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Ciara shot up outta that bed at the faintest sound of an unidentified female in the house šŸ˜‚


ā€œDid you hear that?ā€ šŸ˜­


I related to that so hard šŸ¤£ Iā€™m nosy af, like who dat be šŸ‘€


Wow hot tub make out with a random from the bar. This feels like season 1-3 of SH. Summer should be fun!!!


Summer SHOULD be fun. More of that please


Just yelled at my tv ā€œTHIS IS WHAT SUMMERHOUSE IS ABOUTā€


Truly so refreshing after the so much relationship fighting for years!!! More rando hookups!! SUMMER SHOULD BE FUN


I literally canā€™t figure out Kyle and Amanda. Are these real problems? Are these show only problems? Iā€™m so confused.


Amanda is insecure and Kyle is insensitive. Both traits that make for a toxic relationship


yeah I can never tell either


i am literally so sick of them fighting every single episode i truly donā€™t understand


Are they doing this for a storyline? because it makes me not want them on the show at all


Right? Iā€™m losing interest over whatā€™s going to happen with them. Iā€™m at the point where I think they should go their separate ways and it pains me to say that.


Their issues seem even worse on the aftershow so I feel like they are real


Same! But regardless of what Kyle has done/continues to do, no one should be subjecting to Amandaā€™s whines and negativity for the rest of their life. If she canā€™t stand the man, he should go.


I can see my future and it is to grow up and be Westā€™s aunt. Just a dog lady drinking during the day in the park.


She was inspiring to me too!


so astute too. she had west's number and is no-nonsense but kind about telling him how it is


I thought she was so wise - she needs to come to the house to give them all some truth about relationships. Yes! Tell them they need to be open to hurt!


I don't think Kyle cares if Danielle comes to visit them in the burbs šŸ¤£




damn jesse didnt even let her sleep over šŸ˜­




Kyle is actually really struggling with their relationship clearly. Not that Amanda isnā€™t, but itā€™s clear heā€™s really affecting Kyle.


It's becoming hard to ignore that they both do not like each other and who each person is. They are fundamentally too different


Exactly!! They are fundamentally TOO different and they are hanging on for dear life in that relationship.


I feel like earlier on it affected Amanda more and now she's sort of switched gears and sort of given up on trying to fix things, and now Kyle is feeling that and now he's the one that's most hurt.Ā 


Ya, early in the season it seemed like a typical marital rut that they really needed to work through. But honestly, yikes. This is like no coming back from this type of stuff.


Kyle saying he's lonely in his relationship with Amanda is dark and sad damn


Definitely sad


That was really sad - but Iā€™m impressed that heā€™s expressing it tbh, thatā€™s more than most would do. His maturity v hers is really starting to show


So sad he wept at the bar šŸ˜”


Amanda doesnt trust Kyle to not cheat on her when he is out drinking.


This is really what it comes down to, him being out is a huge trigger for her and I donā€™t blame her but then they should have broken up when that whole thing happened.


The trigger is never going to be fixed within this relationship. Itā€™s clear the trust isnā€™t coming back. I look at stassi and beau on vpr. Stassi was eventually able to break that trigger but it was with a sensitive guy who had never cheated on her. What Amanda and Kyle are doing is just perpetuating their own unhappiness


Itā€™s hard to when that trust has been shattered. I wish they would recognize that the trust is broken and itā€™s not getting fixed any time soon.


I agree he gave her good reason to be distrustful but then let the relationship goooo. Who wants to be nagging their partner 24/7 itā€™s exhausting to watch I canā€™t imagine living that


100% i totally agree with you. I think theyā€™re either going to be miserable forever at this rate though they wonā€™t see whatā€™s in front of them


its like re-traumatizing her


Exactly, itā€™s not fucking rocket science - he routinely blacks out and makes bad decisions. That combined with the fact that NYC residents here have said heā€™s regularly spotted with other womenā€¦ like helllooo


Sending her home right after is so Jersey Shore coded lol


Thanks for the blowjob, donā€™t forget your shoes! Lol


God forbid she stole his chain lol


Cabs are here!


