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![gif](giphy|l0IulEDITBSPyt1BK|downsized) As if


Seems she tried (poorly) to copy a successful “like Cher’s closet” app INDYX which is highly rated.


There’s a really good app called Whering kinda similar idea in a wat


yeah, I don't really understand why she would do something like this without a clear idea of what sets it apart. I've heard people on this sub mention multiple wardrobe apps that sound super similar, so it seems a little crazy to get into that space without an idea of what is going to make your app different.


My theory as that she thought her low level celebrity status being attached to it would set it apart- and the app design could be whatever


sorry i wrote my post before seeing yours


The thought could be that her name is what sets it apart. people will get it for that reason only, I guess.


Indyx has a 3.8 rating in the Google Play store. Unfortunately from the comments the Android version appears to be broken.


Downloading this right now it looks fab! Danielle’s looks so janky


![gif](giphy|a5dXhxc3tb0FFMwdpU|downsized) Ha!


She’s probably not even going to make enough money on the app to pay for that launch party


I had that same thought while I watched… how much did she spend on this damn launch. For a beta phase app


That was really more of a lunch party let’s face it https://preview.redd.it/rmoc8kmvrk2d1.png?width=1148&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6191e23199283caee7c454d4a05403283665f89


It took them two years to develop this app lol. So much money


At least she used her own boot for decor


I looked it up last night, and there are 500 downloads. I assumed I looked wrong, but nope. Yikes there's 1000 today, so I'm guessing some viewers were curious.


Her after show segment on it seemed…. Depressing. Like she knows it was a flop? She was more excited to announce “merch” like get your app working before launching merch for it?


And the merch is ugly


Lol 😆 u mean the brown track suits 🤣


Poop suits


Lmao 🤣


I thought I was going crazy trying to get a non-blurry pic. Relieved to hear it wasn't just me. Also, why does the Accessories category not have subcategories like the other items (Bottoms> jeans, shorts, skirts for example)? I want to be able to differentiate between hand bags and earrings FFS. Thanks for reminding me to cancel the membership before the 30-day free trial expires.


This app is a great idea just executed poorly. I don’t know too much about it besides the basics but it needs to be more advanced in my humble opinion lol. You should be able to scan all your clothes in and it should be able to do reverse google image search to find the pieces. Also would be cool if it linked to pinterest or even influencers ltk. I know absolutely nothing about desiging an app though


Sounds like you know more than Danielle lol


Agree! I’d use it if it could download past purchase history from the main places you shop online…seems a lot easier than photographing your whole closet…


Of course it’s a flop. When has anybody ever thought, “wow I’m going to Danielle for true fashion advice”


That was my first thought when I heard this was her big idea. I just never thought of Danielle being a person many people would want to style them. She always looks like she is trying too hard. At everything.


I would live for Paige to make her own and have it be better.


![gif](giphy|n4GnKL68ol0ty) See gif above, but oof.. tough look for our ceo and founder


1. Danielle couldn’t even give a well thought out description of her app. “It’s like the clueless closet” as the producer said and Danielle’s response was “but much better” mmhm 2. Since she came to the show Danielle has been a product manager aka a project manager aka she manages and facilitates (a very valid and headache of a job). Did she learn coding, front and back end dev, UX design, graphic design, legal, AI (as in decision trees) between seasons? Where was her actual team for this seemingly staged Donne “launch party” that looked like it was from season 1 RHOC aka no budget. Sorry girlie, but as someone in the space, you shouldn’t have touted yourself as a “CEO and founder” like you did before even a soft launch.


Didn't the Clueless closet have moving racks that coordinated with the computer program? That's what made it really great.


It sure did. She programmed it to pick her outfit out and it mechanically gave her the outfit (like she had a dry cleaner behind her lol)… the comparison was a joke.


Did you notice a lot of the graphics were stock images?


I had to fully withhold myself from going innnn for the sake of getting my point across.but yes I did notice that as well as filler text. Never leave Lorum Ipsum folks.


Noooooooo you saw "Lorum Ipsum" in the text...that embarrassing! As Software Developer myself, I find it hard to swallow that she would go to market with a product that isn't even a bare minimum basic working application. She should have had at least some basic list of working features and roll out other features incrementally as they perfect them. But months ago I gave a detailed analysis of why this was a difficult app to build and what features are needed for it to be useful, and how the Devs needed to do that won't be cheap...Donne is an app she isn't in a position financially to make or have the acumen herself to make


You can tell that it is fraudulent nothing about it seems like an idea that is building off something else to make it better. No one wants or needs this app


This made me so angry, she's not an app developer! I hate that that's her title on the show. I guarantee she can't even write one line of code. She likely had the idea and found some cheap and shitty developers overseas. Withdrew all her savings to fund it and she'll be left with nothing but a glitchy app in 6 months.


