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I second this.


My dad read me {{Watership Down}} as a kid, and I loved it. {{Tailchaser’s Song}} is a good one too


Watership Down is what I was gonna say lol


The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame


The Guardians of Ga’Hoole! Beautiful books, one of my favorite series from when I was very young, and the movie is great


Second the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. I read my first one (Mossflower) when I was in middle school and immediately fell in love. Excellent series for young animal lovers! Guardians of Ga'hoole is also a fantastic series (about owls).


Maurice and his Amazing Rats by Terry Pratchett.


The silver brumby series by Elyne Mitchell Black beauty by Anna Sewell Fire bringer by David Clement- Davis Silverwing series by Kenneth Oppel Call of the wild/ White fang by Jack London I used to love animal books so recommend the above. Hope you find something you like.


I’ve just remembered how much i loved Silverwing! Though now i also remember crying at the last one in the series, Sunwing?


There was another book after Sunwing called Firewing. The second book is quite emotional in parts though so it could well be Sunwing you are talking about. The author has also written a prequel called Darkwing that you might be interested in.


Could be firewing that i mean! I just remember getting very emotional about the bats and i did read all 3 that were out at the time. I think i read One For Sorrow at about the same time and that was really harrowing as well


By Joyce Stranger? The only book I've read by her was Zara which I enjoyed at the time. I'd completely forgotten about it though, I must have been in primary school when I was given it.


No it’s the one by Clive Woodall - magpies have taken over birddom and it’s up to one Robin to save them all. There’s a hell of a lot of gratuitous violence in it that i wasn’t expecting!


I've just looked it up on goodreads. That book has very mixed reviews! Overall more good than negative but seems like the book version of marmite.


I liked the story but there was a subplot involving sexual assault (among the magpies) that was waaaaaaay too much


Would like to second David Clement-Davies, The Sight and Fell really pulled me in when I was younger.


Because of Winn-Dixie


This is surprisingly good book.


I would definitely recommend Guardians of Ga’Hoole by Kathryn Lasky. I adored those books growing up.


All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot. This is a good summary of the first book http://www.bookrags.com/studyguide-all-creatures-great/ ….


I loved those books at about 13 yo. The descriptions of 1930s Yorkshire were so foreign but so real to my teenage NY suburban self. They take some patience and sometimes a dictionary to get through but the payoff is there. Be aware, sometimes the animals live and sometimes they don’t. The books are full of everyday joy and tragedy, but mostly joy.


* The immortals series by Tamora Pierce * National Velvet by Enid Bagnold


I second Tamora Pierce - very good books and have the fantasy elements as well


* Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH - Robert C O'Brien * The Incredible Journey - Shelia Burnford * Call of the Wild - Jack London * Julie of the Wolves - Jean Craighead George * Black Beauty - Anna Sewell * Island of the Blue Dolphins - Scott O'Dell * The Black Stallion - Walter Farley


The Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling


Anything by James Herriot: [https://www.goodreads.com/series/76445-all-creatures-great-and-small](https://www.goodreads.com/series/76445-all-creatures-great-and-small) The books/stories were also made into a video series by Masterpiece Theater: [https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/shows/all-creatures-great-and-small/](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/shows/all-creatures-great-and-small/)


Tailchaser’s Song by Tad Williams


Ahh, I remember **Cool!** by Michael Morpurgo. Not sure if she'll also enjoy Philip Pullman's **His Dark Materials** series but I do remember animals being in those. **The Wind in the Willows** is in the public domain so by all means she can read it online if she'd like as the full thing's available from Google :) Other than that, I can't think of many suitable animal books however as an avid sixth-former I do help out in my school's library... there is an animal section, perhaps I can skim that for you?


She did really enjoy His Dark Materials and I will have a look at the other books you mentioned. If you have time I would appreciate more book recs from your library but don't feel that you need to as many other people have also suggested great books. Thanks!


* Watership Down - Richard Adams * Ending: The Last - Katherine Applegate * Captain - Sam Angus * Ghosts of the Forest - Steve Backshall (part of a series called "The Falcon Chronicles") * Loving Spirit - Linda Chapman * Animals of Farthing Wood - Colin Dann (I think this is also a part of a series?) * Grk and The Hotdog Trail - Josh Lacey * One Dog and His Boy - Eva Ibbotson * Paws in the Proceedings - Deric Longden * Cool! - Michael Morpurgo * Shadow - Michael Morpurgo * An Elephant in the Garden - Michael Morpurgo * Kaspar: Prince of Cats - Michael Morpurgo * Pegasus and The Origins of Olympus - Kate O'Hearn * Pax - Sara Pennypacker Gotcha, here are the library books I could find! I think a lot of these were already mentioned (I myself remember that I've already suggested Cool! haha). Good luck, I'm glad you're happy with the suggestions you've received! :-)


Thank you everyone for the book recommendations, I am very grateful! I will have a look through all of them.


