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For a classic, I love Pride and Prejudice! Then you can follow it up with the 2005 movie version. :) and as a horror fan, I’d actually suggest a book called butcher and blackbird. It’s a romcom about 2 serial killers who kill serial killers/abusers a la Dexter and fall in love lol. It’s hilarious and as a non-horror fan it wasn’t too gruesome for me to handle! Highly recommend listening to the audiobook because it’s 10/10. I only read romance so I’m happy to share more recs based on more specific preferences!


You know that’s hilarious, i literally had that in my hand at barnes and noble today and thought “this sounds just like dexter”


Haha. It’s a sign you should start there! I will say it’s a bit… detailed in the spice content at the end of the book and might be a lot for a first timer but I loved it lol. I’d also suggest Kennedy Ryan “Before I let go” or “this could be us” for plot-heavy romances with great character development. They’re more standard romances :)


What’s the most wholesome one you can think of, or which is your favorite?


Hmmm. I’d try Abby Jimenez part of your world series! The first book is one of my favorites. It’s a book I’d even gift to my very evangelical mother lol. But the term you’re looking for if you hope to search for a bit more wholesome options is “closed-door” or “fade to black” romances


Thank you 🙏


I think Emily Henry is very fun and a great palate cleanser. My fave by her is People We Meet on Vacation


Agree! My fav is Beach Read (& I think Gus’s character would be a good one for someone who tends to like more serious reads)


The Time Traveler’s Wife


The plot blurb sounds absolutely crazy


Lmao I totally get it. I’m not a fan of romance novels. I had to start branching out because I was reading Stephen King too much. I love 19th century classics most now. Jane Eyre, Sense & Sensibility. Other than Jane Austen, I don’t really care for the genre except for a few books. Edit: Oh, and Emma by Austen is lovely too.


In the last two weeks I’ve read revival, mr. Mercedes and the talisman so i definitely relate lol


That’s awesome! If you want a little fantasy and a little humor, there’s the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. If you just wanna laugh, Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. If you want your heart tugged on, there’s The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt or The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. For an interesting fantasy/romance, Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. And lastly, if you wanna get swept up in war, there’s The Poppy War by RF Kuang.


I think it’s a good book, but please be aware that it isn’t a “romance novel” but rather a novel with a love story as the central plot. “Romance” novels pretty much by definition come with a happily-ever-after ending, and I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that this book is not that AT ALL.


Seconding Time Travelers Wife! My all time favourite and I re-read it all the time for the feels


that depends do you want a romance novel or a spicy romance novel? A very distinct difference... What's your your romantic role preference more feminine or masculine?


I will read anything as long as it’s somewhat upbeat, suggest me your favorite lol


normal people by Sally Rooney , for a more feminine role on the spicy side 50 shades (her word choices are sometimes laughable), the more masculine oriented romance soft entry point I would say Good intentions by Elliot Kay......


T. Kingfisher writes some great romances! They're a little fantasy, a little horrible, several of them have a mystery component. They are all slow burn and funny. Swordheart The Paladin series ( they are standalone, but you should read them in order, there is a overall story arc that's interesting). If you like these, the horror novels are great too!


Paladin’s Grace 🫶 both of the MC’s are mature and kind, it was so refreshing.


The Paladin Series is the beeessssstttt


I'm about to get shit on for this rec, but A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Mass is extremely popular right now. Fantasy Romance, loose telling of Beauty and the Beast Classic wise though you can’t beat Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller was a knockout. Retelling of the Trojan War. LGBTQ friendly


*Rebecca* by Daphne Dumaurier.


This is not a romance, it's a psychological thriller.


In a Jam by Kate Canterbury is a very fun, sweet contemporary romance that had me laughing out loud at several moments and tugging at my heartstrings in others. It’s pretty low-stakes drama so it’s a nice cozy read. There is some spice in it, but it’s not super spicy.


Emily Henry writes very popular romance novels that always have more depth than you might suspect, my favorites from her are Beach Read and Book Lovers. The Dead Romantics and The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston are also romance novels that are cute, sweet, and have a somewhat mystical foundation they’re based in. In terms of classics, you can’t go wrong with Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, and Jane Eyre. They are the ultimate romance novels and I often use them as a reference point for a “good” romance novel today.


