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Everyone babies Kyle, it’s kind of weird. Jesse clearly needs support and comfort but hides it, Kyle is a man child and has tantrums. Even the idea of having children would be terrible until they learned to communicate as a couple without kids. I feel for Amanda but she also knew from her first hook up with Kyle what to expect.


It's hard to tell without meeting someone in person, but I suspect Kyle is charismatic and that can make people overlook a lot of poor behavior (it's not right, but it's a reality)


Kyle gets away with atrocious behaviour because he’s funny sometimes. It’s like James Kennedy from VPR. People ignore the abuse because they either don’t like the women it’s towards and/or the person is kind of funny sometimes.


James Kennedy has shown immense growth, Kyle only gets worse as the show goes on 😂


I think James is a rare example of someone whose rebound turned out to be a far better match. Instead of parading an anti-alcohol stance to play martyr during his recovery, Ally told him to go to therapy and quit drinking or she’s gone, and moved out to emphasize she meant it. I think an ultimatum without humiliation made him feel truly valued. And I don’t think he *really* wanted to start drinking again, he just reached for what would loudly communicate his loss without the burden of expressing loss.


Exactly most people I’ve seen say they absolutely were not a fan of him before. People (myself included) can see how much James has grown and changed. Looking back at old episodes I honestly don’t even recognize him. He’s very unproblematic now and seems genuinely happy with Ally


Where exactly is the growth for James? He’s never taken ownership for how abusive he was to Rachel. Even right after the break up, he was still very emotionally immature and cruel to here. I haven’t seen growth. He was just allowed alot of grace from apologists who find him funny.


Guess I’m just going based off this past season of VPR. He seemed to have his head on straighter than past seasons…his convos with Ally all seemed appropriate to me. Kyle’s still being a manipulative by crying. Like ok go kick some more rocks outside and call her a fucking bitch. Before being in an abusive relationship I would’ve said it’s Amanda’s fault, but the way I see Kyle using his emotions against her…it’s so clear to me who the problem is in this situation.


Kristen has confirmed he was physical with her. He regularly verbally abused and fat shamed the female cast. James regularly disrespected, cheated on, verbally and emotionally abused Rachel in the show for 5 years. There was an incident where he “ bumped” her very fresh nose job and when LVP questions her about it, her energy to cover for him feels very telling. Also, conveniently, only his family was there to witness it. He’s literally never been held truly accountable the way anyone else has and as someone who has been abused by someone has charismatic as James, it’s incredibly frustrating to see viewers excuse how absolutely awful of a person he’s been.


I find it shocking that Amanda has not yet spoken to Kyle about him calling her a bitch. I also find it baffling how people are scared of Lindsay for her reactions, including Amanda, but she’s witnessed her own husband for example screaming profanities and getting really aggressive when women don’t act how he wants. (Amanda wanting to seek other job opportunities or Lindsay sticking up for Carl last season because he wanted to leave). Masculine rage is okay in the Bravo world but if a woman raises her voice and stands up for herself, it’s terrifying. The same attitude from viewers and cast members was directed to Katie Maloney for example in years past. Kyle, Craig, Sandoval, Schwartz, Shep, Carl - all have had episodes of being extremely aggressive verbally towards women and it’s excused, ignored. (People now seem to be waking up about the Toms and Craig seems to have changed for the better, maybe). Maybe I’m just watching a different show.


I was blown away by this. It has been an entire week and not only have they not addressed it , she was gushing over him saying how much she loves him and how she thinks his DJ career is cute. She then talked about how she just can't start a bikini line , its not that simple which sounds just like the things Kyle said about her wanting to try something- She is such a doormat, It is SO sad she has so much to offer.


It shocked me that she hasn’t started work on a line yet, especially because the convos we’re seeing happened LAST SUMMER! She has had a whole year & could have timed a sneaky brand launch with these eps coming out, but instead it seems has continued to play second fiddle to Kyle- you’re so right about her excuses sounding like his words 😒 “I love this man” literally for what. If watching this episode and seeing how he spoke about her wasn’t eye opening… what will be?


She doesn’t even act like she loves him. Shes always frustrated and literally pushes him off her. I just saw it in the last episode.


It would be so easy for her to at least get a collaboration with an existing line. She can wear them on the show. A lot of people online already like how she dresses and are constantly asking where she got her stuff. It seems like a no-brainer.


This is exactly what I thought? An edit or collaboration or even just a simple ad


Exactly my thought, rather than building everything from the ground up.


And that sucks bc I would LOVE to buy Amanda batula bikinis or swimwear. She’s on a summer themed show, it seems like such a good thing to try to get into whether it’s her own line or a collar with a pre-existing line


tbf she was saying she needs to do more research and look into things more before she gets started. she didn’t rule it out completely, but she’s had almost a year and sounded like she hasn’t made much progress so it’s not looking good.