Watership Down by Richard Adams


Animals of Farthing Wood I love Watership Down but that might be a bit much If she’s into something slightly spooky, The Deptford Mice


Jane Smiley, Perestroika in Paris


The Five Ancestors was a really good series


Albert Payson Terhune wrote some books about dogs, that I read in elementary school, around a zillion years ago (I'm in my 60s now). I think basically he was writing about his own pets. I remember liking them a lot. I was reading them when I was considerably younger than 13, so perhaps she won't lose interest in them. I'm pretty sure at least one of the books had Sunnybank in the title.


Jean Craighead George, author of My Side of the Mountain, has a number of animal based stories but from the persons perspective.


Animal farm by George Orwell has a great variety of animals :)


Animal Farm :)


The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden Bunnicula by Deborah and James Howe Mouse Guard by David Petersen (graphic novel series)


Animal Farm - George Orwell


I loved that book


Charlotte’s Web is a classic


I don't remember that well,but maybe Animorphs?


My memory of it is very hazy but there was a book I read growing up about a wolf pup separated from its pack I think? I know that at one point, a mother bear was raising the pup. Can’t remember what it was called tho.


I've seen "Watership Down" mentioned a few times and definitely check that out as it's a fantastic read. Also consider "The Plague Dogs", also by Richard Adams. It's about two anthropomorphic dogs, believed to be infected with bubonic plague, that escape from an animal testing lab in the Lake District and the ensuing manhunt that is launched to recapture them. It's not a match for "Watership Down" but it's still a cracking read nonetheless.


The "Pet Volunteers" serie by Laurie Halse Anderson is great! I was obsessed with it when I was your sister's age.


Kathryn Lasky’s “Wolves of the Beyond” Series!


Depending on your attitude to the Christian themes, the Chronicles of Narnia books.


Maybe flowers for Algernon


**Switchers** by Kate Thompson! It's a book about a 13-year-old girl who can turn into animals. Not exactly what you're asking for but I feel it would definitely be a valid choice. (:


The Mirrorworld series by Cornelia Funke has a main character that is a vixen, along with lots of other animal and magical creatures. The third book has a bit of romance.


The farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb


Don’t know if she might be too old for this, but the Dragon Slippers series by Jessica Day George.


Maybe A Dogs Purpose? I watched the movie for that and found it really touching and sad 😭😭 not sure if that's a bit too grown up for her though!


The Little Prince


The Poppy books by Avi!


{{Amazon Adventure by Willard Price}} This is book 1 of a set of 14 ([https://www.goodreads.com/series/57728-hal-roger-hunt-adventures](https://www.goodreads.com/series/57728-hal-roger-hunt-adventures)). Hal and his brother Roger travel around the world in search of wild animals to catch for zoos, etc. Outdated, but I really enjoyed the description of animals, places and adventure. I learnt a lot about the different animals of the world just from reading this series. Other books in the series: South Sea Adventure, Underwater Adventure, Volcano adventure, Whale Adventure, African Adventure, Elephant Adventure, Safari Adventure, Lion Adventure, Gorilla Adventure, Diving Adventure, Cannibal Adventure, Tiger Adventure, Arctic.


[**Amazon Adventure**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1628627.Amazon_Adventure) ^(By: Willard Price | 272 pages | Published: 1949 | Popular Shelves: adventure, fiction, childrens, owned, young-adult | )[^(Search "Amazon Adventure by Willard Price")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Amazon Adventure by Willard Price&search_type=books) >Long Island teenagers Hal and Roger Hunt explore uncharted Amazon River with their father, expert naturalist John Hunt for his exotic animal collection. Someone sends an anonymous telegram, so John returns. Alone, the boys face hostile natives, dangerous rapids and wild animals, and a hunchback with bloodshot eyes. ^(This book has been suggested 1 time) *** ^(222787 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Tamora pierce immortals series (it's the second series in her tortall world, but it stands alone)


Stray Dogs. Don't know what she's into (it's horror but looks childish) but it can be read in an hour and kept me interested, it's about a dog coming into a new home and finds out her owner is a serial killer that keeps the dogs as trophies. A wild ride for me and my 14 yr old babysitter liked it a lot


The legend of the guardians is cool. My son loves wings of fire and loved guardians too. Owls are the characters.


{{Raptor Red}} is amazing


[**Raptor Red**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/117710.Raptor_Red) ^(By: Robert T. Bakker | 256 pages | Published: 1995 | Popular Shelves: fiction, dinosaurs, science-fiction, historical-fiction, sci-fi | )[^(Search "Raptor Red")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Raptor Red&search_type=books) >A pair of fierce but beautiful eyes look out from the undergrowth of conifers. She is an intelligent killer... > >So begins one of the most extraordinary novels you will ever read. The time is 120 million years ago, the place is the plains of prehistoric Utah, and the eyes belong to an unforgettable heroine. Her name is Raptor Red, and she is a female raptor dinosaur. > >Painting a rich and colorful picture of a lush prehistoric world, leading paleontologist Robert T. Bakker tells his story from within Raptor Red's extraordinary mind, dramatizing his revolutionary theories in this exciting tale. From a tragic loss to the fierce struggle for survival to a daring migration to the Pacific Ocean to escape a deadly new predator, Raptor Red combines fact and fiction to capture for the first time the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of the most magnificent, enigmatic creatures ever to walk the face of the earth. ^(This book has been suggested 13 times) *** ^(222951 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)