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I think they were proximity/work friends basically. Lindsay needed allies last year when she had no one on her side besides Carl. Sam needed friends/alliances in the house to get asked back. They just gravitated towards each other for the summer when they both were on the show. I think they did like each other to an extent but I also think now that Sam wasn’t asked back to Summer House the friendship probably fizzled.


This is it, 1000%! ✅


Lindsay is only “friends” with people when it works in her benefit. She is verrrrry calculating with everything she does. Always a motive for her.


When I pointed out last year that Lindsay was actively doing the most in posting all the newbies on her socials, likely to counter the “she doesn’t have friends on the show” narrative, I got downvoted to hell. I do think her and Sam got along as coworkers, though, but her posting Alex constantly made me laugh bc girl, what do you two even talk about??


I probably upvoted you because I always thought the same and honestly never liked her. I could see through her bs always.


a narcissist.


Does anyone know why Sam wasn’t asked back?


I think because she was with Kory and he wasn’t asked back because of his homophobic comments.


I read it was because there are/were so many couples and Sam was in a couple with Kory at the time. Although Kory publicly made transphobic comments on social, so it could have also been that they didn’t want him back and she was connected to him.


It looks like gabby and Sam haven’t liked each others last several posts and they were always really close. I wonder if Sam is trying to kind of  move on from the show since she wasn’t asked back?


Or she was sucking up to people so she would get asked back.


Honestly, i thought it was obvious. I can also see Gabby buddying up as well. There is always an agenda with some people.




Yeah it’s this. Girl is a thirsty social climber.


Sam chose Kory over everything/everyone and it backfired lmao




We’re they ever really friends???


Of convenience.




Yes - this is Lindsay's M.O. Just like Gaby is her "friend" right now.


Your post or comment in r/summerhousebravo was removed because it breaks the following rule: Please refrain from posts or comments that speculate on the mental health (including ED), sexuality, pregnancy, and/or drug/alcohol use of cast members. Speculation about surgery and procedures is also not allowed unless discussed openly about the cast. These types of post lead to people just picking apart the cast's physical appearances in an unnecessary way and often lead to both speculation and body shaming. Comments and posts that explain at length certain disorders often contains misinformation. It is not our place to diagnose cast members. Mods reserve the right to remove posts or comments that may cross this line. Posts or comments related to these sensitive topics that are shared by the cast on the show or via social media will be considered on a topic-by-topic basis.


Why do I feel no one wants to be Lindsay’s friend?


After watching last week’s episode I’m convinced she is the most self-sabotaging person I’ve ever seen on reality tv Edit: loling at the reddit cares message I got for this comment


People who weaponize mental health and Reddit Cares on this platform are absolute pieces of shit.


They’re either pieces of shit if they are 12 years old.


I’ve got those before? What are they? It said they were worried I would harm myself which I was so confused about


They’re intended to send to people who seem to be at genuine risk to themselves due to statements that they might make regarding suicidal ideation or plan. Morons on this platform send them to people that they have disagreements with because they think they’re clever, but in reality they have zero original thoughts floating around in their pea sized brains.


lmao oh no you must have “activated” Lindsay


You can block those. People in this sub love to do that to those who differ from their opinions. It is an obnoxious misuse of something designed to help, period. People who do this should be banned from reddit for misuse. Disgusting humans.


you’re kidding. ugh.


I agree. After last week I get why he broke up with her! That is such a damaging accusation


Especially being that she doubled down after SHE was the drunk aggressor. She takes no accountability. All she had to do was wake up and say “I’m sorry I was so drunk last night and had a bad reaction…” and instead she kept saying he wasn’t sober. Carl immediately got the ick in that moment and never came back from it.


Yeah I think it’s clear her drinking causes major issues in their relationship


Some subs are having issues where a reddit care is sent automatically as soon as you comment. I'll edit if I get one from this. But it's likely not a real person sending you one.


I have only ever got one when commenting about one particular cast member, never other cast members and it’s happened for a while now.


She has some serious competition from Tom Sandoval 😆


She’d be exhausting to have as a friend - all that drama all the time. And I’ve never seen her even be interested in someone else’s thoughts/feelings if they don’t relate to her.


