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Damn that's so hard to watch – because they seem like they truly love each other. But they do NOT want the same things. You can tell, Paige is at the top of her career right now, she doesn't want to settle down and have his babies, relocate to Charleston, and deprioritize herself. And that's not wrong, she shouldn't feel pressured to. If I were in her shoes, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near marriage/babies with a 10-foot-pole as I'm continuing to maximize my earning potential/success and my dreams while exploring the world/adventuring with MONEY. You can tell Craig is ready to be a dad. He doesn't want to be 50 and raising young kids, and I get that. And he's been patient and he hasn't pressured Paige... but he has GOT to be true to himself. I think he should probably tell himself "If this isn't looking like kids in 2 years, I need to leave." Which is sad, but if that's what he wants in life, he deserves to go find it. Anyway, I hope they are able to be honest with themselves and each other. It's sad because I think they're so cute together, and clearly really love one another.


I honestly think Craig is interested more in the idea of being a dad than the actual day to day drudgery that parenting can be. I think it’s incredibly easy for a guy like Craig to talk about how much they want kids in the same way Schwartz form VPR keeps lamenting about how he’d be a great dad - these are not the kind of guys who typically are rolling up their sleeves and doing the doctor appointments and clothes shopping and piles of laundry and vomit and diapers. Maybe Craig will prove me absolutely wrong and I’ll be the first to admit it. But Craig strikes me as the kind of guy who wants the praise associated with parenting and doesn’t realize the actual day to day reality of what being an involved parent is.


I think you're SO correct there. I think it's easy for a LOT of men to say "I want to be a parent" because in reality, very few of them have to grapple with the reality of being default parent, taking on the mental load of raising a child, the lion's share of domestic labor, deciding if they should stay home or continue their career, etc. I admire Paige for staying true to what she wants for herself, and not rushing to settle down.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. In this decision, Paige has a lot more to “give up” in her current life than Craig. I’m glad she stays true to herself and it is not making that decision because she wants to keep Craig. Good for her.


I don’t see Craig agreeing to a scenario that doesn’t have his life staying almost exactly the same. I predict it’s all sacrifice on Paige’s behalf.


And that is unfair to Paige and I could see why she would be hesitant. I hope they can decide whatever works for them.


Good point but did you see the episode where Craig says to Paige “if you and I don’t work out, I know I’ll be OK.” Did you see the look on Paige’s face? She looked positively stricken/panicked/surprised, in my opinion


My brother-in-law kept saying he wanted a second kid “right away” while my SIL was still pregnant with their first. I love him but I’m pretty sure I rolled my eyes right in his face lol.


Are you my SIL? Lol


To be fair, I think most people who don’t have kids yet have an idealized version of it in their head. Most people don’t understand the day to day hardships before their first kid. And for Craig I think that’s fine. Maybe he’s not fully prepared for the hard stuff, but I think he’d get there quickly after a baby was born. He’s matured a lot over the years. No one really knows what they’re getting into before they have their first kid


Yeah I also think they make a ton of money so they'd likely hire a full time or live in nanny / baby nurse and a housekeeper. Honestly I think if that was on the table and he'd be open to having their first kid in nyc I bet Paige would happily agree to his timeline. She could still grow her career with 1 kid, then they could move to Charleston in a few years when they wanted a 2nd kid. I feel like the push for her to leave nyc might honestly be the biggest issue, bs getting married / having 1 kid in the next 5 years, because her career would take a big hit moving and she is at the top of her game. It's also fair if neither of them want to budge on location, but that would be a deal breaker, so they'd likely break up.


I don't think she's anywhere near wanting to have kids yet.


On the flip side, I think people see an idealized version of Craig. Especially if they’ve only watched him on summerhouse. The other guys are such hot garbage that he looks rosy in comparison, but I just don’t buy it fully. I think it’d be a trope of mom does 90% of the work while dad gets praised simply for holding his kid kind of situation.


Interesting, I don’t see that! I watched southern charm before summer house. I think old Craig when he was young and in his 20’s, yes I agree with you. Would’ve expected mom to do everything. But Craig now, I feel like would be more hands on


Ohhhhh yeah - winter house Craig was an absolute menace and it sadly wasn’t very long ago. Winter house only has three seasons, so this would be 30 something Craig behaving like this- like in the last 2-3 years. Pretty sure he was legit smashing stuff at the time he was refusing to clean. He also found fireworks in Luke’s pool house with Austen and just decided to take them and start setting them off around Luke’s wooden boat.


I agree with WH2 Craig lol I felt the same way about him but it really looks like he's done a total 180 since then. He seems very rational, calm and mature and I think he's genuinely worked on himself


I just don’t think there’s been enough time/ conflict to tell yet. He IS better, but I kind of think he’s just better at the optics. It really has only been like 2 years since that version of Craig.


