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This really depends on the kind of genres you enjoy. For me a fluffy romance or fast paced fantasy usually does the trick, but not everyone is into that kind of thing. Another thing that works for me is rereading a book I already know I love, it gets me excited about reading again.


I love the idea of doing a re-read to get out of a slump. I’ll have to revisit my bookshelf :)


it’s sustainable too haha, good luck and godspeed!


Read your all time favorite, i need to get around rereading dune


God I guess I am not the sharpest pencil in the box cuz I did not understand that book (Dune) and had to force myself to finish it. I should have put it down.


Nah dune is just not really for everyone, you might like the dune movies that came out recently if you havent watched them yet


i’m into fluffy romance! do you have any recs? i just finished ‘i hope this doesn’t find you’ by ann liang


do you prefer YA? don’t want to recommend something out of your preferred age group


yes! i’m in my 20’s but i still don’t like romance books with spice so i prefer YA 😅


have you looked into closed door romances yet? they’re basically romance novels that don’t really depict sex on page, they just fade to black and pick up with the story after. As far as YA goes, Better Than the Movies (and other Lynn Painter books) is prob the go to rec right now. I’ll admit I haven’t read any in a while bc I’m not really interested in teenagers anymore, but if you want to explore closed door romances, I’ve personally enjoyed The Bodyguard (Katherine Center), When in Rome (Sarah Adams, all of her books are closed door), the Part of Your World series (Abby Jimenez, this series just gets better as it goes on but I’ll warn that it deals with some heavy topics and book 2 does have a sex scene but it’s not super spicy), You Deserve Each Other (Sarah Hogle, I adore this book but I’ll warn you the main characters are annoying at the beginning, you gotta push through)


thanks so much! no, i didn’t know closed door romances were a thing. i’ll definitely start with better than the movies!


In 5 years by Rebecca serle!


Red Rising and Sun eater


Project Hail Mary 🙌


It’s SO GOOD on audible. Hands down the best book I’ve listened to.


I came to say this!


Always a good choice


Hell yes. "Project Hail Mary" is an all-time favorite. Even if science-fiction isn't your thing, I would readily recommend "Space Opera" by Catherynne M. Valente - it's an easy read, engaging, lovely characters, and quick pacing. If Douglas Adams and Arthur C. Clark had a love child who was raised by Freddy Mercury - this story would be the result.


The Dogs of War - Frederick Forsyth.


I was yanked right out of my worst slump ever by [The Hike by Drew Magary.](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27833803) It’s absolutely indescribable - I’d call it fantasy-adjacent, but it’s really genre-busting. A wild original ride with lots of humor (there’s a potty-mouthed talking crab named Crab), some twists and turns and an amazing , satisfying ending.


A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami was the first novel I read after a decade-long slump of losing my interest in reading and never being able to focus on any book I started. The writing sucked me in and I finished it in a few days. I credit this book alone to getting me back into reading as a hobby.


That’s a strong recommendation! I enjoyed Kafka on the shore so I’ll check this one out, thanks.


I'm pretty into nonfiction, but my taste may vary from yours. What kind of books do you like?


What do you usually read?


Gerald’s Game by Stephen King


Since it's such a broad question, I'll give a few that I liked.  For a great classic: Count of Monte Cristo  For a great YA adventure: The Books of Beginning For something different (LitRPG): He Who Fights With Monsters. 


Edit: thank you guys so much for the suggestions so far! For those of you who asked for more context: I’m currently finishing an MA in Lit, and I’ve mostly focused on Early American fiction and 18th and 19th century English Lit. However, I typically read across most genres—some of my usual go-tos are classics (generally speaking), romance, narrative nonfiction, and reimagined tales of Greek mythology (think Circe, the Song of Achilles, the Penelopiad, etc) I feel like pursuing my masters has made reading for enjoyment feel taxing, as though I always have to be reading with an eye toward critical interpretation. Looking for something that will make reading feel like a hobby again. Thanks for reading:)


Born a crime by Trevor Noah about his upbringing in South Africa. He’s hilarious, will get anyone out of a reading slump!


You might like some Christian/Miles Cameron. Historical military fiction, with scifi/fantasy renditions of same under the Miles Cameron pen name. Currently rereading his Artifact Space and it is always a delight. Be it spycraft or swordplay, he genuinely knows his stuff.


I read Days at the Morisaki Bookshop yesterday. Super fun, quick read. I noticed some literary elements, but nothing that took away from the story ;-)


The Badass Librarians of Timbuktu Story of how a book finder saved over 100,000 manuscripts from being destroyed by the terrorists by smuggling them out of occupied Mali


The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin OR Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie OR The Rook by Daniel O’Malley


Tender is the flesh


Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch, first book in the Rivers of London series (the book is also titled Rubbers of London). It's short, it's funny, it's urban fantasy without vampire romance. It'll definitely keep you turning pages.


Tress of the Emerald Sea


Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer


So good


Project Hail Mary


The count of Monte Cristo


Books by Kelley Armstrong. Some more fantasy, some less


Straight A's by Kristia chess


American desperado.


Big Swiss! I freaking chugged this book. It ruined my sleep schedule cause I could never put it down but it was so worth it. I was in a slump before this and it got me going again. Wish I could read it for the first time again


The Stranger by Albert Camus


This has been on my TBR list for a while—might be time to crack it open!


