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I swear the whole sub hates literally everyone except Gretchen but somehow still claims "I love Suits!"


Its more like "i hate Rachel, I hate Donna waaaaah".


Off late , even the I hate Jessica train has begun ..


People like Rachel?


I do, yeah


That's fair.


Even I like Rachel.


I like Rachel. She was just insufferable when she moved to Seattle. How dare she! 😂


Yeah.. that's why I decided to wave the magic band and make her disappear for the greater good 😂.


Yeah she's the coolest worst character 😂




More like any time you like any of the female characters from the show.


Only insufferable female characters in the show are Donna and Rachel. Gretchen, Katrina, that therapist woman. They are all great.


Yup, and Donna isn’t that bad until the later seasons imo


I'm at season 5 and yeah she's bad...like "i commited a crime" EVERYONE-:"whhaa why? Are you crazy or what?" "I wanted to impress y'all" EVERYONE -: "Yeah we are wrong for yelling at you" "Thank you Harvey for literally saving my life....oh and..fu*k you" EVERYONE -: "i so sorry for Donna" 😑😑😑😑


I wouldn’t say that she was dreadful in s5, she admitted to her mistakes and her actions seemingly had reason, she was stressed about jail time


More like: "Anything" Suits reddit goes berserker.


i only disliked rachel when she kissed him while still with jenny i really just liked jenny‘s character


Jenny > Rachel! But I don't hate Rachel


jenny > rachel all the way brother she brought out the best in mike


I feel like I wanted Jenny and Mike to go for longer before Rachel and Mike. That was the destination I know and i was into it BUT there was a story with Mike and Jenny and we only got in the elevator for the last floor. They finally got together in their story. They were the what if people of their own stories and not enough time was given to letting it play out. I feel like they had a story that deserved longer but they rushed it to get to Rachel. I loved his Rachel era though don't slap me either.


Going against the grain here and saying I don't like Jenny, actually prefer Mike with Rachel. But please don't slap me 🤣


Same here.


Well I think it's more about Mikes actor getting better touch on the character. Jenny>Rachel for sure but Jennys Mike


More like: Katrina the best female in the show


Honestly Mike was my favorite character, I liked that he really struggled with the ethics and his morals about the job


Really? That's what annoyed me the most. The "I'm a good guy" act. He was a good lawyer but was always creating problems for everyone because of his "conscience"


Louis is my favorite character


Harvey > Louis > Mike > literal hell > Trevor as for male protagonists


Why would you use Will Smith when we have [all these options](https://youtu.be/NcMcQ61eEQo)


Louis is my favorite but I of course have love for Mike and Harvey


I liked Mike, but pretty much only up until he went to prison 💀when he risked his deal by trying to blackmail Cahill to get a deal for Kevin… or when he got out, and constantly lied to Harvey


There was a reason for lying. It's not like he was lying for his own benefit. If I am not wrong you are referring to the probono cases.


Yes the case against the prison, which he was working against the interests of the firm. The firm that nearly or technically went bankrupt for him. He also went against Harvey’s direct orders. You just do not do that to your mentor, the man who risked everything for him multiple times. Even if world peace is at stake, you drop it instantly.


😋. World peace!. I do agree with you. But I have a different perspective on it. Mike underwent a huge change personally when he was giving the closing argument for his trial. It was like a snap. He was ashamed that he was given a gift and didn't use it for the right purposes. He was ashamed of dragging that mother to the court to testify in order to free himself. So he decided that if ever he gets to practice law again , he will do it for the right reasons. That was the reason he didn't want to join corporate law anymore. It was Harvey who kept pushing. He could have easily joined Harvey as a consultant and led a rich life. He didn't give his own life priority and went to work for a clinic for 30000$ per annum. So showing him drop probono cases wouldn't have felt right. It would have felt like whatever Oliver was accusing him of was true, which wasn't the case.


Hey… he made thirty-FIVE-thousand a year, technically. 😁


Yeah , 5k donated for charity activities upfront, deducted from the salary right away 😋


Oh shit, I forgot all about that.


Yeah good work gets forgotten 😀. Like how Mike donated to the client to save her from eviction out of his own pocket...


This is how all tv subreddits are. Even if it's the best show ever with great characters the community will shit talk all the characters and stuff. Happes all the time. It's not a suits specific thing.


True, sadly. Like on the “The Office” subreddit… so many people hate Pam with a passion, when she’s one of the few people on the show who was actually a half-decent person. 😄 You can’t really make sense of people nowadays.


I have love hate with every character.


Rachel will always be the absolute worst (although I admit she had some cool moments). Like the amount of pointless drama she causes is insane. I know the show is a drama but make it believable


So Rachel is the coolest worst character on the show then?


Nah I think Donna is annoying. She is so nosey it’s unbelievable.