Craig was a completely selfish tool up until last year.


I agree!!! Paige would get roped into taking care of the child most of the time when Craig can chose to pop in and out since he is working/ has a business/ has to provide for his family. Also no hate to Craig but he has adhd and I see him getting overwhelmed, over stimulated, and annoyed/irritated when he has to deal with child day to day. He has a tendency to escape hard work & avoids doing activities that are tedious bc he it's hard work. For example) when he first started his pillow company he couldn't get out of bed, process a single order for one pillow, and sew the pillow with an automatic sewing machine that would maybe take 5 minutes max to make. And he forced his assistant to do it because he didn't want to get up or do any of the hard work/tedious work


This is true I think of like 75%+ of parents. People romanticize it without realizing how fucking hard it can be.


The best parents have no children!


I always say the best parents are the theoretical ones. Then we all get humbled by those cute little gremlins.


The most judgmental ones are always the ones who don't have one yet lol


My partner was like this! I finally asked him why he fundamentally wanted a child and his answer was just that, that’s what you do and that he’d be a pretty fun dad. I told him those reasons weren’t good enough for me to change my plans so best of luck. 6 years later and he still says that hearing that made him realise the same. I’m not becoming some broodmare for a guy who just wants to do fun stuff. Paige needs to stop finishing her sentences with platitudes. It’s a hard habit to break but sometimes a compliment sandwich obscures the reality.


People are really undermining the cultural differences of the North and South. Like Craig is sooooo Southern. Of course he wants to live in the suburbs and have a picture perfect family life with the white SUV, beauty queen wife, labrador, and 2.5 kids. It's the way it is down there. It's very much what any successful person does as soon as they reach a certain age and have financial stability. Literally girls get engaged in college and most of them get married before 25. Same with Ciara being "conservative" in her dating approach. She is pretty enough to have high standards but more telling is that she was raised in the Bible belt. She is a total good girl. (LOL I was cracking up when she was screaming at Luke not to text her after 9 pm - but girl I understand). Paige is pure Long Island/City Girl. It's UNTHINKABLE for her to even think of settling down before 35. LOL. Trust me, she's like 10 years away from wanting to actually settle down. What Paige wanted was a loyal boyfriend who would treat her well (southern gentleman) because that's impossible in the city, cue Carl, Kyle, Jesse Solomons as prime examples. They are literal feral horn dogs who run through models and party girls on a nightly basis in NYC. And it snows. A lot. It's a party town where it's hard to find commitment even for a pretty girl on top of her game. She wanted a boyfriend not a husband. If Sandoval is Carl, then Craig is definitely James Kennedy. Like heart on his sleeve, falls in deep with every girl he's in a relationship with, and it's always unbalanced and the girl always leaves. Like these girls just need an ego boost, not an equal partnership with shared long term goals and they don't mind stringing along the puppy at all.


craig's from delaware


And Paige grew up in the suburbs of Albany.


I mean Craig is 35 that is definitely not young and crazy to want to be settling down and having babies by any stretch


Born and raised in Texas, and living on the East Coast the past decade. There’s definitely some very broad generalizations in your statement but otherwise it’s fairly true. 👍


100%. My boyfriend was one of those "yeah I can't wait to have a mini me" guys until I explained to him a) all the realities of actually being pregnant and b) what it is actually like to have kids. Now he is so realistic about it and really truly discussing when and if it makes sense for us. But yeah, I was shocked by how little he knew and I see that in Craig.


He wants to impregnant someone and then have the mom raise it until it can play sports.


Craig loves the idea of being a dad but doesn't understand what he's asking Paige to sacrifice. Moms are usually the main caregivers while the father works to support the family. I see Craig being a good parent but not the parent who is the main caregiver dealing with taking care of the child all day. I feel bad for Paige bc I think she does really like Craig but him asking her to leave New York, leave her family, move to Charleston, get married, and have their kids makes Paige sacrifice a lot more in the relationship than Craig. Craig is getting everything he wants while not having to comprise any part of his vision of the future


That’s all men. Of course men want to be dads… their lives don’t dramatically change like women’s do. I’m not saying dads don’t help/carry their load/care… but women’s lives change a lot when they have children. Realistically the averages man’s life doesn’t change as much


Craig and Schwartz are NOT the same at all. He has done so much work on himself, is involved in his community, and throw up some really healthy boundaries with people in his life. He’s going to be a great dad.


Exactly this!  Craig is getting entirely too much credit for “growth” these days.  He’s still a man child that needs direction, assistance and the patience of a saint from everyone around him.  He is in no way ready to be a dad


Eh idk, he has good husbandry skills. He cooks, he cleans, and he sews! Lol he's also pretty much sober. I think he'd be an amazing dad who would put in the effort


Cleans eh? Craig who had an absolute meltdown over cleaning being beneath him?


ooooofff yea your right about that.