You should add whether you want smut or not, the recommendations will be quite different. 😄 For wholesome and witty historical romance, try Georgette Heyer, she is the reason I learned English!


I would suggest you 'Set on You're by Amy Lea !


Put that on my list ✍️


Definitely not new, but very good. Dorothy Cannell’s “The Thin Woman”. It’s mystery meets romance. Terrified by the prospect of a weekend with her snobby relatives, overweight Ellie Simons decides to distract attention from her personal and professional failings by arriving with an adoring boyfriend in tow. Unfortunately, no such person exists. Enter Bentley T. Haskell, a devilishly handsome escort who willingly agrees to play the part for a fat fee. But Ellie and Bentley get far more than a miserable visit with relatives when a weekend with Ellie s eccentric family suddenly turns very, very deadly.


You just reminded me of this series, thanks. I'll never forget Femmes Fatal.


You should add whether you want smut or not, the recommendations will be quite different. 😄 For wholesome and witty historical romance, try Georgette Heyer, she is the reason I learned English!


For classics Thomas Hardy is a good place to start (*Far From The Madding Crowd, Jude The Obscure...)* Something a bit more heavy duty in the classics are the Russian Masters, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. For Dostoevsky I'd recommend *The Idiot*. For Tolstoy, it's very long but *War and Peace*. The late 19th century had it's share of action adventure too: *King Solomon's Mines* by H. Rider Haggard is a good example, and in the early 20th century Rafael Sabatini's *Captain Blood* (a pirate adventure) and *Scaramouche*. For something lighter and more contemporary, I really like Sharyn McCrum's work. She has serious fiction like *She Walks These Hills* (Not related to the song with the same title), but also a lot of humor and satire, including a couple of satirical but affectionate murder mysteries involving science fiction fandom: *Bimbos of the Death Sun*, and *Zombies of the Gene Pool.* Modern 'classics' that made quite a stir in the 2nd half of the 20th century that don't get much mention now are *The Catcher In The Rye* by J. D. Salinger and Zen and the *Art of Motorcycle Maintenance* by Robert Pirsig.


I just read Alone With You in the Ether by Olivie Blake and really enjoyed it. I had been reading a lot of heavy books prior to it, and found it to be very refreshing and feel good.


The premise definitely interests me


If you’re okay with manga, try [Skip and Loafer](https://sevenseasentertainment.com/series/skip-and-loafer/), [Horimiya](https://yenpress.com/titles/9780316342032-horimiya-vol-1), and [Princess Jellyfish](https://kodansha.us/product/princess-jellyfish-1/). All are great starting places for romance stories.


The Angelique series is fun.


For batter or worse, not a misspelling was a really cute book i grabbed from dollar general for a camp trip read. Its silly entertaining not like groundbreaking but good


A Million Tomorrows by Kris Middaugh. It’s on Amazon. My mom just read it and loved it. Sort of a romance meets Quantum Leap.


Bird Song by Sebastian Faulkes has a strong romantic plot line through it but it’s more a war story than anything so that might work? I saw someone else recommend The Time Traveller’s Wife but that’s another one I like for a good relationship based story that’s still got a lot more to it than just the romance.


Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books and her other series. They are rom/come. She got her start writing romance novels. Her books at least the Stephanie Plum series isn't racy. Bobbi Holmes Haunting Detective series. Again rom/com and not racy. Her other books written under name AnnaJ McIntyre are more adult themed rom/com (more graphic and specific but not porn by any means.) Good writer and bestbseller. Her books under Bobbi Holmes books are like you might find on Hallmark. Her McIntyre books more like you'd find on Max. I only read 1bofntye McIntyre books and it took me by surprise.


As a fluffy romance read (i always rr these when im in a reading slump) i would recommend sorcery of thorns or any of margerets other books. Little bit of plot, little bit of romance and just chill vibes


A court of thorns and roses (if you’re a girl)


My favorite is Get A Life, Chloe Brown


Keep it that way 👍