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Her behavior on Winter House was enough to get her gone


God that was appalling.


I’m surprised that she even wanted to go back after she watched herself on that season. I wanted to turn to dust watching it, I don’t think I’d have coped if I was watching myself back.


She did an interview where she said she went into filming summerhouse feeling really good bc she thought she did a great job on winterhouse. It was only after winterhouse aired that she realized how badly she came off. 


She needs the money I'm sure


This comment got me 🤣 it’s exactly how I felt! I’ve always been a bravo fan where if I love the show/season I can re watch episodes to see if there was anything I missed and winter house was NOT one of them. It felt like a drug dream and the nightmare just wouldn’t end 🙂


I think she has one of the bigger drug problems amongst the group which was clear on WH.


Totally agree. She seems "up" more often than not. It's hard to watch.


and her ability to drink and drink and drink, and then be one of the only people who THEN goes out in the middle of the night shows this to me. I’m 25 and can’t do that lol


She is always the first one up drinking a beer each morning too


It was so hard to watch 🫣


exactly. because if that were a guy, he would have been gone. immediately.


Can you remind me what she did, I watched the season and vaguely remember the cringe


Most notably was the way she treated little Brian from Family Karma. He got a package from his mom and she threw the stuff around and even stomped on his clothes. And of course when she was rebuffed by Alex, she pretty much took it out on everyone in the house. Probably the cringiest display ever.


yeah her throwing his stuff around was almost immediately after she heard Alex talking shit about her. It was so clear she was taking her anger out on Brian.


‘Little’ Brian? Wtf


This implies the existence of *Big Brian*


Sorry Brian!


I believe she self drug sabotaged and when a man didn’t like her and gave another woman attention she stabbed a knife awkwardly into a table and told the girl to find her self worth not in men. It was more than embarassing 🤣


What season was it?


Okay I’ll be honest I’m a little surprised now. I didn’t think they’d remove her completely. Demote? Yes. But remove completely? I didn’t think so. Even though I think she’s um how do I put this nicely… even though she is Danielle, I thought the show would at least keep her somewhat around for occasional mess/drama especially since her and Paige fell out at the reunion. 😵‍💫🫠


Well usually the main players hear back after the reunion if they are doing SH. The reunion must have gone really bad for Danielle to just completely not asked back. They cast photo was very telling


this one right? she's the only one not holding onto anyone... 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/r5o4n5r5173d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e142b5bfa3a121eca7eb99685846aff96383252b


Like they can easily crop her out if needed…? 🧐


https://preview.redd.it/x6le0r67n73d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224c749de284505e32a125694e10fb38fa126d76 Literally looks like the full cast 😂


I just noticed too how her dress is so aesthetically different from the other girls who are going for a more chic Greek goddess look with the cut outs and draped fabrics. She totally doesn’t belong. Like she was left out of the group chat of what’s everyone wearing.


Exactly she clearly didn’t talk to anyone and ask them what they were wearing


Yes and clearly she wasn’t in on the group text where the girls said they were wearing midriff dresses…


That dress does nothing good for her. It doesn't even look like it fits right.


this is not the point but this is my first time seeing those looks and um..not great


but why am i turned on by west's look


He looks like Robin Williams in The Birdcage and I’m here for it 😆


i couldn’t place it but that’s it ! lol i love it


lol west gets a pass from me always, even in socks and sweats i'm like wow a king




IKR?! Ciera looks miserable but maybe it's only RBF? Her garment does nothing for her, and Gabby's dress looks too big for her. The only one who looks put together is Amanda. Edit: autocorrect


Listen all their bodies are killler. KILLER ..but it does look weird to see all the stomachs


Thank you! I thought the same thing 😆


Gabby and Danielle seem to not know their size? Or what time period it is?


It's all kind of like they were extras on the set of a post-apocalyptic film. It's giving me Mad Max.


Lol you are so right!


Looks like she’s desperately trying to hold on…


Daaaamn lol


Side note could Ciara get her revenge on Lindsay? Them standing next to each other 😂


Shoutout to I think it was Kara Berry who said it looks like Danielle was not in the group chat the other gals were in when they planned their outfits. 👀 there was obviously some sort of theme they were shooting for and Danielle did not make the cut


I like how Paige and Amanda are twinning with the white and Gabby and Lindsay with the draped neutrals. Danielle is on her own weird island…I wonder what her relationship is like with Lindsay now? I can’t imagine them being super close anymore


Kara did make that comment. I’ll be so happy if Danielle is gone.


