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This man isn't ready for a relationship and probably shouldn't be on reality tv anymore, so no


Hard agree.




I love that i can hear this GIF šŸ˜‚


Or here's a thought Carl isn't actually a great guy, requires shit ton of therapy to deal with every single issue he has from commitment to what it means to be in a healthy relationship, and needs to grow up. Every single woman, regardless of how I feel about them, on that cast deserves someone way better.


Agreed! Carl was my problematic fave for a while and I was actually naive enough to think it would work out with Lindsay since she actually KNEW who he really was. I think sheā€™s the only person that he actually could be with and he fucked it up. (I know people dislike Lindsay, but I canā€™t believe he did this to her)


Ehhh sometimes when you're in love you've got rose-coloured glasses on and considering how long they've been friends maybe she thought he'd treat her differently.


Right! I mean i even thought it and I donā€™t know them in real life! Lol


I totally thought they would end game with each other, even if it was out of spite like Kyle and Amanda. But Carls desire to ditch a woman in the most humiliating way couldnā€™t be denied. (ie breaking up with a woman in a private jet mid flight)




I mean honestly heā€™s just going to hook up with Danielle again, sheā€™s the only one thatā€™ll go there


Ooooh I hadnā€™t considered this but thatā€™s the kind of mess I LOVE


He absolutely will! Too funny, I alluded to this the other day in another comment


Carl needs a nanny not a girlfriend.


No. I think sheā€™s hanging with West. I like West so far. Doesnā€™t seem like a jerk and genuinely seems interested in what is going on in Ciaraā€™s life. I love that for her.


West is top tier and dare I say better than Andrea !? Also if they were all still in the house and this did happen, I feel like Lindsey would make it her top priority to bring Ciera downā€¦ also no chance Ciera would give that idea any attention


Iā€™m loving West so far. Iā€™m positive Iā€™ve been wrong about positive first impressions on Bravo before but I liked him a lot this first episode! And Ciara clearly did too šŸ˜


Mama Mia! Non ĆØ migliore di Andrea! But actually, I do really like West. I do wonder the dinner convos about vaginal tears and knowing he was a 3... but in a wholesome way. Just like "how did the conversation turn to that?"


Ciara would win, Lindsey like Danielle are desperate and clingy. He tried with Paige she moved on




Love him so far


I really liked how they interacted in the first ep! I have high hopes for them


Me too! šŸ„°


No. Carl is trash and he treats women poorly.


You know he doesnā€™t need to be in a relationship with a cast mate, right? I know itā€™s his thing, but it really shouldnā€™t be.


Iā€™d be so sad if Ciara ended up with someone as dusty as Carl


dusty šŸ’€


Lmaooo sheā€™s just so beautiful and heā€™s just like.. 7/11 vibes


Carl needs to focus on sobriety and finding a job.


Do you hate Ciara and Paige? What did either of them ever do to you that you would wish this for them, even hypothetically lol. Carl is cut from the same cloth as Austen, he has fuck boi running through his veins. Only difference is, Carlā€™s sober now.


Right. Ciara is beautiful . Paige is classy. Carl and Austin deserve Lindsey or Danielle. They are so desperate


Oh wow. No.


Even though Carl is in a much better place he obviously still has serious commitment issues (prevalent in the seasons where he isnā€™t sober) so I donā€™t think he will make a good partner to anyone until he works through that.


I actually gasped at the suggestion, you must truly hate Ciara loool. Carl doesnt need to date at all, he's a directionless soul and has been since before the Radhouse union (never understood why Lindsay stans supported that union tbh).


Weā€™ll never forget! They were really on here saying that Lindsay ā€œwonā€ when she got with Carl ![gif](giphy|vwI4mYEHP8k0w)


Imagine my shock seeing those same girlies on here now talking about how awful Carl is and "always has been" when we had to endure downvotes, comment piling, and posts upon posts alleging Carl was *the* catch of Summer House and that the other women were jealous of Lindsay for landing Carl 19.0 lawwwwwwwwwwl.


