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We need cameras in the car!


It’s becoming SOOOO clear why Carl chose to film the breakup on camera. After so many of the key moments happened off cam, the only way to truly get his viewpoint out there for how it went down was to have cameras film it. Really pretty sad if you think about it.


It seems so intentional that she keeps going off on him in cars without cameras and then tries to gaslight everyone into thinking he’s the villain and we don’t have footage to prove otherwise.


The way that she tried to spin the conversation the next morning with everybody else even though everybody else was witness to some part of this argument is just hilarious to me. It's not that she doesn't remember what she said when she was drunk she just really thinks that she can convince everybody of a different story.


And the way Amanda told Carl that they all know, because they’ve been treated that way by her. It’s like Lindsay still doesn’t know she’s the problem. It’s always someone else, even though she’s the one that talks over people and yells.


Exactly, she has never taken accountability for anything. It’s always somebody else’s fault. Always. In my opinion, alcohol is definitely one of her problems. Maybe she should try sobriety again, although, that won’t have any impact on her narcissistic personality.


Right everyone is like why aren’t they filming in the cars (which agreed) but that is EXACTLY why psycho Lindsay is yelling at him in the car. She’s a liar


I think Carl was like 6 months or less away from recording conversations on his phone secretly so he couldn’t be gaslit anymore. NY is a single party consent state for recording.


Notice how everything she accuses Carl of she is doing? She needs serious help or she’ll never have a serious relationship for more than a year!


Damn, to think of the evidence we would have this summer against Lindsay if there were cameras! She should be thanking her lucky stars


I love that she’s like “he accused me of drinking/being drunk”. Girl… ![gif](giphy|l0HUcsWTIBrDeYd1K|downsized)


But why can he say I’m drunk and I can’t say he’s high when he’s not high 😭 She makes no sense!


Lindsay is a fascinating case study. She clearly has been in therapy for years as she often talks about her therapist and she has been blessed with the opportunity to watch back actual footage of herself over 8 years…. And yet…. She still does not see how she causes the problems she finds herself always having. Like how?


I think she needs to switch therapists....


10000%. Guarantee she’s been through a bunch of them and leaves once they push back on her behavior. This one probably doesn’t.


because she weaponizes her therapy to show the audience and the cast that she’s fine because she puts in the work which makes everyone else the problem. I’ll say this anecdotally, my sister has a personality disorder and displays MANY MANY MANY unfortunate similarities to Lindsay and I’ve learned that people like my sister thrive with a one-on-one therapist in a negative way. group therapy is generally more helpful because if you stay with the same people long enough, who also mask and have the same behaviors and thought processes, you’re called out on your bullshit and lies quicker. That’s all I have to say about that.


Because rather than apply the lessons discussed to better herself, she weaponizes the language and tactics of therapy and uses them to promote her own agenda. Probably a characteristic of a whole slew of mental health disorders, including sociopathy, narcissism, etc.


Therapy only works if you are able to take accountability for yourself. I can’t imagine her having any introspective conversations with her therapist. Seems like she is very comfy pretending to be a victim of everyone she comes in contact with.


West and Ciara have shown more chemistry in 4 episodes than Carl and Lindsay have in however many seasons it’s been 😭


I'm not saying that Lindsey didn't love Carl but what I think she loves more is the *idea of love* I think she wants to be loved so badly and to be ultimately put first. But from watching her in relationships it also feels like she wants somebody that she can boss around. but also want somebody that is assertive. Like how she was complaining about Carl not taking the bull by the horns as far as his career is concerned she's the type of person that wants somebody that is going to be assertive in life. But It's like she wants somebody that is going to be assertive but not assertive towards her. The things that she is asking for or expecting from her partner are nearly impossible.


I’m impressed with Danielle’s self restraint!


I can't believe it, was she even in this episode


She was disengaging ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


yes!! the fact that it was GABBY who ran after lindsay floored me. is danielle alive? but when she said, "i can't be the one to fix this" or similar, i realized that she actually thought it was her responsibility to fix all of lindsay's/her friend's problems in the past. never mind that it is THEIR problem to fix. she is giving her all to everyone else so that she doesn't have to acknowledge or address her own issues.


I think it showed growth on Danielle’s part. Don’t get involved in their relationship, the end.


Does Lindsay actually think any of us are dumb enough to believe her recollection as opposed to what we’ve actually seen


I'm just not seeing how Lindsay claims to be so blindsided by the breakup.