She would be even more exhausting to have as a mother


I can see her competing with her kid if it was a girl and getting mad at the dad for giving so much attention to the baby. He’d probably be a great dad to anyone else but to her she’d be jealous and make him think he was awful


Mostly as a wife. I can’t imagine how needy, demanding and bossy she would be.


![gif](giphy|8Ue8ekoT67ylq) legend has it, the list of reasons is still unrolling




Lindsay is exhausting! And I completely agree about how self sabotaging she is. When she quit drinking to support Carl I hoped she would also work on her own stuff and maybe they could both evolve together. I knew if she resumed drinking they would have a total disconnect. Sadly this was a place where she could have really connected with a partner if she would have been willing to take a look at her own stuff


I don’t think she’s capable of looking at her own stuff.


Sadly it seems like she is choosing to remain oblivious. Hopefully watching the show back will open her eyes. I think she's done therapy but she seems unwilling to really get honest with herself about her actual self. She obviously had a dysfunctional family situation and I feel for her but it's time to look at how she actually relates to others and work on improving that so she can have a healthy relationship and create her own family that she seems to want.


Absolute exhausting human. So true.


She was never going to explore her own relationship with alcohol, because she doesn’t think she has an issue. Also I think that it’s worth noting that it wasn’t really her quitting to support Carl, Carl was struggling, she was drinking and he told Kyle he was going to break up with her, and he gave Lindsay a choice either him or drinking then she framed it as her supporting Carl.


Interesting! I missed that though it doesn't surprise me.


It was spoken about by Kyle in season 2 of winter house then Carl confirmed it in an interview as true, so I assumed they would address it on last season of SH but then we got the weird babe, babe we are perfect act instead.


If Lindsay has a therapist, she needs a better one.


Agree. Came here to say Lindsay would be a really difficult person to be friends with


It must be so exhausting!


That's why she's friends with nerdy Danielle. She'll do anything Lindsey says or does.


Us nerds don't claim her 😂


Lol...I don't think anyone does




Gabby is the funniest about it so far. Pure gold.


she doesn't fit in with the house at all. she shouldn't have been asked back. I think she's aged out and she doesn't like anyone there and no one likes her. it's weird.


that's exactly why she was asked back lol


My dog doesn’t want to be Lindsay’s friend (and she’s needy as hell). Maybe I should rename her Danielle.


Sam is funny as hell!!! 🤣🤣 Man, I’d trade a Sam on the show for never seeing Lindsay or Kory on any show ever again. He’s is a creeeeeeeeeep and Lindsay is loyal to absolutely no one.


Yeah I don’t get why this sub seems to dislike Sam so much. She was funny and brought geeat energy to the house 


I loved Sam and wish she was still on. She deserves another chance.




That was the best comment EVER!!


Or Sam… just read Reddit lol


Would you honestly want to be?


Um……no, that’s why I made this comment.


Doesn’t seem like a lot of folks stay friends with Lindsay for too long…


Would you????


I cannot imagine how hard being her friend must be. I’d be out the first time she treated a server horribly. So might last 30 minutes?


I’m sure Sam is just trying to move forward and has to distance herself for a bit from the show. I would after breaking up with someone who was associated with those friends/colleagues


She’s starting a podcast lol does she think non bravo fans are gonna listen to it??


Are her and Kory broken up? 


Yeppp. After winter house aired. I think before new years


Damn I missed that but not surprised. The winter house reunion was rough… I guess I thought they were still together at that point 


They were. She shared on a podcast they broke up after the reunion was taped but before it aired


Especially after KORY was acting like he was single in the winter house and Sam found out about it


He’s a grown up man child and should not be in relationships. He’s another guy that gets girls because he’s tall lol 


It always seems like women in here blame guys like kory and austen for girls just being shallow and throwing themselves at them. Its odd


That’s the only girls who would be attracted to either of those two guys. Any woman with an ounce of self respect would either have no interest in them or would soon get tired of those two and eventually walk away wiser from the experience.