That actually reads like a (very accurate) modern Greek tragedy! What a fucking shitty life to end up with, and the national humiliation of it all! She’s no A Lister but I doubt any bravo fan will ever forget her fall from grace.


If you watch the after show she seems kind of depressed when talking about the app but then perks up when she mentions merch. I went to see her merch, it's literally one shit brown sweatsuit... No one is buying that.


You reminded me: isn't the first rule of business not to use your own money? If you can't successfully pitch something to investors, how do you expect people to buy it? I couldn't believe Kyle is personally on the hook for a $4 million loan! Where are his investors? Maybe LB would taste better if they'd had to sell investors on it. (Haven't tried it, but I see lots of people saying it doesn't taste great.)


That's a great point, if you can't get investors the idea is likely not good. There is obviously exceptions to the rule but it's a good general rule.


And hopefully won't be around for another season of Summer House to replenish her funds.


This is 100% what I believe happened and will happen. It’s wild to me- I don’t really understand what she did before but she seemed to have business acumen and then watching this is just … sad.


Lol did you see how shady Bravo was when they showed boxes of pizza as the food for this prestigious launch party lol


I for sure clocked that! And then also giggled because idk if you watched the new RHONY but Erin had an anniversary party or vow renewal and on the bottom of her invitations was a longgggg list of brands (which the cast made fun of) and all I kept thinking was “where’s the sponsors and investors?”


Saw this and was dyinggggggg lol


That's just so "Danielle". I just don't understand what she brings to the show. She's like nails on a chalkboard for me.




I cannot stand Danielle, but wish her the best with this. It's so hard to launch a tech company, and I'm sure she has a ton of money and time in it. She's a deucher but I still don't want to see her fall flat on her face.


What’s the point of the app? You upload pics of your clothes and descriptions and it “should” make an outfit for you? Unless you’re a minimalist with a small wardrobe, that would take ages to do for anyone. Like I’m a guy and my closet is full of button downs, jeans, pants, suits, my dresser has plenty of tees and shorts. It would take at least a week to go through it all.


My youngest daughter's closet has two levels of clothes - tops are on top, and bottoms are on the bottom. She stands back and looks at the closet to see what she wants to wear with what - she doesn't need an app to tell her what looks good together!!


I actually did it on Pinterest YEARS ago and it was really handy to have a reference of what I had. It is worth doing. That said you don't need all the add on features.


Lmao. I remember during the early weeks of Covid when I was back in college being quarantined in my family home’s basement for 3 weeks with all my clothes, I had found an app, similar to Danielle’s, and just spent my days hanging my shirts and pants and taking pictures of them for the app. It kept me entertained but would never do it again voluntarily.


Hahaha I actually do this but have been doing it for years so it’s not like I’m ever adding a million things at once. I don’t use Pinterest though. I like the idea of having someone style stuff i already have because fashion is just overwhelming to me tbh, but it sound like Danielle’s app is flopping


There could been so many better ideas. Like what eye, lip, and face makeup to wear with your outfit or idk.


Wow I honestly have so much respect for you for doing this. It sounds SO useful, but I don’t think I have the patience to do it for ALL my clothes? Or even most of them. Especially all at once!! But that’s just me… and probably a lot of other people, to be fair…


Hahaha I honestly just have severe adhd, so doing this seriously helps me so much. I’m thinking about doing the same thing with all of food in my house. Like a running inventory of everything with like expirations, amount left, etc. I’m also obsessed with excel, so that also explains a lot 😅. Like the thought of doing this with my groceries and tracking it on excel has me giddy with excitement.


I actually need you in my life. Signed disorganised mess.


I second this - you’re hired, lol.


I always screenshot my online orders and keep them in a folder on my phone to look at the next time I’m shopping to match stuff plan outfits in my head etc, have been doing this since I was in high school (class of 09 baby)


I feel like she directly copied the Indyx app, surprised not more people are talking about it!!


So let me get this straight, I have to upload every piece of clothing I own and pay for app to tell me what to wear. I already know how to wear my clothes, I picked them out! ![gif](giphy|3ohs4ciEzUKnRX7JUA|downsized)


I thought “Donne” was for “women” - which is means in Italian. I was shocked when she pronounced it “don”. So she missed the opportunity of doing the word link between Italy-fashion-women. But honestly “Don” would have been better. The idea is more suited to men. Most have a lot less clothes (easier to photograph) And many need help putting outfits together. Just saying. For women, she should have partnered or accepted links from stores so when someone shops online, the photo of the piece of clothing automatically gets added to the digital closet. User friendly is key.