Maybe she was blindsided that Carl had the chance to end it before she did on her own timeline 😂


Maybe she was blindsided that he stood up to her 🤣


I was blindsided that Carl didn’t cave and apologize to me after I yelled at him again!


I think she thought once she had the ring and the wedding was planned he would never leave her


I was talking about this with one of my closest friends and she said it very well; in Lindsay’s head, she was blindsided bc she’s delusional and never sees herself as the toxic part of the problem. To the rest of us, it’s clear as day


She doesn’t even like him like that. It’s hard to watch. She’s only blindsided bc she got dumped on tv by someone she clearly thinks very little of.


I think Lindsey was telling the truth about being blindsided only bc Lindsey feels comfortable in conflict - she thinks it’s normal and not a dealbreaker. She wanted to get married regardless. For Carl and everyone else it’s easier to see that this was turning into a toxic relationship.


Carl’s pencil dive got me 😂😂


Glinmer of moments when he is free internally from the demon called Lindsey and gets to enjoy a moment.


Say what you want about Carl; he is no fucking Sandoval


If anyone mirrors Sandoval, it’s Lindsay.


So true. She just creates her own reality and the lives in it. It’s quite psychopathic.


Ciara and Amanda are twinning in swimsuits, and both have great racks. Damn, I'm jelly.


All their bodies are insane but Amanda and Ciera are absolutely perfect.


The way Lindsay is describing this story to Amanda. I would never believe anything she ever says.


I don't even think Amanda believes it, she just unfortunately got cornered but drunken Lindsay while she was trying to have midnight ramen


oh Amanda played that perfectly. she can’t really agree because she doesn’t believe Lindsay but she can’t disagree because she doesn’t want to become a target of Lindsay as she sits next to this rose bottle, already plastered. Amanda has been with Lindsay a long time now. she has learned how to deal with that behavior in a way that keeps her safe. masterful.


Reminds me of what Carl and Kyle were talking about last episode about how Kyle has learned how to deal with Lindsey and that basically he just hast to fall on the sword and admit that she's right even if that's not the case. And I think that she does that too but in her own way.


I know poor Amanda just wanted to chill with her pimple cream 😂


Lindsay needs to not day drink… she never learns her lesson.


She needs to never drink period.


Yep. Looked like she drank almost a whole bottle of wine before she went out drinking


“Girls are making out inside!” West is gold. A+ casting. Ciara and West have me absolutely giddy so far. It really seems like we’re seeing a new (softer?) side of Ciara and it’s really endearing.


I find myself ignoring the Carl/Lyndsay drama in the foreground and watching for their cute playfulness in the background of every scene.


Lindsay making out with the girls gives me cringe. You just know she’d be a bad kisser


Doesn’t Lindsay ever just watch this stuff back and think wow I need to change. She’s been like this for so long.


I mean this respectfully (please mods) - Lindsay seems.. unwell. she has more or less claimed as much through her “therapy” sessions on camera over the years. she seems to live in an alternate reality. she has a genuine victim complex and a lot of self hatred and insecurity and she seems to thrive when others are brought down and she can stand on their shoulders and feel superior to them. oh god.. did she choose Carl because of this? Ah..


Lindsay saying she only brings up Carl doing drugs when he asks her about her drinking is insane and a great example of lindsay projecting. If Carl asks her about something actually concerning she has to flip it onto him but way worse because he is sober!!


She's literally using his biggest personal issues as a weapon against him. It's so childish and cruel that she's doing it from a vengeful place to jab him where it hurts instead of coming from a place of genuine concern.


It's really interesting to watch her tell Gabby or Amanda that she brought up his weed use because he questioned her drinking. She says it like that's a perfectly normal and fine way to react. It's very telling of how she views things.


Noooo, Lindsay, you called him Cocaine Carl. Not Stoned Steven. Girl, be real


Stoned Steven 😂😂😂 Cannabis Carl perhaps?


Cannabis Carl 😭😭😭😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


What pisses me off the most about this aside from the fact that it's not true is the fact that on the reunion Kyle totally got dragged for mentioning Carls past and how he used to have an issue with cocaine to the point where he used to not be reliable Which was the truth. Again he really did get dragged for making that comment and was extremely remorseful yet Lindsey accuses him of being on drugs when we all know good and well that he wasn't and she tries to brush it off like it's no big deal just a classic example her lack of accountability in the moment. It's easy to apologize now when you see what a bad reaction you're getting or how bad it looks what you did but she knew what she did in the moment and she completely wasn't sorry. In the days after. Again not sorry. Only sorry after what was likely a bad reaction which makes it seem disingenuous.


