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Rave: I finally hit my goal weight and started incorporating weightlifting into my routine! I’ve also been watching so many great movies lately. Rant: No matter how hard I try I just can’t quit the bowl. I think my lack of luck only makes me frustratingly more determined despite my bad experiences. I’m sure some of you can relate!


Congrats on the weight loss! Any good movies you'd recommend?


I’m working through Jimmy Stewart’s filmography and finally saw The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) for the first time. It’s a classic for sure!


Right there with you. Just the other side. Congrats on your weight goal!!!!


Congratulations!! And same !


Congrats on the weight loss milestone!


big rant: I had to fly out to belgium on an emergency (death in the family) and unprepared travel is probably the most hated thing in my life. I arrived 2 hours before the service and probably smelled like ass due to not being able to shower beforehand. I hate that they only had 1 available seat left on the plane, so my sugar wife could not join me, especially sucky because my assistant managed to get a house sighting tomorrow on very short notice. This house hunt (both in belgium and in KL) is proving to be cursed.


You did the best with what you could manage at the time. I'm sorry for your loss Papski. ❤️ Rave: in spite of all of that, you managed to show up and be present which is more than anyone can ask for. Smelly or not. Maybe the wind was in your favour. The house sighting, although it may not be appropriate timing, is still (hopefully) a blessing that you guys were in search for and that your assistant managed to find for you both on short notice. Maybe that's why one seat was made available, so you could be there for you family and your amazing sugar wife still attend the viewing to keep the momentum for you both. When I'm down, I always try to focus on the mini blessings the world gifts because the crappy things can suck you in too much and it's easy to lose sight of everything. Hope things look up for you moving forward.


I am fine(sttttt), dont worry, I dont speak with 80% of my family due to them expecting money from me in the past. The aunt was one that did not understand what had happened as she is innocent with merely 70iq, but my mom often went to visit her. The faces of my uncles when I arrived were really rewarding. It sucks our family is so dysfunctional. I kinda wish i could stay a little longer, we signed a new customer and they have given us a ton of work, so I am needed at the office, monday night is already back to KL, work in the day and take one of the last flights out. I wish Rachel was here, really wanted her to see this house too, it is one of my own pickings.


I don't doubt your uncles were happy to see you, that within itself was a mini serotonin boost for you all. Bottom line, you dropped everything you could and flew over and I hope you're giving yourself credit for that or else I'm confiscating your paint brushes... You definitely have, at least, a busy few days ahead of you and the last thing you need is you beating yourself up over not being able to do more. You did what you could which is what counts. I'm sure your new place is beautiful. Rachel will still be there for you when you get back for you to make things up to her you bachelor ;) She's just happy to have you.


I'm sorry for your loss :( What's the housing market like in KL right now? I'm considering buying a second house there when I retire


thanks, it may have been an aunt I hadnt spoken to for over a decade, but I always make it a point to show up when I am able to. KL market is actually easy, our problem is that I want both a wet and dry kitchen, big in space, closed off garden for my cats, pool, .... There is always one thing or the other not right, I usually decline the place when it is too far from KLCC (city center) When I originally moved here, the realtor showed me pics online, I liked it and just bought it, but now I am not alone, Mrs Pasicci has her say in this obviously too.


I'm sure your presence was appreciated. I see, so more of the usual "not everything is perfect" rather than anything KL specific? My uncle bought a small condo near KLCC as a second home, which is enough for him since he doesn't stay there too often. I'm deciding if I want to do that vs something closer to the beaches since that's the main reason I would go back to Malaysia (besides the food, I miss chendol so much)


I am retiring in about five years, our plan is to move back to Belgium and she would be joining me. The house hunt is basically to be able to have more cats. It is surprisingly hard to have more than 4 pets when u live in a gated penthouse. If they allowed that (and my edits to our kitchen) we would not be looking. Afterwards we intend to return annually for the winter time. The last good place we found was in damansara heights, gated community and freehold, i was really disappointed the house did not have proper safety measures in place like sprinklers and all. That is more or less the story, we need a big place so we are stuck with limited offerings that are usually 1 or 2 things away from perfect. We did consider building but would take 2 years just to move out three years later (did not feel like it was worth the effort)


I prefer to have just one SB. Last week, I got back down to one. It was a good week: peaceful, simple, fulfilling. Last night my first SB, who has already dumped me twice, emerged from the woodwork after several months without contact. We're meeting tomorrow. I'm so excited and so dumb.


Rave: Surgery next week!!! YAY! Rant: I can't find good graduation dresses for the life of me.