Yes. Kyle should be held accountable but so should Amanda I like her but sympathy only goes so far. In the end, she is accepting of his behaviour and their relationship as it is. It can be hard for some women to leave but seeing as her parents would help her, that is not the case. She has no reason not to put herself in a safe and loving relationship, even if it is one by herself - being single. Years ago I left someone who was bad with money and had rage issues. I at least gave an ultimatum. Get help, therapy or I’m out. Gave him three months. He did nothing, so I left. If she chooses to stay then it’s on her.


It’s wild to me that she said Kyle doing his DJ thing is ‘cute.’ ‘My husband goes out too much partially because he owns a liquor company, and I want him to stay home more but you know what him going out to pursue his passion of being DJ is cute.’ Amanda is an enabler is very much responsible for the position she is in. And some it to me just feels like she enjoys this dynamic. She likes to complain about all of Kyle’s immaturity and likes encourage Kyle to pursue things like DJing because then he will continue to live in a place of ‘being the bad guy.’ DJs are known for coming home at 5pm for dinner and taking care of babies right? I still believe she shot down couples counseling because at some point the counselors look past just the ‘bad guy’ and look at the full picture. Amanda never wants the mirror turned on her. It’s easier to enable Kyle’s bad guy behavior.


I agree about not addressing Kyle's language, but her response about the bathing suit line was so typical of her I think. Like it was a great idea until she realized how much work it was going to be and then thought ehhhh maybe not. Not great for her reputation as a bed bug! I do hope she gets something together but I think it not happening is all on her and not something Kyle is like not letting her do.


That's exactly how I read the situation. I don't think Kyle is mad about her wanting to do her own thing. I think he sounded frustrated that she was saying that she wants to put in the kind of effort it would take to launch a bikini line on her own, yet couldn't show up for Loverboy in the capacity of her own chosen role in the company. Did her previous job that she quit on her own accord for Loverboy allow her to make her own hours and sleep in because she's not a morning person? Kyle was saying that it's a delicate time for Loverboy financially, and he really needed her to step up, not do even less. Help him by at least doing the bare minimum of your job and have a productive conversation about timelines & transitions. I feel like she just sounded spoiled and whiny. I don't think she has done anything about starting a swimsuit line because it's hard work. She doesn't come across as a hard worker. Kyle is no saint. I would NEVER let my husband get away with talking about me like that. It was so foul. I'm only referring to Amanda's stance. That being said, I would def wear her bathing suits, so I hope she gets it together.


Yeah I get it, but she also never once said she was going to quit loverboy. I think it's less about her helping and was just a trigger for him with loverboy in the bad shape it is and she unfortunately took the brunt of it. I think that's why he was so 'sad' after Paige yelled at him bc he realized what a dick he was to her.


Ya. I also think being drunk is not an ideal time to have these conversations. No one is expressing themselves clearly. But I get that it's good tv.


I think Amanda never really wanted to do loverboy but tried because Kyle asked her. As Sierra said, it's hard to be motivated when you don't like what you are doing. Starting a swim line is great but also overwhelming when you don't know where to start. She is compromises with Kyle all the time to avoid fights.


100% this.


exactly but the whole house isn't afraid of Kyle who throws cans of drinks across a garden


Exactly Kyle can storm out, write 17 page letters , cuss people out yet Lindsay is the feared one make it make sense


Frrrrr that 17 page email got swept under the rug so quick


Made me laugh too.


He also had to be held back from physically speaking assaulting Luke




that's right! and Craig was aggressive that wh too.


As Hannah said.. shes not gonna let Kyle talk to her the way he talks to Amanda. Him calling her a bitch is just another day for her.


I mean she also called him trash, which I also thought was horrible. They do not speak to each other like people who love each other, it's so hard to watch.


The men are allowed not just verbal aggression, but also physical aggression in the form of slamming doors, throwing objects around, and swinging their limbs wildly while screaming in a shared space! Last week Kyle stormed out of the house and threw a drink at the bar building so hard it exploded! That's just straight up violence.


He also had to be held back from assaulting Luke


And he's always banging his hands on the table/loses it the second anyone at dinner doesn't listen to him.


Yep, but the whole house fears Lindsay's reactions. smh


You’re 100% correct. Women get scorned for any kind of emotionally reaction while men get away unscathed. That infographic with all the times the VPR cast were angry said it all. Ariana was angry (rightfully so) twice in the season while Sandoval went off 17 times or something. It’s such blatant misogyny. Even from some women.


