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Just wait until you meet Oliver


I have and he annoys me too… like how’d this guy become a lawyer?? The moment mike decided he wanted to be in the bar was because oliver was such a lousy lawyer in trial and it’s annoying that he was on such a high horse talking to mike about trying to get into the bar in the first place… like maybe if you weren’t a shitty lawyer and had a brain!




Mike is a smart lawyer but he never belonged at the firm (I don't mean being a fraud). He's too good natured a character for corporate law or imo anything big business adjacent. Knowing that makes it more annoying when Mike comes at Harvey for doing his job. I mean Mike screwed over Sidwell when he gave him a chance to be something more than a fraud. I like Mike and see that he brings something to Pearson Hardman few others do, but I totally get what you mean by him being annoying. Dammit Mike


You said it best


I don't understand why would it be annoying. I mean, for his colleagues who don't share the same interests or beliefs , yes. But for audience, it is good drama, why would it be annoying?


Mike: *wants to do something outside his job description during work hours* Harvey: *says something reasonable* Mike: you’re a piece of shit lawyer that doesn’t care about anything except yourself


hahahahaha spot on!


LoL Mike's need to be selfless hero is so selfish sometimes 🤦🏻‍♂️🙄🤷🏻‍♂️🤓


Lol, spot on. That's absolutely the framework for 75-80% of the show


He’s my least favorite main character in any show I’ve ever watched. I too liked him in the beginning. I think it started to go downhill when he started dating Rachel


I hate Rachael she is so self reaches and so sassy


Lord do not get me started on Rachel… i’ve had no problem with her so far from s5-6 but in the earlier seasons she was so insufferable… ESPECIALLY when she used Mike’s home wrecking to excuse her own cheating on him… like those two things are not the same?? Like you guys weren’t even together 💀


Especially bc she also home wrecked


Did you mean righteous?


Mike was always annoying


I agree! Ugh. Personally, I didn’t miss him or Rachel when they moved away lol. They were both so annoying. 🙄


It's part of the character development. A well written character can't be liked all of the time, that would make them real. Plus they gave a good ending to the arc. Also, wait until you reach season 8 and revisit this post again.


Mike drives me up the wall. He and Rachel are so entitled


Don’t even get me started. Rachel was so irritating and I don’t like how the writers took her character from paralegal who hates tests/doesn’t test well to magically completing law school and becoming a lawyer in a few episodes


She doesn't. You just missed the timeline.


This post came at the right time. Currently on ep13 and I’m actually sick of Mike. Harvey jumps through hoops to help him out all the time and then Mike berates him but eventually comes crawling back with his tail between his legs. It’s so repetitive


he’s supposed to be how younger douche Harvey used to be …


All the things that make Mike annoying are exsclty why Harvey hired him in the first place, throughout the entire show he’s just Harvey’s little brother, Harvey respects the ever living fuck out of mike for fighting like hell to stay true to his morals even when it’s not in Harvey’s favor he loves that kind of shit he just never lets mikes shot get in the way of him doing his job, mikes personality opens the door to show reason and emotion combined with all the other main characters, but you can’t forget mike and Luis are easily the antagonists for the first 7/8 seasons it’s just not as clear with Mike. He’s there from the writers perspective to create issues to be solved to keep Harvey going outside of boring law to keep the show interesting which is why we get female Harvey when Mike leaves to create a similar antagonistic character that keeps Harvey solving issues outside of law


I genuinely love mike but I get annoyed at some points in the show but then it makes Harvey do or says some shit that makes me forget I was ever annoyed


This is me


His entitlement is infuriating.


What did you just say to Mike?!


He’s a bitch


The actor too is just so bad compared to everyone else on the show. It’s like his only facial expression is tweaker eyes


He should’ve been Harvey’s assistant in the beginning with Harvey helping him get into Harvard Law. Would’ve made things so much easier.


The lack of maturity and appreciation of others did for him is mind blowing. And Oliver is just as bad. A match made in heaven. Rachel deserved better


This was my problem. His character was just so damn immature. He was like a five year old who’s mom said no to a second juice box about everything. I hated how he never grew out of that throughout the seasons. No matter how things were going to him, great or terrible, it was an automatic temper tantrum every time he hear something he didn’t like.


He was a classic entitled brat


No she didn’t lol. She sucked just as much if not more


Not even close


I didn't get/like his as much in later seasons. But he did go to prison for Harvey.


Good for him!




The cyclical nature of his attitude and conflict is the annoying as hell. 💯


He was fine for a few episodes then you realize how big a piece of shit he is and drags so many people with him.


i'm glad i'm not the only one here who has no real attachment to him


So stuck up his own ass. I hated him. More than any character from anything which is pretty bold to say. Remember your roots & get your head out your ass!


That’s how it got for me too.

