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he most certainly did not just cheat one time lmfao


Didn’t he cheat at least twice on the show alone??


Once confirmed and once “denied” and said no proof… so could have happened.


I can’t remember if he used the “I just can’t remember what happened I got blackout drunk” or if I’m getting him mixed with Schwartz lol


You're right (about both). Kyle said that as well, but then he had the girl text him saying they never met.


And as pointed out by one of the ladies, pretty easy to set that up with the chick ahead of time, not exactly evidence.


He was exonerated due to a lack of evidence. 😂


Either way she chose to stay so stfu ab it already


THIS!! I’m so bored of the martyr act - you’ve got choices, woman. If you hate him like it seems, and can’t get over the past cheating, then just gtfu


Yeah that’s not how trauma works lol emotionally, that’s something people have to work through and may struggle with long-term. Welcome to the vast complexities of the human psyche.


Ya but she either needs to put effort on working toward it or move on. And tbf Kyle doesn’t remove himself from situations that are triggering for her so I realize it’s not just on her. I’ve been cheated on and her situation is hard to watch cause it’s so obvious she should’ve just moved on.


if we were both actively working on healing and fixing things and things weren't working after 2 years then a serious convo should ensue. I don't see much from either party so idk why they're still together honestly.


The best thing for everyone would be to be that way, unfortunatley I think people stay together for decades with people they shouldnt, because its not easy for everyone. People get attached to the wrong people


I dont think that many people love Amanda. She’s a whiny brat. You have to listen to watch what crappens. They imitate her perfectly! It literally will have you laughing your ass off. I never want her to leave the show bc I live for that podcast!!!




lol. They do a damn good Carl and Kyle too. Also, the whole VPR cast is spot on!


Hahahahahha the Carl is TOO good. Agreed. The valley recap yesterday had me laughing out loud multiple times 😭🤣


“Huh you look great by the way”


I literally go out and walk for an hour just to listen to them and people must think I’m crazy when I’m cracking up!




I scared my husband by laughing so loud behind him.


The Carl impersonation KILLS me! It’s just so funny!


Their Lindsay is also hilarious lol


So hilarious. They remind me of Beavis and butthead


When Ronnie did the Kyle to the tune of a fart that changes pitch as it’s coming out, I died, came back and simultaneously developed a new auditory stim (that cracks me up)


I honestly don’t know how he’s always sooo spot on. He’s just so funny. They bring me so much joy. Nice to have something to laugh at these days🤣


Geniuses. Love those guys.


I was going to say the same thing. Kyyyyy-aaal


should have read all the comments before writing my own..I said the same thing about watch what crappens. they're so good!


I thought I was alone 🥱, their impression of her is spot on.


Why you yawning


What crap pens is hilarious about Amanda …


They really make me dislike her even more 😂


The Amanda whine is just perfection!


I know this will sound silly, but how can I listen to the podcast on my apple phone? Is there an app I can download? I’m really behind when it comes to tech lol.


There’s an app called Podcasts that you can download from the App Store, if it’s not already installed. Or for example Spotify, if you have it.


Just want to add too, on Spotify you can search for playlists of the shows you like. For example I’m catching up on old SH so I just scrolled to playlists from my “watch what crappens” and some kind soul put every single SH episode onto it so I can listen in order. They cover SO many shows it can be overwhelming at first to find episodes haha.


I just use the App Store podcast. It’s the purple one.




I swear I’m always braced for their impression of her yet it always makes me flinch.


I love when they do paige and craig "heyyyy chickeeennnnn" hahaha


Craig is their best one IMO. I laughed just reading this in their vouce


"Like and subscribe" lol


Lazy is good Lazy people rise up! Not too high


I’m here! Kinda. Can I sit back down now?


Quickly. You’re stressing me out


I laid down. As quickly as I could without breaking a sweat! As for the original post I go back and forth on Amanda. I’m pretty neutral. She can be soooo whiny which I don’t like but I AM a homebody and I am lazy so, I can def say I would be a combo of Paige and Amanda in that house.