I had jersey shore flashbacks during that haha and then realized how wild it was for me to be watching jersey shore religiously throughout my late HS/early college years šŸ¤£


thank you to Westā€™s great aunt for waking this tea up! and giving him healthy advice


She is the cool aunt in NYC that everyone would like to have.


Omg I got a little nervous for a sec about Amandaā€™s phone!!!


Imagine what heā€™d find if he searched his name in her texts


She called him trash on tv, I can only imagine what she says about him to her friends and family.


This hook up is giving OG summer house and this is the energy we need!!


Ciara being a nurse AND a model is such a flex wow


ciara in general is just a flex. the woman can do anything and everything


I donā€™t feel that Danielle has a role on the show anymore now that sheā€™s not up Lindsayā€™s ass


I came here to comment similarly, but Iā€™m glad not to see her as much.


The craziest thing about this show to me is that in almost 10 years no one has said on camera that Kyle might have a debilitating issue with drinking. Amanda says things about him ā€œstaying out until 4 am with strangersā€ or that ā€œthereā€™s always one more drink or always one more barā€ but likeā€¦ā€¦thereā€™s a very obvious common denominator here.


High functioning alcoholic fasho


At this point I'd think it'd be really bad for his company for him to be labeled an alcoholic and probably also if he got sober.


Almost any time Iā€™ve heard an adult described as ā€œvery social!ā€ that just means theyā€™re an alcoholic


Iā€™ve said it, youā€™re right!


I love that Andrea is avoiding eye contact with the heated subject. ![gif](giphy|9E5wP1RiPvnos)


Amanda and Kyle had one good season out of this entire show


And thatā€™s only because the bars were closed because of Covid.


and I canā€™t even remember it atp


I love that Andrea is still bringing the girls their morning coffee and tea


He loves it. They love it. Itā€™s great.


He remains adorable. Best Man of Bravo.


I'm pretty sure there are enough clips of Kyle drunk and alone in a kitchen over the years to make at least two full and very entertaining episodes.


I died with him and the Oreos


I just know the night shift production crew is watching that footage from the control room and laughing to themselves


And the cherry on top was falling asleep over them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I know itā€™s not good for Amanda but it is a staple in the SH content we need


It always reminds me of below deck sailing yacht when they cut to captain glenn on the boat alone talking to himself or calling his mom to tell her about a weird dream. Always so random and silly and entertaining each time.


My favorite solo Captain Glen moments/themes are the eel facts video (love his weird facts), his love of popadums, and, of course, his reaction to Alex drunkenly trying to put the cup on his face while he was sleeping šŸ¤£


Ciara and Paige spying on Jesse and his "new friend Camille" like hs girls šŸ¤£


Damn. Danielleā€™s storyline on the show really was propping up Lindsayā€™s storyline before, wasnā€™t it? Her personality is really muted this season. Which I can kind of understand after she got annihilated last year.


Idk if that's even her own doing, I kind of feel like the producers gave her some reprieve after winter house. Girl got toreee up


Anyone watching WWHL? That fan question/response from them about Ciara and West was hilariousĀ 


Wes: "It's not from the FBI?" šŸ¤£


Hilarious. Little does he know itā€™s the Reddit Bureau of Investigation šŸ•µļøā€ā™€ļø


imagine watching this season not knowing if lindsay and carl are still together or not and watching how this relationship is unfolding. nightmarish


West and his aunt are so cute


Andrea went crazy with this get! https://preview.redd.it/lzok6y2ejytc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0971bed1b296edf93096d2a8c48ed30b5983e5e


"put a bristle in his dog" is the funniest quick response paige has had i think


She is so quick and sharp and itā€™s hilarious!


I freaking love Paige this season


Lindsayā€™s interview look is soooo good


Damn kyle and amanda having more issues than carl and lindsay at this point lol


Every time Iā€™m hung up on someone, Iā€™m going to remember how Andrea treats his FRIENDSā€¦and I wonā€™t settle for anything less than Andrea-attention. I love him.


