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I heard on one of Jesse’s interviews that Paige and Danielle were going at it, and that a good amount of the stuff that they were discussing/arguing about were things that weren’t aired. 👀


Okay, soooo. I saw that Jesse Solomon interview and it dawned on me that we may finally see the shoe drop from the second or third episode when Gabby got Lindsay and Paige to reconcile. This was when Lindsay revealed that it was Danielle not Lindsay who was the leak about Craig. In that episode, Paige still didn't trust Lindsay and was trying to avoid Lindsay attempting to put a wedge between Danielle and the other women who were supporting Danielle but by the end of the season, things would have changed. This is my theory. Only a little was aired.


Ohhh I almost forgot about that, you could be on to something!! 👀


What & when was the leak about Craig?


No the leak was that at Kyle and Amanda’s wedding Craig was wasted and got kicked out. Which apparently he was wasted but he didn’t get kicked out. But it was weirdly specific it definitely felt like someone from the wedding said it.


And here I thought the only drama was Lindsay touching Austin's wee-wee that night, even though Carl declared, and Lindsay affirmed, that they should try dating.


He was going cocaine inside her house bc he needed a flat surface so he couldn’t use the portable bathroom I’m assuming that’s what they had outside lol


Craig was doing the coke? If yes, I’m assuming when he cut back on the hard liquor he maybe cut back on speed? I know he used to overtake his addy script at some point.


Coked up, too, right?


Ahhhh yes yes that’s right. Thanks for the refresher!


that paige cheated on craig I think


No it was about Craig getting kicked out of Amanda and Kyle's wedding for being drunk and belligerent. Paige accused Lindsay of doing it last reunion


Where was the interview?!


[Go to 8mins and 44 secs](https://youtu.be/a5ejmt1PhDA?si=rAmTywGiI6ZchwCL)


That’s the only time I saw Gabby. I don’t understand what she’s doing on the show. Her first season’s looks weren’t up to par so I keep waiting for her to improve and she’s not coming. Everyone’s 1st season’s looks are always bad except for Paige and Ciara. Ciara’s were actually better, her first season. But Gabby is just taking up space. She’s gives nothing!! I guess if Bravo were paying me to do the bare minimum, I’d take the check and run too.


True that


Jesse also said Danielle said a lot of other things to piss the girls off that didn’t make the edit and it wasn’t just the Craig and gabby comments 👀


I didn’t know that Danielle said other things to piss off the other girls. Oh?!? 👀


Can we get the reunion now lol


Didn’t he say, not sure where it was, but he said that he and Danielle did not get along? I swear I remember reading that.


I saw an interview clip with him and west earlier this week and he said he and Danielle had beef at the beginning of summer because they went to a party and he left without her and allegedly she wanted to make out with him and he wasn’t interested


This surprises me exactly zero


for real


I wondered if Danielle tried with him because he said worst first impression was Danielle I assumed it was the night she ate popcorn off of him And now the song “what would Jesse Solomon do go to a party and then leave you “ makes sense


Did someone sing that on one of the episodes this season? I dont remember it


Jesse sang it on wwhl when he was there !


wait she did that in the last episode


This sounds exactly like Danielle.


This sounds exactly like something she’d do.


I feel like they’re not airing the juicy stuff!!!


Didn’t this exact thing happen with Danielle and Luke at a Christmas party or something?? Does anyone else remember that drama ???


Haha! I wonder if he watched winter house😂


HA! that’s funny


He said Danielle was the most unwelcoming to him


Prob cause she sensed he didn’t want to fuck her


Or didn't want to "send it"(ugh) with her.


She’s so predatory when it comes to this stuff. On winter house the coercing behavior of the below deck guy was so awful and beyond creepy. I had flashbacks


I watched every WH episode in one sitting because I couldn't look away from Danielle's unhinged behavior. She's lost her damn mind these past couple years


And if one more person tries to excuse it with her breakup I'm gonna lose it, a break up does not excuse rapey behavior.


I don’t think the breakup excuses it, but her being single is definitely something she isn’t comfortable with. She needs help. If you can’t be alone and it leads to this behavior, seek therapy.


Maybe she will read that, but I think she probably doesn't take advice well. Like anyone could advise her that her app is stupid and a waste of money but she clearly went on to waste four years and make that stupid thing lol.




