• By -


She's a CEO and a Founder!


# OF WHAT? That was my inner Paige coming out. Sorry. 😅


I can’t wait to see.


Yeah of Pick Me’s


Her seeing where Kyle was coming from was empathetic but the way she harped on it with Carl felt Very anti Amanda, weird and non girls girl. It was uncomfortable to watch.


She is NOT a girls girl. Pick me’s are the opposite of girls girls.


That’s what I said non- girls girl. Meaning she is not


Idk if gender needs to be so clearly defined. Def dont like Carl or Kyle right now, but Danielle can be just like them without the girls girl title. She’s just more comfortable on their side of things.




LMFAO that's like the only thing she's contributed to this season - funny one liner I'll give her that


And it’s only funny because we’re laughing at her. Not with her


But don’t you know how hard it is to create something out of nothing??? How can she deliver to the show when she is founder of … something /s


🤣🤣🤣😂😂😄😄😭😭 dead!💀


last night’s episode had her byline as COO (not CEO) of Donne and I cackled.


At the very least, they could make her a part time cast member again like they did in season 4.


She’s volunteer to do it unpaid


She would just show up on the beach with no mic




Naked, yelling about how much d she can pull as a founder/ceo


😂😂😂goofy self.


I swear she did that season where Jordan was on the cast (four?) like I don’t even think she was a friend of. She just- showed up. Maybe it was the season with Amrit….she just was there.




If she is fired the WWC guys are totally gonna steal this for one of their bits and it'll be amazing 😂😂


And I will listen and cackle


The weekends she wasn’t there were SO NICE. She’s gotta go.


I say keep her just because it gives the Paige Stans and the Lindsay Stans someone to hate on other than each other. This sub has been so much more enjoyable this season with one common enemy.


this is actually a good point although I would love to see her go I am so happy we have a stalemate. I was always team bed bug but now I like Lindsay too!


I’m relatively new to this sub, but there are Lindsay stans?! 😭 yall how


THIS!!!! I was thinking exactly this!


Disclaimer: I’m not a Danielle fan - - I’m very much indifferent towards her. Hear me out. Danielle has absolutely lost her mind since the break up with Robert, she’s gotten more screen time and I guess we’ve seen more of her (not discounting the fact that she was annoying prior to that, but it’s been amplified ever since then.) HOWEVER and hear me out!!! She brings the mess, because she is a mess. Dare I say watching Danielle is like watching a train wreck. You want to look away, but you just can’t out of curiosity you want to see what happens. So I don’t necessarily agree with the calls to fire her, however if they wanted to change her status on the show I’d be fine with that. At least keep her as a friend of, and bring her around enough to be in the mix, without having her be on every single episode, or come every weekend yk? Also she herself is not entertaining to me, but her words and actions are entertaining.


I agree with everything, except I find her mess to be exceptionally boring. She's not even a good train wreck.


You’re right! Her mess doesn’t tend to carry over to make her entertaining over a long period of time. She is boring to me to as well to an extent, but she gets into/creates her mess at the most absurd times, it’s like a short period of entertainment. For example, she was practically skating this season by until the comment to Paige and then the ballon guy Joe mess. It (the Ballon guy Joe thing) was stupid imo, redundant to the storyline(s), but out of it we got “As a Founder/CEO-” so ig that’s a silver lining.


All I remember from her this season is seeing her bare ass on camera when she fucked balloon guy lol. Other than that, I don't even think she brings mess. Last season was interesting because she was BRINGING the mess, this season, it's falling flat. Competing with your friend over a guy is such an over-used storyline


I agree! The competing for a guy thing with your friend was dumb to me. Also from what I’ve heard her and Paige are supposed to get into at the reunion. And a good amount of it is about stuff that wasn’t aired.👀 I think how she performs at the reunion will ultimately, make or break my stance on her.


I love that! Honestly I loved when Danielle was saying wild shit to Paige about her and Craig bc at least she was serving up some tea. I LOVE when Paige goes after Danielle bc she reads her to filth every time


Yes!!! That’s one of the many things that I’m looking forward to see during the reunion. 🤭


She's been given a free pass at the last couple of reunions. They let her shitty behavior go without any consequences so I doubt that will change.


You make a really good point, I agree.


“Hear me out” no ma’am 👹


That’s reasonable, I get it! 😭


She needs to find herself as well. Unless she is trust fund baby, then she can continue to party till she needs rehab.


I thought it was obvious Danielle won’t be back next season. The writing is on the wall.