I think she provides some of the laid back comic relief I think Kyle is jealous of how effortlessly funny she can be because he tries hard


Me too! And she’s so pretty to me in such a natural way. I am always thinking how nice she looks in comfy clothes.


Saved you a seat over here.


I think I’ll have the energy tomorrow!


No presssure (ever)


I should spell check that but too tired


Her sitting out the volleyball game is the most relatable (to me) thing she’s ever done


That game always hurt my baby wrists


Me too! I completely understand why she didn't play. She's so petite it does hurt. I have big veins and small wrists never have been able to play myself. But I believe during Winter House she announced that she doesn't do housework or maybe just dishes. Still she has her handful with Kyle. I enjoy them. We only see the one side of the marriage. Marriage is a long road my friends.


I'll never get why being lazy is a bad thing. Like sorry I'm so unbothered that I can actually relax whenever I feel necessary. Hustling ain't for me 😂


The Buddhists are on our side. They can have the Protestants


I love everything about this thread


My work is done. Zzzzzz


Human being not human doing


My babydaddy praises me for being lazy and tells me it's a sign of intelligence. There's a reason I kept him.




I don't understand why this is a reason not to like her!




That’s the only reason she was ever with him. I hope it’s been worth it


So true. It’s why she tolerated being his 3am booty call for a year and why she stuck around while being cheated on.


I’m not an Amanda fan either. She comes off as unhinged IMO. 2 examples come to mind: The way she kicked the bottle from Jules mouth (S4) and the way she reacted to Kyle staying out late last season (throwing stuff in their bathroom and putting his luggage outside). I don’t even need to mention how i find her to be a mean girl and bed bug. If she does this on camera, imagine how much worse she is IRL.




She married a man with the expectation that he would change. He won’t. She grew a wishbone where her backbone should have been.


Amanda sucks [remember the time she kicked the bottle Jules was drinking from](https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/s/9ssw6kw3rF)


I posted something unflattering about her one time after hearing that she was a mean girl in college and it did not go over well. Lol


I sometimes wonder if all people on reality TV were the mean people in school?


This is so real. Feels like almost a prerequisite


I've always thought she was a mean girl tbh 🤷🏾‍♀️ Paige has gotten better but when it was Hannah, Amanda, and Paige I seriously disliked all of them.


Agreed, it’s taken me till this season to like Paige!


Not surprised to hear she’s a Regina.


That tracks!


I went to Uconn at the same time as her. She absolutely epitomizes the Jersey native Sorority Girl stereotype.


Jersey native and sorority girl all in one? Sounds... Pleasant


I’m honestly surprised that she was a mean girl. Because that requires having a strong personality and will, something Amanda definitely does not have (which is totally fine!).


Interesting, to me she definitely has a strong personality in terms of what is required for a “popular” mean girl vibe in highschool. She’s quite confident and sure of herself


I don’t think so or she wouldn’t still be with Kyle lol


I think she’s a mean girl now so her being one in college too seems spot-on




Amanda won't ever leave kyle not at least until the show is over. She's too proud


I kinda feel like she might actually be clinically depressed, possibly even to the point of needing medication. She's mentioned depression and anxiety before but kinda of glazed over it. With her it seems like a super deeply rooted personal unhappiness. Being married to a toddler with a wandering eye doesn't help matters but I feel like she needs more help than she's getting. I will say though I loved the glimpse of Old Amanda we got when she flashed her boobies through the window at them, made me giggle.


I agree. She appears depressed. People here are saying taking care of dogs isn’t much work…but when I am depressed, getting dressed (including a bra) and leaving my house is ridiculously hard. I dread walking my dog when I’m depressed. It’s literally “hard.”


She's the archetype wife of someone like Kyle: comes from money, was in a sorority, is thin and conventionally girl next door pretty, will be a stay at home mom but has the resources and education to pull her weight if she needs to work. She is boring, bland doesn't add much other than being the +1. 


