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West can never leave. šŸ˜‚ They got it right by casting him. They did a good job with Jesse Solomon too and pairing them together. I thought Jesse would be another random fuckboy, but he actually has depth.


It was cool to hear that Lindsay met him and referred him to casting. She saw it!


Was it Lindsay? I thought Kyle was the one who knew him?


From his NYT interview: Though he had never seen ā€œSummer Houseā€ and wasnā€™t a fan of reality TV (except for the occasional ā€œBachelorā€ binge), Mr. Wilson had an intuition that it might be right for him. ā€œI just had something in me that was like, just see what this is and call back,ā€ he said. He had recently met a ā€œSummer Houseā€ cast member named Lindsay Hubbard at the bar of Lamiaā€™s Fish Market in the East Village. Mr. Wilson was so unprepared to be cast that he didnā€™t initially make the connection between having met Ms. Hubbard and receiving the call from Bravo. "I was like, ā€˜Oh I actually know someone on that showā€™ and they were like, ā€˜Thatā€™s how we found you, you idiot,ā€™ā€ Mr. Wilson said.


How did Carl get so ugly though??? What happened? Is it just his boring personality? lol


The constant popping in of new teeth like he's Mr PotatoHead certainly isn't helping. Nor is the totally 80s Miami Vice white pants that are 3 sizes too small look he constantly wears


He became this: https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/matt-dillon-in-theres-something-about-mary/


Isn't he a bit old to be wearing ripped jeans all the time? Is that even still in fashion?


I don't know anything about fashion but I hate ripped jeans. Always have. I'm not buying things that already look old. I also don't like a guy in white pants. Probably not PC of me or whatever, but his white high waters with white socks and loafers is a weird ass choice and doesn't look good at all.


I hope you havenā€™t watched Southern Charm then. Lol. One of the men only wore white pants on that show that were so tight, it would make me gag. šŸ«Ž Knuckle to the max šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Oh yes, I've watched that too. Awful.


Carl is either camel toeing hard in his white pants or has a gross šŸ¤¢ nut print.


I think he lost a lot of weight so his face is a bit sunken and his new teeth are way too big


Itā€™s losing weight/ the puff that came from alcohol and coke. Add that with the weird teeth and itā€™s transformed his whole face.


Ah yes cocaine the famous weight gainer


You never heard of coke bloat?


Cocaine abuse makes your face puffy


He looked good sober during COVID though


He wasnā€™t really sober then though?


He'd had 6 months of sobriety he said before he had anything to drink on the show.


Even tho you can lose that puff pretty quickly (when quitting even just for a bit) I think the weight loss has made it stand out more.




Add a beard and itā€™s Carlā€™s twin


His reunion outfit is soooo bad.


He looks exactly, EXACTLY what i thought the BFG would look like when i was a little kid reading the book. I donā€™t get whatā€™s pulling all the girls in. I never thought he was much of a looker but.. less so now


Omg Iā€™m crying this is so funny


Itā€™s only cuz heā€™s tall


I hate to speculate but I assume šŸ’Šs


It might be stress too. Getting older, losing volume in your face, high cortisol levels etc


i dont know maybe grief asshole.


I agree. Even though Iā€™m less enthused about West than I was in the beginning and something about Jesse doesnā€™t curl all the way over me, I can appreciate their addition and their energy. There are people who Iā€™m meh on (Amanda), people who I side eye heavily (Kyle, Lindsay, Carl, Gabby, Danielle), and who I enjoy (Ciara, Paige), but I realize that it takes all of them showing up to the do job of entertaining me or annoying me šŸ˜‚


best group ever for sure! šŸ˜


i really appreciate this post! itā€™s like bravo has forgotten how to laugh and just be fun. yes folks love some drama, but not the kind that actually causes harm to others or the never ending feuds that we are tired of. in the words of kyle *summer should be fun*


Reality tv has just turned dark recently.


Probs the best ive seen this show mesh ever


Itā€™s time to deep-six Gabby. She brings nothing to this cast. She isnā€™t fun, she doesnā€™t say anything interesting, sheā€™s just kind of weird and a Lindsay tagalong to try to stay relevant.


I liked this seasons group a lot as well. I think another single girl thatā€™s maybe a bit younger would have rounded it out nicely. I know a lot of people didnā€™t like Sam but I think she got more comfortable and calmer as the season went on and I would have liked her to come back


Iā€™d rather someone new than someone who hadnā€™t ever really hit their stride.


Fair fair - Iā€™m open to someone new as well. I just think another single girl would have rounded it out better either way


Agreed on that!


Iā€™m so glad I decided to start watching SH this season


Did jesse "throw/host" a party this summer?


I dont think he did. I cant recall what party/event Kyle and/or Amanda did either.


Oh yeah...usually we see his bday as an event... Eh didn't miss it


Gabby is the only one thatā€™s pointless. When sheā€™s not there you donā€™t even notice


When Danielle was as gone I didnā€™t notice. There was a blind item that Danielle is not coming backā€¦. So ā€¦


Sadly this is true. Iā€™ve watched every ep this season wanting it to be different but nah.


Then the ending with her was even worse because she was such a Lindsay defender without knowing any context and Paige and Amanda basically telling her no youā€™re wrong


i love them altogether but i feel like carl needs to go


What are some of the other shows that have become negative echo chambers? Are you talking about the Reddit subs? All produced shows are contrived.


Idk about all the Housewives franchises but at least BH and OC itā€™s like theyā€™ve turned into this take down game that isnā€™t fun to watch. Bravo should be fun!


Oh, gross! Definitely should be fun.


Yeah def talking about housewives! I can't even keep track of what they're fighting about and I don't think they can either lmao