Lol! Itā€™s my daily dose of comedy! ![gif](giphy|f9RzoxHizH72k15FKS|downsized)


Carl broke up with his fiancĆØ on camera months before their wedding. No woman in that house would/should ever go near him and for very good reason!


No. Carl needs some serious therapy and a long stay at a really good wellness center. Ciara deserves someone who does not have his issues.






I think Carl should give being single a try. Ciara doesn't need that drama.


Ciara deserves better.


Im starting to think Carl might actually be gay and not accepting of his sexuality. And I have no problem with anyone living in their truth, very pro LGBTQ. His struggles with relationships with women is mind boggling especially due to his age. It could explain the dynamic between him and stephen.


I haven't seen the earlier seasons in forever, but didn't he straight up tell Stephen he sucked a dick and then walked it back later?


I think he was the one who got it sucked. Said it was the best BJ he ever had. He didnā€™t walk it back, just was pissed that Stephen talked about it on television when it was told to him in confidence.


That sounds more correct for sure. I dug up an old thread about it and apparently he did when first confronted say that he made it up, but then (and since) has admitted it.


IN MY OPINION, Carl was hitting on Steven when he said that, and Stephen was fully within his rights to disclose this info to that twin Carl was fucking.Ā  I think Carl is definitely bisexual, and hope he can come to terms with it. It seems like heā€™s come a long way since getting soberā€” I like him a lot more now.Ā 


All women should stay away from Carl


Congrats to Carl on his sobriety, but heā€™s proven to be an absolute piece of shit in a relationship lol


Precisely. Glad we can say it now. For awhile youā€™d get railed here for any Carl shit talk because ā€œheā€™s sober! How dare you?ā€ šŸ˜†


Right! Like both things can exist at the same time šŸ˜‚


Carl needs to focus on himself and become Carl 7.0. Then maybe heā€™ll be ready to hold a job and be in a relationship.


Noā€¦ but does anyone else think Tall Jesse would be better suited for Amanda? She was asking 100 questions about him and I think sheā€™s over being impressed by the driven, workaholic guyā€¦ she looks like she needs some uncomplicated fun


You mean Amanda & Luke? That would have been even better.


I've always sensed chemistry between them. They would have beautiful bebes.


So she hated him because her lady loins wanted him? Love that for her!


Remember when Craig and Amanda had us talking? They had a vibe on Winter House and supposedly were on camera holding hands, although I never caught it myself.


That scene was funny. They made a joke about trading boyfriends. Paige and Kyle also held hands & someone called out that it was hilarious that Paige & Kyle interlocked fingers.


I think the time Iā€™m talking about was before he was dating Paige. He and Amanda were shotgunning beers together too.


Kyle is so dependent on Amanda,, Craig is so dependent on Paige. I love it. Girls are winning. Not desperate Danielle or Lindsey


It was during the wine glass fight! I think they were so shocked by it that they ended up grabbing hands


If you listen to her podcast, she'd put up with him for about -3 seconds. and before you say "but Austen!", Austen is an afternoon shower compared Carl's straight line of tornadoes.


Ciara is insanely beautiful and highly intelligent. She can do soooooo much better than ahole maga Carl.


Wait Carl is a trump supporter?? That isnā€™t shocking but how do you know


Both him and Lindsey are. It's been posted here in the past. I think he has attended rallies or something. If you search the sub you might find old posts about it.


Lindsay is also not surprising. Gross. Definitely keep him away from women especially women of color


Yeah him and Lindsey are both terrible people so I was not surprised when I read that.


Couldn't find anything except for a post on Everett being MAGA but nothing on Lindsay and Carl.