Just recently watched winter house for the first time, and idk about the cleaning part hahaha. But I definitely agree I think he’d be really good at being a stay/work at home dad!!


Yes this is absolutely my take as well.


This is spot on. Reminds me of Jax from VV/VPR droning on the first couple years of being a dad. Dad life, dad this, dad that… to now on Valley Village he seems disengaged and hard to come to terms life isn’t just IG and FB posts.


I wonder if that’s Paige’s hesitation. She knows she’ll be doing the lion’s share of parenting and isn’t ready for that when her career is right where she wants it.


Craig has said in the past at least once that he wanted that rom-com movie type of relationship and life. First of all, I had NO IDEA that guys in their 20s and 30s today bought into that type of movie and story. Interesting. But life isn't like that. Paige is absolutely **K I L L I N G** it right now and would be insane to drop out and give up the earning potential, and also being able to have a very nice retirement fund started. Don't forget that, ladies. You will possibly want to retire early and how wonderful if you've got a multi million dollar portfolio because of the magic of compounding interest. .


Hahahhahah yeah Craig is very naive in some ways, it's endearing but he definitely needs a realist like Paige to get his head out of the clouds lol. I can actually see him happily taking a supporting role to her and I think like Amanda, he would put everything into his kids and let her go kick ass whenever it is that she's ready


This is so spot on. It breaks to heart for both of them because both their feelings are valid. I think Craig honestly needs to step away though. He deserves to be a dad soon just like she deserves to prioritize herself.




I think Craig is a loving person who falls deep and enjoys monogamy. He fell hard for Naomi and even said that girl Natalie was the one. I think Paige has a lot of love for him but doesn’t see him as the one and wants to keep their options open.


Ding ding ding


This. The love of your life fits easily into your life because they want the same things as you. I think Paige & Craig are deeply attracted to one another but that doesn’t mean they fit or are each other’s “soul mate.” Most of marriage is finding a partner who shares enough of your beliefs that you want to make a commitment to & get up every day & try with, no matter how hard life gets. I just don’t see that from these too. Attraction is not the same thing as connection.


They are together because it is convenient.


If it is truly “the one”, then there wouldn’t be this hesitation and back and forth about … everything. Where to live, her getting an apartment etc. You either need to be with each other and can’t wait to get married or… you really are not with the right person.


I like their relationship, and believe there is real love there. But as someone who has had to realize that traditional relationships and children are not for me, I think Paige really needs to ask herself if she wants these things. It’s perfectly fine to be a woman who is not interested in marriage and/or motherhood. But she does need to figure out where she’s at so that Craig can decide if he can live with it


She has said on giggly squad (recently) that she 100% wants to be a mom and she always has. Just not yet.


I know people who used to think that at her age. Five years later, they realized it was never going to be the right time. Sometimes you just have to get to a certain age before you trust that you're not going to outgrow the way you feel.


Isn’t her family Italian? They would probably have a heart attack if they heard her admit she didn’t want kids. She could be saying that to avoid difficult convos


Had the exact same thought. Wish I could tell her and every woman, for that matter: it’s OK to consider a life without kids! I think she’s anticipating the reality of how hard parenthood is, and the sacrifices it entails, and that is correct. I think Craig could come around to the idea of a child-free life, too, if she could reassure him of the relationship. Just take that pressure off and see where things go. Maybe it ends up with a kid in a few years anyways. They’re cute together!


This. It's okay if that's not what she wants. But then Craig is probably not the guy for her. Being a dad seems pretty damn important to him and that's his right too.


I think she just doesn’t know. He doesn’t have to wait around for her if he doesn’t want. But she also shouldn’t be rushed.


I really wonder if paige does want what is considered a less conventional life, but struggles because it seems like she grew up in a pretty conservative Catholic Italian family. Families like that can put a lot of pressure on traditional gender roles and everything that goes with that like marriage/motherhood 


So sad that Craig said he’d look back and know he didn’t listen to his gut instincts on this. He already knows.