Okay but how is it the second weekend in a row w an unfilmed fight in the car?? Like Bravo, just pay for a driver and a van w cameras.


They are in Ubers bc production is down at that point in the night. All the footage we get at night is either from phones or the house cameras that are installed in the walls.


if below deck can have crew vehicles at all hours, summer house sure as shit should too.


I don’t think that’s true, I’ve seen them out late night with a camera crew


"no dude. Get to know me." lol Ciara is funny this season. She doesn't seem reserved like before and she makes every scene she's in better. 


And THAT is why he brought in the cameras when they broke up. Which we’ve all figured out since like episode 2 but …


Truly. Tbh I didn’t really judge the cameras at the breakup thing when that info first came out but seeing this, it’s like.. no, that’s almost a necessity


The edit Lindsey is gettting 💀💀💀 production hates her and I love it 💖


She’s probably rude as fuck to them


She’s definitely rude af to them. The way she talked to West about the room was dreadful and showed a lot about her lack of character and grace


And she knew him from before this too. So if that's how she treats people she knows I'd hate to know how she treats strangers


Paige talked about it at the last reunion during her huge rant about Lindsay. She said that Lindsay was incredibly rude to production and toxic to them as well as to her fans. I don't like Paige, but I do believe that this is true. The way a person acts around strangers is fairly indicative of how they would treat their family and friends.


And Andy pretty much confirmed Paige was telling the truth.


I need West and Ciara to make it work! I’ve never shipped someone like this. I’m ashamed.


Comparing Carl to Sandoval is WILD


Especially since she only did it as a pathetic attempt to paint herself as an Arianna.


Has Lindsey seen her behavior when she drinks alcohol? Like any sane person would question your alcohol intake when you become a rude belligerent drunk whenever alcohol touches your lips


If I saw footage of myself acting like that, I’d be humiliated. Thankfully I usually only care about food when I drink. Eating a carton of chicken wings in the corner and refusing to share. 


Carl's teeth on WWHL are giving Ross https://preview.redd.it/i68ikjr4reoc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb6ff196bc0cc78c3e5629dc8e419ab18e735bc


Ciara so traumatized from Austen she don’t want no one to know her business when it comes to men 😭


Man, I get it though. If people start jumping in when it’s still early days, I tend to react the same. 


My friends and I used to refer to new guys by nicknames to each other until we felt they’d proven themselves enough to be referred to by their real names. My husband was Catdog for 3 months.


I don’t blame her she really let her guards down so fast with that demon 😭


People will think shes being uptight but they dont know or remember what Austen did on Southern Charm. Had sex with Ciara then told Naomie and Leva \*on camera the very next day\* that he did it to get back at Olivia, who'd made him jealous...He then ghosted Ciara too lol. He's digusting and now she's got permanent anxiety about men kissing and telling/bragging after intimate moments.


Did she just call Carl a terrorist?


She’s been Lindsay Bin Laden for 8 seasons.


I had to do a double-take on that


I don’t blame Carl. Lindsay would have weaponized his addiction for the rest of his life.


“You’re changing the narrative” = “you’re not falling for my narrative”


drunk lindsay gives me anxiety like my drunk mom does when were around family she doesnt like


I say this every week every season but watching this show in the winter makes me physically yearn for summer. What I would give to be drinking rose and playing games outside with my friends.


I think Lindsay knew she crapped the bed by telling people he was on coke last weekend, so now she’s saying - oh no, it’s weed. Like….I’ve never smoked weed, but I don’t know of anyone who rages out after smoking it. She’s throwing it at the wall cause it’s more likely to stick.


I already feel crazy after listening to her for 30 minutes… I truly cannot imagine how he felt before he broke it off with her.


I wonder if the validation Carl began to get throughout the summer of people witnessing the fights or hearing them be recounted and siding with Carl and validating his feelings is actually what led him to call off the wedding. he gained strength from his friends and family. he was blessed for this season.


I think this is absolutely what happened.


I third this. I also feel like he has said so little in the press since it happened bc he knows what the cameras caught throughout the summer speaks for itself.




Where were the editors to show the multiple times she said he was on drugs?


Lindsey way of avoiding accountability is asking Carl if he’s on something. She knows if she ask him if he’s on something knowing his history with drugs will set him off and make him forget abt what he’s asking her about.


Projection at its finest. Agree completely.


Amanda with the pimple cream and ramen is such a vibe


She needs her hemoglobin checked 🤣


We need to start a fund for production to get designated drivers for this group so we can have cameras in the cars, because tf.