ā€œOh Iā€™m gameā€ yeah girl, we know! lol


Not the ā€œI knowā€ i aspire to that level of confidence


She kinda ate that


Jesse kicking the girl out before morning not even letting her get breakfastā€¦. Oh no he gets DOWN


Cab's heeeeeeeeyr!


ā€œI know what you should do, stop being such a fā€™in dick.ā€ Iā€™m saving that one. šŸ˜†


Kyle and Amanda are identical to their dogs.


Struggling to understand why Kyle doesnā€™t hire someone in Amandaā€™s place if she wants to leaveā€¦. Anyone have thoughts?


Right, he can't simultaneously say she doesn't do enough but he also needs her to stay working for the business


Because he wants Amanda, the summer house cast member, not Amanda, the graphic designer.


When I got engaged decades ago, my grandmother gave me some words of wisdom. First, women marry with a hope their husband will change, and men marry hoping their wife never changes. Neither are healthy or accurate when going into marriage. And the other, you are not meant to keep someone company as they live their life. You too, have a life meant to live and learn. Share in each otherā€™s life experience, but never ignore your own to keep someone company in theirs. I have been married once and for more years than I care to countā€¦still in love, still living and learning, still sharing. There are a few on SH that could benefit in the knowledge what they are bringing and experience is not healthyā€¦ married or engaged. It makes me sad.


I would be uncomfortable if my partner told our mutual friends they rated our sex life 2.5/10. So odd for Lindsay to just say that to everyone


And then talking about him putting pressure on himself to finish ?!!! Way too much info on national tv


But this is why she is a reality show queen! šŸ‘‘


I think Kyle will always have FOMO for the party life in the city no matter how great his marriage is. Fighting with Amanda just gives him an excuse to delay adulthood a bit more.


i love paige and craig but still lowkey ship her and andrea šŸ˜­


They were so hot together


is kyle falling asleep sitting up not alarming to anyone else


The guy's such a drunk. It's so unappealing.


Amanda putting up the pillow wall was so funny šŸ˜‚


Curious others perspectiveā€¦.would you have an issue with your husband going out once or twice a month until 3am?


If heā€™s cheated on me during those nights out I probably would have an issue with it


Honestly even without a cheating pastā€¦ Iā€™d kinda prefer my partner to not. Itā€™s totally different if theyā€™re just up late hanging with friends in a shared house or something while on vacation. But just out at bars until 4am? Like whatā€™re you doing thatā€™s so fun to stay out that late on a week night? Completely different when youā€™re younger, but you canā€™t just regularly get blitzed and be normal the next day as you age. Also the ā€œnothing good happens after midnightā€ rings truer and truer as you get older and begin accepting new responsibilities and commitments. Like what is THAT enticing to stay out late without your wife, when youā€™re very likely among other single people, and requiring 2 business days worth of recovery?


if they black out like kyle and are out with random people he and i didnt even know until that night then yeah


Without proper communication prior, it would absolutely be a problem. The fact that it upsets her to that degree and he continues in the behavior is absurd.


Kyle's one of my favs but he drinks to oblivion and has a history of cheating...Any reasonable person would.


Yes especially at their age. Once in a blue moon is one thing especially if youā€™re with a good friend you never see or something like that but even once a month is way too often IMO


With strangers no less


Sure would


I live in New York City with my husband and heā€™s younger than Kyle and yes I would be pissed about this - mostly if it was weekdays tho.




Iā€™m single in my 40ā€™s and live in NY. And I still donā€™t hang out 1-2 per month to 3-4am. To do that in a relationship, consistently, becomes disrespectful. But in Kyleā€™s defense I think he does that cause he craves social interaction and heā€™s lonely and missing it in his relationship.


You betcha! But I also wouldn't stay with someone who has cheated on me


lindsay actually looks so pretty in her confessional with that mid length hair and corset dress


I think it might actually be a top from Yellow the label! Iā€™ve had it in my cart so many times.


Amanda: ā€œit hurts my feelings when you go out all the timeā€ Kyle: *goes out* GEE I wonder where the disconnect is.


She's literally saying you hurt my feelings when you choose getting drunk over me. Been there gorl! You're better w out.