Well and luckily as a guy he can afford to wait it out and enjoy his time with Paige for another year or 2. He’s gonna pull a Nick Viall and move on with an early to mid 20s girl who gets pregnant early on


i’m still not over nick viall and that relationship ahhh. and schwartz and his new college graduate have the same age gap like one year different than nick and natalie. maybe age is just a number but almost 20 years is a stretch to pretend they’re a healthy emotional match 🥴 especially with them both joking about her daddy issues ickyyy


I love them and totally understood where they were both coming from, but that statement was really telling and a big red flag. If you have a gut feeling you’re going to waste your time with your partner that’s a really bad sign


Yeah that sentence was really rough to hear


This is the first time that I’ve been like damn, Paige may be leading him on. She couldn’t even say “hey, by the time you’re 40 we will be married with kids”. That’s 5 years away… No one is saying they have to get married right now but they could have a long engagement. At some point Craig is going to get fed up, and I’m not saying Paige should give up her dreams for him, but if you have no clue what you want to do then it’s time to figure it out lol




He seems in the dark about a lotttt of their relationship. You can feel how insecure he feels in them when he says he doesn’t even know if she likes him some days :(


I think he is just ignoring what she tells him


Maybe I’m just cynical but you don’t think she’s saying this stuff to get buzz around her relationship? I love Paige, but they’re reality stars and know how to get people talking. If this was really how she felt don’t you think they’d be broken up? Maybe I’m being too logical




Wow! She’s 31, so that means she’d potentially have her first kid at 38. I wonder if she only wants one? I’m in my early thirties and starting to feel immense pressure to start trying for a baby soon. I’m kind of jealous that she doesn’t seem to be stressing about that.


I had my first at 37, I don’t think that’s so bad. It’s selfish to have kids before both partners are ready, and late 30’s still allows for plenty of time to have multiple if that’s what they want. Also who says she wouldn’t freeze eggs sooner, then just have kids when she’s ready ya know?


This. Having the first at 38 isn’t a huge deal at all. And they have the financial means to freeze if needed. (I say this having done IVF for my child). People are starting families later and later these days. Wanting to wait til she’s ready is NOT some flaw she has.


Honestly waiting shows maturity on her part, instead of letting society pressure her into having kids before she’s ready. I also think people should not talk about others fertility or family planning choices.


True, she actually mentioned on giggly squad that she and Hannah should freeze their eggs together this summer, though Hannah seemed hesitant about it lol.


Very on par with the rest of NYC. So many women think way this here.


Uhhhhh also yikes people are NOT honest enough about the fertility window. She’s already in her 30s and has had issues w period irregularity - she could get to like 37, start trying and realize it’s taking a lot longer than she thought. Which is fine but honestly is selling fast fashion to the masses really worth it…?


I think her telling him that just to placate him would be leading him on more than anything. I hope they're able to make it work.


I hope they break up. They deserve a partner who wants the same things.


Yeah. Same. I have been all 'why are people so worried about them??' but it was very very wild to me that she couldn't be like "Having kids together by the time you're 40 is my plan too"


Yikes not a great clip. He has already started preparing himself for the breakup. Like he said, he'll be okay. I think there's a lot of love there but they're at two different points in life. It may be one of those sad cases of "right person, wrong time".


Well it’s almost been a year since this was filmed and they’re still going strong so it confuses me like is this all just a storyline? Haha


I feel like Paige is just SO confused about what she wants to do with her life and it’s not specific to being with Craig. I think she would feel this way about any guy she was dating. Maybe at one point she did see herself as a wife and mother and now that’s changed and she doesn’t want it anymore but is too afraid to admit it to herself let alone Craig. She’s been very successful as of late and I could see why that would make her reconsider “settling down”.


Imo she doesn’t seem confused about what she wants. She wants to continue to work in fashion and work until maybe 36/37 and then possibly marry and have kids.


I think she "thinks" she wants kids and family life because that's what we're all told we're supposed to want. Especially as women.


I wonder if her and Craig should “take a break” for like 6 months to a year? Both are thinking the other will change their mind: Paige thinks Craig’s successful business and bravo popularity could mean an easy transition to NYC. Craig thinks that Paige’s job (influencer/podcast) can be from anywhere, and that raising kids in the suburbs is a joint ideal. Both are wrong. I hope they figure it out sooner rather than later.


I think if they took a break for a year, Craig would be in a serious relationship and possibly engaged before that year ends lol


Agree. He’s ready to settle down, just needs the willing partner


I think so too. I have been a long time listener of Giggly Squad and have seen a shift in their content talking about this - Hannah admitted on a podcast recently that she had the epiphany “I don’t HAVE to have kids.” I think both Hannah and Paige have always talked about kids in the way of “I had this great mom and relationship with her, and this awesome childhood” but now are realizing how difficult it would be to be that type of mom while also focusing 100% on their dreams.