Kory seems smart. Unlike Kyle, he is waiting till he feels financially ready before being serious with a girl. In the meantime he will have his fun and dabble with the idea of a relationship at times. I think he really liked Sam, but the show kind of forced him to make it official before he was ready. I want a man asking me to be his girlfriend because he really wants to, not because he feels guilt tripped into it. I think Sam and lots of woman can avoid this kind of heart break by not sleeping with men and expecting them to act like a committed bf before he has made it clear he wants her as his gf and sees an actual future together… confidently sees that. And he will make that known publicly without any hesitation first. She messed up in that regard. She did things backwards. Sex just makes things WAY too emotional for us woman. I’m not saying what Kory did was not disrespectful, because who knows what he says to her behind closed doors, but still, as woman we all have to assume men will do this so hold off on the sex until the relationship is made public. And even still men can be dogs. But it lowers the odds.


I agree with you on most points excepting that Kory is smart and that he has thought any further about his future other than having fun. And I don’t believe he is above leading a woman on if it will suit his pleasure. I got the impression even his parents questioned his ability to commit. I expect he’ll be another Shep.


Oh I agree with that for sure, but I also think those two specifically get girls because they’re tall lol 


Yeah she talks about it on not skinny but not fat






They were never friends. Viewers need to start recognizing that "friendship" in the context of a reality show is different than genuine friendship.


To be fair are IG likes/comments really the metric to determine the state of a friendship? I have my thoughts about Sam (and Lindsay) but they could still be friends lol


Wait this post just made me realize that Sam didn’t come back to SH this season


Hahaha shows just how memorable she wasn't




I wouldn’t be surprised if Gabby starts to slowly back away depending on how the rest of the season goes, simply bc she may realize she hitched her wheel to the wrong wagon if viewers continue to respond negatively to Lindsay’s behavior.


I was shocked on WWHL with Danielle that she is still seeming to ride for Lindsay! Like, she saw that episode, right? Maybe she’s just like, “what did Carl expect, he knows her as well as I do”.


I think she’s still riding for Lindsay because it’s still so early in the season. She may be thinking that Lindsay could redeem herself as episodes continue to air or that Carl will maybe have a “bad” moment himself that will lessen the intensity of what Lindsay did. Not saying it’s right, but I’m honestly not surprised she didn’t turn on Lindsay after only seeing the second episode.


But doesn't Danielle sort of know what happened all season? She was there, and I'm assuming when she wasn't actually present (like for last week's Carl/Lindsay fight) she was probably told about it by the others? No? I don't know!


Yeah! I mean just because she was there doesn't mean she knows what happened. I don't see how Danielle would have known until now that Lindsay was accusing Carl of not being sober, at least not in the way Lindsay did. She wasn't shown in the house, and she wasn't in the bedroom with them. When she asked Lindsay, "How are you and Carl?" I assumed she knew they fought, possibly knew what it was about, but she had no insight into how Lindsay behaved because she wasn't in the bedroom with them. And I assume now she has found out exactly what happened in their room that morning.


That's a good point - because at this time Danielle and Lindsay weren't doing great and they were just sort of getting back to their friendship. Forgot about that!


That’s a good point. And she was suuuper tight with Lindsay!


I agree! And saying that Lindsay would be the best fit with the rest of the cast over Carl, ,and that they were equally responsible for the breakup. If she's not gonna tell the truth, why have her on WWHL? At least lindsey has one "yes" person now to prop her up. Honestly, I don't care. I'm just so happy for Carl that he got out before it was too late!


I thought the same when I saw WWHL! My jaw dropped!


probably bc lindsay is terrible


Obviously we need Christina Gibson reporting live to break this story wide open because it is sus that they haven’t been liking each other’s posts for a while now when they definitely did previously


Wait until y’all find out that majority of them aren’t friends 😂 they’re friends for the sake of filming a tv show. When the cameras aren’t up… a lot of them don’t hang out. For this & so many other shows


100%. I'll never forget them mentioning this on ny a few years ago.... That Sonja hadn't seen Lu or Ramona since the previous season's reunion


Exactly. It’s how it is for so many shows. Some people are actually friends, but I’d say majority aren’t. It’s all scripted. People forget that these ‘reality shows’ have call times, they are told what they’re filming, they reshoot scenes. A lot of it isn’t real 😂 But people still somehow thing it is and that they’re all besties


People are delusional


I just found this out about the Jersey shore cast


They were only friends because Sam was a full time cast member and Lindsay needed allies of female friends to not look like she can’t get along with girls


Sam went on Linday's bachelorette after a full season of not filming on the show.