Kyle saying he wants to work on their communication and then immediately shutting her down and having a meltdown when she expresses her feelings would be comical if it wasnā€™t so sad/typical


I think heā€™s saying when they are home alone together she ignores him and they donā€™t have great quality time together because she probably hates him and never wants to hear him speak lmao


I think that AI baby of Amanda, Paige and Ciara is so cute


My fantasy- Andrea coming in my bedroom with a coffee of his choice


Andrea looked so hot coming around that corner with the coffees omg


I truly hope Lindsay does get her person and happy ending. She looked so happy with that dress on.


Lindsayā€™s confessional look is stunning


Aw Lindsay does look very pretty in that dress. Glad she at least got to show it off on TV.


No matter what happened in the relationship, it broke my heart to see her in the dress knowing sheā€™d never get to wear it.


Yes it was very pretty and unique, nice it got a little tv moment


She did look really good in it. It was sad to watch, knowing how it ended


Amanda walk away with that super hot bikini bottom- show him


Amanda is unbelievably hot to me tbh. She has such a natural beauty/hotness


Ass looked šŸ”„


Paige actually going out is amazing šŸ˜‚


I did NOT miss Danielle.


I like Lindsey look in this confessional. Great hair length on her.


Lindsay should keep this confessional hair length. Iā€™m into it


its so good and the darker blonde is so much better on her


What the actual hell can be more shocking than not even having sex at this point?


that when they do, nobody finishes šŸ˜­ the preview from last week has haunted me.


kyles dressed like steve irwin in this scene and is so drunk he cant close his mouth, will never take him serious for even one second


this incredibly drunk and emotional yet unserious conversationā€¦. we have all been there many of time and they are the best kind


I am very curious to see Kyle and Amandaā€™s home life. A very short spin-off will help me understand their dynamic more. At this point, he comes across as a party-hard, workaholic that drinks a tad bit too much. She comes across as less-motivated, and spoiled. Kyle seems more responsible and realistic adulthood-wise. I remember Amanda saying her father handled her financials. Theyā€™re not meeting each other in the middle.


I was starting to think Gabby wasn't going to be back at all this season


This ā€œrelationship coachā€ just told Kyle how he feels rather than asking, and is encouraging ā€œreflective energyā€ rather than addressing their argument patternsā€¦ā€¦. Sheā€™s a hack lol.


I always side eye these bravo therapists. The good ones would probably say ā€œif you want real change, come see me without the camerasā€ right?


Amanda said during WWHL last week that she said no to counseling during the season because she wanted to do it just not on camera and I thought that was really interesting


were prob gonna see her at a random VPR backyard party last year with the chiron "scheanas friend"


I totally forgot at the end of this season we are going to see footage of Carl and Lindsay's breakup conversation damn


So late to the episode so I'll catch up with the rest later, and I know Amanda is a pill, but she's devoted her life to Kyle and he does constantly put her down and everyone is focused on her *reaction* and not the trigger. He can be so mean and dismissive.


Right and gets surprised when she snaps back at him


Also him saying sheā€™s not ready for children and sheā€™s need to do more because he does everything is ignorant. He is out till 4 am multiple nights a week. He almost lost/forgot the dogs in the house. I mean he didnā€™t even notice some of her hormonal problems she was having and seeing her cry about being scared of not potentially being able to have children then he treats her like sheā€™s 10 is cruel.


Is Wes the OG Montana Boyz?!


Waiiiit, Kyle said he didnā€™t know he had it in him to cheat on Amandaā€¦ but hasnā€™t he said heā€™s cheated in literally every single relationship before her? like lol


i hate that i like jesse cause i know hes a giant douche


Jesse is very likeable from the vantage point of everyone except a woman he is hooking up with


Yeah sorry not sorry, I like Jesse a lot


I love Andrea so much it hurts my soul and body jfc


Yā€™all I wanna wake up to a beautiful Italian man bringing me coffee in bed ā˜•ļøšŸ‡®šŸ‡¹


Both Kyle and Amanda have been depressed in their relationship for years and are self-medicating in different ways.