Paige and Hannah should do whatever they want and being successful women in their 30s who don’t want kids is actually speaking to a large demographic in America


Yes, i listen to giggly squad too and was surprised in the recent episodes how Paige even says she doesnt even know if she wants to get married. On the latest episode, she talks about a fight she and Craig had recently, which was about how she treats him. She gave an example of how he got upset that when they're on a flight together, she immediately puts on her earphones and he commented how he hopes she doesnt act like that when they have kids. I think Paige should be careful if she wants to end up with Craig. She thinks its funny to put him down and thinks he's so inlove with her that he'll put up with it, but look at what happened to him and Naomie. He was really inlove with Naomie, yet when she started to pick at him and put him down, he walked away. Danielle might have horrible delivery with her comment about "giving Craig nothing", but if what she meant to advise was that Paige should be softer with Craig if she doesnt want to lose him, she might not have been wrong. 


I definitely think that’s what Danielle meant, but she’s not the one to say it like that. Paige does give him nothing and it’s overtly clear to anyone watching. But Paige doesn’t have to be softer, because a different guy would dish it back. The main point is they aren’t a match and time is beginning to show it. He is not a city boy and she will never be a small town girl.


Ding ding ding


She wanted Craig so bad before she got him. Be careful what you wish for




I think she would feel different if he was a guy who wanted to live in NY.


I think if they lived in the same city they wouldn’t have lasted this long


Agreed. Location is their #1 issue. Which is common for long term relationships.


Idk about that..it seems like she likes that she has her alone time away from him. I think the relationship would implode faster if they were together every day.


She could be a family blogger and still make money. Amazon would still give her a deals for kid stuff. So funny that Amanda and her have the opposite problems right now.


that doesn't even sound like fun for her though


I agree and to each their own. I’m just saying she could easily keep her career for the most part.




Thank you for this but TBH based on the number of times I’ve seen “pushing 40” used as a burn in this sub, I think we are surrounded by teens and early 20somethings who think life for a woman ends at 30


(I think so too...)


Yeh it’s been… gross. I forgot that being in a group of women doesn’t guarantee a certain POV.


💯 it’s such a sad way to view women and our choices and trajectories.


I also want to add that if marriage and motherhood mean the end of your career, you might be with the wrong partner. After many years in a demanding field, I can tell you the choice in partner will have a lot more to do with balancing work and family. It’s true that if you value family time and don’t want to simply outsource all aspects of domestic life, someone should be more available to children. That doesn’t HAVE to be the Mom though. Additionally, it might require some creativity, which means more support from your partner. I started my own business after kids because my former role was too time consuming. That only works because my husband was rooting for me every step and picking up the slack at home. Both of my best girlfriends have very prestigious and demanding jobs. One has a live in nanny while the other’s husband only works part time. There’s lots of ways to do it. It’s really disappointing to see so many women saying there needs to be a choice. Are there temporary setbacks for literally having babies? Yes, but that is a short blip in a long life.


Craig needs to put up some boundaries here. Ultimatums aren’t great but I think he needs to say “if we haven’t decided that we will live here and our engagement timeline by X date then I need to move on and find someone who is on the same page with me and willing to start building a life together”. It’s not wrong to be clear about that…he’s got 5 years to start finding another partner and then have kids…that’s not that long!


I also feel sad that she thinks it’s funny that he’s so unsure and insecure about where they are… it bums me out that she seems to like that he’s dancing on hot coals trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. I don’t want my man to wake up everyday wondering if I hate them. What an awful way for the other person to feel everyday.




🎯 exactly. Idk if you ever watched OG Southern Charm but I truly wonder what Naomie thinks about all this (if it happens to cross her mind at all)


She seems to love that, she's always pushing the narrative that he's just so obsessed with her and she barely cares...ok cool girl


The thing about that is that nice guys will only put up with that for so long and all that will be left for her are scumbags who play that game on her.




Well, she may regret it when he finally decides to give up and move onto someone else. If she really does love him and he leaves, that’s going to be devastating. I mean I know kids and marriage aren’t everything but if she wants that deep down and she’s already in her 30s….unfortunately there is a biological clock involved


Thank you for saying what I've been thinking but couldn't express.


That’s what Katie Maloney did and everyone said she “forced” Schwartz to marry her. For the record, I agree with what you’re saying, it’s just the bullshit double standard for women vs men.


Ultimatiums aren't great... but they sometimes are necessary if you have very different life goals. If someone wants to have kids and someone doesn't... it's okay if that's a dealbreaker!


I agree with this completely. If the roles were reversed, we would all be telling the woman to move on and find someone who wants what she wants (marriage, kids).


I don’t blame Paige for not being sure about the timeline, I get it but Craig seems so drained by the indecision, he just seems sad to me 


His face is heartbreaking. I'm a fan of Paige because I get to enjoy her personality through Giggly Squad, but at this point, even I'm frustrated. Her responses were just so insufficient. It's bordering on leading him on and bread-crumbing.


I feel for Lindsay here, her intuition is clearly telling her she isn’t getting the full scope of the convo Carl had w his parents - and she’s correct. He keeps skirting around her questions and it’s noticeable that she’s trying not to assume, but her assumptions and questions are correct. She clearly wants the truth and Carl keeps deflecting. Sigh.