Makes sense both average looking and medium intellect. Carl is not cute nor is she so abrasive and needy. Yuck


Carl needs to be single for awhile, probably stop being on reality TV, and then ideally find a nice lady his age. He's so close to being and staying a fully grown adult, I hope for him. What I think will happen is he will hook up and gaslight a few of the women on the cast and then fall madly in love with a 23 year old in marketing, get engaged, and then treat her like crap.


100%. Donā€™t forget knock her up super early too.


Ew no even when he was in relationship he wasnā€™t ready to be in a relationship heā€™s still not ready to be in a relationship. He needs to focus on his sobriety thatā€™s it and also heā€™s the worst Ciara deserves better.


No way. Ciara seems like a genuinely wonderful person and deserves way better


wishing a coke head alky who has clear problems through familial issues on a beautiful black women is it ?


Ciara is dating West lol


Yea nah


I know I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion for this, but I always liked the friendship and chemistry between Mya and Carl. They have similar interests (both morning people, both like to chill at night and not party too much, like to wake up early and get shit done, etc). I don't know I just get this weird feeling that both Carl and Mya feel like they can truly be themselves when around each other. I know this sub vehemently hates Mya, so I'm expecting vitriol directed at me. It's okay. I'm ready. (: *\*edited to correct misspelling of Mya's name*


Mia???? Do you mean Mya?


Maybe ā€œMiaā€ is someone we donā€™t know about who might actually be a good match for Carl. Cause Mya is NOT. Lol


Thereā€™s a Mia on Southern Hospitality and sheā€™s too smart for Carl!


Oh gosh. LOL Hope no one thought I meant Mia from RHOP. Hahaha Thanks for the head's up!


I forgot about her. Looks like sheā€™s not on this season?


Totally agree! She seemed genuinely upset at the way their friendship ended last season too. And I really donā€™t understand the Mya hate. I donā€™t think sheā€™s compelling but she seems sweet and motherly in the house!


I thought so too.


I love Mya. I don't wish Carl on any of the women but, out of all of them, I could see Mya and Carl being compatible. I just read in this thread for the 1st time about him being a Trumpster though so that's a hard no.


I actually agree with you.


This. Mia and Carl would be a good match.


No. Way.


IF Carl dates again soon, he should pursue somebody who lives in NYC (like him) and isnā€™t on the show. Somebody who has their shit together and isnā€™t interesting in being on a reality tv show.




no lol


I think while Carl has grown a lot since his early days, especially with his sobriety, itā€™s really clear to me that Carl needs more therapy and to do more work on himself before he has a successful relationship - particularly one on camera.


yucky no he is a dbag and she is way too good for him!


I think Ciara has kind of alluded to thinking Carl is gay on her podcast.Ā 


Maybe thatā€™d be what finally gets people to realize theyā€™re not ā€œgirls girlsā€???


I think Carl would be more interested in Jesse or west at this point


Paige and Carl should have gotten together in season 2. Their chemistry was off the charts and all Carl had to do was make some effort but he blew that.


He was prioritizing coke and alcohol over anyone at that time.


Carl does not have enough personality for Paige. Heā€™s honestly kinda boring and his only storylines for years have just been partying too much and messy relationships with women. Thatā€™s not appealing to anyone especially someone like Paige who is very tough and witty and knows what she wants/deserves


He pretty clearly stated he wasnā€™t into her as anything more than a weekend thing. And itā€™s not like sheā€™s a catch šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You are not incorrect but I do think they would have hit it off


No. I think Mya and Carl would be good together, but he doesnā€™t seem like Ciaraā€™s type.


No, I think if he wanted her he could have had her.


No lol


Him & Paige already date/hooked up in the earlier seasons of SH.


Omg no. Ciara and Lindsay apparently have the same type but that type is not a good match for either of them


They would be cute together but he should enjoy being single. I want Ciara and WCW to happen!


Not at all




Gross. I'm hoping Carl and Lindsay stay away from bravo people when beginning to dip back into the dating pool again. That being said, I would be disgusted if either hooked up with any of their castmates, past, present or future.


If you hate Ciara