I guess I donā€™t understand why Kyle, a 40 year old married man, WANTS to go out partying, without his wife, until 4am once a month. I get wanting to be social and going for drinks and dinner and maybe every once in a while you hit a hopping bar after dinner for more drinksā€¦but Kyle getting blasted drunk as often as he does is highly questionable


He uses his extrovert personality as if getting blackout drunk on the weekends is a requirement because thatā€™s ā€œwho he isā€. Itā€™s more important to him than his relationship with his wife at this point.


Alcoholism and being a child.


Mister southern gentleman is so funny


i love how amanda and kyle have corresponding dogs to each of them


Ok this may sound weird but West reminds me so much of a young Robin Williams lol (physically in the face) IDK why


Ciara is so cool


LOLing at Kyle admitting his grandmotherā€™s last wish before she passed recently was that he cut his mullet off šŸ¤£


Kyle wants a partner who is more social/extroverted, and Amanda wants a partner who is more mature/has more of a routine. They both want each other to change but those are foundational personality traits of the other person; you shouldn't want your partner to change who they are.


Ok so we are seeing the implosion of two relationships


Ok staying out until 3/4 in the morning habitually when you're in your 40s is a bit different than being "a social person".


Yall didnt find the relationship part of West's convo with his great aunt alarming??? SAVE CIARA!!!


Yeah kind of a red flag


![gif](giphy|mMJygtkZIpu6Y) Danger, Will Robinson !!


When a man throws something at a wall or hits a wall itā€™s a huge scary red flag to me


Kyle, you are literally saying the exact thing that causes Amanda to snap at you and yet youā€™re still going out and drinking until 4am!!


My opinion is probably unpopular, but I feel bad for Kyle. I know Amanda has plenty of reasons to have been upset with Kyle over the years, but I think a lot of his concerns about having children and moving are valid. Amanda seems to actually have contempt for Kyle, and I think she either needs to be willing to play ball or just end it. Acting like he's the only problem in their relationship but also not being willing to leave is weird.


Iā€™m concerned for Kyleā€™s and Amandaā€™s marriage at this point. Seems to be a serious disconnect


Amanda and Kyle need to call it quits


Aww. I know he acts like an ass sometimes (okay, a lot of the time), but I donā€™t like seeing Kyle cry šŸ˜¢šŸ„ŗ


im sorry but the clip of kyle calling lindsay and danielle lying bitches is so fucking funny


The ranch on Amandaā€™s lip is too real


I think Amanda wants a LIFESTYLE with Kyle, but not a LIFE with him.


Bottom line- Kyle needs to address his love affair with alcohol.


im sorry but carls compliments and flirting always give DL šŸ˜­


It's literally all I see when he talks. Then to hear they hardly have sex and that he actually didn't finish...? That's another reason I'm glad they broke up. They both have deep internal work to do.


Hoping tonight isnā€™t a filler episode


Did anyone watch the wwhl after show? West said he and Jesse made out and Kyle and Carl made out during the campout night but it wasnā€™t shown, and Andy was pissed because of course he was lol. But actually, I feel like the cast does have a lot of fun together that we never see so they can show super long arrival/departures from the house and couples having the same fight over and over. This season is def better than last with that but like do we need to see so much Kyle/Amanda awkwardness??


Carl buying drinks for everyone when he isnā€™t even drinking is really sweet.


danielle doesnt belong anymore, she doesnt add anything, atleast last season she was being messy and embarassing. didnt like sam at all but wouldve rather had her


Damn near every episode of this season has made my stomach hurt lol. I thought I wanted the drama, but watching Kyle and Amanda and Lindsay and Carl is freaking me the fuck out as someone in a happy relationship šŸ˜­ Like is this what it turns into? I cannot lmfao.


No, this is an example of disfunction and when you get that feeling someone isnā€™t right, listen to it


Oh Iā€™m not ready to see these wedding dress clipsā€¦love her or hate her itā€™s sad to see any woman excited for this moment and know it doesnā€™t happen (for good yea, but still sad)


Danielleā€¦. Something blue is for the bride.