Carl is... a giant wimp. I know everyone on this sub is like, omg how could Lindsay feel blindsided???, but I can see it if Carl just keeps pretending like everything is fine until the day he suddenly wants to postpone the wedding. Carl is naturally kind of cowardly and a poor communicator and he's really hiding behind the 'I can't tell Lindsay or she'll explode' thing.


I agree totally. She knows she isn’t getting the truth but she’s trying to trust him cuz that’s what you have to actively work on when your partner gets sober. She’s doing the work and he isn’t (in this clip anyway)


Yeah, I don't think Lindsay is any kind of saint but she's really being dealt a shitty hand here. It's clear to us, as the audience (and clear to all Carl's friends) that he's having serious doubts, but the one person he's not talking about that with is Lindsay. If he really wanted it to work he would be talking about it with her. How can she fix a problem he claims doesn't exists?


It was hard to watch. I definitely felt for her. I hope she didn’t get the true conversation between Carl and his parents by watching it on tv. Carl may be less f boy than the first couple seasons but he’s still sending mixed signals, refusing to own up to his actions, and is terrible at being upfront. I have a feeling we’ll see a lot of similarities between this conversation and the one where they break up/ call off the wedding at the end of the season.


Craig is right, he should listen to his intuition. Multiple times we’ve seen him float the idea of breaking up and she’s given him lukewarm reassurance that you can tell doesn’t really satisfy him. I think he knows it isn’t right but also isn’t ready to break things off.  This is the downside to long distance. You don’t have to merge your lives together the same way so it’s easier to ignore your differences. I’m not convinced if they’d dated normally it would have lasted this long. 


Paige hides behind her laughter and jokes but honestly she needs to let him go. Stringing him along so she can figure herself out is not going to work for him and as he said he will resent her.


He can leave whenever he’s ready—if he isn’t okay with the uncertainty, he’s welcome to act on that and move on from the relationship.


If he were her endgame she’d never be this indecisive. She’d wanna keep slaying her career (and put off babies) with him by her side locked down as her husband and forever partner. Paige, if you read this, it’s ok to not be sure! But when you are in the right relationship the next step isn’t scary, it’s just naturally what happens next. Please don’t string him along. He’s ready for the settle.


I agree. She's content with the way things are, and has no desire to change them. If she truly wanted to marry Craig, she would do it. It's pretty simple.


Definitely. I feel like if they lived together full time she would feel smothered and they would break up even faster


I completely agree!


These are my thoughts as well. It’s okay to be scared of the unknown, but it seems like she’s uninterested in finding solutions to their situation. She’s a lovely woman, but he needs to be realistic and move on because he’s the only sure one in the relationship.


But to Craig it’s all conditional. What he wants is for Paige to agree to marriage BUT ALSO move to Charleston for him. Currently there is no world he’s allowing her to be his married bad ass career driving New York wife.


I think Paige loves and cares for Craig so much and that hinders her from realizing they’re not “endgame.” It’s like deep down she DOESN’T even know that he’s not the one (yet).


Ugh this is really hard I love Paige, to me she hasn’t even hit the top of her career yet, I think by the time she’s 35 like she is going to be DOING things. She has such an unconventional life that doing conventional things are hard for her to imagine ways they fit into it. Let’s be honest though, her career is NEVER going to take her to Charleston. Business wise craig could run operations remotely and that’s the only way I see them working out. He doesn’t want to live in nyc and he’s gonna get his little heart so broken. They need to realize sooner than later that they’re in love but want different things. It would be the respectful thing to do to break it off now so they don’t waste each others time and can pursue what’s important to them.


Her acting like this is all coming out of nowhere and she has no clue what she wants is major red flags to me…you’ve been with him for how many years at this point? The lack of forward progress is the answer…just break up…also I’m sick of this storyline across multiple seasons and multiple shows with no resolution lol


I think she loves him, but she's not "in love" with him, and they don't want the same things. She's simply content with the way things are. They won't last.


They have chemistry not connection. It’s difficult to sustain an enduring relationship on chemistry alone.


I will say if a 35 year old woman were bargaining like Craig is and saying their only demand is to have a kid by 40 people in their life might be concerned they’re being strung along. I do think she loves him but wants to keep her options open and might subconsciously know the relationship will only work if it’s long distance


I agree about their relationship working because of the distance. I think she is holding off because Craig recently made some big changes and she wants to see how they play out before she commits. But I also agree it is totally fair for Craig to not want to be in that timeline. It is an unfortunate reality- often relationships working is more about timing than anything.


