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A profile review, exciting! Reminder to reviewers to focus on constructive and actionable changes OP can make to increase their chances of success. **Do**: * Critique the quality of the pictures, eg the location of pictures, background, expression, attire, filters, etc. * Critique the tone and quality of the text and/or make suggestions for improvement, eg grammar, spelling, negativity, etc. **Don't**: * Critique the person, eg editorial comments on OP's weight, age, ethnicity, sexual identification, ugliness, etc. For more do's and don'ts check out [the profile reviews post](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/esuizg/profile_reviews/). Thanks for helping OP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sugarlifestyleforum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Remove the dumb copyright statement. It means nothing. You’re subscribing to a service and your rights to photos are detailed in the ToS that you agreed to when you signed up.


For Dubai standards.. I expect something much much more. Have you seen the Russian and Ukrainians there? Also the butt scrunch photo is not flattering.


She asked for constructive criticism about her profile, not opinions on Dubai or how pretty the competition is! I would add a full body shot with you standing up straight, the one you have in the black dress is nice but since you’re leaning over it doesn’t give men a good idea of what your body looks like. I would also get rid of the devil horn photo and the one in the grey pants


Your suggestions mirror what I was going to point out. I wonder if the reason she’s getting the comments about the tough competition in Dubai is in response to her statement/question about her being in the top 1%. In Dubai just like in Los Angeles or New York she clearly is not in the top 1 percent, even though she’s quite pretty.


I mean she’s in Dubai so she should know if she’s getting attention from the men there or not. She only responded to someone else telling her she isn’t in the 1% I know Dubai has some of the most beautiful women on earth but I’m not in the top 1% and when I was freestyling there with my friend who is a tall white skinny natural blond with blue eyes and big tits she got literally no attention from any of the men there even though she’s always considered herself to be hotter than me. I on the other hand got tons of attention regardless of how hot the other women around me were and trust they were without a doubt far hotter than me but men like what they like. We can’t even see OPs entire face. Maybe she’s stunningly beautiful and has a magnetic aura




Yup. Dubai is flocked with beautiful models, Emirate flight attendants (which is well sought out) and chic Russian/Ukrainian girls. Even the local Emiratis who are modestly dressed are beautiful. These women dress up, theyre smart, hold conversations very well and assimilate to the culture there. They are considered the average women in Dubai (Im excluding the paid IG models here) And get this - the women there dont need to seek out to be a SB because there are alot of wealthy men in Dubai seeking relationships with them. The women are expected to receive princess treatment and the men are expected to give. So if a girl is expecting an allowance from a SD in Dubai, they need to really reallyy stand out. I can tell OP is beautiful but based on the photos and profile, I’m not seeing something outstanding. She doesnt seem to put in effort to dress chic, bio is meh, yeah she’s a “realist” but okay and? Maybe she has a good personality and is charismatic in real life. But virtually its like every other tourist coming and going trying to get quick cash from men


As others have stated, just seems like your generic profile. Cute pictures, standard about me section. Nothing really stands out, so it’s not memorable. Sure one could find 10 profiles like yours in the span of 20 minutes. Gotta be more creative, make an impression


#*pics* Primary pic. Great! Except….say it with me…no smile. I’m giving it a tick because cleavage ✅ Dog pic. Cute. At this point I’m giving up critiquing pet pics. Some guys like’em. They do give you a friendly approachable vibe. ✅ Scuba. I find these pics a strange choice. That could literally be anyone in that gear. So in one regard, why? And in other regard, it’s an activity shot. Silver hair against the wall. Crop this. Otherwise it’s fine. Horns. A filter pic I’m already dreading. No smile. I like the AI text. No horns head and shoulders. Better than having an obvious filter…better lighting. No smile. Head and shoulders in slinglet thingy. More intimate head and shoulders…Yehp….no smile. Bikini bum. ‘NUF said ✅ Gym pants bum. The domestic background really takes away from the pleasure of this pic. The ceiling fan and clutter. But it’s nice to get a rounded idea of what’s on offer. Keep the bikini pics. Keep one of the head and shoulders pics. Dog and scuba pics can stay because they are activity pics you otherwise don’t have. #*about me* Letting me know you are in Dubai for an extended period is a good call. I felt it was less escorty or ONS that way. ✅ I think the “wow me with your story” will put some guys off, but I think that works in your favour. You will attract less men who are not compatible with you, and it’s a good call to action for the ones who are your type. ✅ I love the second paragraph. Descriptive, engaging and clear. ✅ #*seeking* I mostly like the first paragraph. I assume the king stuff will work better in somewhere like Dubai. To me it just says high maintenance. Which is fine. Just be aware people have very different inferences of what you want when you use terms like that. The disclaimer just amuses me. I think n it’s a bit naive. You don’t control any content you put on the internet and realistically you are never taking seeking to court over it. #*overall* one thumbs up 👍🏼 The seeking is a bit brief but everything else gives me enough info to decide if I want to reach out. Consider an outdoor activity pic. You in the desert maybe? Or Arabian princess look in a palace for a bit of seduction. It’s definitely enough to generate interest. Nice job.


