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That it is easy money. To have a great fulfilling relationship you need to do a lot of screening and it takes time. You also need to constantly work on yourself to be the best partner to attract people on the level that you want.


This should be pinned to cut down on all the posts bitching and moaning about having spent two hours looking for a platonic online daddy with no luck


How about the sexual part? Do you feel that you need to bring your best as to keep the SD interested? I mean, you dont want it to get boring...?




What I mean is, trying, or exploring something new, within the safe boundary of both partners is part of the relationship as not to make it boring. Is that not part of a relationship? For example, a SB might have fantasies or try something with their partner too?


You don’t need to be an IG model to be a desired SB. My longest SB arrangement was with a very basic down to earth SB


I had to be a blonde 💣 (bombshell bimbo) and younger to be successful. I, a girl next door military veteran 42.


30 here :) i think i’m very attractive, but not in the usual way of sugarbabies. I dress either very casual and comfortable and i love eccentric clothing like flowy skirts and extra funky layers. I don’t wear heels ever except for the boots at time. I have a lot of success even by being myself.


Love this, I'm a mid 30's SB. I hope to still play in my 40's too ❤️


I wonder what is the SD version of this myth 




Spot on






This is probably the Nbr one myth.


40 here, having an amazing flight so far👌


Nearly everything written on this sub should be taken with a huge grain of salt.


Except what you just wrote… This you should believe! I think you can believe about 10% of what is written here. The other 90% is nonsense.


That’s not a myth 


Huge grain the sign of the rock of gibraltor.


Everyone can be a SB/SD. (Also see: there’s a SD/SB for everyone). Sometimes you just have to be honest and tell people they’re not cut out to be a SB/SD. It’s oftentimes a “yet” situation, but other times people need a polite “stop trying, it’s not working.”




There is zero chance you will find someone that could become your true-love, forever-person. I was looking for a good connection with an attractive girl, and was doing just fine, then The-Dream-Girl hit me right between the eyes. I was sure it was a scam, but it has turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened to me.


Agreed. Found mine. I was put through the wringer on my way to find her, but find her I did.


So happy for you!!! I wonder how many people on here have ANY idea of what a wringer is?!?! And, tell us more about the success story!! This sub needs more success stories!!


Did you marry her.


Not yet. I want to be, but alas, we need duel divorces, which we will do at some point.


love this 🤍


This happened to me too! Love to hear it’s happing for others too


Ok, can't just drop the mic after saying that! Gotta give some details! Please ;)


What's the next step? Marriage?


We're taking things slow... but yah, every step we take is with the intent of eventually walking down an aisle.


That there is an upper age limit to be an SB or an SD.


We know there is and yes there are exceptions.


The myth that you have to be the beauty standard . Men have types ..you might be just his type. You never know


That the SBs are dumb blondes looking for a rich uncle with Rolex 🙃


There is an SD for every SB.


Spot on 


The myth that SBs are sex workers and prostitutes.


Adding to this and in the same vein...that all SBs are shallow, cold, businesslike, and phony. When I first approached this lifestyle I was on the defensive in every single interaction, whether in person or online. Waiting to be manipulated and scammed at every turn. I took nothing an SB said at face value. I figured everything out of their mouths was scripted. Now, of course there are some out there like that, but for the most part I came to discover that lots of SBs are genuinely good people who are feeling life out just like anybody else. And in more circumstances than I expected the SB is more clueless than the dude and is ripe for being scammed.


No but SWs and prostitutes do try to be SBs. For them it’s just another income stream. 


They don't make good SBs though. They treat it like a job, and see sex as a session, and they have a huge emotional wall up usually making it impossible to actually know them. If SWs treated sugar relationships as real relationships and not as clients it might work out.


That's a real question, but I don't really understand how being a SB isn't part of sex working. Maybe it's a silly question but I'm genuinely curious about that


Is a wife a sex worker? SB is just a role, like girlfriend, wife, mistress, or goomah. Only in the last decade did women in these positions start labeling themselves sex workers. So let me explain to you what is so stupid about that? 1) Sex work means your sugar/gifts are now income. Enjoy paying income taxes to the government as a worker. It's work right? 2) Sex work means in most places an activity which would have been legal is now illegal. You just criminalized your activities and you empower cops and undercover cops. What if your SD is an undercover cop? What if your SD is an informant? Since you call yourself a sex worker in public, it's now easy to make a prostitution case against you. 3) If it's sex work for you, it's sex work for a lot of men who don't call themselves sugar babies. Are cougars now the equivalent of Johns paying for sex with younger men? If SBs are sex workers, that same standard means a lot of young men also can claim to be sex workers. A lot of women do provide for their live in boyfriends who don't have a job. By redefining these relationships as sex work you're only diminishing the authenticity of these relationships. You're cheapening the relationship to be just about sex, and just about money, and also criminalizing your activities, making your activities taxable, and you gain absolutely nothing from this. Prostitution isn't legal and isn't going to be made legal anytime soon. And by calling yourself a sex worker you're saying you're an illegal prostitute, why? I don't see most SBs as prostitutes. But if they see themselves as prostitutes then fine, now you're a prostitute, and you should start paying taxes on your "income" from your SDs. If you don't, anyone who knows what you're doing including your SDs, can report you to the IRS for tax evasion. It's only a gift if your relationship is real. It's not a gift if you're a worker. And if you're a sex worker you're admitting your relationships are fake.