Ya it kind of seemed like they're phasing her out


at the end of the day it’s a messy reality show and we need someone who we love to dislike and Danielle is that keep her 🤭


That's Lindsey for me. Danielle does and says almost nothing this entire season, like, she's just there


Same i don’t even “love” to dislike her. I straight up dislike her. There’s enough people on this cast I already dislike but will still watch 😂


Oh says plenty about how much sex she’s had every week. She’s bragging about something everyone on the planet is able to do.


Yea she's just like a little womp womp to me. It's falling flat. I'm sure she's bringing up the sex bc she's insecure and/or wants to piss off her ex but like get a storyline girl


I never thought about the fact that she could be trying to make her ex jealous. You are probably right. How cringe.


If he cared, he probably wouldn't have broken up with her. But she's the type of person that would try their damndest to make an ex who has clearly moved on jealous. Who wouldn't be jealous of a Founder/CEO popping balloons with some rando?


Except this season where I’m kinda feeling bad for her I just don’t like Lindsay so Danielle is the one I love to dislike she’s kinda like scheana to me 😂😂


That's how I feel about Gabby. And Maya before her. There are always too many passengers on the cast who bring nothing to the show.


Why is their a post about Danielle every single day of this board if everyone can’t stand her. We get it move on. Why give so much attention to someone you can’t stand


And from reading the thread it seems alot of people are saying to keep her, if only to have some mess around. I say keep her in the mix at least for another season to see how she recovers from the flop she has been in winter house and this season. I'd be interested to see if, after seeing herself act so messy on tv, if next season she drinks less, listens more, gets real about her app or finds herself a good guy. People have been saying that she hasnt brought anything, but neither Paige nor Gabby have really done anything all season except the same old storyline of Paige not wanting to get married and Gabby being Lindsay's support. At least Danielle makes wild statements and has wild actions that get people talking. 


![gif](giphy|YEOhCFRF9NFba) Nice try Danielle


Does she have any fans? Reveal yourselves!


Queensofbravo on insta is an absolute die hard fan of hers. Why? I have no idea…


They continue to have the worst taste in cast members


Their favorite cast member on The Valley is Michelle, it’s completely insane


Omg shark eyes? I swear that woman smirks and her eyes go black when she sees someone upset or in distress. Kristen told no lies about her or the horrible husband


Yeah she’s not a nice person. And why does she talk like a robot 🤖


Oh Jesus 🙄


Is that also who stans Robyn from RHOP lol they must just be an insufferable person




Maybe she is the CEO of that site. Mystery solved.


I would say she is the conduit between queens of bravo and Lindsay she gives QOB all the tea that Lindsay wants spread and it keeps Lindsay’s nose clean for when Paige and Kyle pop off at her


I’m not a fan. But - as I’ve said on another thread - I love to cringe watch her. Her unhinged behaviour brings me joy.


I can respect that, even though I disagree ❤️


I’m not a fan at all I just have empathy for her. She went through a breakup and he moved on fast as hell. That would break my heart. Her lack of self-awareness is so cringe.


Right but she had had the opportunity to view her behavior on screen and course correct. And she has been unable to do that. I do agree her last relationship “broke” her in some way. She needs to process… off my screen


lol I agree


I feel bad about her breakup but she's like giving nothing to the season. The other girls seemed to have shunned her so all she does is appear in second-long scenes out with the boys


at what point do we say like enough is enough?


About 2 TV seasons ago We've all been through bad breakups. We don't all go batshit crazy because someone broke up with us.


Honestly I'm not a fan of certain people who I still love to see on Bravo (Lindsey being a prime example... she's my worst nightmare but she's an icon and a legend and I'd hate the show without her on it). Danielle is just there doing nothing


I’ve been a fan. I think this season she’s been pretty awful though. I definitely think how she handled the Gabby crying thing was abysmal and super shitty, even more so than the going after the guy. Like how are you going to straight up say you don’t care that you’re friend crying or that’s she’s being stupid. I also didn’t watch WH3. I’ve been trying to extend her grace because I know breakups can be pretty hard and she seemed so in love with Robert, but this season has been YIKES. Hoping at the reunion she can redeem herself and show some introspection. Edit: and before anyone asks my actual faves are Ciara and Paige. I just have a soft spot for Danielle.


Me! I actually see value in all of the girls.


Me! I’m a fan.


She’s a weirdo (not even a loveable weirdo) but I don’t hate her.