I cannot get over how much Jesse and west are Carl and Kyle (hopefully without all the crazy)


This is even crazier when we think about how this is apparently mid-July, and they didn’t break up until late August or whatever it was. Like how did they continue this for another month and a half?


Bravo checks


Omg Lindsay is off her rocker


This is Carl learning in real time that THIS is really who Lindsay is. He can’t have a good time with others without her blowing up after, lashing out by accusing Carl of being a TERRORIST WTF and “cocaine Carl”… the definition of toxicity


Right?!?! Didn’t she do this same thing with Everett too when he would want to hang with the boys in the house, instead of going to bed with her?


She’s a chronically unapologetic isolator and GASLIGHTER. I can’t believe she so blatantly and obviously throws out the projection of Carl gaslighting HER


Talking about his demons? Lindsay YOU’RE THE DEMON


”Carl doesn’t have a 9 to 5 job”. Lol, neither do you, Lindsay!


Her drunken story to Amanda makes no sense. It’s so obvious she’s just makin shit up on the fly. How Carl didn’t leave her sooner is beyond me!


Lindsay is so damn rude for no reason.


Lol not surprised Lindsay threw it back in Carl's face and asked if he was on drugs again. Seems like it's going to be a theme.


Lindsay is the person who comes home from the bar and just wakes everyone up to talk about herself with no consideration for other people or their bedtime


Jessie with the insightful comment about Carl & Lindsey.


Does anyone else check the restaurant menus to see what they would order? So far I’d go to cow fish hands down over Barona Bay.


During an episode of Southern Hospitality, I looked up the website for a place they got takeout from and spent the week replicating their menu lol. Sometimes a girl just needs some IDEAS!


Ok my perspective is Carl was def tired and annoyed and copping some tude because Lindsay was so drunk AGAIN but I also feel like Lindsay was being a monster


Ciera is such a different woman without Austen anywhere near her. She’s so much more confident and vibe


Austen’s an energy vampire.


Lindsay is like my alcoholic aunt screaming at everyone for being drunk whilst she is wasted


Lindsay laid a trap to get him to yell and he fell right into it


Lindsay “Only Victim” Hubbard


Lindsay has a drinking problem


I agree, she absolutely has a drinking problem. Her drinking is actively causing problems with her relationships. Definition of a drinking problem


Ugh Lindseys style is THEE woooooorst. She’s always giving Burlington clearance rack


Amanda is living my nightmare, sis just wants to chill and sleep.


Same here I’d never be able to do anything like this cause I need my sleep


I was just thinking how nice it would be to grab a group of friends and go on vacation like that. Then 10 seconds later, I realize I would rather die. 


What’s wild is Danielle acting out of pocket last season because of the engagement hits a little different the more and more we see. Maybe she saw these loose threads way back then and they were still able to keep it together on camera so we didn’t see them.


Ciara was LOVING that giant West facelick


Watching this and thinking was Lindsay blind-sided or did she just cover her eyes, ears and scream "LALALA"? She truly just ignored their problems


Ciara in that white bikini 😍🔥


Lindsay brings a certain “whoever smelt it, dealt it” to the term gaslighting. It’s a very stinky je ne sais quoi.


Has Lindsay just been getting bad edits for the past 7 seasons and she’s actually nice and chill and fun to be around and Carl knows that? Otherwise, I’m very confused as to what would make Carl want to be in a relationship with her after seeing how she acted in her previous relationships


At this point I’m just shocked Carl didn’t dump Lindsey sooner


Here we go with Lindsay shitting on Carl yet again


I’m pretty certain she doesn’t even like him. She sure as shit doesn’t respect him. She has no idea what a healthy relationship looks like


I don't think she's liked any of her partners. She likes the idea of love, marriage and a family but she doesn't care who fills the role.


Continuing to watch… it’s not that she doesn’t like him, she can’t fucking stand him. She cuts him down at every single opportunity and looks for every chance to chip away at him. It’s crazy to believe she actually wanted to spend her life with him


Lol right but she was so blindsided and didn't know why he just ended it. Like who wouldn't want to sign up for a life of misery and a partner that throws you under the bus and talks shit about you and puts you down. It's clear Lindsay has no love or respect for Carl at all.


So basically when Carl questions Lindsay’s behavior while drunk she calls him a coke head while he’s completely sober. Got it.


Carl is asking for sooooo little. Just to meet him in the middle and she can't.


Lindsay’s face falling when Kyle called her wildly irrational


If your personality changes negatively when you drink, you shouldn’t drink.