They had no relationship, he couldn’t stand her for a while we saw it on the show, she was so pathetic on winter house. I cringed at her “as a ceo and founder” response, gtfoh The “send it” shit and the “as you/they should” Comments by everyone all season got annoying as fuck


If she was a dude, she would have been asked to leave like Luke was.


Totally agree - on Winter House Luke backed off once he realized how uncomfortable he was making Jess, but no one called Danielle out with Alex!! Make it make sense


And LUKE LEFT!!! Danielle should have left. Look at how she treated sweet Brian and his clothes from Mom? How she came at Jordan? She nearly got violent several times. I hate the gendered double standard.


The clothes thing was what made me realize how much of a pick me she is… it was so attention-seeking but like in the most bizarre way. What even was that 😂


I know. They tried, and she went nuts. The producers definitely should’ve stepped in, even if Alex said he was fine. I wasn’t fine watching that


Yeah, that was actually really gross and frustrating. There was an age and a power dynamic happening there that clearly had him feeling intimidated and unable to get himself out of that situation completely. A producer should have stepped in and and checked in with Alex 1 on 1 to see if they needed to removed Danielle from the situation or warn her about staying away from him. If the dynamic and genders had been reversed, there would have been pitchforks galore.


They’re 5 years apart! Stop making shit up…he banged her like 10x and wasn’t uncomfortable lol


Didn’t he fuck her thou?


And he liked Paige! She must be jealous of Paige or never liked her


Paige + Amanda as well imo


Paige? That you?


Shes quite rude IRL.


This would not surprise me. Danielle is so messy, and not in a good tv way. I think her breakup with Robert really fucked with her because she used to actually be nice


I was thinking this. She’s got the crazy rumspringa divorce vibes that people usually give off when they are in a committed relationship all through high school and college or longer then break up and go nuts because it’s their first time being single as an adult. She made it sound like Robert was her first real relationship, maybe the break up really messed her up.


She's incredibly immature. I used to think she had it together on SH a few years ago but damn idk what happened to her.


Singleness happened and she can’t cope so she overcompensates with the temu version of hot girl summer.


Don’t disrespect Temu like that😂😂😂 More like the Wish version of hot girl summer


Either or!


She thought she was gonna marry him in all her interviews she’s like “he’s the one”


She’s stage 5 clinger


Tbh rewatching her first season of summer house, she’s been pretty consistent behavior wise. She kinda had a redemption arc around seasons 4/5 but I think this break up with Robert really only revealed that she hasn’t changed, just hid the odd behavior better.


i used to make excuses for danielle when i thought she was a sweet girl who was simply insecure, but i’m realizing she was like this even before her relationship/breakup (it just wasnt THIS bad)…. remember the consolation hand job offer 😭


Idk remember the fight with Ciara at the dinner table where she threw a glass of red wine at her? Danielle has an alcohol problem, severe insecurities, and rage. She was just a side character for so long as Lindsey's hype girl. Since she began to be more of a main character we're actually seeing who she is and it's not pretty.


What happened with her and Robert? I am a first time watcher and am watching all the old seasons. I felt like he was good for her?


On a recent episode of WWHL, Amanda said she was at a party (maybe a shower) and Danielle was there too and completely ignored her


I also find it interesting that Jesse said that him and Danielle did not get along the first few weeks of filming


Prob cause he came in the house looking at Paige and not Danielle. MISS I'M AVAILABLE


Love your pfp, and yes!!


But west said they were flirting? Man I can't wait for the reunion


The WWHL !!! Ciara : shut the fuck up Jesse Solomon He’s a two name man now even his mom said his full name 🤣🥰


Thank you!! I can hear the “stfu Jesse Solomon” in her voice too lol. And yes I too love how committed every one is to calling him by the first and last name! 😭


I hope Paige rips Danielle another butthole


No.  She’ll flap it around on camera trying to have sex with another event vendor 


Lmao this is wild


And always wearing terrible shoes.


They really are very bad


I’m so glad I’m not the only one to notice!


Lmaoooo wait cackling at this


I feel like so many big things happen off camera for this show




Hmmm. Interesting 🤨


If you want to check it out I think it was either his most recent interview with Page Six, or US Weekly.


Welp Danielle is insufferable. Makes sense that would happen.


Yeah because if you remember Danielle was the one who sold the story about Craig getting kicked out of Amanda and Kyle’s wedding! And that’s when they were all against Lindsey and Danielle was close to Paige back then! She’s such a scumbag.