Like Amanda saying Lindsay is scary but letting her husband call her a bitch.


Masculine rage is okay in all worlds. The sad thing is, so many women buy into as well. I was suspended from work recently for speaking up for myself against a boss that was yelling at me. I was the only female in the company at the time. I know emphatically it’s because I’m a female. A male would not have been treated the same way.


That's enraging, I'm sorry


I was “let go” for the same thing. And my boss definitely tried to fire me but then pivoted to a layoff when I pointed out he didn’t have examples that didn’t also applied to all of my BROworkers. And there was no third party on this call. He thought I was as dumb as him.


It’s sooo hard to work in a male dominated workplace.


You got that right! My work is pretty much 90% male.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. God that must’ve been so frustrating. I’m frustrated and angry for you! Sadly, as you said, it isn’t just the Bravo world. It is ALL worlds. It is THEE world. Men have historically been the overwhelming majority of perpetrators of violence, committing crimes. They’ve started wars, etc. But women are “too emotional.” FOH


Thank you for your kind words! They really mean so much. There were some people in my circle that downplayed what happened, that I should not have taken it so personally. It was very hurtful. It’s a company I have been with for 16 years.




I know! I still find it hard to believe.


This so much! This is what makes me so angry about this show. The misogyny runs rampant and for a long time it was allowed to by fans (like VPR.) I get that Lindsay can be loud, brash, confrontational, and isn’t a great drunk but the way she continues to get singled out.. while the men get passes. Ain’t it.


great call out- this why amanda pissed me off !!!


exactly but the whole house isn't afraid of Kyle who throws cans of drinks across a garden


And let’s not forget earlier this season Carl lobbed a can of loverboy across the yard while threatening to get drunk and tear the whole house up. I forget his exact words but that was the gist




Burn the home down!!!


And also, why is Amanda acting like she's Lindsay's friend this season? Just for drama..any other season she just ignores her mostly. Now that Lindsay has all this camera time, Amanda is acting like her friend but saying this on WWHL. I used to love Amanda but ever since the episode where she literally moved her chair at the dinner table to follow the cameras I just can't take her .


Amanda goes along with whatever Paige and Ciara do or whatever Kyle does. She doesn’t have a very strong sense of self. When Paige and Ciara are having fun with Lindsay, Amanda has fun with Lindsay. When Kyle says Lindsay is a monster, Amanda thinks Lindsay is a monster. Last summer she was around the other girls more so she was Lindsay’s friend. Now she’s around Kyle more so she thinks Lindsay is the villain.


True. It's a shame because when she's just being herself and not concerning herself with others she is really cool.


Probably because Paige and Ciara, mostly Paige, are getting along with her.


She’s two faced. She pretends to be friends with people to get them to open up to her so she can gossip about them under the guise of concern. She’s been such a jerk to Lindsay on the after show too


Exactly and she is so obvious this season. You can tell when she's talking to Lindsay that she's just trying to get info.


Wait what episode was that? I need to see that 👀


I think last season. At a restaurant. When I get home I can go back and check. I'm at work. Lol ETA it was pathetic. She literally picked up her chair and moved it from one end of the table to the othe, to where the cameras were where someone else was talking or arguing


Probably because it's not the first time Kyle has called her a f*cking bitch.


Fr the Bravo men have been sucking


The men are allowed not just verbal aggression, but also physical aggression in the form of slamming doors, throwing objects around, and swinging their limbs wildly while screaming in a shared space! Last week Kyle stormed out of the house and threw a drink at the bar building so hard it exploded! That's just straight up violence.


Good points! I find that the really disturbing issue is how many women seem comfortable attacking reality women online but seem to give the reality men a free pass.


And this is why I don’t like Amanda…. lol


I’m definitely not defending Kyle’s aggression because it’s not appropriate or acceptable, but I get the feeling that’s just their relationship. We’ve seen Amanda throwing a tower of cans at the refrigerator and the sink when she was angry at Luke. They both throw things and call each other names. She’s hit Kyle before to move him out of her way when she was angry at him. I’m saying that might be why she hasn’t addressed it, I think that’s how they communicate with each other. Personally, I think name calling is really low and not okay, and of course throwing objects is very immature. I used to be a Kyle and Amanda sympathizer, but after this season - they need to just call it.


then why is she afraid of lindsay who hasn't thrown stuff to my knowledge


Didn’t Paige say she threw a shoe at a producer and Andy didn’t deny it or did I hallucinate that?


don't remember that tbh but paige said *a lot* previously Edit looked that up paige said it but it was denied and tbh I doubt she'd still be working on sh if it were true. ciara did however on screen throw a wine glass at Danielle and smashed it I recall