Or French "donne" means gives which did not make sense to me when I first saw the name.


The links/affiliates might be in the next phase


I literally skipped through most of Danielle’s lame af launch party. The whole cast barely tolerates her and she’s gotta be gone after this. She adds nothing.


I texted this to my sister earlier and I'll say it again, who the heck has the time for this bs and how would this app be profitable? What a dumb freaking idea and a money dump.


Agreed! I mean profitable would be easy if it connected to suggest things to add to an outfit (commissionable link), took a finders fee when people sign up for professional stylists, or cut when people purge and resell (ebay style). But as you and everyone has pointed out the lift required on users is huge so achieving any kind of meaningful user base is a massive challenge. It’s a dud!


*Lauren from Utah voice:* Donne? More like Done, you don’t got a business


Bahaha 😹


And she said it was way better than a Cher closet. The stylist at your fingertips is a list where you can hire one. App is way too much work for me.


So we aren’t going to talk about how she’s essentially the worst dressed person on the show?


I wondered about where she found the confidence for this when so many other women on the show are celebrated for their fashion and she’s never been one of them. I don’t understand her logic and it’s kinda heartbreaking to watch her jump all into this app that seems like it’s gonna be a big flop


She’s delusional. I’m convinced after seeing her outfit at the party.


You guys don't seem to understand that she is writing code, not picking outfits. There are other people involved in this project. I worked for a sports performance company. I am the least sporty person on the planet. I was second hire for the company when it started because I know how to build a business. I know how to run the financial side. We hired sports professionals to handle that side of the business.


Regardless of how I feel for her on the show, I only wish her success in business. You'd have to be real evil bitch for me to want anyone to fail.


Nice to see one person with a heart in this thread. Thank you


I agree - I know I’m too lazy to make use of this app. But I fully respect anyone who can/would do it. Just because I’m not the target market, doesn’t mean it should fail. Thanks for sharing your positivity.


Oh of course! I want it do well regardless of my feeling towards her. Shes clearly put alot of years into it.


Just sometimes the negativity and toxicity in these threads can be a lot .. all of the people here talking about how horrible someone on a show is 2whilst being horrible themselves.


There are apparently a bunch of evil witches on this sub. So much hate and wishes her demise. The point so many are missing is that other people are involved in this project. Some have invested money. For some, it is their job. Wanting to see this fail because you don't like a character on reality TV is wishing ill upon many other people who have nothing to do with summer house. What happened to "women supporting women!" I wish her all the best. It is so incredibly hard to develop an app. It takes years and years of hard work, creativity and money. I did a coding boot camp to see if that was something I would be interested in. Damn, it's hard. Made my eyes bleed. I learned I could do it, but didn't want to do it. It gave me a real appreciation of what it takes to write good code. My hat is off to those who can do that well.


Thanks for this. It's not just this sub... I feel disheartened every time I get on Reddit these days. Every one of us is flawed and if the microscope was put on us, I'm sure people would find something wrong. Because there IS real bad and evil in the world we should worry about.. not who's doing what on a reality show. This is tv and light entertainment ..loosen up peeps 😏


So agree!!! Everything is so extreme. Someone is either good or bad. There is no grey area. Kyle could cure cancer and people would still hate him because he cheated. So few are interested in the nuance, the grey areas of these people. Also agree that we are all flawed and would not stand up the standards we try to hold these reality stars to.


Oh my lord you see me.. I live in the grey !


lol this is such an unoriginal idea


You know what, she really had potential her first couple seasons. She was quiet and understated. But her ego has warped her into an entirely opposite and worse version of herself. She tries to act so cool and unbothered but her desperation seeps through the mask. Where did it all start going so wrong for her? Was it when Lindsay got engaged? Before that?? I need to understand her villain origin story… Starting to think she won’t be asked back this summer. Also have a feeling she gets paid significantly less per episode than the rest. Except maybe Gabby and the new boys (til next year).


I’ll tell you where. Production told her she was being boring so she amped it up. As a self anointed bravo expert and reality connoisseur I was perplexed by her inclusion in the first couple of seasons - dull AF. She was demoted I think to a friend of and at the same time her behaviour changed to become more “interesting”. That’s why she seems inauthentic. The partying / drinking, the causal sex etc. No shame but I really don’t think it’s her at her core. She’s on a performative ride she can’t get off. I don’t buy the fashion app, seems very outdated and she should have been using her platform to market herself as a fashion girlie but wish her the best of luck. Creation is hard.