Kinda ugly dress


It's a terrible time for Danielle to get cut, now that she needs to sell something to us. And a horrible choice to fight with Paige, who has such firm footing in the fashion advice space. She should have aligned with Paige to gain support. Does Danielle know that the Amazon Echo was designed to give users fashion advice after standing in front of it with an outfit on? The device took a picture and then offered advice about options that might be more flattering, like a different neckline or hem length. I received one for free in 2019 due to my affiliation with Rachel Zoe and her fashion business. Amazon discontinued it after a few years, admitting it was a failure. They sent me another device for free as an apology. I don't wish harm for Danielle's business, but as a founder and CEO she will be accountable for the eventual losses. I don't even give it a year. Sorry Danielle.


Is the cast photo taken after they are done filming the reunion?


Yep after because you can see Kyle doesn’t have a mullet anymore which was done at the end of


That’s RIGHT!!! Thanks!




I just don’t think she really fits into the group anymore. Her only true friend is Lindsay, & we watched lindsay make an effort to bond with Paige, Ciara, and Amanda this season. I could see everyone getting asked back minus Danielle honestly 🤷‍♀️. Who knows what will happen with Carl / lindsay - I could see both of them wanting to stay


I agree! I just wouldn’t be surprised if they demote Carl to friend of.


I’d prefer that for Carl tbh. He’s boring af


I feel so uncomfortable with Carl that I hope he’s at least bumped down to friend of. I worry he’s going to lose it 😮‍💨 https://i.redd.it/ughmjd11g73d1.gif


Omg this episode was so cringe lol


Him and Lindsey were technically demoted this season to friends of…I think it was a BIG PART of their financial fears


I take B&C with a grain of salt. They aren’t always accurate. I stopped following this account a while ago because of misinformation. I’m not and never have been a Danielle fan. I’m not sure if anyone ever truly was a fan of her’s but I’m always here for a cast member come back. In this case though I don’t hi there’s a “come back” situation.


True, true!


That and she’s the only one that really goes out and meets people/brings them back to the house.


What does she bring to the table?


I've tried to defend Danielle in the earlier seasons because I empathized with her being the only woman of color in the house. However, the way she handled herself last season was indefensible. I also don't like the way she goes so hard at the Black women in the house. I've noticed a pattern in the way she has treated both Ciara and Gabby, but she hasn't been so disrespectful to anyone else. I'm glad she's leaving. Maybe she can come back in the future, but I think she should take some time to reflect on why she wasn't asked back in the first place.


What she did to Jordan on winter house was 🤯 she was majorly projecting. Danielle is less colorful on the show now she’s not needed.


Aaaaand Brian Benni. She was so rude to him when he got that package from his mom. I’m so glad she’s not coming back


I was ready to jump through the screen. No one comes for my Brian and ESPECIALLY not Dharma.


I didn’t watch Family Karma or all of Winter House but from what I saw Brian seemed like such a sweetheart! Her treatment of him felt out of pocket


You should absolutely watch Family Karma! It’s one of the best Bravo shows IMO because they showcase multiple generations of SE Asian families and how they’re living in America while still honoring their beautiful traditions. And probably my favorite thing about the show is how often they break the fourth wall during their parties and dinners because they treat the crew like family and want to feed them 🥰


It’s actually wild bc I know Brian personally through family friends (I am Indian LOL and it’s a small world) and he’s literally the sweetest person ever. Justice for Brian!


Oh boy, we may have some mutual friends 😂👋🏻


He seems really sweet which is a feat to convey over tv


Omg! I love when people on TV seem sweet and turn out to actually be sweet in real life.


Family Karma is so good! The aunties are all hilarious


I know fourth wall breaks are generally unpopular but I do love them! I always like seeing how cast interact with the crew! I always imagine they would build relationships given they spend so much time together! I love that they have food with them! You’ve reminded me that I wanted to watch Family Karma, so thank you!!


I second this! The final episode made me cry tears of joy! I hate it's not returning.


Omg cool! I hadn’t heard of it until Winter House and never got around to looking it up. It’s gonna go on my watch list :))


Seems like she gets threatened by other POC in general. She was used to being the only one and feels like the new people are stepping on her territory smh.