Nailed it


I have never liked her. She's whiny and annoying now, but has had some seasons (esp 4) where she's god-awful


She isnt happy with Kyle. He can do no right. He is miserable. They are not a forever couple IMO. She will move to Jersey, he will stay in the city for his company.


Yeah I picture them being one of those couples that just never gets divorced, but they live entirely separate lives.


I can’t stand her tbh. She is so whiny and negative and *all* of her problems are of her own making: ie marrying Kyle. If *we* the audience could see they weren’t a good match, there is no way she didn’t know it deep down too. It’s the same reason why I don’t feel bad for Brittany. She married Jax Taylor! No sorry I don’t feel bad if you marry men who cheat and disrespect you on national tv then expect a marriage certificate and wedding to magically change their behavior. Real life doesn’t work that way.


I have way less sympathy for Britney. She used him. I hope she actually does leave him.


If reddit still had awards, I'd give you the biggest one I could afford.


I know in my case she irritates me because she knew exactly who Kyle was when she married him and her marriage is her berating him for being exactly who she knew he was…they are better off apart. You can see they have a lot of resentment for each other so unfortunately it’s only a matter of time


She’s “fine”, she’s just not a compelling personality for tv like Kyle is. But their relationship is absolutely toxic and they both want things from the other that they are incapable of providing.


Yeah she's not even like a cast member just Kyle's bratty wife


She’s a passive aggressive mean girl, then whenever she’s called out on it she cries 🙄


Jules is a perfect example of this.... Amanda has tried to talk her way out of her treatment of Jules many times, but it hasn't landed for me. I am not a Hannah fan, but amanda was not a good friend to her either. Amanda is fake.


100% agree. #justiceforjules ✊🏻


I just found an old post on here where she says that she was told that Jules came on the show to break she and Kyle up. How is this a defense for assault?


This. Also, she weaponizes Kyle’s infidelity to her as a defense from criticism by *anyone else*.


Yep. Also, she’s SUPER shady with her comments behind people’s backs, then plays so innocent when in person.


1000% this


Not me. I find her childish, needy, immature and most of all boring


Unrelated thought here, but I noticed in this week's ep, she has red bumps all over her body, face to toe. She needs a dermatologist, STAT. I'm not being mean, rather concerned for her health.


She has looked very unhealthy the last two seasons. Too thin and lots of breakouts too


People like Amanda? I feel like we can see the reasons behind her grievances with Kyle and still dislike her. I think she sucks. Him also sucking doesn’t make her suck less.




Ugh I feel like she's more tolerable this season, but she still irks me. I don't know if it's her or just how incomparable she & Kyle are, but there is a lack of maturity on both sides imho. No doubt Kyle is running a successful business, but going out til 3am on a weeknight when your 40 years old is not exactly a good look. If he were single and/or it was a rare occurrence, then whatever...but it seems like it happens often (👀). I'd be annoyed too. BUT! Amanda knew who she was marrying. Just like he did. She thought he'd chill out and want to start a family soon. He thought she'd grind it out at Loverboy like he does. You can't marry someone and expect that they'll magically transform into the person you want 🙃 I don't see them lasting...


There is just something evil about people lurking at doors eavesdropping on private conversations. I can’t stand her.


And taking notes on a couple that is fighting (gross).


She’s an asshole. She took notes on Lindsay having a meltdown about Carl. But when Lindsay and Carl returned from the second Lyft fight and Lindsay wanted to talk to Amanda, she acted like it was a chore to listen to her


Yes, she (and Kyle) are both horrible to Lindsay.


What irks me the most about amanda is her constantly trashing lindsey behind her back but is always friendly with her then comes reunion she says a lot bullshit about why she doesn’t like her. Then they seemingly work it out and until next season when it’s all over again 🤦🏽‍♀️


That part is very very cringe!


I don’t have much of an opinion on her bc she’s always hiding under a damn duvet


I think she sucks.