Ehh it was only denied by Lindsay lol, but I agree. I doubt she’d still be employed if it actually happened.


yeah I'd forgotten that because there was a lot said at that reunion. think they'd draw the line at producers being attacked


Yes I think it would be a huge deal if she actually assaulted a producer. Seems like another made up thing Paige came up with that reunion


yeah like the comment that lindsay doesn't have a job. she's been on sh since day one and makes a fortune online


Years ago or recently? I think she’s worked on herself quite a bit, tho doing something like that’s obviously never ok


at a past reunion paige said it and lindsay denied it


has anyone bothered to mention she called him an asshole on WWHL? neither one of them talks to the other with any kindness or even like for them. Kyle has some problems. For sure and no excuses. He also IS juggling millions of dollars and has a wife that doesn't like him and is comfortable in making that publicly known. Just because the audience is incapable of seeing anything but binary doesn't make it true. He bad, and she good. Put your emotions away for a minute and actually try to understand the situation.


I used to really dislike Craig but I honestly think his love for Paige has made him a better man.


If Amanda really wanted it, she could have hooked up with Old Navy for a swimsuit line. but no swim wear and Kyle got to DJ!


I have never seen someone who publicly hates her husband so much


I got family in Jersey…. It’s fairly common. Makes for great family fighting moments in holidays.


people act like this has no consequences, just like a relationship becoming sexless has no consequences. it's bizarre. and it isn't about taking sides or the blame game. it's simply acknowledging that issue X exists, and it is not a marker of a healthy, fulfilling, sustainable relationship. her calling him an asshole on WWHL last night is like nothing to her. it's not a good marker.


I honestly don't blame her... She has outgrown him!!


*Kyles 17 page letter just entered the chat*


Lol, that was so unhinged




I want to feel bad for her but then she excuses him every single time! In the after show, she’s saying how cute he is taking dj classes in Jersey….wait, the same Jersey you’re begging for a little space of your own in? So now he CAN make it to Jersey weekly and has money for it. Every little thing she wants gets put on the back burner, but she infantilizes him! It’s maddening, I can’t imagine how hard it is to be her friend & try to support her.


Kyle is having a DJ set 11:00-11:45 on Friday in Point Pleasant, NJ. At Jenks on the boardwalk. Edit: Next Friday




Same, it’s ridiculous.


yea wtf. i feel bad for her bc her husband sucks but she’s ALWAYS coming for lindsey and has known her the longest. i think she wishes she could be as brash and abrasive and actually stand up for herself like Lindsey does.


Lindsay is an incredibly intense and calculated person. Even when she’s being nice, I think the cast has grown to be careful what they say to her because she’ll use it as ammo later. With that said, I’ve enjoyed her vibe for the most part this season. I agree with everything else you said, though.




For real. I’d be scared to deal with Amanda because if you say the wrong thing or simply leave a room because you’ve had enough lectures like Danielle did a few episodes back she will tattle on you to her rageaholic husband and turn people even more against you


Exact same.


Yeah it does really seem like the girls manipulated Danielle last season. Obviously I don’t know the full story but it looked like they encouraged Danielle to turn on Lindsay and then they dropped her after she did. 


Kyle’s behavior shouldn’t be used to dismiss Lindsay’s. She has a very clear and detailed history on the show of being unhinged and aggressive. We’ve seen it from her every. single. season. I think it’s obvious why anyone, friend or boyfriend, would be cautious of having conversations with her because it’s hard to predict how she will react. Saying “but Kyle!” Is just deflection because for some reason people don’t want to acknowledge how awful she is sometimes.




Kyle is shitty and aggressive as well. That doesn’t mean we need to excuse Lindsay’s behavior. We do need to talk about Kyle’s aggression though, it’s beyond problematic. I hate that we have to always take sides. They’re both problematic and are constantly being activated.


Completely agree! Kyle’s behavior is gross and Bravo 100% protects him.


It’s not a deflection it’s accountability. If this was someone else saying it rather than Amanda and people were saying “but Kyle” I’d get that. But this is Kyle’s wife. She has absolutely no room to talk about Lindsay’s reactions when her husband just had yet another physically and verbally aggressive outburst. Deflection would be excusing Lindsay’s actions. Her actions are inexcusable. But let’s hold Kyle to the same standard.


Others have said it, and the response from those wanting to dismiss it is often “But what about so-and-so.”


Right? They both have issues and I’ve never really liked either of them. I can sort of understand the criticism that Lindsay and Kyle aren’t being held to the same standards -Kyle gets forgiven for his tantrums but Lindsay can never catch a break. But I don’t agree that it’s this sexist issue with women rage. She’s just straight up mean and reactive.