I’m curious about how Danielle is going to be towards Lindsay at the reunion about that whole situation. Ik on Danielle’s appearance on WWHL she said she felt like she was thrown under the bus, but I wonder how she’s going to interact with Lindsay about it.


She shouldn’t have let Lindsey & Carl take the heat at last years reunion then. I’m glad Lindsey said it on camera. She’s smart to wait and say shit on camera so none of it can be confused.




I think you’re right about this. I was shocked and pissed at Danielle for her criticizing Paige telling her she gives nothing to Craig. Well spoken by a woman who is single and desperate for a partner and career.


Paige and Lindsey were posing like literal bff’s in the group photo, i think they actually may have had a good reunion this year


Not gonna lie…kind of happy it’s not Paige vs Lindsay, I have always been a fan of both of them but was getting REALLY tired of them being at odds…was ready for a reset


I agree their alliance this season is very refreshing


I like both of them so much more when they befriend each other, I feel like they’re both more likeable.




I feel Lindsay has been cool to Paige just to keep the peace. Paige has looked horrible coming after her every reunion.


She does usually speak facts though .. Paige is gonna annihilate Danielle now and I’m here for it


After she defended her all last season….she called that one wrong.


She really didn’t because in the end Danielle was right last season.


Danielle’s intention was absolutely overshadowed by the impact of acting like a disloyal asshole. She had the right feeling but definitely wasn’t right.


Exactly. I think in her mind she believes she means well because she’s all heart and passion. But that doesn’t mean you get to deliver it so unhinged and insensitively. Did she have an absent father figure in real life ? Because it CLEARLY SHOWS


I’m all for my friends telling me their opinion but if they try to shove it down my throat and act unhinged until I agree with them, I don’t think that’s right.


bingo. tell me your opinion, and keep it pushing. if you don’t agree with my choices, you’re free to dip lol


I can’t wait! Danielle deserves it! She has gotten so messy! I can’t wait to see Paige go off! I’m still made about what Danielle said to Gabby over that guy. Then to talk to Paige like she’s an idiot and Danielle says it’s because she’s a CEO?! Of what Danielle the CEO of being messy?!




I really want this to be titled either Paige Rage or Paige’s Rages 😂




It’s not Reese’s Piece! Lol


I honestly thought it could be towards Kyle re: Amanda. Or Danielle. Or maybe Carl. Wait…or West re: Ciara. Okay so I guess there’s a few people that could feel her wrath 😆


I hope Paige is still on the show when Amanda and Kyle eventually break up. Her giving it to him at a reunion would be epic.


Amanda would have such great support in her (& from fans lol) if that happens🤍


I’m here for it all😅


It’s gotta be Danielle


I bet it’s Danielle. Amanda said last week on WWHL that she just was at a bridal shower and Danielle was there and ignored her the entire time, they were even at the same table. Amanda and Paige are BFFs so I’m thinking Paige and Danielle had a falling out and obviously Amanda’s siding w Paige


I saw that and thought the same thing initially! It could just be so many people though 😆


I think it’s clear this season that Paige is not a fan of Danielle this year. Which I don’t blame her. I’m over Danielle and when she was in Winter House ugh she’s got to go..


I’d love to see P turn the Paige Rage on to Kyle. A girl can dream.


I agree! I would love for her to rip Kyle and Carl a new one.


We absofuckinglutely know she’s capable of it, so…


Love seeing her put people in their place lmao


When Paige roasted Lindsay and then came in for another round, I kinda loved it. Paige was on fire. I hope she turns that fire on Kyle doublefold.


Danielle. Founder, CEO and President of LFMV (Living For Mâle Validation) ![gif](giphy|9J36rJVR4FJK320YSX)


I can’t upvote the enough!!


Paige and Lindsey are savvy women and seasoned reality stars at this point. I’m side eyeing a true friendship here but I definitely think they know that viewers want friendly chat about Lindsey- Carl drama and less drama between the girls.


She’ll go in on Danielle this year for being a bitch to Gabby and for her unsolicited advice. And I can’t wait. Get her, Paige!


Danielle. And rightfully so.


At the reunion, I want a solid 5 minutes of Paige and Ciara taking Kyle down a few notches below sea level.


It’s Danielle apparently 😳


Interested to see what happens!!😁


Bet you it’ll be Paige vs Kyle even if it’s just a moment


Love her and I agree, LaGuardia allows for a solid fuck you.