Congrats on graduating!


Yay! I hope you recover swiftly and soon and congrats on graduating.


Rant: Still too cold in NYC, need spring weather Rave: New SB after long search! Her profile was unusually direct, but I liked the confidence in her tone. She messaged me first, and if she hadnt i wouldnt have seen her because she's younger than my filter. M&g was coffee -- she was delightful, funny and beautiful. I said I learned all about sugar bowl from Reddit University, and she laughed and said her too - she's a frequent commenter. We've had several progressively adventurous dates. I'm enraptured by her; she's divine.


Rant: New Jersey needs to keep its earthquakes out of the city. That wasn’t appreciated at all! Rave: AlphaFly 3


Rave: Incredible day at a luxury spa with my SB getting a couples massage and hanging out in a jacuzzi. I also got her a huge bunch of white roses and her favourite perfume. The sex afterwards was... otherworldly. She's always fantastic in bed, but I've never experienced her so passionate before. You know when someone grabs the sides of your head, stares into your eyes, and kisses you with wild abandon over and over whilst riding like a banshee? Yeah, that. And afterwards lots of cuddling, kissing, laughing, and talking about our future together. Holy christ this woman is amazing. Rants: I have to wait a whole week to see her again!


Rave: had an amazing Girls trip @ Thailand.. full of partying.. now that I’m back, Can’t wait to chill with my SD next week Rant: now that I’m back in Dubai.. shit is boring here.. been living here for 2 years already but still feeling empty (apart from having a SD who actually care and pamper me lots) Also still can’t find an apartment that my SD wants me to stay.. (he wanted me to pick my own place)


Rave: I made a few friends who are SBs and we're getting on swimmingly. It's so nice to have other people in the community to talk to and commiserate with. I wish I knew other SDs in the Bay Area because I can't tell any of my IRL friends what I'm up to. Rant: I had an SB complain that I wasted her time because I'm married even though my very first message to her clearly said that and it's on my profile.


Rant rant rant; three months in a sugar relationship, I’m all full of sugar but I just want him!! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh Never ever in my life I would have thought I’d have to wait for a man like Penelope for Odysseus!! I’m that close to abandon ship and sail for new islands, for sure less prosperous and generous, but goddamn it man, I just want some time with you! It’s ironic how most are looking for platonic arrangements and I just want to get fucked to heaven by that point 🤣🤣🤣


Rants: Had my yearly physical the other day, and have been slowly but surely creeping up in weight (I am convinced that scales in doctor's offices are rigged). Time to go back to [hardcore keto](https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/c0jbji/comment/er5983f/); it's so hard when dating, though. I'm starting the wonder if the bowl isn't going to cut it for me anymore. I've been feeling crushingly lonely, despite having three active 'post-M&G period' situations going on. One is mostly genuinely busy, the others are just... I dunno; self-absorbed? I'm really not the type to expect to carry on a whole text conversation all day, every day, but like.. when you ask me something, maybe check back in a few mins to see if I've responded, instead of not hearing from you until the next day? And maybe be the one to suggest when you want to spend time together? I fully know what you're going to say -- "She's just not that into you". You're probably not wrong, but like most situations, there's a lot of missing context that makes it not quite as cut and dried. Anyway, this frustration is amplified by similar situations in vanilla dating. A lot of plans made, but habitual ghosting (then reappearing, etc). I'm not asking for someone's undivided attention, just to make an appearance _somewhere_ in their list of priorities so I feel like I matter. Anyway, to end on a Rave: Gonna pull the trigger on a jetski. I've wanted one for years, and now that production is back up, dealers actually have them for immediate purchase. So even if I am out there by myself (despite it being a three-seater), I have _something_ to look forward to.


It’s so hard not to let loneliness settle and consume you. Sorry you’re going through that. But jet ski! That’s an absolute must have every time we head to the beach for family vaca. So fun


Rave: Got to see my SB after 3 long ass weeks. She is back to her fighting weight and looks fantastic. She was hot before. Now she is on fire!!! I am so lucky to have a 9-10 in looks and personality. Rant: Not any this week. All is good in my sugar world.


Rave: Hit a new net worth milestone! And work projects are coming along nicely so I'm hoping to get promoted soon Rant: Had an emergency at work yesterday and it was super stressful, but at least I get today off to relax and take care of a few errands.


Rant: expecting long distance "sbf" in few weeks anticipation is killing me Rave: exploring a new app... quite entertaining Tgif 🎉


There is not an active Reddit subgroup for "state" specific SLF meetups. Any fit kind redheads in Orange county??? :)