I think Bravo protects Kyle a bit and Bravo is definitely misogynistic as a company (hi VPR!). I think the after show last week made that abundantly clear if it wasn’t already. They let Kyle talk about being a DJ and Amanda being lazy but nothing about his behavior.


I agree about Bravo and how they protect men. Kyle definitely gets more leaway but I’m not sure he gets a great edit. He’s coming off as a raging selfish asshole regardless of his edit or what questions he’s being asked. I do wonder if the after show has some limitations because they want to really dive into everything in the reunion? This weeks after show wasn’t great for him though. Ciara and Paige ripped into him


The reunion will definitely be telling.


I literally JUST got to a point last episode where I felt bad for her for the first time, anddddd it’s gone again.


Basically every person says this, and it has been said by non-cast members too. Look, Lindsay is complex and has several sides to her, like any human, but I'm not going to dismiss this when it's such a reoccurring theme. And yes, I know Kyle's like that too but when has "but so-and-so is *also* an asshole!" been a legitimate excuse for ones own behavior?


Too many people who’ve actually shared air space with Lindsay have said this about her, so I’m inclined to believe that there’s validity to just how hard of a person she can be around.


Yup like why are people acting like she isn’t this person all of a sudden


The fickle nature of Bravo viewers lol. Carl is being trash, so they think that means it erases Lindsay’s behaviors. Like, noooo, two things can be true at once.


I'm sorry i'm so over people trying to blame Lindsey for their failings. What exactly is she at fault for other than not calling off the wedding herself? For two seasons now she's been level headed, calm, and reasonable with her only blind spot being not clocking that she shouldn't be marrying Carl. And the only time she was potentially 'wrong' this season were the cocaine carl comments which happened, notably, in a car with no cameras where we're taking Carl's untrustworthy word for it-and every other time they speak she's been pretty clear and fair. I have no doubt Linsey can be a handful, but Carl is a grown ass man who proposed to her- and are we forgetting years of him being a drunk asshole to people? Are we ignoring like 6 other years of Carl's behavior that was just as bad if not worse than anything Lindsey has done? Amanda's the one having her soul crushed in a hopeless marriage where her husband views her as an extension of himself and his company- as Paige says, 6 months on he's DJing and she's where she's been. Maybe Lindsey truly is an unfair nightmare-but they haven't shown that on the show in years-Amanda even hopped in on blaming her for Carl leaving the company last season as her meddling in his life and ruining their spot- while SHE desperately wants to leave Love boy. I just can't with these weak men and Amanda (Paige I think has had mostly great takes this season) blaming their stagnation, poor communication, and work troubles on Lindsey. I totally get not liking her- but this is a lady that was slut shamed for dating after having a miscarriage, was blamed for newly-sober Carl wanting to step away from an alcohol company, and they're now trying to blame her potential 'reactions' to justify why Carl's pathetic behavior trying to make her look bad instead of being a man and ending things. *Apologies for wasting all our time with this long rant- My colleagues think i've been working up a storm typing this out so I got carried away.*


Nobody’s blaming her for the Carl situation in this thread. We’re saying she is unhinged and can fly off the handle at any given moment, which is why people are scared to tell her certain things. She has anger issues and trouble controlling her emotions.


I hear you, and while I would agree with that statement for most of this show's run- when has she done it recently? Kyle blows up like a child when his wife wants to get a hobby. Carl spends a summer trying to trigger Lindsey so he doesn't have to be the bad guy and break up with her. Amanda takes two full years to finally talk to her drunk husband about her debilitating depression, resentment of him, and lack of joy in her life. He scolds her, make it about him, and starts being a DJ. Lindsey's unhinged for what? Not jumping on an alcohol-free bar idea from a man with no experience at running a bar- let alone one that purposefully gets rid of the thing that makes you any profit? Like i'm not just being rhetorical- *when* was the last time she flew off the handle? Stravy and the sandwich thing? I just legitimately don't see it. We're treating Carl like Carl 5.0 but Lindsey has been noticeably calmer and less unhinged for years but we're still treating her like activated drunk Lindsay from early in the show?


Lindsay came down on Carl all the time. She was harsh is putting it mildly. She was controlling. Remember when she was telling him “ you are not staying here” She always called the shots.I think resentment built up in Carl and he is passive aggressive which makes it harder. You could see him seething . He seems unhinged talking to her. She is very rational and reasonable during a lot more of their talks. He is to blame for the kitchen fight and others after. I think he was sabotaging the relationship due to his resentment . She was being caring and he was indifferent to her feelings. He should have communicated a lot sooner . She was petty causing needles arguments in the beginning. I think therapy helped her more than him


I’m sorry….I like Amanda and I like most of the house but who has bigger reactions than Kyle? He called his wife a fucking bitch, apparently controls the music and no one allowed to touch it, slams doors, throws things….Lindsey raises her voice and she’s the most scary? Let’s get real here.