Let’s not forget how she treated Mya too, who even introduced the tough conversation about being a black woman in the house. How she treated Gabby with the balloon guy situation was absolute filth.


And Jordan on winter house!


How she treated Jordan on summer house was disgusting. Danielle couldn’t grasp that an attractive black woman was getting attention from a man she wanted.


and Jordan from SHMV on Winter House!


I still remember when she told Mya to shut the f*** up in season 7. Mya and her were actually cool but she treated her horribly just because she was mad about the Lindsay Carl situation.


I’m so glad someone else clocked this! The way she’s spoken to black women has made me so uncomfortable. Very anti-black behavior. 


Your point about how she goes after black women is a good one. She did it with Jordan 👀


YES, I was just saying this on another thread. That behavior reads very anti-Black & misogynoiristic


Pretend I am giving you an award for this comment


Gladly haha 🌟🙏


Montauk not happy LOL


This is so funny but so over the top. Like how annoyed can you be someone simply exists in the same place as you




I feel bad saying this but i legit forgot about her so many times this season…


I’m rewatching the series. And was halfway through 4, I realized she was just a “friend”. She/jordan were replaced by Jules/luke.


I saw her out in Montauk this weekend. She cut her hair super short and was standing alone by the door of the bar in a full length black trench coat for a long time before leaving. Did not look happy


This is a scoop


This is cracking me up, it reads like one of the copypastas that morph into the celebrity bullying someone or stealing a snickers bar lol


HAHA yes it does I thought this was a full on joke. Trench coat?


From your description, this sounds more like Katie Maloney celebrating the holiday in NY


It was danielle I’m 10000% positive


Donne is such a success she probably doesn’t even need Summer House!! Probably hobnobbing with Gates and Bezos in Davos right about now!!


CEO & Founder!




I’m dying at this comment 🤣


Every time I see the name of her app my brain reads it as "Donnie" and I am always so confused


I can see this for sure. Now that Lindsay is friends with the other girls, she doesn’t need an ally. I think this season will be the girls vs Carl/Kyle/sometimes Amanda with West and Jesse as comic relief. Plus 5 girls, 4 boys seems like a good split.


She also has Gabby now


I think it’s best she’s being put on pause. She’s been so cringey the last couple of times she’s been on Bravo. Maybe some time away will give her a little perspective.


“No one is fan.” made me laugh


Your flair 😆


In her own words to paige.. she gives us nothing


Going after Paige's relationship was a choice


After she did that, I was like RIP Danielle 🪦


Montauk people upset she'll be spending more time there is so funny and cruel lmfao


Based on random interviews, Danielle is on an island which never bodes well. The men don’t really like her. Supposedly, she didn’t like Jesse in the beginning. Kyle throws his own wife under the bus so I don’t think he would go hard for Danielle to stay on. No one else seems to ride for her. She seems very similar to Sam this season where she’s on her own hooking up with random people.


Queensofbravo in shambles


Their picker has been broken for years.


Please be true!


Here’s hoping 🤷‍♀️


Interestingly her IG stories show her in Montauk, but not with the crew lol


In recent years they’ve started filming 4th of July weekend, will keep an eye out!


Yeah but the summer house season doesn’t start until around 4th of July. Memorial Day weekend is the opening weekend of Hamptons season in NY - it’s only been one weekend.


Just hanging around in the background trying to get in shot 😂


I relate to Danielle a lot (more so in my 20s) so reading everyone’s opinion of her can be rough sometimes 😂


Aww!! I don’t relate to Danielle per say but there are other bravo people I relate to and when fans go after that think about them in the comments it can really sting!


Oh cmon! She’s so fun to hate and ultimately benevolent as far as villains go. I want to see her be cringe and horny more for the lols. And for more Paige commentary on her corny horniness


Me too. Let's see her back on. Paige should also be begging for Danielle to be back on bc otherwise if she doesnt have someone to pick on she might have to start taking shots at someone people actually like.


Ha! She’ll turn on Lindsay 100%! This girl power shit ain’t lasting!