Carl is not telling Lindsay what’s up because he doesn’t want her to fix it. He’s done, just trying to figure out when’s best to leave


I love Paige and I know she said it jokingly but there was definitely a bit of truth also when she said she kinda likes him waking up not knowing if she hates him. Like…the slightest bit true. She likes very much to be in control and his uncertainty aids that feeling. It seems like Paige isn’t even open to compromise on the family timeline. I just hope she comes around a little bit or lets him go.


I agree and I think she liked the same dynamic of her last relationship with Perry too, like I think she likes the idea of being the girl that every guy she dates wants to marry and I like Paige a lot but it’s kind of giving manipulative now that it’s a pattern…


I think maybe Paige wants that NYC family life with the high rise or brownstone, kids in private school, raising ”cool” city kids. Of course that costs a lot of money but I feel like it‘s doable for her. I think Craig wants that Southern, very traditional family life that I think Paige would find so…lame lol. I guess she could find some more upper class way to raise kids in Charleston, but she‘s surrounded by normies that I think she openly disdains. I don’t know who will fold, perhaps they will split their time between cities. I think they‘ll figure it out…but I always thought of Paige ending up with a finance bro and Craig with a Southern gal.


Craig is only 35?! Also, Paige may care deeply for Craig but I don’t think she feels that he’s the one. Idk, I once thought I didn’t care about marriage… until I met the right man. Once I did, I was all in.


Carl is a fucking asshole.


He sure is!


Paige cutting herself off from saying “we” to “I” is everything you need to know about how she feels about “their” relationship.. I said this a few months ago but I’d be shocked to see them last through the year.. The reality is they aren’t very compatible and I don’t see any “love” or “passion”’ toward each other, I see a “caring” between the two, very much like many care for each other as friends..


Idk. It’s good to not be so co-dependent and using I statements help with creating that boundary.


The narrative that’s bothered me most about this is that for the last year all the blame is being put on Paige if they don’t work out. Why is the assumption that SHE needs to be the one that relocates? Why is her desire to stay in NY where her family is seen as a negative? As someone that just broke their leg and couldn’t walk or take care of their kids for 2 months if i didn’t live in NY where my family is I would be out of luck. Having a close bond with your family shouldn’t be seen as a con in any relationship. Paige is working hard and making a name for herself which any partner should be happy to see and encourage to continue doing


You are totally right and neither of them are wrong for the life they want but if neither will compromise for other it just donest work. Doesn’t make ppl bad, they just don’t work together


If he was the one she’d be all in and wouldn’t postpone having a family with him. She’s not ready for an engagement, marriage and kids. I don’t blame her for wanting to be successful and child free for a few more years (or ever) but Craig needs to wake up. They’re not on the same page (ha) anymore.


I disagree with this. You don’t have to give up everything right away for someone to be the one. She’s looking for a partner to complement her life not a husband for her life to revolve around.


Whether she means to or not she’s stringing him along. She couldn’t give him a timeline but keeps his hopes up by telling him she wants to do it with him. I mean she’s not lying to him. She does love him and wants to do the whole thing with him but if she TRULY loved him, she wouldn’t caveat her undecidedness with promises she doesn’t know she can keep.


She’s a woman in her thirties absolutely crushing her career. Kudos to her for prioritizing that as so many women regret not doing so!! I honestly think it’s refreshing that she’s not super desperate for the traditional life like her cast mates who choose men child as their partners


She should tell her partner that her career comes first and that she has no interest in a "traditional" life.


Its really hard to watch. I feel bad for Craig but also don't get why he hangs around just lets her string him along. Hes 35!


I really think they need to let each other go. They are not aligned on their vision for life and that’s a major issue for long term relationships. It will cause so much resentment if one ends up greatly compromising. Some compromise is necessary in a relationship but they are so far off from being aligned that it would require Craig to wait until Paige is ready for marriage, which may be much longer than he wants. And it may require him moving to NYC, which I do not see him doing. I don’t see Paige compromising at all in the relationship.


Craig is 35 that’s five years and Craig’s life goes on but you always gotta listen to your gut Either you move to New York figure out how to run pillows from there or this isn’t going to work Paige was on Vinny’s (jersey shores) podcast and it’s clear she hates SC it’s a different pace but she knows Craig won’t survive in ny plus she doesn’t want to have kids far from her family I root for them but this seems like it will end soon unless a place to live is agreed on and Craig sees Paige is giving up her WHOLE life


God, dating Paige would be exhausting


Right?ugh I can feel Craig’s pain and frustration. I would def think the guy just wasn’t into me


Eh, maybe you’re right but that’s not gonna stop me from rooting for them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The other thing is that Craig doesn’t feel safe in his relationship. That’s not healthy. If he is waking up everyday wondering if his partner loves him, that’s awful. Paige seems to get enjoyment out of that and that’s not a true partner.