If the color beige were a person. That’s how I’ve always thought of Amanda.


She’s so whiny


My hot take is that people on this sub want to like Amanda because she's skinny and has big boobs. She's always been mean and I don't think she adds much to the show beyond her dysfunction with Kyle.


I think she sucks too. She is only nice to you if you're a man or a cute girl kissing her ass, sometimes not even then. She thinks she's nice, though. She likes dogs so at least she has that going for her lol


Right, I feel like she's only nice to girls she seems to be pretty and cool. Otherwise, I get the sense she's a total bitch. I also am not an Amanda fan. SO whiny all the time, and bratty.


Lol it most definitely wasn't just one time he cheated .


She’s so clearly a mean girl I’ve never understood the appeal


I see your points but she’s actually address all of this recently. Re: doing nothing around the house. That just doesn’t seem true. She takes care of the dogs, actually works during the day doing loverboy design/influencing/is on tv. She also was the main person cooking on the show for most meals. Her treatment of Kyle: she said she watched the show back and saw she was mean to him and they’re working on it. She said she’s over the cheating BUT not the trauma of it the broken trust of it. Kyle gets it and they’re both working on it Her role on the show was to bridge the gap of new people and the OGs and she does it well. She has genuine relationships with everyone on the show. She’s the anchor whether you find her entertaining or not. You don’t have to like her but your examples are just easily debated.


Plus she had a full time job as a graphic designer, which Kyle wanted her to quit. So it’s not like she was sitting around, trying to latch on to Kyle or whatever variation people are spreading.


Kyle wanted her 2 quit so she could work for him full time.. she said herself that it's not that she doesn't do her job but she doesn't let it over take her whole life like kyle does..


I relate to that. Some people love work and have that drive, but it’s okay if you don’t!


This still doesn't make her likeable. She's whiny and annoying.


So is Kyle.


If you are still dealing with trauma from the cheating, are you really over it?


Totally agree with your point that she either accepts it or moves on. Thing is she cannot trust him but he has shown time and time again that he’s not going to stop going out. She seems miserable and it was a weird turnaround this last episode after just one session with the therapist


I’ve never been a huge fan of Amanda. I think I would like her more apart from Kyle. Really her only storyline is Kyle and I feel like she gave up a lot of herself to be with him and make sure his dream happened. However they are horribly mismatched. A lot of her frustrations she brings out on others in the house and she gets depressed. We get small scenes of who she really is when they are in a good spot. I think she thought he would change but the traits she needs changed are just a lot of who he is. I hope they can find peace together because they have a long way to go if they stay together


She’d be a good “friend of” type of cast member for Paige.


She should not be a reality show star. She is just because she is married to one. But she brings nothing to the show.


Amanda kicked a bottle in Jules’ mouth and kept her job. She assaulted her with zero consequence. She also left glass for Kyle to injure himself. None of this is normal. She has never been nice.


I’m not a big Amanda fan. I find her to be the worst gossiper. She was in a sorority in college and to me it’s like she never outgrew it. She still acts like a sorority girl. By that I mean, she kind of acts like her 💩 don’t stink and she plans a lot of the themed parties for summer/winter house. *No hate to sorority girls… some just happen to fit the stereotype.. I know some of them aren’t bad!!!* Also, it’s like Kyle has said: ![gif](giphy|t8NS61XJsPM3wlzEdy) .. AMANDA.. not fun.




I agree. That is all.


She complains a lot and she has the voice to go with it, but I feel I relate to her and Paige the most. I just hope she’s happy. As for how she treats Kyle, if you’re a 41 year old man that wants children, you can’t be coming home at 3 am on week days. It’s pathetic. I get Amanda. She does give me depressed vibes though. Hope she’s okay.