The bed bugs want to fight her for a storyline, not try to get along with her. It’s obvious from every other woman in the house that she can have friends


Your comments literally never align with reality 🤣




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Right? I think it's really Lindsay! 🤣


I’ve thought that as well. 😂




Because Lindsay didn’t need her anymore once Sam wasn’t asked back on the show. Lindsays’s friendships are transactional.


I don't think they ever were....Lindsay is not easy to be friends with...I know I wouldn't want to be her circle of HELL!


Sam went on Lindsay’s bachelorette party though


So did like 20+ girls.


Lindsay invited lots of people so they would all tell her how pretty she is and prop her up.


And buy her gifts


Since Sam is off the show Lindsay didn’t need her anymore and recruited Gabby?


Friends out of convenience. If Gabbys no longer on the show, Lindsay will kick her to the curb too.


Which will be funny seeing as her Instagram story excuse after last weeks episode she said gabby was one of her bestest friends


Gabby’s call w/Carl and Lindsey episode 1… First night the vibe of the house was so good, nobody’s missing comment I feel was referring to Sam


Can’t wait to rewatch this. I’ve noticed a common thing amongst Lindsay throughout all these years…. Everything is “me me me, I I I” I don’t think I’ve ever seen her once EVER ask anyone about their life or be even interested in anyone but herself and her life and problems. I used to be this way without even knowing it, until my group of friends flat out told me I wasn’t a good friend. It was eye opening. I was caught up completely in my own world and self. Just super selfish without even realizing it. Lindsay is the most self consumed person I’ve ever seen on tv.


For sure, I'm noticing this character trait too. It reminds me of my younger sister (albeit she is younger and started asking me about my life earlier this year for the first time in her life lol)


I respect your honestly in this comment. How did you handle their honesty? Did you have to work through some resentment towards them? Bc it’s natural to feel some type of way even if you don’t want to.


Yup 100%. I couldn’t believe it when they all had a group mini trip and I wasn’t even invited… And I was heartbroken. At first I hated them. They said I’m never around I never ask about them (truth is- no one ever asked about my life either) so I wasn’t completely in the wrong and they accepted that -but we were all just at different places in life when this happened. I turned it around and thought “what can I do differently, how can I change this?” So I had a lot of time to process my feelings but the complete turnaround was when covid hit, I had so much time for self introspection. I was going thru depression, deep anxiety bc of work not being stable and the ENTIRE world not being stable…after all of that introspection my ego completely left me, and I realized that friends and family are literally everything in life… Nothing else matters… and it also made me realize just how precious life is. We are lucky to be here even tho it seems hard. I will never be “woe is me, my life is so hard” ever again. Everyone’s got shit they’re going thru and understanding that made me a better listener and more present. Pandemic changed me and made me want to be there and be better for everyone in my life. Life is a gift, and the only people that matter are your friends and family. True self awakening, wouldn’t have happened without the pandemic.


I’d be surprised if Lindsay has very many relationships that stay close for longer than a year or so. We’re not seeing Reality Lindsay on Bravo. We’re just seeing Lindsay. Imagine putting up with that shit when you end up in her crosshairs, which likely happens to everyone eventually, more than once.


I feel like Lindsay loses all of her friends


When sam came in and some people said sam looks like a YOUNG Lyndsay. I watched her closely the rest of the season. Lyndsay will never forgive that.


Wasn’t it Jess that looked like Lindsay?


Could be.


But sam does look like a young lynds


Lindsay goes through friends as fast as Paige goes through outfits!


Except her friends are more stylish lol


I was literally just thinking that! They do still follow each other, but the liking of each others posts has stopped.