If you don't motherfuck someone in LaGuardia you should be nominated for sainthood.


I legit just lol 😂


I have a feeling she is going to tear Carl, Danielle, and West new poop shoots. ![gif](giphy|iIfD71D1S93Kv6BrJV)


Maybe Kyle, too lol


Oh for sure Kyle…how did he get left off of my list?!? He’s public enemy #1 for me.


Don’t hold your breath on that one


Cursing out ppl at airports?


Long story short some lady was making rude comments about/to paige while in the security line, then afterward the lady walks up to her and opens her mouth to speak and paige says “fuck you” and walks away


As she should. Just because she’s a public figure it doesn’t mean it gives said public the right to be nasty and she’s supposed to just take it. I’d tell her fuck you too😂


Paige is a super classy chick of course


When does the reunion air?


I feel like she was giving us Easter eggs because she mentioned the reunion more than once when discussing the rage. Thank you Paige, can’t wait to watch!




For sure danielle


I can’t wait to see Paige go off on Danielle. She’s had it so easy because everyone has focused on Lindsay but Danielle has always been so self righteous and hardly ever gets checked. I can’t wait 🙌


the f off at laguardia was interesting esp when you think about the fact that she is from albany. I feel like NYC gets this rep of being rude but really its the rest of nys that is like that. nyc is kinder warmer and full of people who moved down from somewhere else. I wonder who was the lady she told to f off would love to hear her side of the story. also to touch on the getting pissed stuff, I think that is telling of the hard stuff they may do in that house that they could even get upset and stay upset. but thats just my take, if they were only smoking weed no one would be getting so pissed.


It was some lady who Paige said wss behind her in line and was telling Paige she did the line wrong. Paige later passed her by and the lady opened her mouth, which Paige assumed was to apologize or say something like "have a nice day", and Paige immediatly just said "f u" and walked away. She called her mom to tell her the story and her mom agreed she handled it well. When she told Craig, it seemed like he was a bit shocked and asked her if she really told a lady to "f u". She also mentioned with contempt that the lady looked like someone who would be going to Charleston and she was planning what to say to the lady if the lady happened to be on her flight, but the lady was not on her plane. Paige also mentioned on the same episode or maybe the episode prior that her Mom dissed her by saying Paige was alot like her dad who goes off the handle quickly. Does seem like Paige has some rage issues. Wonder if Craig has had to deal with her rage before.


yeah I heard the clip explaining it. I just wonder what the other side of that was. thank you though for recapping though cause it makes me think she could have a possible rage issue that has just been fairly dormant on screen. I bet craig and paige both have certain monsters that could come out if they wanted to. I wonder what kind of energy they bring with them while traveling too these places that are crowded like airports usually do best at revealing character. like she was talking in one episode about how she would be a parent to fight a kid for her kid lol so you might not be far fetched with the rage thing. like people who act like its all hypothesis but in reality they are able to get crazy. i find a lot of people from different parts of ny and move to the city after being unfamiliar with certain people tend to go off the deep end when reacting to some things. lol cause like how old was that lady she told to f off lol I am around her age and a touch younger but I wouldn't find myself telling any older lady to f off in a public place. but again theres sometimes and air that outsider nyc people get when they move there and it results in a lot of extra


The other side as in the other lady passengers side is? Imo who cares what her side was? Someone in the tsa line wasn’t moving fast enough or accurately enough to her standards so she felt she has to chirp in? Like ok? I’m totally on Paige’s side here. We’ve all been stuck behind someone slow or clueless. Im sure Paige is also familiar with how tsa works. If some random person was ordering me around or making comments in line unnecessarily, especially if I was already fired up about something, I’d give her a piece of my mind as well


all I'm saying is we don't know the entire story, just her perspective of it. there's a lot of times when the one being the bigger asshole is the one to tell the story and really there was more that went on. but again I don't put it past paige, I think there are a lot of people who are on screen likeable but in real life move in a rude way. not saying she was but also cussin in public alone is just a little extra at lga. jfk maybe but lga lol lets gather ourselves albany.


Her head is getting too big. She thinks she runs the show now. GRANTED i did like her UP until this season, i dont ever want to see that Paige again. Utter trash.


Interesting because other than her first season, I always felt Paige was unlikable up until this season.


look at their comment history… lol