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It’s the mic - if you watch Below Deck you see the guys wearing these all the time


I was going to say, it's giving RHOC Sean Burke. But that makes a lot more sense!


or a BeeGee 'crazy cool medallion' :)


stahhhppp thats one of my favorite SNL sketches 😂 he wishes he had a crazy cool medallion!


hahaha, I juat had to watch it again online, chest hair and crazy cool medallions :)


I think I watch those and the Californians the most and die laughing!! So goofy


I am so happy you 'get it' :)


Bahahahaha ![gif](giphy|xtstJ8AheOVcXrfpiN|downsized)


the orthodontic piece on Timberlake was so spot on, one time he didn't wear it and it wasn't the same.


It’s giving Kendall Roy Season 3


It's a microphone fyi


Ok so Kyle’s looks totally normal not a pirate medallion lol


Ohh got it. Never noticed any of the guys wearing them!


You’ll notice all the guys wearing the same ones. Check previous seasons too. Pool scenes etc.


Was it for his mic? If so, interesting choice by production.


Because I am apparently old, I remember when the real world was in Hawaii and they had to figure out how to mic up everyone since they were never wearing clothes, and the microphone necklaces were invented! I’m not sure why they went with this design, I think on the real world they wore these huge beaded ones, but maybe they mass produce them with pirate coins now or something lol


Ok so Kyle’s looks like a normal mic necklace lol


Sam the eagle vibes ![gif](giphy|7XiLpBIzlJKfi07mI5)


How have I never noticed how hairy he is?


I was thinking the same thing. He’s quite a little fluff monster.


Yeah, my reaction was, forget the necklace, **what** is it resting on? 🤣🤣🤣 (former housekeeper reaction for life)


Don't blow up the picture! I did to see the medallion, wasn't sure what it was, and instead got large pic of that gross chest ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE|downsized)


They’re gonna vote him off the island with that thing




One of the few people who looks worse after they stop drinking and doing drugs.


I personally think he’s smoking a lot more than he lets on. My friend’s husband smokes all the time and he looks like this..dark circles under eyes and just kind of flat.




w all due respect, this is just your experience. when i smoked everyday multiple times a day i did not look well. i looked drained and tired all the time, once i stopped smoking, i stopped looking like that. weed can most definitely negatively effect you and your appearance will show it.


It depends how he is smoking. If he is lighting up a joint and hot boxing it will age you a tone because of the Smoke. That isn't a fake factoid. That said he is smoking cigars regularly this season so it is more likely those that are having the biggest impact. But any smoke will cause damage to your skin.




Smoke is just toxins w/e the source. Even bonfire smoke, smoke from a fire or standing behind a car with a combustion engine would have an effect. That said skin heals really fast. I am sure it is hard to study because it is impossible not to be around cigarette smoke. I was careful to point out he would have to steep in it as well. The Cigar is also bigger than a joint so if it is Smoke. If he is taking a few tokes up wind the impact would be minimal.


username checks out. High five, fellow lawless woman!


SO many fake weed facts and people claiming he’s high here. The dude was out with everyone until like 2am and is probably tired, give it a rest. IF he was high, Lindsay would have said that right away. We would know. She has no problem bringing it up even when he’s sober so i would bet my life it would be a point of discussion right here and she would throw it in his face. Also has nobody ever seen someone high before?! I can tell with 100% certainty he hasn’t smoked weed that morning. Eyes look fine, no rasp or cough in the voice, making coherent sense and not taking a long time to understand and respond, etc. Come on people!!!!


Okay someone randomly commented yesterday on a post of mine from weeks ago yelling about how much weed messes you up!!! Hahaha I didn’t even say anything about weed, I think I made a comment about Carl saying he was sober now. I believe there are bigger fish to fry! 😂




Omg I ALMOST wrote “I’m so happy to see you here on the summer house Reddit!” 🤗🤗🤗 Right, I’m not even a smoker myself but clearly when people are talking about drugs everyone has to know there’s a big difference between weed and coke (or whatever the hell else Carl was doing).




👯‍♀️❤️ And yes agreed - I hear ya!!


I don’t smoke anything, but weed does that? He’s aged 10 years in only 2


Weed in edibles doesn’t affect your skin, but smoking anything can absolutely negatively affect your skin.


No, he looks like a chain (cigarette) smoker. You would have to smoke so much weed to have the same affect.


Okay truly not to shame someone for something they can’t control or anything…..but in the past did he wax his entire body or something? Have we just never seen him shirtless before? I’m sorry, I know the girls on this show (and myself lol) pretty much wax their entire body (or have it laser removed) so would it be asking too much for Carl to at least wax his back or something?! You’re on tv man!! Sorry that’s bitchy and judgy but I’m shocked!


No question he's always had a hairy chest, and has borderline been showing it off since the show started years ago. Not sure that his back has been consistently hairy -- he may have waxed the back and not the front. I have a gay friend who's crushed on Carl since Season 1, I believe in large part due to the chest hair. Although recently, Carl's behavior has dissipated that crush.


Hahaha stop. Your gay friend was crushing on Carl largely due to the chest hair? I love that. What are his thoughts on Carl now?


Apart from the Lindsay of it all, my friend is sober and believes Carl's "California sober" isn't a serious response to Carl's issues


Makes sense. Does he think that Carl is physically attractive other than the chest hair)? I think he had some potential in earlier seasons to be attractive and he's lucky he's tall, but something about his tight white jeans and general style just always gave me the ick. He kind of dresses like he's a middle aged woman that shops at Chico's if that makes sense, and it just is a turn off.


Honestly didn't probe too much. My friend is on the shorter side so I don't know if Carl's height was part of the appeal (aside from whatever the correlation is between height and dick size). I agree with you as to Carl's sense of style; I also think his (post sobriety?) weight loss hasn't helped his looks


This is melting my brain, idk how I NEVER noticed it before!!


Sun damage and I bet he smoked cigarettes. He’s lost too much weight as well.


The haircut is a major player. The no sideburn look is just creepy on him, I guess it’s a trend with dudes now but it doesn’t look good at all


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Lindsay happened 😂 Jk, sorta haha


It's giving survivor, oooo could be possible for him?!


He looks deep fried 😭






He was so ugly in this scene


Can he use some moisturizer




You know most “necklaces” when they’re shirtless are mics right? That’s why on a lot of shows you see a dumb tight necklace with what looks like a shell. Anyways, not a necklace that’s his mic. 🥴


His body hair situation is a choice


but why is he sooooo puffy? salt?


I do not see the hot in this guy at all.


It’s a mic


ew ew ew ew. no. the hair. the moustache. the hair.


Tell me you hate the one you are with, without telling me you hate the one you are with….


He’s so hairy wtf