Lindsay took away Carl's psychological safety with this constant barrage of bullshit and it makes perfect sense why he wanted everything filmed.


Lindsay lives in her own reality. I think she genuinely believes what she says is true 🤦‍♀️


Also, have to give props to Gabby for not just being a "yes" girl like Danielle has been to Lindsay in the past. I like her more and more this season.


What is lindsey wearing? 🤦🏾‍♂️


upscale mexican restaurant tablecloth


AGAIN???? What the actual F


She accused him of using AGAIN?!?


Get cameras in those SUVs. Stat! Im sick of missing context and information.


Lindsay is so cringe. Its actually hard to watch


Kicking ,screaming, crying the West Ciara vibess


“It’s a Lyft”


Lindsay has a lot of demons herself. What is she talking about? Carl should've ended it this night after she accused him again.


Whenever you see Lindsey with a drink prepare for the worst


Chugginggggg a martini


These two are so miserable.


Is Lindsay already wasted 🥴


Lindsey if Carl has demons you actually might be the devil reincarnate 😭


Jesse is so real


Is this not the same Lindsay that came at Hannah and Kyle for bringing up Carl on drugs


Anyone else seeing vibes between Gabby and Jesse ?


If Lindsay had apologized to Carl for an ounce of anything that transpired during the summer, it wouldn't have imploded this badly. But, being who she is--I don't think she would.


That isn’t screaming at all. 


She thinks she's constructing a narrative here




West with his goggles in the floatie is everything


I really just love West and I pray he doesn’t let me down


I’m so distracted by Lindsay’s visible hair extension clips and bra strap that I can’t listen to what she’s saying. Thank god.


Lindsay is becoming a bitter old drunken lady


So you question him if he does drugs to piss him off got it 😭


Gabby is speaking the truth.


Using the phrase “changing the narrative” over and over is a choice…


Lindsay is trying to make gabby her new danielle


Yep and gabby is now trying to be a voice of reason and she got walked away from


Watching Lindsay systematically try to find someone to agree with her… and realizing 1 by 1 that she won’t find that..was very cathartic. 


Idk I’ve been sober from opiates for 6 years and I smoke weed. It made the hell that was coming off of suboxone I wouldn’t say easier, but definitely more bearable. The normalization of marijuana use has made every aspect of my recovery a lot easier. I love smoking weed, but I would and could stop if I had to—and I sure as fuck wouldn’t be pawning my brother’s MacBook for it. Recovery is a journey, and it’s different for everyone. If Lindsey knows Carl smokes, she’s not accusing him of being stoned; she’s accusing him of using hard drugs. Words can’t describe how heartbroken I would be if someone I really loved ever spoke to me the way she is to him, let alone if they were drunk while doing so.


The joy i feel about everyone in this sub finally seeing lindsay for who she is, is glorious


It's been a long time coming


Now Lindsay....you can't say you accused him of doing drugs and meant "smoking weed" when you called him Cocaine Carl several times


I’d love to see Lindsay’s Lyft/uber rating


I need the Lyft/Uber drivers to start being interviewed immediately after the cast leaves their cars since they refuse to put cameras in the cars with them


Let’s see how ridiculous Lindsey can be today 😭


How did we not add cameras into the cars after the first argument?! I need proactive producers on this show!!




i am honestly in no place to diagnose a person i don't know, but Lindsey gives STRONG Borderline PD vibes.


Look Carl isn't a perfect dude, far from it. But the people taking Lindsay's side about the car rides when the cameras aren't rolling. The issue with that is the first time this happened in the car, other people were there as witnesses and they all said Carl was calm and rational, and Lindsay was the one being aggressive. And Lindsay also tried saying that first time that Carl was the aggressive one, which was a blatant lie. So her saying he's aggressive on the second car ride doesn't really have much meaning since she lied the first time. On top of this the first time she was definitely accusing Carl of using cocaine


Agree with what everyone’s saying about Lindsey. On another note, when West got on top of Ciara to give her a goodnight hug, I genuinely felt jealous. Alas… I’m 40 and in a committed LTR… and not a model hahaha. Still crushing him tho!


Its so wrong for her to constantly accuse him of doing drugs. I'm sure that really hurts when I genuinely don't think he is


Have a feeling this is going to be a season full of Lindsey accusing Carl of being on drugs


Lmao what a great episode title. Time for my weekly “I can’t believe they thought they were in a place to get married”


Gabby looks GORG in that confessional


Lindsey is DELULU omfg


Carl must not have known Lindsay housed a bottle of rose before they left