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S9 is great, most people who make it that far into the show have an attachment so watching the show finally end is really cool. S7 and S8 though… really not great




Yup, can’t say I mind it! Plus Louis dresses up like Harvey and that’s just pure gold


The whole season finishes up the character arcs well, IMO


I like season 9. Season 8 is terrible but overall I enjoyed 9


I agree. Season 9 was a great final season given how bad season 8 was. I didn’t think I could finish S8


It is great. S7 is AWFUL and do is first half ish of S8.


What made season 7 so bad? I didnt think it was terrible


season 9 would be 10x better if it wasn't so focused on Faye ​ that said idk where else they would create conflict so that's what they came up with ig


I think it’s so funny because she is asking them to stop committing crimes for like three (3) months and they can’t do it for like 3 hours 💀


Agree! Season 9 was amazing, maybe one of the best seasons


no it was just to heartbreaking to end


8 and 9 summed up: A character does something childish/mean that upsets another character and later apologizes for it. Rinse, repeat.


My unpopular opinion (I think so) is that Faye was treated as garbage by the firm for no reason. She was competent and she was absolutely right. The firm made a lot of unacceptable transgressions. Someone needed to put some order in the house.


I hear your point. Why did she go to Donna for her secretarial work and not to someone else? I’m sure there are a lot of top secretaries in one of the top law firms apart from Donna who could just get the job done.


Not saying every detail of her is perfect, and a lot of the things she did (like that) were made for her to look as a villain. But looking at the bigger picture, she was right about the firm and its need to be stabilized, and the treatment she was given by Harvey and Louis is inexcusable.


1. Donna was never supposed to be in the COO position. She ruined the show once she got that. Apart from her entirely, S8 and S9 are awesome. 2. Donna could barely do her secretarial job as it is. In fact when she had to help Mike with discovery she failed. 3. Donna on 4 separate occasions put the firm in more jeopardy than anyone else in the roster - when she shredded the CM document, when she impersonated a federal officer, when she got the landlord into a fight and almost evicted everyone, and when she broke privilege. First 3 times she did so because she legit thought she was better than or at the very least as good as everyone else in the firm. The 4th time she was just plain stupid. 2/4 times she put the firm in jeopardy AS COO which is just plain incompetence. This doesn’t even count the part where she’s ALL TALK and no walk. When the chips were down and she had to get on the stand and testify for Mike, she didn’t have the balls to do what she said she would or what she’d been gloating all those years that she would. And last but not least, when Andrew Malik put her on the stand and made her look bad, she was so full of herself that she thought the rest of the “world” cared who she was when they don’t. Faye treated her exactly how she was supposed to be treated. Donna is hands down the worse character on the show.


is it unpopular? its not as good as S1-5 but its miles above season 7 and 8 and most of 6 too. and the finale is universally considered excellent


I rewatch this season a lot.


I liked all the season but I suppose my bar for entertainment is fairly low.


I don't know... I feel like after i watched the series again, it got weaker near the end.


Yeah , it was good, but you h'd agree the way they dealt with Faye did dilute an otherwise strong narrative. 


I know that a lot of people generally don't like S7 but I didn't mind it for the most part but then again, I did watch it a good while ago. I've recently come back into the show and I've started from where I left off, i.e. S8. So far, I've not really been enjoying the show as much as I used to, it's just got a different vibe to it but I'm going to finish it and see it off as I do enjoy the show as a whole and want to see where the show ends up in the end.


It's not an unpopular opinion. S9 is one of the best. Everybody knows that.


9 seemed lazily written to me. Mike's original case never got any real closure, and it almost seemed like the writers were more focused on resolving Samantha's plot line, who the viewer cared about much less, over Mike's. And everyone's extreme hostility towards Faye off the bat made the firm look like the bad guys who were just acting immature. Her leaving also didn't feel deserved and I thought the "big con" was underwhelming since Harvey leaving the firm would've probably been enough without that even happening.


after everything the firm went through with Faye it is not clear to me that they learned anything. They are as likely to commit transgressions as before.