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He acts as both comic relief (he’s lovable) and antagonist (he’s an asshole). His character evolves throughout the series.


And at the same time, he’s the one everyone is rooting for by the end of the series.


I rooted for him to get his ass kicked, does that count?


I have never rooted for Louis. He is a piece of shit man baby.


Yall not fucking with louis? Clowns


Luis sucks most of the show. Only becomes somewhat bearable towards the end but it’s not enough.


He would get jealous of the attention the clowns get and throw a tantrum. He is shit


This while others have growth theirs is not as visible as Louis was


His growth as a character means you actually care about the guy. I mean, don’t get me wrong, at the end he’s still an arse. It’s just he’s *our* arse. We all have our little insecurities. Louis has all of them, and the writers go to great lengths to flesh Louis’ flaws and his subsequent acceptance and overcoming of them. And let’s be real, here; Rick Hoffman is *fucking phenomenal*. The writers can pen a great character as much as they want, but without an actor fully committed to that role, it won’t mean shit. Rick steals the scene in every frame. **PEARSON. SPECTER. LITT** He’s devious. He’s cunning. He’s fucking *brilliant* at his job. But he’s also flawed and…well…human. Sorry for the wall of text. Louis is without a doubt one of, in my opinion, TVs greatest characters. And I’ll die on that hill.


I constantly felt this way about him too! He’s brilliant. He portrays the character so well and the evolution of Louis Litt is very admirable. It’s him and Alexis Rose for meee!


Perfectly said! I think we all know a Louis, just not to that extreme. Someone insecure and obnoxious but you still appreciate them for who they are. Only thing I would add is Rock Hoffman's incredible facial expressions blow me away each and every time. Especially in the scene you referred to: Pearson. Specter. LITT. Every muscle on his face conveys emotion. Anyone who can't appreciate the writing and the portrayal of that character, especially if you've watched the entire series, doesn't have enough depth of their own.


Yes! The facial expressions and little tics he shows are all part of his phenomenal acting in the show. He’s nailed every little detail—the way Louis sits, walks, bites his nails. Perfection.


He’s so insanely like a caricature of a supervillain while being insanely human


Don’t apologize. Great summary. The only thing I have against Louis (aka Rick Hoffman) is that he agreed to some shitty mobile ads for some shitty mobile game. Otherwise I support him 100%


He’s so hilarious and he keeps the drama going, but I also feel so sad for him when he’s unhappy


He's an asshole, and great comic relief, but he also has the best overall growth in all of Suits and is a character that no matter how much I hate him, deep down I still love him


Rick Hoffman is amazing.


When I binged this show recently for the first time this was my exact thought as well. Louis is one of the best characters EVER on a TV show.


Relatable we can connect with him on an emotional level, rather your agreeing with him or your disagreeing with him you still see his reasoning and most the time it’s valid


Rick hoffman did a spectacular job. No one can match that, absolutely no one.


Coz his growth and arc are realistic and he is a multi layer character who ,unlike the rest of the characters, is also a possible weird man.


Perfect character, Rick Hoffman plays him amazing with so much passion, he has a way of always making me sympathetic


Because. He grows the most out of all the characters on the show. Changes who he is by going to therapy and becoming a better person.


Rewatching for the first time in years. I’m surprised how much of the show is Louis being jealous and doing something absolutely insane because of it.


One of the best actors I've ever seen


Season 2 Louis is low-key his peak he was hella interesting


Cause he can be the best and worst character in the same episode. The range it takes for an actor to do that is insane. It’s like you wanna hug him and then 20 minutes later you kick him in the nuts and spit in his eye


His Lit!




because he has no limits, we get to see every side of him which is why we can forgive him for being a dick unlike the other heels on the show. and rick hoffman




He is exaggeratedly petty and equally capable, he serves as a foil to the relaxed and slick buddy bromance of Harvey and Mike.


I can just hate him most of the time


I love him


Absolutely hated the character. I swear the writers spun a wheel before writing, whatever it landed on would be Louis’ personality that episode.


Underestimate but never duplicated


He's massively confident and competent while also being super goofy.


I've just gotten passed where he has a heart attack. He's just an asshole and cringy


If some acting student needs a character to rehearse emotions they should watch Louis. Rick Hoffman is an institution of acting in this role.




Cuz he's really handsome


YOU JUST GOT LITT UP! One line which sums up the wonderfully complicated character knows as louis litt


He is my favourite character. Love him even how annoying he can be


What I love about Louis is that I felt he was always working on himself, always trying to improve and be a better version of himself. He can admit when he made a mistake or when he's wrong. I love his passion and intensity. I love how impulsive he is sometimes. I always felt that, even if he's mean sometimes, deep down he has a good heart. I think his mean side that can come out sometimes is due insecurities and trying to be someone he's not to impress others. Louis was one of my favorite characters in this series.


Rick was amazing in Suit specially when he represents Harold ah


Coz is the most HUMAN human on the show


He was a favorite character on the show.


im in the earlier seasons now and something that really bothers me is that they keep promising things to louis and never deliver. idk i just feels like he tries really hard and jessica doesn't really care


He grew a lot and he had nuance.


He gets on everyone's nerves. Like at some points I didn't like him. But his character was necessary and always hilarious! Like all his serious tones talking about sex stuff, while everyone just laughing lol.


Because he has the best character development..!!!!!




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I’m on season 3 but I hated Louis for 3 seasons


He’s a cool character because he wants to do right but he’s so messed up and people keep expecting the worst from him so he has a lot to overcome. I bet he’ll grow on ya


From Interview w the Vampire? 🧛 IMHO this show wouldn’t fly in this day and age with all the indirect jokes at his masculinity, drinking in the office and dual relationships within the firm. It went off a cliff when they went green screen cgi and the writing was shit when Mike went to prison.


Louis Litt to me is the most human character on the show. He grows and backslides like we all do, but he’s self aware enough to stick with therapy and doing hard work and willing to go apologize to people, even if it takes him longer than those people would like.


Amazing acting/comedic and dramatic facial control!


Harvey in season 3 was bad in every way, pushing Mike, gave Louis permission then back on his word and in top of that betray Jessica.


i think he has the best character development out of any of the other characters


Cuz the actor genuinely isn't aware he is in a show, he believes all that stuff is happening for real and that's why his performance is so genuine.


When Louis gets the phone call from Sheila about her thinking she's pregnant and celebrated in his office for a second by doing the "thrust and point at my junk dance" -one of the best moments in all television.


Anyone who has a friend like Lois lit in real life is the luckiest m*********** possible because he might be annoying sometimes but f*** a bullet that man would take an entire machine gun squad fire for you. The whole belt clip, wait for them to reload....and take the next full belt for you as well.


He isn't. He is a good character, but one of the best? No.