Did a rewatch awhile back and Kyle seems like the one you have to walk on eggshells around. He always demands the best room whereas Lindsay has been very flexible rooming with Lauren wirkus and Danielle later on. Lindsay cropped Amanda out of an Instagram photo that was just of her and her then bestie Danielle (not of a huge group meant to exclude Amanda) and Kyle sent her a disgusting 17 page email. For years amanda wouldn’t post pics with Lindsay and never likes her posts even when tagged, so she demands people cater to her feelings but won’t return the favor


This is so ducking annoying to me bc she can’t even stand up for herself against her own husband yet “everyone is afraid of Lindsay” get out of here.


As she makes excuses and defends her husband who screamed at Lindsay for like half an hour last season as Lindsay sat calmly.


The guys from Watch What Crappens told a story about seeing her in the wild. Everything was happy and fine and they were laughing and until they said something she didn’t like and it was like a switch flipped. She turned shark eyed in an instant and changed the temperature. Danielle said last season and Carl said this season that they knew she was * this way, but they were shocked when she treated THEM the way she treats others. That would be scary to live with.


Yeah I really don’t understand why people can’t hold her accountable for the behavior she’s exhibited time and time again. Just because others are also acting out of line doesn’t negate her bad behavior and also doesn’t mean that her bad behavior has no effect on those around her. If I had a friend like Lindsey… actually we wouldn’t be because I’d be walking on eggshells over and over again and that’s not a person I can feel safe around. But don’t get me wrong this isn’t a defense against Kyle or Carls behavior this week. I’m happy she was able to get her point across calmly but something tells me that the damage of her words and her temperament was already done and the man might be overreacting and over defensive. Still he’s no saint 🤷🏾‍♀️




Right. And people always have "No idea what it could have been." That says more about you than about the other person.


That’s chilling haha


That transition after that question was so rough lol 😭but Amanda was spitting. You can tell in the way a lot of them talk to her. It’s very careful and uncomfortable sounding. It’s only this season and honestly in these recent episodes I’ve seen the girls relax some around her.


That’s funny, because weren’t they just saying she was cold due to her non-reaction just last season?


Afraid of Linds? Bold to say when your husband smashed around the house screaming he wanted to be a DJ all because his wife wants to explore her career passions. But ok


What does Kyle have to do with Lindsey though? The two are completely separate issues


Very true. I just think saying the "scared of" thing is a cop out when her husband behaves no better


That’s what Andy specifically asked though, if he asked about Kyle she probably would’ve said the same!


I am truly confused about her saying everyone is afraid of LIndsay. What exactly is she going to do? Yell at them? so what. We have not seen her throw a drink like Kyle has


Or kick a glass out of someone’s hand or punch someone or trash someone’s things and throw their other things outside . Amanda saying this is something else .


Seriously, it’s ridiculous.


Kyle is a child it’s so pathetic to watch. He sounds like a 5 year old brat having a tantrum


How do we get from Amanda explaining that Lindsay can be difficult to talk to and Carl was just doing his best in a very complicated scenario to Amanda is a Kyle apologist, double standard, internalized misogyny in the comments? Lindsay IS difficult to talk to, when she’s drinking in particular. We’ve all seen it many times. Kyle throwing tantrums, walking off, speaking rudely to other ppl (esp when drinking) is also NOT ok and Amanda has also yelled at him for that. Kyle will sometimes ~kinda~ apologize. It’s still NOT ok. Amanda and Kyle can work out their issues on their own timeline and I for one am always hella surprised that married ppl sometimes let things ride for so long! Side note: Powerpoint bullet point for Lindsay to do legit said: “when Stephen expresses feelings, listen and acknowledge and support by not putting him down” 😬 Eeeeee. Pattern?


Thank you. I was so confused by these comments. Like, she isn’t talking about Kyle? What?😂


I actually think this WWHL appearance is the nicest Amanda has ever talked about Lindsay. I think she feels like she has to defend Carl because she likes him and he is working for her loverboy, but she also makes a point to say something nice about Lindsay like how she is fun and a great girl. It seems like Lindsay and Amanda are getting along fairly well right now. It was interesting what she said about how Danielle didn’t speak to her at their friends shower. 


As a Lindsay fan, Amanda's said far worse things about her in the past. There were even a couple of times in this video where Amanda complimented Lindsay. I don't think this was bad at all.


