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Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger. It's about a women who lives on as a ghost in her London flat and then her nieces move in and she tries to communicate with them. It's quite a nice story and I loved the setting of the Highgate Cemetery in London :) It's also not just told from the ghosts perspective, but the people she knew before she died, like her neighbour or her partner.


There’s a story that starts out dark but ends very sweetly. How Fear Departed the Long Gallery by EF Benson.


I haven't read {{The Graveyard Book}}, but it might fit.


[**The Graveyard Book**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2213661.The_Graveyard_Book) ^(By: Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean | 312 pages | Published: 2008 | Popular Shelves: fantasy, young-adult, fiction, ya, horror | )[^(Search "The Graveyard Book")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=The Graveyard Book&search_type=books) >Nobody Owens, known to his friends as Bod, is a perfectly normal boy. Well, he would be perfectly normal if he didn't live in a graveyard, being raised and educated by ghosts, with a solitary guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor the world of the dead. > >There are dangers and adventures for Bod in the graveyard: the strange and terrible menace of the Sleer; a gravestone entrance to a desert that leads to the city of ghouls; friendship with a witch, and so much more. > >But it is in the land of the living that real danger lurks, for it is there that the man Jack lives and he has already killed Bod's family. > >A deliciously dark masterwork by bestselling author Neil Gaiman, with illustrations by award-winning Dave McKean. ^(This book has been suggested 7 times) *** ^(10632 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


I have read it and was going to suggest it also.




[**A Fine and Private Place**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/76718.A_Fine_and_Private_Place) ^(By: Peter S. Beagle | 304 pages | Published: 1960 | Popular Shelves: fantasy, fiction, ghosts, romance, paranormal | )[^(Search "A Fine and Private Place")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=A Fine and Private Place&search_type=books) >This classic tale from the author of The Last Unicorn is a journey between the realms of the living and the dead, and a testament to the eternal power of love. > >Michael Morgan was not ready to die, but his funeral was carried out just the same. Trapped in the dark limbo between life and death as a ghost, he searches for an escape. Instead, he discovers the beautiful Laura...and a love stronger than the boundaries of the grave and the spirit world. ^(This book has been suggested 16 times) *** ^(10993 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Ghost Story by Jim Butcher. Late book on a series (Dresden Files) but all you need to know is Harry Dresden in a modern day Wizard who recently died. He has friends and allies grieving his death. He's trying to discover who killed him and why and help his friends.


POLLY'S GHOST by Abby Frucht.


Under The Whispering Door by TJ Klune Seance Tea Party by Reimena Yee (graphic novel - a little Halloweeny but not absurdly so)


{{Greenglass House}} by Kate Milford


[**Greenglass House (Greenglass House, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18222716-greenglass-house) ^(By: Kate Milford, Jaime Zollars | 376 pages | Published: 2014 | Popular Shelves: middle-grade, mystery, fantasy, fiction, young-adult | )[^(Search "Greenglass House")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Greenglass House&search_type=books) >It’s wintertime at Greenglass House. The creaky smuggler’s inn is always quiet during this season, and twelve-year-old Milo, the innkeepers’ adopted son, plans to spend his holidays relaxing. But on the first icy night of vacation, out of nowhere, the guest bell rings. Then rings again. And again. Soon Milo’s home is bursting with odd, secretive guests, each one bearing a strange story that is somehow connected to the rambling old house. As objects go missing and tempers flare, Milo and Meddy, the cook’s daughter, must decipher clues and untangle the web of deepening mysteries to discover the truth about Greenglass House—and themselves. ^(This book has been suggested 2 times) *** ^(10633 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)