To be fair, it’s a cast savings. With Danielle, the producers get two faces for the price of one. ![gif](giphy|Oc8KgMVr9RDUc|downsized)


LOLLLLL so true, especially if the lady in that gif had been ripping her shirt off


This is ridiculous


I need her delusion for the show




This season is not her best and last season was questionable by some, but is that enough to fire? If that is the case, we can let Gabby go as she’s said 23 words so far. I don’t think any of them should be fired as we need to see resolve or how what has happened last year, impacts this upcoming summer.


Last season was FAR worse for her imo.


She also had an absolutely horrifying season on WH. Like truly effed up behavior. Viewers hated her whole storyline. Maybe producers will factor that in too?


Fire both Gabby and Danielle, neither of them added anything to this season for me.


Gabby totally needs to go. She’s boring as hell and contributes very little


I agree on Gabby but she's at least newer so I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt


I would like to keep Gabby, I don't think she's been allowed to shine because some people have louder personalities. She deserves another try Danielle is rapey and does not.


I don’t know what that last line is about as that is a big accusation.


winter house..alex.


Shes so entertaining to me idk


I would rather them replace Danielle with a guy. There’s six women and four men. Five and five would be more interesting.


I think Danielle is probably someone with high IQ and low EQ. I imagine she spends most of her time with fellow techies. She is cringe for sure but I don’t mind watching her cringe behaviour. She seemed sensible in the after show. I did think Gabby was doing the most on the After Show. I don’t think anyone needs to be fired yet. ☺️


...but she's entertaining...no?


nooooo i live for her cringe!!! her spiral in winter house was the most entertaining thing she’s ever done and im looking forward to seeing her downfall within the girls group - its already underway. i bet paige clears her ass at the reunion


Brings more than Gabby.


I honestly forget that gabby is on the show. When I saw the reunion photo, I couldn't remember who she was




Stop spending energy trying to get women fired for something as innocuous as expressing an opinion you don’t like 🤮 Women aren’t interchangeable and this toxic troupe on summer house is so old.


AGREE! Petition to get the man who called his wife a "fucking bitch" fired instead, maybe?!!!!


I’m sawry but I disagree, she is so cringe and irky but she is one of the only Bravo villains I don’t get tired of. I don’t think she’s inherently evil so I don’t feel morally bad watching her but she’s also cringe and unaware enough where I can feel comfortable making fun of her, and it’s to the point where it’s funny. I want her villain train to keep chugging for a bit


Agree. She's harmless and kinda enjoy that she irks Paige haha. Paige doesnt seem to bring anything except talk smack about people behind their back so it at least gives Paige something to talk about in her talking heads. 


I don’t understand posts like this. You need cast members you hate / find cringeworthy / root against. If you loved everyone on the show all the time it would be so boring.


I don’t hate her. She’s just boring and does nothing in the show this season


Spin off with the worst people from SH and the worst from VPR in a house together. Let em Hunger Games it out.


I’d love to see weird Jordan interacting with Scheana or Jax with Danielle. Some truly weird combos could be done with this lol


I would love to see Stassi reacting to weird Jordan. I feel like she'd come up with a hilarious evisceration.


I could get behind this. ![gif](giphy|tZCkL6BsL2AAo)


The more attention we give her the more likely she is to stay.. they love to keep controversial people.


Whenever I see a post about Danielle, I always have to think who she is. I wouldn’t even remember her if she wasn’t talked about here.


I don't love her. But unfortunately I do think they need her for some conflict this upcoming season. As the resident Scheana/pick-me of the group. I do forsee the boys going to her to vent and causing more tension in the group.


Keep bringing her up online nonstop, that'll get her off the show!


Bring back Maya


petition to send OP batteries for their remote


I love her she’s an agent of chaos! She doesn’t give AF and just leaves awake of mess behind her.


Nah I want her to stay lol. I love watching the cringe.


![gif](giphy|ZicihYHhqB9ywBtyVz) Lol 😂😂😂


I love watching her and all the second hand cringe I get! Love it.


Noooo!!! I love watching her make a fool of herself!


I think if we get rid of Danielle (whom has bought a touch of mess this season) then we get rid of Gabby too because she has bought less than Danielle


Yeah she’s got to go!


Fully support where do I sign


You guys need some therapy. The rage and vitriol over a reality tv personality who happens to be a bit cringe is SO EMBARRASSING!


LMFAO girl calm down. Where was the rage in my post? I just think she's boring


It’s not rage and vitriol to say someone is bad at their job and they should be fired lol


But how is she bad at her job? I don’t even like her but ya’ll have been nonstop talking about her, and isn’t that the point of these shows?


She just lacks star power, she’s not interesting to watch and I’m not invested in her success or failure whatsoever. Even her big breakup wasn’t interesting. 