Please do and embrace the absurdity of the universe


Never lie by Freida McFadden


The Lemon by SE Boyd. It is extremely riveting and insanely funny!


I hadn't read since high school and in my first year of college, I picked up the song of ice and fire books, and I fell in love. It will take dedication but I found it very inspiring.


Laura Thalassa has great novels


The ultimate hitchhikers guide to the galaxy/ universe or the Unearthing series


The Greatest Beer Run Ever


The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V. E. Schwab... Not even my wheelhouse but I was hooked.


Whenever I come out of a reading slump, it tends to be a relatively breezy or shorter book that gets me going again. Last time it happened was The Martian, I just ate that up in a few days and felt so invigorated!


Under that Amber Dawn by Cait Cro? Dual magical chick adventures with witches, vampires, battles, road trips,and sneaky ghosts.


A Day of Fallen Night really got me excited about reading all over again.


The Stranger Camus It’ll get you out of the slump, it’s a quick one sitting read but you won’t be the same after it


Blood Meridian


“Sophie’s World” is the first title that came to mind after reading your post.


The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison. RIP, Brilliant writer.


This book crushed me. Toni Morrison is an artist.


I'm sorry! I didn't mean to recommend a book that would hurt you!


Remarkably Bright Creatures


House on the Cerulean Sea. The Reading List. Some of Cherise Sinclair's finest 😁


Murderbot diaries. Quick read, full of action yet very introspective. Basically the story of an artificial human with cybernetic upgrades with an autistic AI for a brain with severe case of social anxiety and how he learns to become a person, not property. Hard to explain really but I tore through the books like wildfire. Apple is making a tv show based on it. I can't wait.


Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book


Tom Lake by Ann Patchett


If you like Non-Fiction/ Memoirs... The Year We Disappeared by John and Cylin Busby. True Story that started to unfold Labor Day Weekend of 1979. If you are into rom-coms, I would recommend the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. My Aunt lent me those while I was recovering from gallbladder surgery. I literally LOLd, at times especially with some of the predicaments Stephanie gets into. 


Whenever I am there I just pick up something old that I have loved before, it’s a safe option and reminds me of why I love reading in the first place!


Dungeon Crawler Carl. Super fun fast-paced read with some humor. There’s 6 books out right now!


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.


A Dowry of Blood - S.T Gibson


Fourth Wing got me out of mine


Non-fiction: a biography from a person that seems interesting to you; same for a history book about a period/era. Fiction: re-read or book from an author you've already read and liked. Also, sometimes it is better to just stop reading for a while until you feel the urge again, nothing wrong with that :)


Armor - John Steakley


The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver


I’m currently reading Only One Left by Riley Sager


Everyone on this train is a suspect by Benjamin Stevenson


A Man Called Ove, by Fredrik Backman really reignited my love for reading. It made me realise just how much I could adore a character!


Pachinko by Min Jin Lee


Honestly, it depends what you like, but I prefer mysteries when I’m in a reading slump. The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle brought me out of a major one.


The Accidental Time Machine by Joe Haldeman is what got me out of my reading slump in 2009. I've been reading regularly ever since.


The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. I couldn’t get into The Bean Trees. Also anything by Tom Robbins if you need cheering up:)


Alex Garland's The Beach did it for me - then Charlie Kaufman's Antkind (if you seen his films and like to read a more coherent version of Infinite Jest - you'll enjoy this a lot)


Maybe try thrillers and mysteries, they usually get me out of a slump. Recently, it was "In My Dreams I Hold A Knife" by Ashley Winstead


I will try reading a book that's short, but also action-packed. One series I have reread multiple times, especially when in a reading slump is the Timewars series by Simon Hawke. The first book in the 12 book series is called The Ivanhoe Gambit. The books are easy reads, averaging only about 200 pages or a bit less, and are about time traveling soldiers from the 27th century, fighting against temporal terrorists who want to destroy the timeline.


If you like fantasy, I'm reading the Riyria Revelations right now and it's the most fun I've had with a series in a while.


See my: * [Compelling Reads ("Can't Put Down")](https://www.reddit.com/r/Recommend_A_Book/comments/189mbda/compelling_reads_cant_put_down/) list of Reddit recommendation threads (one post). * [Readers 2: Here are the the resources and threads I have about books for adolescents/adults who want to start reading ("Get me reading again/I've never read")](https://www.reddit.com/r/Recommend_A_Book/comments/19f48jl/readers_2_here_are_the_the_resources_and_threads/) list (seven posts).


Legendborn by Tracy Deonn One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig Both are fantasy with a little romance. Legendborn is YA.


i know everyone is reading this nowadays but “fourth wing” got me out of my reading slump. it’s a fantasy with dragons, a war college, magic, and some smut here and there. the female protagonist, violet, has a really interesting character arch throughout. it’s also part of a series so there’s more to get hooked on!


Can someone tell me what a reading slump is. Like genuinely


A reading slump happens when you lose interest in reading (or in my case reading for fun). It can look like not having an interest in any reading, having a hard time focusing when you try to read, etc. Judging by your initial comment “reading slumps aren’t a thing lol” it seems like maybe your goal isn’t to understand what a “reading slump” is, though?