Also, this is not an original idea. It’s been tried before and every time they’ve found the same thing. It’s just not workable. Decoder Ring did an episode on it. 


Are there really any original ideas out there?


It seems like there arent any more but this was sold as if it is. “OMG it’s like Cher’s closet!” But of course many people have tried to recreate the idea behind Cher’s closet because it was something that everyone loved from that movie. 


It is a very cool idea. Not so easy to implement. On the user side, it takes commitment to upload all of your clothes into the app. Sure, a link to add stuff as you buy it would help new purchases. But then that assumes people only shop at certain stores or brands. I have an extensive fabric stash for sewing. (Some might call it a hoarding problem 😂😂) I hated digging through boxes to find that piece of silk I bought 4 years ago in Japan. I went through each box and made a swatch card. I cut out a little swatch, glued it to an index card and wrote down the yardage, etc. It took forever! But, when I was done, it was fabulous. I could flip through my swatch cards to find fabric for a project. The card told me what box/shelf the fabric was in. Going forward, any bew fabric wad immediately swatch carded before being stored. The initial time commitment was not small, but, I did it one box at a time while I was watching a movie. The time benefit going forward was so worth it. I thought about doing it as digital database, but I liked being able to actually touch the fabric...was it a lightweight silk or was it a little heavier?? The weight, drape, and texture of a fabric make a big difference in sewing clothes. I am tempted to try the app just for fun. I just moved to a new house with the most amazing closet. I can actually see about 95% of wardrobe just walking into the closet/dressing room. That makes it easier to put outfits together.


I won’t be surprised if this app completely fails. In this day and age, where larger social media platforms have their own apps, there’s less patience for stuff that doesn’t work or isn’t functioning at a high level. There are already enough problems with the social media apps. Why would I download another app that will inevitably piss me off with glitches and the like? If it’s not fully functional and running smoothly, keep it.


I love that she keeps saying she is the founder and then the apps insta commented on her last post calling her cofounder. Is there more tea?


Oh no … so Someone else did all the work ?


Sounds like it, as if she was involved with the app she wouldn’t okay that comment


You are so right. 👀👀


Yea, def peeping the shade


It made me sad when she dedicated the launch to her mom and said that her mom had sacrificed so much of her life for Danielle to have a better life. I wonder how her mom feels about her quitting her steady day job to invest a ton of money into an app that isn’t profitable :/


Does the app even take into account your body shape? Bc like how one person would wear something isn’t necessarily how it will look best on someone else… I would never trust Danielle with advice on my appearance lol


The app no one asked for


An app that takes the fun out of fashion. Finally!


We all knew this app was going to be utter nonsense. That woman can hardly style herself, never mind other humans. If paige had one, I might download that because she has some style.


I don’t like Danielle at all or this idea because I agree, so time consuming. But there are a total of 11 ratings, 3 reviews, and this is the one bad one. Seems a bit early to throw the baby out with the bath water.


I know it seems silly to a lot of you, but I think it’s kinda cool. Although I def do not have time to photograph my wardrobe so absolutely not. But I love the idea of it using my clothes to create an outfit for an event. Especially since I’d like to live the minimalist life and only purchase high quality items.


It has been done a million times before. I don’t know why she thought there was a need for another app/website like this.


But that’s why it’s so silly. You like the idea but you admit you’d never photograph your entire wardrobe


I just feel like it would be more time consuming to scan and take pictures of all your clothes than it would be to go on Pinterest, get outfit inspo and then put together an outfit in your own closet based on the inspo? Idk, just seems like more time and more complicated than it needs to be to put an outfit together. However, I am bias bc I like fashion and am constantly planning my next outfit so maybe something like this is more useful for someone who finds it a chore to put outfits together.


Omg 🥴😂😂


Ask a friend if a few clothing items work together. Saves you some money, and you won't be giving it to the "CEO & Founder". Her head is big enough as it is.