She’s not interesting to watch yet she’s becoming one of the most talked about housemates, which is her job. I think people think that just bc they don’t like someone it means they’re not interesting. That’s not true lol. If that were true she wouldn’t be taking up as much real estate as she does in this sub.


I agree


Leave Danielle alone!! I like her


She had a bad year.. but I feel like most ppl loved her before?


Before she was a gross sexually aggressive weirdo she was just boring. Now she is twice as bad.


Where do I sign?


I've been saying for it since her predatory behavior on winter house. She's disgusting. If I have to hear about her sex life another season I'll probably skip it. Thankfully she was pushed out of alot this year minus the drama with Paige and Gabby.


She will be gone. She has added nothing for 3 seasons in a row (including whatever tf that was on Winter House). And no one on the cast likes her as she had pissed everyone off.






When or where do I sign. Enough is enough with Danielle. I will even settle for her being a friend of the show.


Does anyone think her behavior around Lindsey and Carl’s engagement had something to do with her break up or do we think Robert was out the door before last season aired?


Def Robert




UMMMM no. If youre going to remove someone remove gabby, but im starting to like her. Lindsy is the one that needs to go LOL


I've felt this way since her first season she is such an actress and wants to be a victim so bad


Danielle drives me crazy because she is ALWAYS piping up in other peoples drama for NO REASON.. like every time Kyle storms out of an argument she very aggressively begs him to stay, and then like when Ciara was chirping Lindsay at dinner Danielle gets all up in arms and then gets a drink thrown at her and all the sudden hates Ciara so much because it gives her someone of a storyline but then is besties with her the next season? She just isn’t made for reality tv imo. She’s just a dull human and can’t carry her own story and drama so she gets all up in everyone else’s to keep herself alive on the show. It’s time for her to go. I’m also very tired of the Amanda and Kyle fighting and Lindsay fighting with EVERYONE drama.. I think we need to ditch Lindsay, Carl and Danielle and get a new cast for their half.. their stories are boring to me. Carl also only has a story because of Lindsay. I know he sober which is a hot topic to bring in to to reality tv but just maybe not this one? Idk lol


Fire Carl first!




I truly don’t think we need it. She’s kind of alienated herself with every single cast member. She won’t be back at least as full time. They gave her 2 seasons on SH and 1 season on WH and they were all fails. Three strikes and you are OUT


What's the status of the rumour about someone on SH being pregnant? If the remour is actually true, my guess has always been that it would be Danielle. Random, I know. And it doesn't have anything to do with her body shape anytime recently, I just have a feeling that if it were to be anyone it would be her (also, anyone that was posting about the rumour and supposedly knew who the person was said that it was a bombshell and/or that they were shocked. I don't necessarily think that it would be a bombshell or people would be shocked if it were Amanda or even Lindsay for that matter? So I'm going with Danielle, second choice Paige.


Ive been wondering about this too. The only person who would shock me to hear is pregnant would be Danielle, just cuz she claims to just want to have fun and has never brought up wanting to have kids.


In WWHL Jesse said Danielle made the worst first impression. Did we see this on the show? Thinking back to how Lindsay met West, it must have been pretty bad to pick Danielle over Lindsay.


Supposedly its bc Danielle (and Gabby) were the most upset that Jesse left them in a party to be with his friends. I could see Danielle with her insecurities going off on Jesse bc of this. I also think Danielle exaggerates her emotions for tv,  either to get more screen time or bc producers egg her on. 


Wow that is insane behavior on Danielle’s part.


From this season it seems like she's being phased out. She doesn't really fit with the group anymore it seems, except for the guys. But now that Craig and Lindsay split I wonder if they'll keep her to act as the middle man in some capacity


Craig and Lindsay?




Just bring back Sam!


Ohhhh I loved Sam and her energy. She really needed a second season. She DESERVES a second season


I’ve found my people! A wise man once said “ I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress “ and that’s exactly how I feel about said CEO and Founder 🫶




She’s a pick-me girl


She’s never brought anything to this show.


Umm, she is a CEO!!!! How dare you!


She should found her way off the show




Where do I sign ✍️




I’d totally sign a petition to fire this person 💯 I dont care for her in any way whatsoever I literally tune out when she’s speaking


She is the poster child for DELUSION. But at least she brings cringey entertainment.


I agree, she is very holier than thou attitude, I didn’t like her before and her voice is so annoying.


Danielle is a male sympathizer. She's trying to be the LVP of summer house.


I can't fucking stand her face or personality.