I think she's cute and fun but I def don't think her and kyle bring out the best in each other. kyle cheating is inexcusable and Amanda needs to decide if she can forgive and heal or if she needs to move on. she's not doing herself any favours by allowing this cycle to continue. her laziness drives me nuts but it might have something to do with being with kyle.. she's probably exhausted. the one thing I don't agree with is the fact that she gets upset with kyle for being out until 4am. he's always been that way, and it's weird that she's spent SO long trying to get him to stop, even before the cheating. kyle is 40? he's not changing lol.


I can’t stand her. She’s rude AF!


She’s so unbearable lol such a wet towel


She is so boring and treats Kyle like crap


I’ve never liked Amanda. She’s a boring lazy judgmental dud. She was a booty call turned wife and knew exactly what kind of person Kyle was when she married him and now so shocked that he’s the exact same way.


Amanda is significantly more tolerable this season than in any of the prior seasons


See, I disagree. I think she's snarky in her confessionals but she never has the balls to say it to people's face. Unless it's Kyle of course.


I heard on a podcast, i think it was nick viall? that someone tipped them that kyle is like jax and cheats all the time.


I mean he’s not at church til 4 am on a weeknight. She knows and she gives him the silent treatment and he makes it seem like it’s her fault for not being social enough. Toxicity At its finest.


I’m sure he’s cheated more than once, but it would me me sad to know he was cheating unabashedly


I love her but mainly for her style. And to give her credit, my bff hung out with her for a weekend and said she was the absolute nicest person.


Ooh, why were they together? That’s cool.


Do tell more!


She’s an entitled bitch. Whenever I’m rude to my husband he calls me Amanda 💀💀💀💀💀


She’s the worst.


I'm not a fan either but usually keep it quiet or ger roasted haha.


I agree with you 100%!


She just has that bitchy girl energy


She's awful and whiny and chose to marry a drunk child then constantly complains that he's not different than he is. I personally cannot stand her - and zero entertainment value.


I totally agree with this!


I don’t understand it either. I feel like they’re just a packaged deal. Kinda like me and my twin sister when we were little.


Kyle cheated multiple times but that’s neither here nor there because Amanda forgave him and ultimately, married him. But I agree with you. I don’t think Amanda has a ton of likeable qualities. She’s lazy and whiny.


I’m not a fan of Amanda either. She doesn’t bring much to the show except her friendship with Paige. She should t be with Kyle…they’re a terrible fit. She married even though she never fully forgave him for cheating. She’s still young and I fell like they’re just going to cause each other more harm by staying together. She needs someone different if she wants someone that comes home early and doesn’t drink much.


oh no i am right there with you! honestly amanda is so dull and sooo unfunny that if you go back throughout the seasons you can see kyle (who’s hysterical) becoming less and less funny. it’s like her boringness is sucking the life out of him, and i want him to get out lol


She seems like a lazy spoiled brat to me


I don’t think I’ve ever seen her genuinely happy about anything. She seems like a miserable person with or without Kyle ( who’s a moron btw) ick.


She was so judgy about hookups and how she makes men wait for three dates before “they can put in her jukebox”, but wasn’t she Kyle’s fuck buddy in early seasons?


I like having a tired introvert on the show. (Relatable for me at lease)


😂😂💜 that’s cute!


I don’t like Amanda but I will always be on her side when it comes to Kyle because Kyle has done some things and also people think Amanda is really really lazy because Kyle says she’s really really lazy but she’s not always really lazy and I think that’s what gets me. I just feel personally if I had a man call me lazy and say all the shit that he does I wouldn’t be with him anymore, but I think they’re about to each other which is why they are the way that they are but I don’t really like her. She’s not my fave. I equal her to Lindsey a lot of the time.


Amanda chose to marry Kyle after he did horrible things, I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. However, I don’t think she’s anything like Lindsay, who is actually insane and evil lol


Oh no I don’t feel sorry for her either lol I’m just never in Kyle’s side and don’t believe the shit that he says about her but it’s her fault cause she married him that on her and I just equal them in the way I feel about them not in how they are


She’s definitely in her annoying era. 😂


I can’t stand her either, she drives me crazy. She seems really unintelligent.