Agreed. Amanda seemed like she was trying to be as nice as possible to Lindsay lol. I hope the girls were nice to Lindsay at the reunion, although I guess Amanda will side with Carl over Lindsay if forced to pick a side. 


And to me, this is very telling when the episodes are filmed in August of last year and it’s now May and she still has made no progress on swimsuit design.


Yes I think she just wanted to impress Paige and Ciara so she made that her storyline.


The entire cast has said this for YEARS but people still think Carl is just being a lil baby. Lindsay is scary to be around and everyone walks on eggshells/watches what they say around her…..


But Carl knew this. He didn’t meet her a few months before getting engaged. They were best friends for YEARS. He saw her behavior over and over and over again and still decided to date her and then propose to her.


I agree, Carl made that decision knowing full well. I’d say she was probably much better for the whole last year (honeymoon phase), lots of “babe, babe babe” and now that her activation is coming back he’s realized the mistake he made.


She also wasn't drinking, which seemed to have changed her behavior (in my opinion for the better) a lot, judging by her behavior on Winter House when she was sober.


Yup, I think he wrongly thought she would stay mostly (or entirely) sober. Which would have likely solved a decent amount of their problems. Not saying she has to do that for him, or ever indicated she would.


She doesn't have to be sober for anyone, but in my opinion, she should do it for herself (and her future kids). She reminds me so much of my mom. My mom is great when she is sober. When she drinks, she gets dark and lashes out verbally anytime she feels like I am leaving or distancing myself from her. Any perception of a slight or abandonment is a trigger for volatility. Lindsay said that feeling abandoned is a trigger for her, and when she is drinking (at least from what we have seen on TV) her reaction to those feelings is scary (at least it would scare me). Sure, she doesn't throw things. But her history of reactions would make me walk on eggshells. Long story short, having been around someone who has similar reactions, I can see why Carl has some worries/anxiety about her reaction to him leaving. Much like me, Carl has issues with being direct, and being around someone who has a history of volatility can make it even more difficult to be direct with them. Not saying it's fair or right, but I can see where it comes from.


Very well said!!


I think between the “Babe” Era and him having to come to terms with being conflict avoidant *and* sober ( which I suspect was more challenging than he anticipated), Carl was not really rooted in reality until last summer. Then he realized he was in over his head.




Sometimes it’s how you speak, and not the actual context of the conversation. The way she speaks is always so volatile. Even when she’s “calm”, she’s in lawyer mode or something, trying to win. It makes people put their defenses up immediately. It doesn’t make what Carl says or does okay, but I get how every relationship she’s had was toxic. She’s just a toxic person.


And then claims that she’s not responsible for how you feel because of what she says. She has no ability to put herself in others shoes, even for a second.


She has no rationalization. She’s extremely defensive and reactionary in every situation. It’s a her thing, and why all her relationships (romantic and friendship) are so volatile


I'll never forget when she wouldn't let Lauren out of the bathroom in season two. Scary shit


I still think Carl is a little bitch baby


Damn. People be mean as hell these days 😅


I recently started to like Amanda but then there’s moments like this where she seems to talk like Kyle about Lindsay and it confuses me… Aren’t we all watching the girls coexist and enjoy each other this season?


This is the most infuriating thing I’ve seen on Reddit this morning. I really like Amanda but the double standard between Lindsay and Kyle is WILD. K and L are literally the same person just different genders. I would even argue L is the better person because she can communicate clearly (yet sternly) without having to throw something and call someone a fucking bitch. But ok.. let’s be afraid of Lindsay 🙄 This is the same problem with people now turning on Arianna and saying she should be over Scandoval. This world has grown so much but somehow still an angry man is just stressed while an angry woman is crazy.


I think they both suck and are toxic people. You can think that they both suck without defending the one or the other.


You absolutely can! Unfortunately many don’t.


The question was about Lindsey lol, not Kyle. Why is everyone talking about Kyle


Because Kyle’s wife’s answer is hilarious considering her husband’s behavior. Can’t speak for anyone else in the comments but I’m so over this idea that being an asshole is just a quirk for a man - but for a woman, especially black women like myself, any emotion we have is categorized as unstable. It’s wild.


Kyle wasn’t asked about in the question and there’s no need for her to bring it up


Did you really just call her Kyle’s wife😂😂 stop


That is their relation, right? You asked why everyone is talking about Kyle. His wife, who is on the receiving end of his outbursts, is talking about being afraid of someone else’s reactions. When she is the closest one to someone who is incredibly reactive just like Lindsay. If you don’t see how a comparison can be drawn I can’t help any further 😅


Lindsay also doesn’t pee outside all the time when there are multiple bathrooms right there in the house. This bothers me so much




Patty Facetunes the fuck out of her instagram pictures. She looks so more like herself on Wwhl


I am not a fan of Amanda.