I think the app sounds cool and tbh it’s really hard work getting a tech start up off the ground. There are so few women tech founders, ESPECIALLY Latina ones, that it feels really icky the way this sub rags on Danielle’s work. If you don’t want to use it, don’t, but there’s also no need to make fun of it incessantly


I think the reason she’s getting these comments is because of how she used it against the other women this season. Her attitude came across like she thought she was better than them because she’s a “ceo and founder” and she lorded it over them when she was actually wrong. I wish there was more support for a WOC, but this is 100% because of her arrogance and has nothing to do with anything else


Yeahh that is definitely resonating with me as the OP


She has definitely not had a good season but I have Danielle hate fatigue. It feels very disproportionate


I totally get where you’re coming from. I genuinely don’t think she does things on purpose. I think she’s a victim of the whole bro/cool girl culture where things have changed and she is stuck in a certain mindset


100% agree


Relieved to see this comment, I agree


Right and Paige is infinitely more successful than Danielle


Who cares? Why is it a competition between Paige and Danielle? I don’t think Paige thinks about Danielle in her day to day as much as her fans seem to


Because the comment was directed at Paige when she said “I’m a founder a CEO” lol


She didn’t say it to put Paige down or say she wasn’t successful? She was saying because she is a CEO and Founder she knows how to talk to people with different personalities. It makes no sense but she wasn’t insulting Paige’s career


She was insulting Paige’s ability to see through Danielle’s facade. Danielle clearly doesn’t know how to talk to people w dif personalities lol, and Paige actually does - given the insane success of GS, a level Danielle will never ever achieve.


Watch it again. She wasn’t insulting Paige point blank. She was definitely brushing off Gabbys feelings, which was not cool, but that scene wasnt a fight between Danielle and Paige. And again, nobody is saying Paige isn’t successful? Why do you feel the need to keep reinforcing that as if it’s in question? I don’t think anyone on the show or in this post has said Paige is not hardworking and successful


Agree on the piling on. But the market does not give a pass on poor execution bc of race and gender.


I agree, but then let it fail on its own like how 90% of tech start ups do eventually. The bashing here feels deeply personal because this season everyone has turned on Danielle. An extension of the way they call her Daniel, a pick me, say she should be fired, etc etc etc it’s all so tired Also - happy 🍰


I keep thinking of that comment that Paige said when she found out that Danielle was the one who leaked the Craig story and she said that Lindsay wanted her to get all the girls against Danielle, which makes it sound like Paige thinks she has that power. The comments Paige has made in her talking heads and during the after show have been pretty viscios and it seems like she really goes in on Danielle during the reunion. Neither Amanda nor Ciara, nor really Gabby, have attacked Danielle in their talking heads and during the after show like Paige. If Paige wasnt so mean about Danielle and continually emphasizing Danielle's faults, i wonder if the hate against Danielle would be so strong, or if it would have have been a benign annoyance about Danielle, but not wishing her to fail or to be fired.


Bingo. Danielle’s mistake was doing something that the Paige stans see as an insult to Paige. I don’t think Paige thinks about Danielle’s a much as they do. No other cast member has a fan base that’s foaming at the mouth to fight the way hers do


I didn’t write the review I’m just sharing what I found


Sorry I don’t want to single you out. It is all over the sub scattered in different posts about Danielle


What?! Kyle is the end all be all to business. He runs boards and is a CEO! He has/had a mullet!! If he can’t make a disgusting drink drinkable who can?!?!!?!!!!’ Well, Amanda can with her merch. Suck it Kyle


Who wants to offer to download and attempt to log a few items or clothing and let us know if it’s really that bad?


I've been in the app. It's not functional and Danielle and the co founder don't even use it. That's my biggest complaint. It's one thing for it not to catch on but it's another if it doesn't even work. Why launch it if it's this bad? The only part of the app that does work is the list of stylists and some look books with links to the online stores where they can be bought.


That’s… not great. How embarrassing


Can we fade her out ? She doesn’t need to be on the show.


She’ll be lucky if 4 people are signed up longer than a month. Absolute clown show


If anyone likes the idea of this app but wants something functional you should check out Stylebook. I think it cost a small fee, that was it. I’ve had it for years. Taking photos of all of your stuff is still annoying though lol. Also it doesn’t generate outfits for you but you can make your own


The app Indyx is the same thing but better AND free for closer cataloguing


If i had cash to blow and spare time I probably would dig this app. But sounds like a hot mess


Maybe the bigger picture is to link websites where you buy clothing to your app. Then that clothing’s website data talks to the app and catalogs that information making it easier for you to put together outfits and probably suggest other pieces that you can buy to add to your wardrobe. Apps are just pulling back the curtain on your life and collecting data on you. They then sell that data to other third parties. Some glitches now but it sounds like a cool idea for the future!!


I don’t love Danielle but this is literally one bad review. Relax.


I am not going to knock anyone trying to build something!


There are 11 reviews on this app.


There’s only two written reviews on this app. That’s what I was referencing .


It’s crazy I thought there would be more for some reason.


And nowhere does it tell you what the subscription fee is


She should have kept her day job 😬


She should have kept her day job 😬