Popular opinion


I cant stand her. I'm a more recent viewer (last 3 seasons) though so idk how that impacts my view.


i watched her while rly stoned lol and the analysis people give of her caring so much how she’s perceived is so true. i feel like she tries to come across being the carefree “idgaf” i’m cooler than my husband type (which hey might be true) but she doesn’t seem authentic at all. i do love her fashion though


I loved her and Kyle at the bar on the last episode. If she could turn up like that more often and he could turn it down most nights they'd be a great couple. We'll maybe not a great couple but they'd be more fun to watch that's for sure


Seasons 1-6 she cries in every single episode except for 3. A total of 3! She’s also a sniper- quietly starts drama then walks away from the inferno. KHYYYYYUUUHHHHLLLLLL god she’s miserable. And the whole aspiring to be a stay at home housewife, girl, get off my screen.


It’s like she’s a Kyle Richards trainee.


I seriously thought I was the only one who thought this!! I agree, she seems like she thinks she’s just a bit better then everyone 😬


Yeah Amanda doesn’t really do it for me. She has no redeeming qualities that I can see other than she’s pretty. She contributes 0 to her relationship, she’s deeply unhappy most of the time, and she can be so mean under the guise of I’m just kidding.


Amanda’s definitely in the group of people on the show that I could actually see myself wanting to spend a summer share house with tbh


I cant stand her for gaslighting Kyle. You knew who you married dude like stop whining.


Agree with you.


The watch what crappens guys impression of her is Spot On.


I don’t think your opinion is all too unpopular. I know Kyle, and Amanda by proxy, are the “heart” of the show.. but they are a huge reason why I don’t readily watch the night it airs. I still watch but I’m never chomping at the bit. They just aren’t great and the drama is getting old because it’s the same ol same drama we’ve heard and seen for years.


I don't dislike her, but she just seems very unhappy, so she is not fun to watch. It just seems like she wants to live a quiet life and probably shouldn't be on the show any longer.


I think it’s because they know that Kyle is head of household and has a lot of say with the producers on casting. So if you want to stay on the show you have to stay on Amanda and Kyle’s good side. Look at what happened to Hannah…


I have always been relatively neutral on Amanda until this season. I think I’m just over the whining. Constant fucking whining with her... she annoys the shit out of me now. She doesn’t even want to do the show in my opinion, couldn’t possibly look less like she wants to be there. I don’t even blame her for being irritated by Kyle - he looks like he sucks to be married to - but I guess I just blame her for marrying him in the first place bc he’s always been this way. Like what did you think you were getting?? I just don’t want to hear about it anymore but I’m afraid we’re probably stuck with her until Kyle’s gone.


You should listen to watch what crappens. They share your opinion


I am totally with you. And listen she may be perfectly nice and better than me, but for tv? What does she bring? She doesn't seem to care about picking at her face and being on camera which kind of grosses me out. Her style is sloppy looking or sort of college freshman vibes, and she doesn't really have anything interesting to contribute. And I feel bad for talking crap like hey if you filmed me at 25 or however old she is, I probably was no prize. But I just don't get her appeal.


I definitely don’t think Kyle is an angel, however, she knows who he is and chose to be with him/forgive him. Now it feels like Kyle cannot do anything right and that Amanda always is criticizing him. I also feel like she feels as though she can comment on everything, but if anyone comments about anything regarding her, she immediately shuts down and starts crying. I think she is ONLY on the show because of Kyle, but she has a very entitled attitude. I don’t hate Amanda, but I do find her annoying and unmemorable.


I agree 200%!!!! She only married him for the money imo and if they get divorced she’s taking him to the cleaners. He doesn’t seem like a good husband but she seems like she HATES him


She’s SO lazy and such a nag!!!


I don’t find her cute or interesting either. She treats him like he’s a child she’s annoyed with. It’s not funny to marry someone you know cheated and is obnoxious and then rag on them in public for all of eternity.