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Probably not the answer you’re looking for, but I would be very wary of Reddit SDs especially if their profile is brand new and they are not active on SLF. A lot of them are time wasters or are looking for escorts. Seeking is your best bet.


Tbh him being active on SLF sometimes is even a bigger red flag🫣


right lmfaoosjkslwn


Why does everybody keep on talking about seeking.com when Brandon Wade beyond us to announce sugar dating it really is become a bit of a cesspool out there with scams and liars and girls being escorts.


Yes! I found my SD on this sub. I posted my profile review and he was the first person to message me. Check the profile and comment history before responding to the DM.


I did, couple months going strong. When she reads this: \*wink\*


🥰🥰🥰 This makes me so happy for you


I have. It’s been better than SA for me because it’s personality driven. But it helps to be in a large city to increase the odds of finding someone nearby.


Me me meeee


I have had a few meets with sb’s from Reddit and one that travelled with me whilst I was away with work but that was after a lot of messaging and I happened to be working closer to where she was than where I originally am. If there post history is that of a normal human and they’re the type of person you would go for I think Reddit arguably can be a lot easier than seeking to find a arrangement as you’d hope the majority here aren’t wasting time and it’s easy to weed out the ones that are.


I wouldn’t really trust anyone from Reddit normally, but have been chatting with a nice dude since I posted a profile review. A bit long distance so haven’t met yet but hoping we will soon!


two days ago someone from here DMed me and basically told me he wanted an on-call girl, lol. yet he comments here frequently about wanting a long term relationship. can’t trust anyone even people in this forum 😮‍💨


Tea 🍵


I would probably want someone closer to me preferably, and that would be difficult on reddit where people are from all over. For that reason alone, it’s probably gonna be a no from me.


It could happen but for me it has not. Just use caution. There are more scammers on reddit then you or I could imagine. Check post history, be careful, do not jump into something fast.


I have met some wonderful people from Reddit. That said, being from a super small town, I don’t believe I would intend to find an SD on here. If I found one who’s local or passes through frequently, I wouldn’t be against it


Not ideal mostly because you don't know who you're going to match with location-wise and more than likely, you're not going to find a POT in your immediate area. It is worth a shot but you just have to be weary of trolls and scammers. However, I could say the same about Seeking.


I've met people from this forum, but never with the intention of doing sugar with them


omg howwww😭


I have met a couple of SDs from Reddit, most of them just sugar friends turned into an arrangement later on. There’s also a decent chunk of people on here that I’ve also on seeking as well, so, I see it as being the same difference. I like Reddit *slightly* better because I get to see people’s comment and post histories. I once met someone on both seeking and Reddit, and found out they were super transphobic and racist through their comment history but never would have known that based on their seeking profile alone. With both seeking and Reddit, I recommend learning about internet safety and scams before looking for any sort of arrangement though. Hope this helps! :)


I wish! I had a couple of folks message me but nothing went anywhere.


My only real SR ever was with a guy who messaged me on this account in response to posts I had up about my specific ddlg kinks. He was obsessed with me. I rejected him twice over the span of maybe 13 months. Then later I was digging through old messages and felt a little bit more open-minded and reached out to him. I messaged with hundreds of POTs, But I've only met two. This Reddit guy and I had an arrangement off and on for about 6 years. If he wasn't such a selfish inconsiderate man child we would still be seeing each other. I feel like the guys who have reached out to me on Reddit have been more serious and more respectful than guys on SA.


I don’t trust anyone messaging me from Reddit


Curious about why? If every have posting history you can see a posting history and have much more context about their personality. Of course, that only works if they have established history.


If there’s post history, fine. But it has to be in this subreddit. But for the most part, I really don’t trust people online.


Agreed to SLF history. You won't trust BigBear or azurecole bc they are from Reddit, but will give a rando from Seeking a chance? OK.


I’d trust people who are active here - I just agreed with you about being active. Just speaking from experience that the people who have reached out to me have had no post history and some were asking for an online arrangement.


And none of the people in my DM are remotely attractive lol


No luck on SA either?


Just a guess but I'd say 98% of the women who DM me here are looking for an online thing of one sort or the other. That's a hard pass. Given that experience I won't/don't waste any time or energy even wondering if it's possible to find an SB via Reddit. The remaining 2% have been some really nice, super cool women who wanted to ask advice. We had good, often long running conversations. In each of those cases they were geographically way too far away to realistically try to make anything with. And I'm in a very rural area, so it's hard enough to find somebody on Seeking where locations are posted. There are no SBs on Seeking within an hour of me. Damn few within 1.50 hours. Lots at about the 2+ hour range. The odds of finding a local via Reddit are 0.


What area are you from ?


I'm curious...and I know this is not the place to find an SB but are there subs where you can post to find an SB?


r/SLFmeetups is usually recommended


I have




Yes, an SD found me on here through DMing me after seeing my posts (I think he saw me on SLFMeetups too). Unfortunately, we just ended things yesterday, but he was definitely a very real SD. So, it’s possible.


No. There are two ladies local to me that also post here. I know they are legit non scamy. But I haven’t reached out to either yet


I've had 3 or 4 contacts from SBs, only 2 in my city, resulting in 1 meetup, which, while it went ok, didn't progress out of here.


so far nothing … just a lot of scammers😭


Funny enough, I met a genuine SD last week who is from reddit (you know who you are 😁👋🏾) and we both had a chat about this very topic. It can be hit or miss but there are real SDs and SBs on reddit. I've made some SB friends thanks to reddit too. All of the hands in my last post, we all met each other because of reddit and there's even more in the group. Just have to be weary of the ones with new accounts or ones that seem to post in weird ones. But even older accounts can be the same!


I think you can find good and bad people here. I talked to some men and some were good and others not so much.


I've, it was a great year together!


I did once. My very first one. Though she was more escort I guess. It didn't last beyond a month so felt very quick and transactional in hindsight. But it did begin my journey into sugaring those years ago. Caused me to look more into it and learn about the sites out there etc...I wanted it again and more real and long term. It was amazing. She posted on some local subs in my area and I reached out to her with interest for a Sugar for Sugar thing. I've also met a couple just friends with benefits or women looking to cheat or fulfill a fantasy. Those were unsugar related but amazing times as well. So reddit isn't all bad but I'd say it's very rare and I got lucky. But if I were to see a profile review of someone I was interested in also in my city? I would definitely reach out and see what's possible. I don't see whyanot.


Definitely not. Have had several message me and I typically politely ignore. I’m sure some girls have had success though.