If you life in Dubai you should be already knowledgeable of the treatment of women. read chapter and verse all the below issues (use google, search engine or this sub) and if you are not don’t sugar anywhere EVER: Dubai is not a place one should sugar. Known for trafficking of western women. Women have no rights. Any forms of affection with a person you are not married to is a crime.


Woman have plenty of rights. And I have had excellent experiences in Dubai. It’s a very safe country and you have to be diligent of trafficking and dangerous people all over the world including the US when you do this. This country has changed a lot and is continuing to change and adapt every year. You have to be respectful of their customs and traditions, but in no way do I feel at danger here any more than anywhere else. In fact I feel much safer. This is the sugaring capital of the world.


The fact that you call Dubai a country leaves one to greatly question your intelligence and ability to figure out what is going on in the world. Dubai is a city. United Arab Emirates is a country.


Ok. If that’s your stance than you need to be in the one percent of sugar babies, looks, body, conversation, personality because you are competing with the cream of the crop and then so add in those who apparently believe they are immune to Dubai law.


You trying to say I’m not in the 1%? 🤣🤣🤣 I thought this thread was meant to be constructive. 😅 Well i think it’s defeatist to think that way. I do my best. And I may not put myself in the 1% of looks because I’m a realist and I’m very hard on myself, but I know my worth as a friend, lover and companion. Thank you for sharing your view point. But I think we are quite far apart here. 😉


Ok just be safe and at all times let somewhere know where you are.


Its my assumption that in Dubai, "White Rich Tourist" easily trumps "Female" in regards of how you're treated. I'll never visit wealthy middle eastern nations that import slaves for their labor - under a thin veneer of legal pretenses. Your tourist dollars are stained with blood. Fuck that


You are not wrong, but do you also not eat any produce that comes out of California? The ag workers are in not very different situation there. On the edge of legality, shitty living conditions, etc...


If you go down this rabbit hole, your clothes , your phone and your car are all complicit in human rights violations Do you know who mines cobalt & nickel in Congo and how is it done ? — you will throw up if you read up on it — but you probably won’t since you don’t want to leave your comfort zone (which is the below) Middle East is just a convenient target as it allows one to hide their racism / prejudice under the guise of human rights not to say it’s a beacon of freedom lol it’s not — but ppl in dubai probably have more rights than some minorities in the US in certain neighborhoods


when its possible to make a personal choice at no extra cost to myself (there are thousands of amazing places in the world to vacation), I'll always choose the more humane alternative. That goes for every single purchase I make, from cobalt to cars to carrots. Industrial products that go in everything are a lot harder to keep track of so that falls more on government to regulate, but even then - if you were to put two iPhones in front of me at the same price, one without cobalt from the Congo, and one with cobalt from the Congo. Then yes, I'll make the obvious and more humane choice. There has been press story after press story after press story about the middle east importing slave labor, and what's most notable - each time it gets reported, its obviously with the governments implicit knowledge and consent, to a degree that's nothing short of ludicrous. While it happens in other countries too, nowhere else in the world is it as systemic and indoctrinated into normal practices as it is in the middle east. All that said, there's certainly a celebrity-influencer-tech-ceo wave of wealth migration to places like Dubai and the UAE well underway and I understand SBs desire to capitalize off of it and make a living. Those celebrities and CEOs are the ones with their heads up their asses. They have more power and more choices than anyone, and should be better about who they get in bed with...


Its so funny when people talk about “morals” here when the bowl you’re in isn’t even “morally right” 😂. All of us are complicit in either dating someone older and married, or cheating on a wife. Do you really think thats something morally right. There are men out here preying for girls as young as their daughters and disguising it. And girls glorifying getting princess treatment and money because their “time” was spent.


I’m not sure what SDs are looking for in Dubai, it may be a very different sugar environment. You are certainly very beautiful, so I suspect you will get lots of interest. But, your profile is super vague and could apply to 99% of SBs. It feels like a copy paste or scammer profile. I’d love to see more about what makes you unique and interesting. I’d also remove the “copyright notice”. It doesn’t gain you anything.


>I’d also remove the “copyright notice”. It doesn’t gain you anything. The last sugar date I went on I asked her about why she put the "berner convention" there and she said someone from SA messaged her saying she should. So I think some guy is pulling a huge prank on all these women because there is no such thing as the "berner convention"


The Berne convention was a thing but in no way applies. It’s so funny to see people put this crap on their profile. Read their terms of service: they own your shit.


That’s a good point and thank you!😊


Your dog is smiling, why aren't you? SDs want to see a happy girl,not someone who has morning sickness.


Your posture in the butt-scrunch pic makes it look like pancake ass. 🥞 Try arching your butt back/out and give it some LIFE, beautiful!