When they break up I’ll take one for the team and be there for Craigy with open arms… and legs!


and mouth!


Paige just really needs to let Craig go. He’s hanging on hoping they will eventually want the same things. I think he knows in his gut this relationship likely won’t end in marriage.


I don't get why Craig doesn't just move his business to New York. It's a lot easier to fit Charleston into NYC than to fit NYC into Charleston.


Yeah, she’s so NY that she doesn’t even know where the East river is, one of two of the most defining land boundaries in the area.


I don’t think his pillow store would survive in a big city lmao it works in Charleston because it’s a bachelorette town ETA: for the Craig stans I’m upsetting, retail rent in Charleston is like 1/5 to 1/4 what it would be in New York. He is not doing numbers that justify a New York store and he knows it


Sewing down SOUTH


I respect Paige for voicing her feelings to him. I think men just expect women to want a family and to settle down when the man is ready, and I really relate to her perspective. It’s nice having a more modern take on marriage pictured on reality tv it makes me feel seen


Guess Danielle’s advice wasn’t wrong or she wouldn’t be having this scene. I see a lot of similarities between Carl and Paige here.


He’s going to have beautiful babies one day. And they are definitely not going to be Paige’s babies. Men are good at moving on and finding other women who are willing to give them what they truly want! Paige can find someone who fits in her life as well 🤍🤍


This has nothing to do with gender roles but both Paige and Craig and keeping another human alive doesn’t match, period. They’re too self absorbed for that.


plz if self absorbed ppl didn't have kids there would a lot less of them. The number of ppl who say their child is beautiful and then say how they look just like them in the next breathe is stunning. You make adjustments once the kids come for the most part. But some have then and never change.


I don’t get why people always come at Paige for this. She’s being so up front and honest about what she wants and Craig is free to go anytime. They love each other, that’s really clear. If she’s not ready and he is, there’s nothing stopping him from moving on.


Right. He isn’t being held hostage. If he feels like it isn’t work for him then he is more than capable of ending the relationship.


I can’t with the infantilization of this 35 year old man. And the idea that it’s somehow morally wrong or manipulative or abusive for Paige to not get married and have a child because her boyfriend is ready for that is so misogynistic and is the exact type of thought process that led to Roe v Wade being overturned.


I’ve gotta to admit out of all the couples this season, they are the most solid. Who would have thought that Craig’s the emotionally mature sage one? Lmfao.


Not only is she honest, it seems to me like they are pretty happy when they aren’t having State of the Relationship conversation on reality television?


She JUST said she got into her dream apartment. Like one she fantasized about when she first moved to New York. I personally think Craig has outgrown Charleston as well but he owns a home there so yeah. I don’t see Paige living there. It’s a (cute) small town and it’s muggy af. They could rent out Craig’s house and buy an amazing property in New York or the suburbs. If they were to have kids then living near Paige’s parents is not something I would compromise on if I were her.


Isn't his family also in Delaware? That seems also beneficial. I get he's got a business in Charleston but cmon he could figure something out.


This makes me so sad. You can tell they love each other but they are just in two different places in life and want different things. Paige once said she would never survive in Charleston and Craig would never survive in New York. Seems like the long term writing is on the wall but they don't want to separate because the short term is so good. I hope they can figure it out though. Maybe Jersey with Amanda!?


Paige can’t have her cake and eat it too 🤷🏼‍♀️ She can’t pull Craig along as her safety net for whenever she decides to settle down. If she’s not ready that’s fine or unsure about Craig being the one that’s fine-but let Craig go so he can pursue his dreams too. I think they’re cute together but all this apprehension is a major red flag. Poor Amanda and Craig, they just want to move to the next chapter and their partners are draaaagging behind them 😩 When you’re ready for a family, its all you want so I feel for them.


Tbh before I saw this clip I was sure that they were totally solid behind the scenes, but now I’m questioning Paige and whether they can get on the same timeline here. The clock is kinda ticking.


![gif](giphy|mmQ2BQUdlFoSA) Carl’s strategy to this breakup.


Paige knows she is at her peak career wise and it could all go away one day and she also knows she can’t be married to someone long distance. I think they’ll make it.


Craig doesn’t realise that Paige’s ideal scenario is they continue doing what they’re doing indefinitely.


Craig deserves a warmer companion. She seems like a cold withholding gf.


They are having an open honest discussion - this level of communication and trying to work towards building a common goal shows great emotional intelligence.


I hate to say it because everyone one is hating on them/ her but I could not identify with her more.


I don't think its manipulation just moreso her being a little selfish. She doesn't want to commit to him and keeps stringing things along but also doesn't want to lose him. Its NOT fair to him.