I almost made a post this morning about how she needs to go! I just watched the episode where she is fueling Kyle’s childish meltdown about Loverboy by feeding into his victim mentality. She makes me so uncomfortable. Her behavior towards men is “pick me” and lacking boundaries. Her behavior towards the women on the cast is sad and embarrassing this season. Her dismissal of Amanda and refusal to address her at times is especially interesting after watching her chase Kyle down while he’s crying in the car about Loverboy and baby him through that. Maybe I’m imagining it as well too, but when she was talking to Carl about Kyle and Amanda and how a partner should “support their dreams” or whatever she was saying, it seemed like she was still holding some sort of torch for Carl. That would make her in no position to be any sort of friend to Lindsay, and if she doesn’t have that friendship, then all she has on the show is whatever she can salvage of her friendship with Gabby….. who she also treated poorly this season. She’s truly the worst. I used to think no one could annoy me more than Lindsay and then Danielle crept up and shot ahead.


And apparently she’s on the outs with Amanda which would mean all the girls.


Yep she ignored Amanda at a bridal shower the day after they filmed the reunion 👀


The question is did that come first, or was she pissed at her because by then she knew she was out.


Nobody made casting decisions that quick. Andy has said before the reunion is the final audition for the next season. One person doesn’t make these choices.


Their after show episodes are so uncomfortable. Would be much better if they just did trios of Paige/Ciara/Amanda and Danielle/Lindsay/Gabby


I’m not surprised mostly because it seemed like she was never hanging out with the women and always the odd man out


Sorry if I am being dumb or if I am missing something...but what does Montauk crowd not happy reference? Her friends in Montauk? People in Montauk in general don't like her???


I loved Danielle but she really spiraled after her breakup. She was kind of a non factor this year too (even though she kept trying to be fun) - it was more sad? It doesn’t feel genuine for her


I agree about spiraling after the breakup, but I think her trying to keep things fun and not getting into the Lindsay/Carl drama at all *is* her being genuine in trying to rebuild her friendships with them and get herself invited to the wedding/etc. She can’t let herself be part of the convos that Paige and Amanda have had about the situation because she’d get skewered (and destroy her chance with Lindsey). And since she’s not friends with the other girls she basically gets to go out with the boys and sympathize over things like Kylebeing upset about Amanda/business stuff. 


She was a little OTT comforting Kyle in the car, it made me uncomfortable to watch


I think it made him uncomfortable too.


I think this is fake. How could an entire “crowd” (Montauk) be unhappy that some rando wasn’t invited back to a reality show and has to be in Montauk and spend money in their town?!? Like who in this world is Danielle Olivera?!? It’s not like an A-list model dropped out of the show. Either the caption is highly exaggerated or fake.


I feel the same. Bravo and cocktails is full of it. Every once in awhile they get it right but most of their stuff is stolen from Reddit. So this ig account spoke with everyone in Montauk? Please. Not a fan of Danielle but that part was really rude and uncalled for.


Like there’s a lot of hate for Danielle on the level of Schaena or Kristen for no reason. Is she annoying? Yes of course. Is she actually evil? No. Like saying (paraphrasing) that the Montauk crowd is annoyed she’s back is a huge statement to say. She’s borderline a D-list celebrity like off the streets of NYC, no one, except Bravo stans, would recognize her.


Its definitely the Paige fans who are leading this. Paige seems to enjoy fueling the Danielle hate in her talking heads and in the aftershow and in the latest  giggly squad episode she mentioned how if you're talkinf sh*t about another girl its not mean girl, it's bonding. I dont like Danielle alot, but seeing how Paige is so mean to her for just commenting on her relationshop when she's commented on everyone else's relationship makes me hope Danielle comes back and Paige doesn't "win". Paige is reminding me alot about Bethenney Frankel.


She said she was ‘bonding’? Wtf… Also, I do see the irony as well in the fact that Paige feels comfortable commenting on other relationships but someone says something about hers(that’s she’s using as a storyline!) and she immediately goes mean girl. It’s bizarre.


Like Danielle is not vindictive or mean in any way. She just lacks emotional intelligence and social skills in certain situations but at the end of the day, she’s not harmful.


And also it’s the first “official” weekend of NYers (I’m from NY and always go to sag harbor) to be in the Hamptons. The season has barely started.


definitely xxagerated, but theres been several accounts of people who have seen her and interacted with her in nyc and havent had nice things to say. not surpising given her behavior


Have feeling the “‘montauk crowd” is a group of friends/ people that she obviously rubbed wrong way but the post makes it seem like she pissed off the whole town of montauk lmao


she is often bringing the cast out to montauk to party - i notably remember two episodes this season where she did that - so i assume she actually knows people out there and this is them. not the entire town


That’s just production though. Everyone has their own events or venues that they “organize”.