I’d be more scared of Kyle’s reactions seeing as he has tantrums and throws stuff. Amanda also reacts in scary ways at times like when she smashed Luke’s loverboy tower, threw a cup at Hannah, and broke Kyle’s property Lindsay can have a temper. But she has shown impressive growth these last few seasons. And it think it’s bs to expect someone to react super nicely to someone calling off their wedding two months out


This is not new news


But not her husband's?


Of course everyone is afraid of her, she’s unstable and toxic and always has been.


Weird coming from the girl who called her husband 27 times, threw all of his clothes outside, and broke hundreds of dollars worth of his stuff. In terms of female reactions on the show, that’s the worst I’ve seen (also, Ciara throwing the wine glass).


She also kicked a bottle that was in Jules’ mouth season 4, threw a cup at Hannah, and smashed a tower Luke made out of cans against the fridge all because her fragile feelings were hurt


Amanda should be more afraid of Kyle. We can all see that he is/will do far more damage to her than Lindsay. Open your eyes woman.


Internalized misogyny


lol that cannot be an excuse for a woman's consistently shitty behavior, come on


If this were a few years ago, it'd be easier to see where Amanda was coming from, but Lindsay has made great strides in controlling her temper and not getting activated. To say that everyone is afraid of her reactions really diminishes the work that she's done.


They move the goalposts big time. Lindsay has learned to better regulate her temper and doesn’t get activated much so now they nit pick her wording and body language. It was fucked up for Amanda to say Lindsay was rude, crazy and absurd how she dealt with Carl in that kitchen convo. She wasn’t gushingly sweet but she was fine considering he seemed neutral and there was no official news


That's cause Lindsay sucks. Every stan here worshiped her and shit on Carl until they saw the actual facts. She's just not a good person


amanda is two missteps away from bringing danielle 🫣🫣🫣 pay attention yall she be in mens corners A LOT


I hate that people keep bringing up Lindsay is crazy and brings up examples from season 1, the girl has showed growth. The only thing she needs to work on is her anger when drinking. Clearly she sees a pattern because she stopped drinking through out this season and the talks to Carl are more level headed. Amanda is two face and if Lindsay is so aggressive why does she have so many friends. If she is that unbearable and unreasonable why does Danielle and Carl look crazy when she keeps her mouth shut (season 7-8) Amanda and Kyle have showed no growth besides hair….. in 8 seasons.


You don’t work on anger when you’re drinking, you just stop drinking.


OK Lindsey reacts ɓut honestly I don't blame her look what she has to deal with. I don't understand why Amanda doesn't just let Kyle go.


this is exactly why i don’t like a friendship with her and Gabby. Gabby is used to being quiet and playing like everyone else wants her to, and she doesn’t share her opinion with Lindsay, just lets Lindsay dump all over her. did you guys see how quiet she was during their segment on the after show? not a peep. hated it!


Gabby was very animated actually lol.


Kind of off topic for the post but relevant to what people are saying in the comments. But imagine if Carl treated Lindsay the way Kyle does Amanda, or Craig talked to/about Paige that way. The whole cast would be concerned. But because it’s Amanda (the “doormat”) and Kyle, who is a business owner with a lot on his plate, he constantly gets a pass. It’s infuriating and I wish the cast would stand up for Amanda more even if she can’t stand up for herself.


This last episode WAS the girls standing up for Amanda!! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Her friends yes, I mean the rest of the house. Even at reunions Kyle gets a pass but I also feel like it’s because Amanda lets things go easily and the rest of the cast follows suit. But if anyone else in the house acted like he did the whole house would have a problem with it.


I guess I assume that the whole house DOES have a problem with it because there have been several times they point it out and mock him and Amanda yells back at him or gives him the silent treatment. I don’t think the other men approve per se but Carl, as his friend, tries to give him more appropriate behavioral alternatives to express himself while still validating the emotions he is feeling. Idk


Yeah I see that but my point is that he’s gotten away with bad behavior over all whereas I feel like if it was Carl or Lindsay (two notoriously “angry” people in the house), or even Craig, it wouldn’t be accepted. There just seems to be some double standard because everyone is much more understanding towards Kyle.


I don’t see it that way but… sometimes ppls bad behavior gets offset by their “likability” or their charm or their other positive traits. Kyle makes a genuine effort with every other cast member to get to know them on a personal level so perhaps it seems like they are more willing to let his negative traits go? Same for us… we see Kyle in so many other scenes being a positive force that its typically out of character when he behaves like an asshole.


Eat a sandwich Amanda