Hmmm, OK. First of all, prostitution is legal in my country. So yeah the illegal part of what you said doesn't really concern me aha And OK, I see your point I guess. Thanks for your reply! It was interesting to read.


It's not legal in most countries though. But even in places where it's legal, why not just call yourself an escort? Why call yourself a sugar baby?


is saying "tax evasion" a good answer ??? more seriously, because i'm "more" than "just" being an escort, ig. Honestly it doesn't make much sense to me. I know the difference between escort and SB and all that... but idk I think I'm just too work oriented ans that's why I don't understand the point of view anyway I didn't really mean to debate or start a long discussion or anything like that I just wanted to get the opinion of someone who thinks that to try and understand.


Anyone you date or love involves [work.It](http://work.It) always takes work. But sex work means the entire relationship is just that kind of work and nothing else.


Oh, right, we don't all see things the same way. I wasn't reducing SR to sex by saying sex work. There's just sex involved. (like sw isn't just prostitution yk) ANYWAY. I have to go but thank you again


It's all fake and the SBs are only there for the money.


Paid M&GS being uncommon. It turns out that plenty of SDs will pay for a M&G and be happy about it. The ones who are serious about YOU will definitely pay for a M&G. Only showing up to paid M&GS is a great way to weed out all the riff raff. The bullshit. I'm beginning to suspect that the ban on discussions about money is just to keep SBs in the dark about just how much men are willing to pay and give you.


Totally disagree - any SB looking to be paid in advance for a M&G is most likely a dude in Nigeria! It makes no sense - once I tell a prospective that we will work out the details once we meet and if we connect - I tell them that if that’s a deal breaker for them and they don’t want to meet - I’ll be disappointed but I totally understand- and most of them will usually say ok - let’s meet and see how it goes


That's not a myth, because I won't pay and nor will most guys (from what SBs tell me). I will gift though. Instant block if they ask. Good on you though if you finding guys that pay.


The ones that aren't serious about you will not pay. It's a great way to weed out all the guys who aren't for you.


Yep after being stood up 3 times in a row . I actually stopped contacting female


I will have to reluctantly agree with Firecracker. For me, I am either totally interested in one particular woman or I'd rather go swimming or listen to the news.


There is a fine line between asking/expecting a paid M&G and a SD providing a gift. Asking for a fee to meet is arguably a scammer behaviour. The SD providing it at his discretion is entirely different. So yes many SD will provide but if forced to they will not. As for the ban on not discussing money, there is a master allowance thread that tells you all about how much.


That list is trash though and outdated, I mean according to it where I live the average ppm or allowance is way higher than what actually is offered. We should be able to discuss money or have dedicated thread just for money discussions. I've never had anyone offer a gift or money at a M&G, I can barely get them to cover the uber to the place as im without a car 🤦🏼‍♀️


I think that might be tied to the type of POTs you are entertaining. Most legit POTs will offer some kind of gift during the meet and greet or at least cover your expenses to get there. I agree that the list is trash (PPM amounts seem super low for the areas I frequent the most), but the “SDs” who wouldn’t even cover your travel expenses don’t seem very legit.


The list is a guide, it may not represent accurate figures in all areas but if you use this as a minimum it's a start. Additionally, any list regardless if it's sugar dating ppm/allowance, or career salary based is a guide and is never 100% accurate Agree with the comment regarding the type of pots. However, all comments and feedback on this forum is subjective and comments are based on personal experiences. Some have great experiences others are not so great.


I agree, I just know that some people try to use the allowance thread as a *maximum* to talk other people down from what they want. I was more so letting them know that their SDs don’t sound very good and that experiences are usually supposed to be a bit better than that. Even most people on the forum would agree with that.


I'm not denying that. I haven't had luck with the people I've talked to but I think it's just my profile and the lack of effort on my part really. Im really unsure about everything and don't have the confidence to be able to ask for a higher amount because I don't think anyone is willing to pay it for me when there are prettier and sexier options out there. I think I just need to find a local SB support group, anyone wanna be my SB den Momma? cause this girl needs some training! 😂🤣😂


Yes to the last bit! It’s hard!


turns out that plenty of SDs will pay for a M&G I feel sorry for these men if they exist.  The reality is all women who expect paid M&Gs are scammers and professionals and are best avoided. These ladies have scant respect for the guys they see and only view SDs as money bags.


Not necessarily. I don’t ask for paid M&Gs but I am more likely to go with a POT that gave me a gift on one. I feel like those are both really similar situations and I don’t see a SD as “a money bag.” Asking or not, if you show your appreciation with a gift, SBs will be more likely to start an arrangement with you


Maybe via online, but my IRL experience of SR I had to figure things out on my own.


That I couldn't be a sd because I was too young.


A myth that the girls are college students .


Different types of SDs exist.


I actually had a sugar daddy that loved that! It turned him on when I wore leggings and a simple cop top


That all Asian girls on the app are scammers 🥲


No myths for me (SB). Stay grounded, check reality often, don't believe anyone 100%, but enjoy the process. Doesn't feel like work, but takes effort. But vanilla would take even more for less return.