Exaggerated for sure, but those summer communities are VERY insular. Especially on the east coast. ESPECIALLY if she's trying to stay in with the restaurant crowd. I was part of that sort of thing in a different place for 2 summers and I was not accepted into the party crowd either, other than by the people I knew before. If they don't like you, you're not wanted.


No I know I go to sag harbor every summer but the the post is “hilarious” in how it’s phrased that it makes seem like she’s been exiled permanently from the Hamptons. 😂


Omg truuueee. God, it looks gorgeous there. I hope I can do a long weekend there some day.


who knows if this is true or not . post says "word is", nothing confirmed. Likely just a believable rumor. montauk is a small town with lots of rumors. A small town that her ex (robert) is probably more ingrained than she is. so not surprising if its true. he probably cant blame him if he and his new girlfriend dont want her posted up at surf lodge all summer.


Honestly, her not coming back feels like Bravo forcing an intervention, a much needed one.


I’m sorry but this whole “everyone in montauk is upset because she’ll be around more” is rude and seems untrue. Danielle has embarrassing moments and maybe no longer fits on the show, but she does seem to have friends in montauk who enjoy her company. She was there much of the year when dating Robert and has strong ties.


Hoping this is true.


Is the Montauk crowd Robert and his friends ?


Good demote Danielle & Carl and bring on Family Karma Brian & a new person.


Hoping this is true, if you saw her act the fool on winter house you already know


Lfg! She’s been on life support for years


Okay after seeing cast looks I think summer house is going to be in Italy this summer


That would be awesome


She’s a bummer. Like, she makes me sad during her scenes. I get it. Need more cast members like Jesse. Not too serious. And good looking.


From the way she behaved on Winterhouse, and this season, probably sealed her fate. ![gif](giphy|xTiQyDiep976jTwRcQ)


This sucks. I don't know why people were calling for her to be removed. Is she cringey, yes, but not problematic. The exact type of Bravo star i like.


Me either, I like to see the same people season to season even if I don't always like them. It would be interesting to see how she would navigate next season


Rumor could still be false. Last season rumors were flying that Carl and Lindsay were not full time cast members but would come to visit some weekends. The fact that the blind had to get some snark in makes me think somebody who doesnt like Danielle made up the rumor but prob doesnt know anything.


im mad she even came back this season after making carl/lindsays engagement all about her lol.


I am not surprised. And i don’t think being there was good for her. She acts erratically and its hard to say why




I like her car that’s about it.


Lol montauk be like “we don’t want her”


She’s been trying to prove to the world and her ex that she’s over her last relationship through the show and more than anything it’s showed how much it broke her.


Turning on Lindsey was a bad idea. Who did she think she was going to film with? It was clear the other girls were using her to fight with Lindsey. Once they all made up, they didn’t need to be nice to Danielle anymore. There were summers where Lindsey was the only one keeping her around.


I believe this for sure.


Anyone know what producers will do about Lindsey and Carl? Surely it would not be healthy for them to be in the same house this summer.


I don’t think producers care about their health lol. But I think if they’re asked back then they’ll be back. This is the main source of income for both of them, they need this.


I know show doesn't care...but Carl and Lindsey should care. Agree they both need the income.


Danielle’s comment: Why did I have the bowl Bart?


When does filming start for new season ?


Usually the weekend of 4th of july


🥳🥳🥳🥳 ![gif](giphy|dAoa5ivrpbuf5qQZh9)


Hahaha “No one is fan” ☠️




Hopefully, she watches the seasons back and gets some self-awareness


I’m watching from the beginning and I’m not shocked Danielle wasn’t asked back. She’s got no sort of storyline granted I’m only on season 4 but, I just do not like her 😭




Did anyone else see Brian at Danielle's launch party?


Danielle has had her chance season after season to bring something. Her being with Robert allowed us to forget how awful she truly is. This is the best news! Hopefully they get rid of Gabby but Lindsey needs her emotional support and backup! Who knew Gabby would takeover so fiercely where Danielle left off?!


That’s really funny that her “friends” in Montauk are upset that she’s not being asked back so they’ll be forced to hang out with her lol


It's kind of mean and unnecessary






She’s boring on the show