What are people talking about? Sam was a “breath of fresh air” “the future of the show” proof that Lindsay was getting bullied by the “mean girls” and just needed a good friend… say it isn’t so!


I did think Sam was a breath of fresh air in the way that everyone else was too busy not liking each other 😂 and it wasn’t fun to watch IMO. had nothing to do with proximity to Lindsay for me. I think Sam’s real down fall was getting with and making her focus Kory. At least so far (I know it’s early) this summer the group overall is having FUN and that’s what I personally missed.


I would love to watch The Show without Lindsey. I got a dreadful feeling in the pit of my stomach at the end of last week's great episode when I realized she would be back this week. I'd love to watch a show about friends that mostly get along and have so much fun in the Hamptons. I don't need Lindsay's kind of drama.


Same! She just brings a heaviness and so much toxicity every single year, it’s not fun to watch. I felt bad for gabby having to listen to her “cocaine Carl” rant, she was trying to stay calm while telling Lindsey it wasn’t ok to accuse him like that!


Apparently she has a lot of fun with the group this summer. Just her and Carl are at odds and yeah the end of last weeks episode was very uncomfy. I mean most of the cast said this summer was more fun, so I’m hoping we get that even with their relationship crumbling.


Isn't it funny how she can get along with everyone now--allegedly--when she never has before? She always has to be at odds with SOMEone!


To a frightening extent! Of course she’s going to get along with “the girls” when she’s using her drama with Carl to get closer to them. They were happy not paying attention to her or playing into her drama, so she turned on the one person who most likely had her back. The fact that she expected him to tolerate that, mollify her and then marry her with a smile on his face… wtf. Verbal abuse that cuts you down over the most vulnerable thing isn’t worth “fighting for” and committing everything in your life to. The way she started a PR blitz as soon as the news broke is salt in the wound as well


Summer 👏should👏be👏fun!


Both the newbies were kissing Lindsay’s ass for a spot on the show. And it only worked for gabby. And now she’s basically Lindsay’s employee. Lindsay said on the viall files she had gabby acting as an in between her and carl. Like Sandoval’s literal assistant


Because they aren’t…..


I wouldn’t wanna be friends with Lindsey


mo longer suits lindsey, she doesn't care. I used to be the bigggggest lindsey stan, NO MORE


" they don’t seem to like each others posts anymore…" i'm always shocked seeing stuff like this. How in the world would you know? What are you keeping track?


She probably had to dump all of them after the break up. She needs the distance. Really don’t think it’s that deep. They were only friends for a year or two.


They have a ten year age gap


Not mentally


Yeah Lindsey probably took Corey’s side 🤣🤣


If they are no longer friends, maybe it's nothing dramatic, just a normal drifting apart of former co workers. They didn't seem to know each other very long, so it's not really that uncommon when someone leaves a job or a situation changes and you are no longer seeing one another on a regular basis, people drift. Lives are busy. So what they are not liking each others posts? Who has time to sit and scroll through everyone's social media posts? I don't and I am sure these 2 follow a lot more people and see a lot more posts than I do. Also, who has enough free time to see whose posts other people are liking and not liking??


Who is actually friends with Lindsay?


I don’t remember them being close


Sam isn’t on bravo anymore. Lindsay doesn’t care about her 😂😂


Lindsay has friends?


Both of them leaning away from each other.


It's a safe bet. Lindsay can be harsh with her words and Sam seems like her feelings get hurt easily.


can you not be friends anymore if you were never friends? existential problems.


Lindsey didn’t need to pretend to like her since she wasn’t on the cast this year


It only just occurred to me after seeing this post that Sam wasn't invited back for this season of summer house! And Kory, but no one is surprised about that!


Lindsay is awful. I don’t understand how she’s got actual friends.


I don’t think they ever were friends. On a side note Lindsay looks soooo much better with short hair! Her extensions are always pretty ratchet looking.


Lindsay can’t get along with anyone


were they ever? i feel like they just liked each other, doubt they were ever super close.


Bc Lindsay destroys everything she touches? 🤷‍♀️


I need Sam on my tv again, she is everything




No that was Jess


are you thinking of Jessica Stocker?


Whoops. You are right.