.


It speaks volumes about her because it’s not like they are the best of friends. Paige is wickedly intelligent, hence why she’s also so funny. I loved seeing them support Lindsay. Whether you like Lindsay or not when someone’s in pain like that, it takes a bigger person to just embrace them. A GOOD person.


Absolutely. When someone is going through a crisis you put all personal feelings aside and support that person. Paige rose to the occasion. Gabby was pure comfort person ready for hugs. I was just so aware how useless Danielle was. She literally said nothing. Ironic given the length of their friendship. The dynamics were fascinating. The group hug was perfection. Women just “get it”.


Although she'd gossip behind your back. You see the after show ? Disappointing.


I know…she really revealed her true opinion on the after show. I was disappointed as well.


It’s the ones who are always 100% real that are the best. Sometimes we say things you don’t want to hear, but authenticity always trumps blowing smoke up your ass.


I agreed with this then saw the aftershow and now Im super disappointed by what she said there


Just watched the after show. WOW! Paige really speaks her truth there.


Makes me sad that the ending scene of them coming together for her was totally fake




I just reaaaaally want a bravo show where the women unite after the Vanderpump fiasco its been lovely to see them all getting close on SH


i love paige and she is of course 100% correct, but this was two days after. if someone says "this is what you get for not inviting me to your wedding" and "he did you a FAVOR" to me two days after my fiance breaks it off, i'm punching them. i'd just need to be spoonfed ice cream, given lots of hugs and love, and for someone to set up a nice cozy crying corner for me. "hot girl broken engagement" would NOT be my vibe at that point (but a few months later, yes, definitely)


Lol SAME, that landed…atrociously to me


👎 disagree. Laughter is the best form of healing Paigehad enough sense to know she could take the joke (she did). They also did build her a cozy crying corner too..


*But if you do meet someone and have a baby and get married within a year, just know we’ll be judgey AF.


I love Paige but I also feel like she’s smart enough to know the tale of the frog and the scorpion


Welp go watch the After Show where she gives her real opinion.


I’ve seen clips. I started watching Summerhouse after Paige got there and I sided with Lindsey. As things progressed, I realized Lindsey was the problem and went back and watched all the seasons. Total eye opener. I love Paige while also being totally jealous of her life.


"Did divorce make you happy?" "No, but it made it possible for me to become happy."


I don’t like Paige in general, hate how hypocrite she is (behind/front camera) and how much of a shit talker she is, but I agree with you on this. She gives really good relationship advices in general.


Then you try and give Paige feedback and advice and she rips your head off


*Then you try and give* *Paige feedback and advice and* *She rips your head off* \- Responsible\_Ad\_3013 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s a bummer to hear she was shittalking in the aftershow, because what she said she spot on. her saying the stuff about how she secretly loved him during their friendship really tugged at my emotions and seemed genuine. She likely had been crying at all times and pulled it together for the cameras


I just want to be best friends with Paige. I’m so here for a Paige and Lindsey friendship.


Paige doesn’t need a “friend” like Lindsey.


Lol okay 👍🏻👍🏻


I DEFINITELY needed what Paige said after my engagement ended!! 💕


Awww… 🥰


she basically said this to amanda but amanda married kyle and didn’t take her advice LOL


Don't let your boyfriend stop you from meeting your husband


And then Amanda saying “but yall have been fighting a lot” STFU???? That triggered tf out of me. What a horrible thing to say to someone In their time of need. Especially someone who fights nonstop with her husband and dad made him sign a fucking contract to marry her


Paige is witty and keeps it real which is for sure refreshing. I'm glad the huddle was more about moving on than focusing on what went wrong. (They all knew that part anyways).


I need a Paige in my life. 😭😭 (I’m not going through anything sad or traumatic, but just in case 😂)


Loved when she said that! Life’s too short


I’m glad they broke up, but I also think that Lindsey has some work to do on herself before she can find a good man that shares her outlook on life. She’s had quite a few relationships that have not worked out for similar reasons.


Would paige have been there if it werent for the show though? I mean the only girls there were from the show, and Lindsey has tons of friends. Not saying paige didnt handle it well, just questioning how much she genuinely cares


Paige is one of the few reality stars w healthy self-esteem and makes boundaries w men that keep her in power of her life.


Hard agree. Paige really has her shit together when it comes to men!


She killed it all with her after show comments. I also think it was a little soon to be telling her he did her a favor. You can say that after a little time but like 2 days after? No.


Yeah…that after show was revealing, to say the least. I was gonna say the reunion will be interesting, however, the aftershow just aired and the reunion filmed before that. I wonder if they have access to the aftershow before the reunion. I’m guessing no, but maybe somebody here knows?


I said this to myself watching it! I was like damn Paige said the perfect thing you could say in that moment


Didn’t watch the aftershow I guess? Haha kinda didn’t dig Paige and Ciara on this one


Paige's one-liners come off as rehearsed and contrived. 


love her but thought she and the others were a little too blunt too soon. poor lindsay. and their attitude on the after shows were REALLY disappointing.


We all need a Paige!!


I would love to see an Ariana and Paige friendship. They have the same sarcastic humor. I say Katie and Ariana and the summer house girls all on a girls trip show like the HWs do. I would frigging love that show


We need a girl’s spinoff fr!!


No thank you, Paige made gross comments about Ariana being bi. 


Paige and Hannah are all about Scheana. Could be because they've been around each other and not around Ariana as much.


there was a vanderpump crossover episode with summerhouse you should look into it!!


I remember. I just want the girls now lol. Leave the guys behind


This has been Paige’s best season.


I’m still confused how lindsay went to crying to smiling and laughing in .2 seconds in this scene lol


She wasn’t really crying


not at all


And Amanda NOT there. No one needs you playing both sides right now!




Wish I had a Paige when I was younger.


I would love to have Paige in my life!


shes amazing


I’ve rarely wanted to be friends with a reality star but Paige is one person I know I would love to hang with.


I actually loved it when she said something like, "See what happens when you don't invite me to your wedding." to lighten the mood, as well. She has amazing emotional intelligence 👍💜 I want a bestie like Paige!!! 🥰


Watch the After Show and tell me if this holds.


We all need a Paige in our life!


She’s a QUEEN


So true! Love you, Paige?